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*ring-a-ling-a-ling-a-ling* The electronic doors to the convenience store slid opened with a familiar chime. You were greeted by a cool flow of air meeting your face, a pleasant chill contrasting the summer heat. You were a young boy (aptly named "Shouta") and had just finished a day of school. On the way home you wanted a little refresher, so here you were. Using your allowance you could afford a soft drink and a candy bar. Buying things on your own made you feel like an adult, just casually purchasing snacks when you wanted to felt like a very grown-up thing to do. At least that's what you thought when you saw the older kids do it. With the two treats in hand you brought them to the register where the clerk onee-san was waiting.

She was a very pretty lady. Her bright white hair was long and gorgeous, and it contrasted perfectly with her dark brown skin. She had stunning thin eyes that were bright red in the center and long pointed ears behind her hair. It was an open secret around the neighbourhood that the lady working at this convenience store was a dark elf. Other odd types of fantastical races had been showing up in the area (pretty much all of them female for some reason) and she was one of them. Some of the kids in your class were afraid of her. They said that dark elves are very bad and use evil magic, but you kind of liked her. She was beautiful and had a very big looking bum. For some reason you wanted to hug her huge butt, it looked very soft and always stretched around her tight uniform.

"Oh, you're getting a candy bar today? Careful not to have too many sweets, you don't want to get addicted to them!" she said kindly.

Her name was Kuroeda. She had got to know you a bit since you started coming here after school. She usually had a very strong presence but today she seemed kind of... off. There was also a weird smell around the cash register. It was kind of rank, like something fermented was left out, or possibly old food. Being a kid you bluntly asked.

"Hey onee-san! What's the weird smell?"

"Huh?!" she practically yelped in surprise. "What? That's weird! I don't smell anything!"

"Oh... okay."

She seemed to be really embarrassed about something so you decided not to press the issue. Through her dark skin she was blushing like crazy, but you didn't know why. Either way the smell was stinky. Kuroeda avoided eye contact as she rang you up, taking your 320 yen in change and scanning your items. You looked back behind you into the store to see if anyone else had noticed the smell but the place was empty. It was just you and Kuroeda. When the transaction was complete she turned around to organize some items behind the counter, not saying a word. If you peeked over the tall counter you could see her big plump butt again, wiggling from side to side as she moved back and forth.

You grabbed your chocolate bar and put it in your pocket for later. Still a bit sweaty from outside, you decided to take your soda and drink it while you were here. You stretched up to the counter to grab it, just able to reach it with your small arms. Without hesitation you glugged the fizzy drink down in one swig, gasping for air after you finished. Something tasted funny about the soda, you remarked. Looking in your hands you realized what you had grabbed wasn't even a soda at all, it was some sort of clear glass vial with a blue liquid inside. Your head immediately started feeling woozy. Whatever you had just drank was starting to take effect. You peeked over the counter again with both hands to ask Kuroeda onee-san for help, but before you could everything went dark.

The truth of the matter was Kuroeda had been experimenting with weight-loss potions lately. She wanted to lose some extra fat around her legs and butt, but it didn't seem to work. Absentmindedly she had left the potion on the store counter, not realizing anyone naive like you could just take it and drink it. The potion was meant for elves and not humans, so the side effects that occurred next were never meant to happen.

You came back to in a daze. It seemed like you were on a roof of some sort, a wide flat space, but as your eyes adjusted you realized you were still inside the convenience store. The air was still cool and the lights were still fluorescent, but everything seemed... bigger. The walls and floor were massive and spacious, and to your side was a gigantic cash register?! Putting the pieces together your young mind realized you must have miraculously shrunken down! Your clothes had shrunken with you too somehow. You checked your pocket and the chocolate bar was still inside, now as minuscule as you were. Somehow that drink had taken you down to less than half an inch in height, like you were a little bug.

