[Reviews - 4] starstarstarstarstarPrinter

A hero rushes to save a damsel in distress. While she waits she has a cookie.

Rated: G
Categories: Unaware, Entrapment, Slow Size Change, Vore Characters: None
Growth: None
Shrink: Minikin (3 in. to 1 in.)
Size Roles: None
Warnings: This story is for entertainment purposes only.
Challenges: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Completed: Yes
Word count: 1866 Read: 9005
Published: November 22 2011 Updated: November 22 2011
Story Notes:

This is a bit different from my normal stuff, but I had fun with it and hope others do as well.

1. Some Day my Prince Will Come by oishi1 [Reviews - 4] starstarstarstarstar (1866 words)