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The following tale takes place in a fantasy world where human beings live among a tiny race of humans called nanites (not very original I know). The nanites can grow up to about an inch in size, and have had much difficulty throughout history with their titanic companions.

But when this all takes place the nanites and humans coexist peacefully, and have even created cities and towns where they can live side by side, attending the same schools and working in the same offices. This story takes place in one of these towns.

(A trade with MukatKiKaarn)

~ ~ ~ ~

Jamie was a young, sixteen year old boy who attended school in a hybrid town. He had only just moved there about a year ago from a place where only he and his fellow nanites lived. He had never even met a human before all of this.

He took a mini-train to school, as it was the fastest and cheapest way to travel for a nanite. He was still in awe of the enormous structures of the hybrid town, and especially the towering giants that lived there with him. He was frightened of them at first, nearly fainting if one ever looked towards him. It did not help his case that he was a particularly small nanite for his age. Many of the boys and girls in his class were already filling out into their adult sizes, he however hardly broke half an inch!

Over the course of a few months and a few encounters with some of the human teachers and students at his school, he grew to live in his new home with a mild sense of uneasiness. It was not only fear that made him uneasy though, it was a strange fascination. It was a fascination that he had held since childhood. He would watch television programs about the humans, they were so big! To him the humans were mountains, landscapes to be explored. And he slowly began to realize that this desire to explore the living landscape went even deeper. What would it be like to go inside. It was a thought that would keep him up at night, his mind unable to control the fantasy brewing in his head.

The day he learned that he was moving to a hybrid town he was thrilled. What if he got his chance? Of course he was a growing man now, he was growing interested in girls. What if he met a human girl? Could his quiet fantasy become a reality? Of course he never worked up the courage to try and pursue a human girl, at this point his luck with nanite girls was almost pitiful. He couldn't help his nervous quirks and awkwardness. He had never been big enough to walk around with confidence, he was always sulking and flinching at every move made towards him.

Then one day, while sitting in class, something happened. A new figure entered the room. He watched from the teachers desk top, for that is where the nanites sat, as a towering tanned skin woman strolled towards him. She was young looking, no older than her late twenties. She had long, black hair that touched down to her shoulders and shone brightly under the florescent lights of the classroom.

Her eyes were a dark brown, made even darker by the deep shade of her eyelashes. Her eyebrows were well defined, and it seemed as though she wore only a modest amount of makeup. Even so she was beautiful in his eyes. Though as she arrived at the front of the classroom it became clear exactly what feature struck him the most. Her lips. They were perfectly sized, they looked so large and soft his young mind could vividly imagine himself laying atop of them as he had fantasized so many times about.

"Hello class." She called, her voice sounded so kind and gentle. "My name is Ms. Lari and I will be filling in for Mr. Fran until he returns from the hospital. He had come down with..." Her words droned away as Jamie watched her lips bounce upon one another as she spoke. Her teeth popping out from their hiding to shine in the bright light towards him. Her pink tongue contrasting against the depths of shadow within, rolling her words so elegantly from between her lips. "So I will be here for a month." She finished with a wide smile.

Her dark brown eyes lowered towards the nanites on her desk. She lowered herself into her seat, folding her arms across her desk. Jamie watched as if in a trance as this tower of beauty looked down upon them. "And don't think I forgot about you guys!" She said sweetly, a wonderful breeze of warm, mint smelling air washing upon them as she spoke, "I am new to this hybrid town so I might be a little slow to see you guys. You'll have to forgive me but if you have a question be sure to make yourself look real big for me okay?"

There was a murmur of response from the nanites, though Jamie couldn't bring himself to speak. He could hardly bring himself to think of anything but those lips! His desire was so strong that he vowed that one day, he would enter that cavern. He would make all of his fantasies come true...he couldn't live with himself if he didn't at least try.

It was a bold declaration coming from a rather meek individual. But never the less he began his planning. Perhaps she could be persuaded to let him inside? Just to let him get over his curiosity. But he knew he could never muster the courage to ask. Maybe there could be some real reason. It was a science class after all, maybe he could think up a school project. But nothing seemed to fall into place.

The month began to pass, two weeks would go by and he had yet to think of a plan. His dream of finally fulfilling his fantasy seemed to be fading away.