Something enormous moved in the distance. You walked closer to see what it was, the figure was rustling around just behind the table. Finally you made out what it was, the distinct shape of two massive globes were swaying out beyond your horizon. The big round objects were packed tightly into a huge canvas of fabric, stretching just enough to keep them compacted together. It was Kuroeda's gigantic butt you were looking at, her perfect brown cheeks were each unbelievably massive compared to you. They were bigger than your house, bigger than a skyscraper, if she hoisted herself up to sit on the counter you'd be utterly crushed by them. Being this close to woman's backside made you blush in embarrassment. You didn't quite understand the allure of a woman's feminine features yet but the daunting size of such a gorgeous plump booty made you feel funny inside.

Then Kuroeda's butt suddenly moved away. It was fast, she was moving all around, searching for something. Your mesmerization with her ass was broken for the moment, and you put yourself back in reality. You had just been turned extraordinarily tiny and needed help. She was the only one around who could assist you, you had to find a way to get her to notice you. Cupping both hands around your mouth you hollered as loud as you could.


Nothing happened. Your tiny squeaks weren't loud enough for her to notice you. She was still looking around the countertop for something. Turns out she noticed her weight-loss potion had gone missing and was searching around the cash register for where it went. It had to still be somewhere around here, and so she was turning over every item nearby. She ducked down behind the counter, now vanished from your point of view. You moved closer to the edge of the counter, thinking that maybe if you were a little closer to her head she would hear you this time. You took a deep breath to yell again when...


A tremendous force struck the counter. Kuroeda wasn't watching where she was going and accidentally backed her fat butt into the wooden structure, causing the whole counter to shake. The surface from under you momentarily lost stability, knocking you right off your feet. You fell forwards, clean off the edge of the smooth countertop and plummeting down below. You were terrified, thinking these were going to be your last moments, until you saw where you were going. Kuroeda's gigantic ass crack was lying underneath you, sticking out proudly from her tight pants. Her ass was so big that the width of her uniform couldn't contain its girth, and so a warm plump flesh bed was there to cushion your fall.

That said, your landing wasn't exactly as pleasant as it seemed. Instead of landing right on top of Kuroeda's juicy buns you unfortunately fell directly between them. The acceleration of your fall was a bit too high as well, causing your shrunken form to push down into the woman's plumber crack. Your entire lower body was wedged between her buttocks, with only your head just able to stick outside. Her two enormous ass halves were smushing your cheeks into your face, and you had to gasp for air. You wriggled as hard as you could to climb back up and out of this predicament, but the pressure of Kuroeda's pants containing her butt was too tight. You could barely move, at the most you let out a few grunts of discomfort.

There had to be some way out of this. A way to get her to notice you. Before you could think of anything the dark elf started to move. Her body went back into an upright standing position, causing her huge ass cheeks to shift together. The colossal globes smothered your face, eclipsing the last bit of light from the outside world. As she moved her ass halves started to slide together, and your tiny body sunk deeper between them. You had been effectively swallowed by Kuroeda's ass crack.

Panic started to settle in. You were terrified of the dark, and the incredible pressure of her ass made you think you were going to be crushed at any second. If she sat down with her huge booty, your body would probably be popped like a bug. You started to hyperventilate which only made things worse in the smothering brown darkness. Hot atrocious air filled your lungs, you hadn't noticed it until now due to fear but her ass crack reeked. It smelled like rank poop, in fact it was just like the rotten scent you had sniffed in the store. Kuroeda must have farted before you came in to buy a drink, and her plus-sized booty still stunk of the aftermath. You gagged on the awful stink but it wouldn't go away. How could such a pretty voluptuous woman have such terrible smelling gas?

A low groan bellowed from deep inside the dark skinned-beauty's body. Her prodigious ass shifted around again, sinking you even deeper. Whatever that loud noise just was, it didn't sound good.

Up above Kuroeda let out a sigh. She couldn't find where her weight-loss potion had gone and finally accepted that it'd turn up sooner or later. Her stomach suddenly gurgled noisily, and her insides churned with discomfort. After a cheap meal of instant noodles last night, Kuroeda had been feeling her guts in distress since this morning. She constantly felt bloated and gassy, letting out wicked burning farts wherever she went. It seemed like whatever was in those noodle she ate had something wrong with it. She felt kind of guilty after lecturing that schoolboy on eating healthy when she herself had a pretty crummy eating habits. For some reason when she gained weight, it always seen to go around her ass and thighs...