~ ~ ~ ~

The final day came. Jamie sat at his desk, his head propped on his hand sadly as he thought about what a great opportunity he had missed. He glanced up towards Ms. Lari, who smiled towards the class as she always did as they worked. He watched as her eyes shifted towards her desk, her hand grasping her mug of tea and bringing it towards her lips.

He nearly died of envy as he watched her throat bob up and down as she sipped on her tea. Why should food get all the fun? He should be the one slipping between those lips, sliding across that soft pink tongue, falling into that slender throat. Then it hit him. What if he joined her food? The idea was ridiculous, suicidal even, but he knew it wasn't impossible. The other day he had read an article about a nanite who had fallen into a humans food, a common story apparently. But the thing was he survived. He made it through without a scratch! So his dream was possible...but just so unlikely.

He sat up in his seat, his eyes scanning the mug as she placed it back on the desk. So he had a start of a plan, but how would he do it? His mind raced with ideas. He watched as her fingers gripped the long string of the tea packet, bobbing it up and down in the liquid before letting it hang freely from the side of her cup. A rope! He thought to himself. The little, white paper square at the end of the string hung just low enough that he could grab it. He wasn't the most athletic person but he figured he could at least scale a coffee mug with some help.

So he had part of a plan, but how would he get away with it? His answer came to him in the voice of an angel.

"Jamie could you stay after class and put away the beakers?" She asked kindly, "It's your turn." She added, almost apologetically. They had done lab today, and it was his turn to clean up! It was a sign that he had to try this.

"U-Uh yes Ma'am." He called up, his heart skipping a beat as her eyes focused on only him, her smile directed at only him.

The last five minutes was an eternity. His mind raced with questions and doubts but his unyielding desire to go through with this kept him focused. He had to do this.

Finally the time came. All of the students quickly rushed to their lockers so they could escape for the weekend, but he had other plans.

"Okay, have a nice weekend hon. I've got to go run some papers to the office, once you put the materials away you may leave."

"Okay." He called, watching her petite yet giant frame walk to the doorway. He held his breath, unable to even comprehend what he was going to do. The doubts started to really rush in as he left the nanite platform, dropping the very short distance onto her desk. He almost felt as though he entered a new world. It seemed larger now that he was on the same surface as the humans desk. He rushed across the rough wood surface, nearly stumbling as his foot nicked one of the natural edges in the wood.

His heart was racing as he placed a hand on the side of her mug. He could feel the slight warmth of the tea within. His hand trembled as it reached for the string, taking hold of the paper square and tugging on it to make sure it would hold. Not surprisingly it seemed more than sturdy enough. He held his breath and pulled himself upwards. His feet slid and kicked against the glass mug but he slowly made progress. He gritted his teeth, his arms straining as he climbed higher and higher. Finally he managed to throw his leg over the large, round edge of the mug.

He panted, wiping his brow on his sleeve as he peered into the shimmering semi-transparent pool below. A warm cloud of steam lazily drifted around his face, the sweet smell of herbal tea filling his nostrils. He was so close yet he found himself overcome by fear. What if his plan didn't work? What if she saw him? Or worse yet what if he died? A creaking at the door caused him to panic. His body did what it wanted, and plunged itself into the mug.

He fell, splashing into the warm liquid. He found himself submerged in a strange, warm pool. He pulled himself to the surface, gasping for air. What had he done? He had really gone through with it! He was in her tea, the tea that would enter that perfect, glistening pink cavern. His fear gave way to a sudden burst of excitement. What would her tongue feel like? Would he be able to see in her stomach?

His mind drew a blank however once a shadow loomed over head. He looked up, her body towering over his circular window to the world as she went about what ever it was she was doing. She hummed her herself pleasantly, the sound of fumbling papers echoing around in his little chamber.

The mug shifted. Jamie's eyes widened as the world suddenly moved outside! Her face came closer and closer, her eyes focused elsewhere as she lifted the mug! He could hardly contain a nervous yet joyful scream as her lips came into view. The mug began to tilt, the liquid suddenly rushing towards the side, nearly causing Jamie to tumble in the tea as she began to sip. Her large, soft lip was almost in reach, he could feel the waters suction like a river pulling him closer and closer. But then the world went vertical once more.

Jamie let out a sigh, not yet. This would happen over and over, but he never seemed to get any closer. He was too nervous to swim towards the small opening over her lips on his own, and when ever the current would draw him near he would eventually wash away. He began to fear that it would never happen, that he might get discovered before all was through!

The tea was getting shallow, the waves would become more violent as she tipped the mug back and forth. His back pressed to the far end of the mug as she went for another sip. He watched a river of tea funnel down the side of the mug, sweeping him with it as it went. He held his breath, his legs siting forward as if on a slide. Then he got his first touch. His hands and chest hit her upper lip, his legs pinned beneath it. He couldn't believe it! He was so close! But he didn't get sucked beneath as he thought. He simply remained pinned to her upper lip as she pulled away.

He looked over his shoulder as he sat atop her bottom lip, he was so high up! And where was she? A massive hand suddenly filled his vision. He couldn't help but scream as she pinched his sides with her fingers.

"Oh no..." He muttered, feeling as she pulled him from her lips. His blood ran cold and his face grew pale as he looked up towards her startled face.

"J-Jamie?" She gasped. Her eyes were wide and her cheeks slightly flustered.

"U-uh...Uh..." He couldn't think of an excuse, this was his worst fear and the one thing he had not mentally prepared himself for!

"W-What happened? Why were you? Oh my gosh are you alright? Why were you in my tea? Did someone do this to you?"

He almost wanted to lie, he figured he could say some unnamed human student decided to pick on him. But he just hung his head.

"Well say something Jamie I almost drank you! How could I be so oblivious!" She groaned, rubbing her forehead with her hand. She opened the door to an apartment and made her way inside. She eyed him worriedly as she set down her belongings and sat down at her kitchen table. She gently lowered him down, taking a napkin in her other hand and set him down upon it.

"Dry off." She ordered gently.

Jamie nodded, he was so ashamed. What was he thinking? He bent down and lifted a corner of the giant napkin, pressing it against his damp clothes.

"Are you hurt?" She asked, her voice soft and calming.

"No." Jamie mumbled.

"That must have been scary." She mused, her finger reached forward. She touched him gently on the back, continuing to rub him with a soft touch that seemed almost impossible. "Do you want to tell me what happened? Did someone do that to you? I can understand if you are afraid to speak up."

"N-No." He continued, realizing that he had just missed his chance to explain this away easily.

"No?" She asked, almost if shocked, "Well you certainly couldn't have just fallen in by accident?"

"I know."

"Then what?" She pressed, her calm nature able to keep herself from sounding threatening.

He swallowed a nervous lump, "I-I uh. I climbed in."

"You...you climbed in?" She asked again. Jamie nodded nervously. "Jamie...I'm not sure how to ask this, but...well...were you feeling depressed?"


"Were you." She lowered her voice, "Trying to get yourself eaten?"

"It's not like that..." He wasn't sure why but he felt he had to tell the truth. If anyone could take it, it would have been her. She was the only person he felt nice enough to handle the information.

"What do you mean?" She asked, her brow raised slightly.

"I-I did climb in on my own...but I wasn't trying to kill myself or anything."

"Just seeking a thrill?" She questioned, probably trying to wrap her mind around it.


"Well I don't see why you would do such a thing." She said shaking her head.

"It's... embarrassing." He said, having trouble meeting her gaze.

"I won't judge you, Jamie, I never would. You can tell me." She insisted, leaning closer.

"Okay." He said before taking a deep breath, "I-I've always sort of had this fascination with um. Being...inside of someone. A human. And I just had to try it so I climbed...into your tea." He finally managed to spill out.

"You wanted to get swallowed by me?" She asked softly, her finger continuing to gently rub his small back.

"Yeah." He said, hanging his head, "I know its weird..."

"N-No hon. It's not weird..." She said trailing off. She twirled her hair in her finger as she looked down at him, perhaps wondering what she should do with him.

"Your not going to tell anyone, are you?" He asked.

"No, no of course not. This will be our secret okay?"

"Alright." He said, a little relieved but still almost unbearably embarrassed.

"It was still very silly of you to try without my knowing. What if you died in there? What if you never found your way out? And I shutter to think what would happen if you came out on your own."

"I guess I wasn't thinking..." He said with a sigh. But it was true. What would he have done once inside? He was sure that it was safe..all the reports said it would be uncomfortable but livable unless he drowned or something like that. And once he was...released...he wouldn't exactly be better off, in fact he would be in more danger.

She smiled, "You're fine. We all act a little too brashly once in a while. You're lucky I didn't mistake you for a bug though."

He nodded. He guessed she was right, but he couldn't shake the idea of how close he had come...