Either way it seemed like the little boy had left, probably when she was looking for her lost potion. Kuroeda secretly hoped he didn't smell her gas from earlier, unaware that he was currently being smothered in it. The dark elf returned to stocking shelves, wobbling her huge butt around as she went from aisle to aisle of the convenience store. Despite the cool air conditioning, sweat was beginning to build up between her ass cheeks. With every step you were kneaded deeper between her gigantic buns, far beyond where anyone could hear your screams for help. The salty ass sweat eased your descent into Kuroeda's booty, lubricating your shrunken body. The smell only got worse the further you went, the air tasted spicy with the scent of raw excrement. Kuroeda grunted, feeling a slightly painful cramp of pressure in her guts.

Inside, you still couldn't see anything but darkness. Thick mounds of flesh caressed you on either side, sliding together with the sticky droplets of ass sweat. The loud groan from before rumbled even louder and suddenly the humongous elf giantess stopped moving. Her ass stood still, pushing into the seam of her pants and she hunched over. Suddenly a massive gust of scorching air came rushing between her cheeks. Kuroeda's fat ass groaned out a giant bubbly fart, engulfing you in her horrible stench. Warm pockets of air that had been entombed in her bowels blasted through her ass crack with a dizzying force. The elf's plump meaty globes vibrated all around you. Her fart was accompanied by a deafening warbling sound, pounding your eardrums. Since her butt cheeks were so tightly packed inside her work uniform the fart had a hard time coming out, and so the pressure of her ass made her fat mounds slap together. It was painful and smelled awful, you had never experienced anything so horrifying in your life. Your tiny body was just a insignificant bystander compared to the sheer power of her ass, just by letting out a fart it had ravaged your shrunken form.

Kuroeda frowned and tried to ignore her gassy outburst, continuing to stock the shelves as she stunk up the surrounding aisle. The environment inside her ass crack meanwhile was a dozen times worse. You were choking inside the wafting afterfumes of her fart, gasping for clean air that wasn't there. The kind lady's gas smelled absolutely abysmal, like raw shit had missed the toilet bowl and was hanging out in the open. Her fart was thick and noxious, the moist anal air had stained the inner flesh of her ass crack with its disgusting smell. As you coughed all over yourself her fat mountainous cheeks began to move again, dragging you down closer to the source...

You didn't want to go through anything like that ever again. Kuroeda's massive-sized fart was too terrible to even think about, and the stink burned at your airways. You just wanted to go home at this point, to be safe and see your parents again. Hot sweat splashed against your face as the elf lady walked forwards, you could feel the walls of her ass getting warmer the deeper you delved inside. Another guttural groan echoed from the darkness and Kuroeda paused. Even though you tried to brace yourself it still wasn't enough. The woman's giant ass loosened and unleashed another hellish fart straight at you. Unbelievably hot bursts of air roared through her massive cheeks, battering you between her rapidly undulating flesh. You screamed in pain and horror, yelling as loud as you could for someone to save you, but it was unheard. The brutish sound of Kuroeda's brown booty blast drowned you out completely as she stood alone in the store. Flexing her muscles she pushed the fart along, trying to get rid as much of this annoying flatulence as possible. Meanwhile you were being roasted alive by her unending tornado of gas, and pummeled by her tightly held butt cheeks.

As soft as her ebony derriere was, it was still several tons of weight surrounding you, and each stinky gust of air that blew through her cheeks crushed your body. By the time her second anal release had ended you were left wimpering in pain. You couldn't taste anything but her rank farts and the smell had now multiplied thanks to the successive blasts. A hot steamy miasma of gas clung to her crack, filling your lungs with a rotten stench. This is what used to be her meal, now broken down and expelled through her anal orifice. It was the body's natural process and you were experiencing it first hand.

What was going to happen when she had to use the toilet? The thought terrified you. If just a simple fart was this awful then how bad would it be when she has to poop? Unable to fully process how scary it all was you began to weep, crying out pitiful tears against her ass flesh. For just a young boy this was all too much for you, and so you cried.

Your pity party was rudely interrupted as Kuroeda bent over to pick up some inventory off the floor. A giant stretch of fabric adjusted itself, carving deep into her butt cheeks. It was her thong, and it had come to yank you all the way up her ass crack. You didn't understand what was going on. One second you were stuck between two enormous slabs of meat, the next a huge piece of cloth was pushing you deeper. You didn't quite know what a thong was at your age, and were confused as to why this lady's underwear was so thin, but there were more pressing matter to deal with at the moment.

The dark elf stood back up and you found yourself plastered against a hot foreign surface. Your crying had stopped at the sudden fear of where you were. Now Kuroeda's thong was strung tight against your back, and your front side was stuck against a stifling wall of rubbery meat. Your limbs could feel the wall was uneven and somewhat lumpy. The smell was also at its most intense here, and there was sticky slime covering seemingly everything. As the giantess walked through the store the huge mystery surface pinched against various parts of your clothes. These lumps, they were wrinkles, and they were squeezing your tiny body between them. You finally put together that you were at the worse place possible, stuck firmly against the putrid folds of this giant woman's asshole.

The plump fleshy ring was absolutely massive compared to you. It easily covered the length of your body from head to toe. As she walked the wretched folds started kneading into you, catching your limbs between their crevices and squeezing hard. Hot slime drooled from her puffy wrinkles, smearing your front side with her nasty natural fluids. Since she had been farting all morning her anus was rife with disgusting juices and odors that had been expelled from her bowels, making the already stuffy sweaty area that much more unbearable. The awful stench burned your nostrils, you gasped heavily in fear but only found rotten unclean air to breathe.

Just then the hole started to pulsate. Kuroeda's huge bands of flesh started to bulge outward and pinch inwards, taking you along for the ride. Hot guttural noises stirred just beyond the puckering gate, where her gas was once again building. You tried to cover your head with your arms but her backdoor suddenly gutted outwards, pinning you flat against her thong. You cowered pitifully as the enormous anal maw swelled in front of your face. Kuroeda gave a push and her asshole tore open, delivering another humongous butt blast with you at ground zero.

Her plump fleshy wrinkles warbled against your front side, battering you as rancid bouts of gas came spewing out her body. The air was ripe and fiery-hot, so thick and stinky that it burned the rim of her shithole. Kuroeda moaned a little as she felt a bit of discomfort letting this fart out. It burned but at the same time she knew she had to do it while the shop was still empty. Her blazing anal gases stung your skin, roasting your poor face as the reverberating flesh folds continued to pulverize you. Several impacts battered your little body thanks to her powerful butthole, leaving your flesh feel raw where you would surely have bruises later. You coughed on the muggy air filling your compacted space inside her ass crack, it tasted even more potent than any of her farts so far. You couldn't tell if this was because you were right up against her anus now or because her gas was just getting worse.

As the giant fart trailed off her hole began to close back to the state it was before, but you noticed something bad. The sweltering rim of her anus was wrapping more of itself around you, as if her huge puckered sphincter was starting to take you inside of it. Strong womanly lumps of flesh collapsed around your arms and legs, trapping them inside her hot ring. Your torso was being squeezed on both the left and right sides and before you knew it your head was being slathered against her dirty oily flesh. You wriggled in a panic, struggling to get yourself free from this horrible pinching asshole. Your movements only made her booty subconsciously react and it squeezed down hard on you. Like it or not your were slowly sinking into her asshole, becoming more and more smothered by her butt flesh.

The dark elf beauty felt more pressure building up in her ass and grunted to push out another rank fart. Her asshole buzzed inside her tight pants, loudly sputtering out a huge blast of air. She could really feel her anus squeezing hard to let out her farts, it was getting warmer down there and the smell in the store was undoubtedly getting worse. At this point she just wanted her stomach to give her a break but it seemed like the instant noodles from last night weren't going to give her that mercy anytime soon. Another flurry of bubbles could be felt building in her intestines just as she dropped down to stock the lower shelves...