~ ~ ~ ~

Ms. Lari prepared a place for him to stay the night. She would take him back to his house in the morning with the promise that she would never tell anyone what had happened. She cooked him dinner and then wished him a sound night before leaving him alone on her kitchen table.

Morning came, Jamie woke to the sound of a hot fizzling. He sat up, the bed of cloth was actually quite comfortable. It was so large that he felt as though he was lost in a cloud while he slept. He pulled himself from the folded silk shirt she had set down for him and slipped onto the wood of the kitchen table. He saw her towering over the kitchen, preparing breakfast.

Her gaze shifted towards him, a pair of glasses sitting on her nose, "Morning." She called after straining her eyes to see him, "I'm making breakfast before I take you home."

"Okay." He called, unsure if she could even hear him. A few minutes passed before she arrived at the table, setting down a wide plate and a cup of orage juice.

"How are you feeling?" She asked as she poked her fork around the eggs.

"Good." He replied, thanking her as she slid over a tiny serving to the edge of the plate. She set him down next to it.

She smiled, gathering herself a mound of eggs and lifting it towards her mouth. He couldn't help but watch, though quickly averted his gaze as she looked down towards him. She swallowed, "So. I did a little research last night before I went to bed. I think you might have a fetish...now I know it's weird to hear but bear with me. I just want you to know it's perfectly normal. Lot's of people have it, it's called Voraphilia. In other words a fascination with the idea of one creature consuming another."

"I see." He replied. Of course he knew that, he had internet access and he often frequented the sites.

"And I did a little more research and found that yes, it is possible to safely go through with the uh, swallowing. However only when both parties are aware and ready to handle it."

"Yeah..." He replied.

She nodded her head slowly, "So tell me, Jamie. Are you going to do that again?"

"N-No Ma'am. I know it was dumb now, I wont try it again..."

"Are you sure?" She asked, though there was an odd tone to her voice. It was almost playful. "Because I wonder if you just need to get it out of your system?"

"Uh..." He looked up at her, trying to figure her intent from the small smile that creased her lips.

She nodded, "I looked up everything...I am willing to do this for you if you promise not to try and sneak up on someone like that again?"

"R-Really?" He asked, unable to believe what she was saying.

"Really." She stated.

"I-I don't know what to say..." He nearly gasped. The excitement slowly started to build within his chest as he watched her fork slowly slide across her plate.

"This also means I'm giving up my breakfast for you instead. And you need to follow my every direction. Understood? It is safer that I have you on an empty stomach."

"Y-Yes Ma'am." He stuttered, staring wide eyed at the fork which now lay at his feet.

"Well then. Be a good breakfast and climb onto my fork." She said with a grin.

Jamie blushed intensely as he stepped a shaking foot forward. She was really going to do it! And she was even playing along, talking to him as if he was her food. Did she enjoy the idea? It was a pleasant thought. He sat down slowly, his legs swinging between the slots of the fork. She lifted it up towards her face, his eyes falling on the wide grin on her lips.

"You tell me if anything hurts, or doesn't feel right?" She asked, the final question before everything Jamie had dreamed of came true.

He nodded furiously, looking up towards her kind eyes and then back down between her lips.

"Good...I'm getting hungry just staring at you." She giggled, her words nearly made Jamie faint. It was a sensory overload for him, it was all happening so fast!

He gripped the prongs of the fork tightly as her lips slowly began to part. A small sliver of saliva gave way between her lips as they opened. Her teeth showed slightly from behind the two soft mounds, her tongue slipping out over her bottom lip as her maw opened even wider.

The view was enough. Her soft, pink flesh glistened brightly in the light of her kitchen. Her throat unveiled itself from beneath the hillside that was her tongue. Every little detail was so vivid, unlike anything he could have imagined from looking at pictures. Her tongue was covered with tiny little bumps, her saliva dripped slowly along the bottom of her mouth and inner cheek.

His feet pressed agains the soft surface of her tongue, which gently slid beneath the fork as she moved him inside of her mouth. He looked around in sheer disbelief. This was it! He had made it inside! Hot wafts of air blew past his ears as she breathed, the air was warm and thick, though not unpleasant. He rose to his feet, the flesh of her tongue pushing up through the prongs allowing him to walk freely. It was so much different than he imagined, yet so much better. It was humbling almost to think that every thing that surrounded him belonged to a single living creature. He turned to see the fork sliding away from her lips.