Without warning her huge ass plummeted downwards, devastating your body. She went into a squatting position as she filled up the low store shelves with various items, taking no mind that her thong had just pulled right up into her asshole. The giant piece of underwear crammed itself up her crack, tightly pulling you into the meaty abyss of her anus. Everything was as firm as it could possibly be as the giantess squat, you didn't have an inch of wriggle room. Not only that but you could feel the slime lining her asshole lubricating your legs and arms, letting them slip inside just a bit more easily.

Another grumble came rushing through her body above. Your jaw dropped, this was the exact worst time for her to fart right now. The woman's hot butt cheeks were spread wide open and your body was on the precipice of being sucked inside, if her anus loosened right now it was inevitable what would happen. You yelled for her to stand back up, begging to not be eaten by her ass's fart, but it was no use. Kuroeda couldn't stop it from happening at this point, her ass was squatting so low that her muscles couldn't even hold back if they tried.

A massive trumpeting butt bomb fired from her anus, pounding you from inside. Her asshole exploded with powerful gusts of wind, tearing through your body and mangling you against her thong. The thin line of fabric cut Kuroeda's booty blast in two, splitting it as it came out her ass unrestrained. The steamy mist of her fart was accompanied by some wet splatterings of intestinal juices. Shit-tasting flecks of slime and gunk splattered your tiny shape, soiling you as you were vibrated inside her anus. You reached with your arms to try and crawl out her ass, grabbing at whatever you could to hold on to, but everything was shaking too much. The dark elf's ass loudly shot out her gas in a wide spread like a shotgun, droning towards the floor for several more seconds until it stopped.

After being pelted by her grueling fart you were left struggling to gasp for air. You had just managed to pull your arms free from her anus during the horrible ordeal, but the rest of your body wasn't faring so well. Your legs were all but sucked inside, and most of your torso along with it. With all the strength you had you held your arms across the rim of Kuroeda's asshole, just holding on for dear life so it didn't suck you inside. Nasty juices drooled down your face, sticking to your hair. This was the grossest thing you had ever experienced but if you gave up now it was only going to get more awful.

A couple more minutes went by stuck under her fat squatting ass before Kuroeda finally stood back up. Her plump cheeks caved in around you and smothered you in the stinky darkness. She continued to tend to the store until she was done her stocking duties, all the while you were holding on to the outer edge of her butthole as hard as you could. Time crept forth at a painfully slow crawl, allowing you to soak in every terrible moment with her wafting farthole. After a while longer the doors of the convenience store swung open and Kuroeda was met with a familiar face.

A pudgy elf-girl walked in, she had long blonde hair an a goofy smile on her face. She was wearing a white t-shirt with the text "Fries Are Life" written on it in kanji. The shirt clung tight to her ample chest and stomach, but some of her pale plump belly was spilling out the sides. Unlike Kuroeda she was a normal elf, not a dark elf. Her name was Erufuda, and the two of them often got on each other's nerves. She entered the store with a craving for one thing, and announced it proudly.

"Hey shopkeep! Get me some hot and fresh french fries will ya? Straight-cut and golden brown!" Erufuda called out.

Kuroeda spun around to see her plus-sized nemesis enter the store, and started fanning away the air from her ass. After she felt like the smell was cleared out she walked up to Erufuda.

"We don't carry that kind of stuff here, idiot. What do you think this is, a restaurant?" she retorted.

The french fry-loving elf's expression turned to a frown and she saw who was manning the store today. "Well, what DO you have?" she asked.

"We have chips." Kuroeda replied plainly.

"WHAT?! Not even room temperature fries?! I thought humans put everything in little plastic packages, you're telling me none of these things have fries and then?!" she shouted, making a grand sweeping gesture to the aisle of treats.

Kuroeda shrugged.

"You've got to be kidding me!" Erufuda continued, getting closer to the dark elf. "... Hey, do you smell anything weird?"

Kuroeda's face lit up with embarassment. Some of her farts were still stinking up the store. On top of that she felt more coming. Down below you could feel her ass gurgling, building up more hot gas inside of her meaty colon. The giantess clenched her ass shut, holding in the gas for the time being. Her plump globes crushed your face into her hole, the puckered anus started smothering you from all directions at once. Your arms gave out and slipped all the way into the fleshy orifice, leaving just your head sticking outside. You opened your mouth to yell but nothing came out, your airways were being choked shut by her ass.

"I haven't smelled anything, that is until you entered the store!" Kuroeda barked back, trying to hide her own embarrassment.

"What was that?!" Erufuda growled angrily, getting up in her face.

"Yeah! You want a snack? How about you get some veggies or something to lose that fat belly of yours? You stupid mochi elf!" Kuroeda spat, grabbing two handfuls of Erufuda's big tummy.

Erufuda was furious. Not about to let some dark elf jostle her flab around and get away with it, she retaliated. With both hands she reached behind the attacking Kuroeda and grabbed hold of her thong.

"Maybe you should lose some weight in your big manju ass!" she yelled back as she gave Kuroeda the biggest wedgie she could.

"No wait-!" Kuroeda shouted but it was too late.

Her big round butt let off a loud explosive fart, right in front of Erufuda. The blast lasted for several seconds and the two of them froze in place as it happened. Erufuda was stunned with shock and Kuroeda had gone stiff with embarrassment. Her ass brutishly droned on and on, spewing rank gas out into the store. Both of them could smell it, and it was very nasty.

Meanwhile for you, you had been sent straight into hell. The instant Erufuda came in with the wedgie attack you body was shot straight up Kuroeda's poop chute, sucked right into her bowels. The sudden intrusion caused her giant tightened asshole to open up and expel her built up gas, but that was the least of your troubles. Hot sticky walls surrounded you on all sides, undulating around you body as the fart came shooting out. You had been claimed by Kuroeda's ass now, stuck inside her most disgusting place. Before long the fart ended and the dark elf lady clenched her ass up in embarrassment, burying you in hard flesh and rotten slime.

"EW! Gross!" Erufuda shouted, backing off. She held her nose, but the stink had already got to her. "Oh my goodness, what did you EAT?! Ugh, I think I've lost my appetite, I'm out of here." she said, running out of the store as fast as possible.

Kuroeda didn't know what to say. She was stunned all the way until the sliding doors closed shut. The silver lining was she got rid of her arch-enemy, but the way she did it was... less than ideal. Hopefully Erufuda kept her fat fry-hole shut and didn't tell anyone about what had just happened. The situation was gross enough for the both of them, they probably weren't going to bring it up ever again. The smell wafting around her was... really bad. Somehow it was just getting worse and worse. Also, at some point in the chaos of things, she felt a little tingle around her anus. She didn't quite know what it was, but she figured she'd ignore it for the time being.

You writhed around in your newly confined space, desperate to get the hell out of here. The stench inside this adult woman's ass was ten times worse than it was outside, you couldn't take it. Wriggling little by little, you managed to reach the inner edge of Kuroeda's back door. It was firmly shut, not allowing anything to pass through, so you tried to pry it open with your arms. You pulled the huge slabs of muscle apart as hard as you could, straining your whole body in the process, but they just didn't budge. You tried again and again, struggling as much as possible but it never opened, not even a little. In despair you pounded your fists against this lady's anus, screaming for help, only to be repaid by her asshole clenching up on you. The tightened muscles crushed you on all sides, squeezing you so hard you were forced to slide deeper into her fleshy tunnel. The oozing anal fluids acted as lubricant, easing you along as her ass swallowed you. Up above Kuroeda went back to waiting for customers, standing there calmly as her ass ate you alive.

From there she continued to let out more farts every now and then. Her ass would fill with horrid air, burning your lungs until she let it all come spurting out. You groaned and squirmed meagerly in the intense anal outbursts, despite the onslaught of rank emissions, you weren't able to move from your spot. Kuroeda's ass was subconsciously holding your body inside like it was a turd, clutching its gross muscles around you as it let off some air. The farts were always intense and deafening, yet you had no other choice but to endure them. Your will was forfeit to her ass. You were nothing more than a tiny speck compared to her massive booty, so small that she would never notice you as she let out fart after fart.