She giggled lightly, her throat flexing as a hot wind suddenly pelted him from the depths of her throat. He fell to his back, his shirt instantly growing wet with saliva. He stared upwards at the rigid hard palette before rolling onto his stomach, his hands pressing against the soft, bumpy surface of her tongue. Giant white pillars surrounded him on either side, the opening of her mouth just a giant oval that let the light pour in.

"Go on." She pressed with slurred words as she tried to not bounce him around too much, "Expore." (explore).

He nodded, forgetting that she clearly couldn't see him in here. He rose to his feet again, stepping across the strange landscape. Her tongue sloped downwards like a hill, not to him it was a hill! This was it, he was inside of a living landscape. Just as he always dreamed.

He spent about ten minutes climbing across the terrain of her mouth. He walked across her back molars and crawled underneath her tongue. He wanted to take it all in, as this might be his one and only chance to experience it.

Finally she decided to take control. Her tongue slipped beneath him as he explored the floor of her mouth, pushing him gently against her inner cheek. The way she handled him was overwhelming. She was acting so gentle and kind towards him that he began to wonder why she would do such a thing. Clearly she knew it had sexual connotations for him, she saw the websites. He held his breath in anticipation as her tongue seemed to almost magically slip him back towards her now waiting throat.

"Eady?" Her voice boomed around him, quite literally blasting directly at him from the shadows of her throat.

"Y-Yeah!" He called, his breathing became jagged as he prepared himself. He nearly quaked with excitement as her tongue began to rise. The soft surface seemed to almost mold beneath him, his body sliding down the slope and into the open throat. Then came a powerful push, engulfing him in a perfect blackness.

~ ~ ~ ~

Jamie sloshed around in the dark, once again feeling everything his hands could touch. "This is so awesome!" He whispered to himself. She became his entire world, his entire universe even. Her body contained him from the rest of the world, no light came through and nothing would enter without her allowing it.

"How do you like it, my little snack?" He heard her voice boom from above.

"I-It's great!" He shouted, hoping she could hear.

She laughed, "Your a bit muffled, but good. I will admit I am fascinated that you are really in there."

Her words once again only added to his joy. She was playing her role almost too perfectly. "I can't thank you enough." He called again.

"Oh, it's my pleasure. I hope you don't mind it in there...it will be a long couple hours."

Jamie nodded, secretly wishing he could just stay in here forever. Everything about it seemed to either excite him or put him at ease. Every gurgle and groan made him wonder what was going on outside of the walls of her stomach. The constant drum of her heart and the washing in and out of her lungs. He sat back for a minute to take everything in, he didn't mind the constant wetness because it was so warm. The smell did not seem to put him off either, after a few minutes of being inside he grew to ignore it completely.

Eventually she would guide him through her digestive system. He squeezed from the stomach and into the intestines. He found it to be smaller but still he had room to move. It was so incredible to be so deep within a living being. The muscles carried her gentle nature and pushed him slowly onward, her words eventually becoming only a slight murmur over the gurgles and wet sounds of her digestive track.

He lost track of time, he might have even fallen asleep as he pushed onward. Eventually, as she had planned he met the end. She had laid herself on her bed, her backside exposed so she might retrieve him. It was another sight that he would never forget as she rolled over, covering herself quickly but not quick enough.

"Enjoy your trip?" She asked with a wide grin.

"You have no idea..." He said, watching her home race by in a blur. The light was so alien to him, and not being surrounded by her warmth was a little discomforting. But she made up for that quickly as she carried him to her bathroom and cleaned him thoroughly , yet gently as always. He grew sad that they would be parting ways as she carried him back to his house.

His feet touched down on solid ground for the first time in years it felt like. He looked up at her with a smile, unsure of how much thanks was too much. But he couldn't think of anything other than how thankful he was that she had allowed him to explore her in such an intimate way.

"Remember, our little secret, okay?"

He nodded, "I'll tell no one."

She smiled, patting him lightly on the head, "I have your email from the class registry, is it safe to contact you there?"

"Y-Yes, why?" He asked, a bit confused.

She giggled, "Incase I ever want to eat you again silly!"


She shrugged, a mischievous smile across her lips, "What can I say, I enjoyed it. See you around Jamie."

"B-Bye!" He said, lifting his hand and watching her walk back down the street. Would she really do it again? He nearly jumped for joy at the idea. If that was what it was like the first try what might they do the next time? Or the time after that? Only time would tell...
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