Some particularly wet gurgles groaned from deep inside her ass, announcing more atrocious gas was on its way. You braced yourself as another booming explosion of shit fumes came rolling out Kuroeda's colon. With it, a hot bath of intestinal fluid came splashing at you back, surrounding you in soupy sludge. She then farted again, and even more tepid slime went shooting past you, exiting the wrinkled folds of her anus. You were revolted by the viscous juices and the permeating smell that they carried.

A couple seconds later you felt your feet surrounded in even more of the stuff. You started to panic as liquefied shit began to creep up your legs. Your greatest fears were becoming reality, the giantess's ass was starting to fill up with waste, and you were going to drown inside it. Her muscles were holding you in place, preventing you from crawling to safer ground. You banged your fists on her walls, screaming hard for her to let you out. Just then Kuroeda's ass seized up. She felt the sludge mixture leaking in her bowels and clenched her ass to hold it in. The walls crushed you and brought the awful fecal juice up to your ears. This was it.

"Oh fuck!" Kuroeda exclaimed, as she could sense the oncoming runs bubbling into her ass cavity.

She only had a few moments before it was going to come out. She dashed to the store's bathroom as swiftly as she could, locking the door behind her. In a single motion she pulled down her pants and underwear at the same time, freeing her phat brown butt from the tight clothing. Unceremoniously she plopped her ass on the porcelain seat, to you the sudden impact felt like you were inside of a giant hammer. Kuroeda wiggled her ass into place, trying to hastily spread her cheeks to make sure they didn't get too wet from what was about to happen. Her puckered hole wrenched its greasy folds together, it was a dam that was about to burst. At this point you were fully submerged in shit, uselessly flailing for a pocket of gas that wasn't available.

Finally Kuroeda gave the go ahead. She released the tension in her muscles, allowing the horrible slop inside her ass come pouring out. The intense diarrhea came out forcefully splattering the rounded walls of the toilet bowl. Soft steamy chunks of poop popped through her widened butthole, spilling down into the water below. At long last you were forced out with them, in the midst of a torrent of shit-water you were finally free. You splashed into the wide artificial lake and were instantly submerged underwater, plunged deep down there by the powerful stream coming out of the dark elf's ass. A constant flow of shit was pouring out her anus and as the bubbly mixture fell into the toilet it swept you underneath like a waterfall.

Round and round you spun, nauseated and without air to breathe, unable to know which way was up. When it seemed like you were finally going to drown you felt a cool waft of air on your arm. Immediately you breached the surface, gasping for rank smelling air. You face was covered in Kuroeda's soupy stool but right now you were only focused on breathing. Her bout of diarrhea had ended and you tiny body was resting in the middle of a pool of runny sludge. You coughed and spat, trying to wipe the crap off your eyes. As soon as you did you were greeted to Kuroeda's massive puckered anus hovering directly above your face. It undulated eerily before erupting with a potent fart. The giant load of displaced shit had opened a cavity in her bowels, allowing her hot gas to come shooting out. The whole bowl resonated the the sound of the store clerks butthole. Flecks of unwiped shit rained from the orifice as it spewed slimy air from its folds.

After all that it seemed like she was done. The giant woman's ass rolled around on the toilet seat, dripping more crap from her hole. Then a rumbling sound came from her guts above. You could heard Kuroeda mumble something to herself in distress, clearly unhappy. She leaned forwards, her huge ass widening into the toilet. Another gurgle came, even louder than before. She wasn't done yet.

A second hop soupy mess of diarrhea gushed out from her mighty asshole. You were once again swept up in the current and tides of the bowl, lost in a horrible whirlpool of excrement. Kuroeda groaned up above from the disturbance she felt in her guts, it wasn't fun for her either. The bad meal of instant noodles was finally coming out, and it was just as awful as the farts that proceeded it. The smell under her cheeks was unfiltered and noxious, as the stream of shit finally stopped you were left wallowing in a sauna of shit fumes. The air was hot and sticky, and it only became more disgusting as the dark elf giantess let more out.

For several more minutes her intestinal disturbance continued. On and off her ass leaked giant streams of shit on top of you, just when you thought she was finished more kept coming. The waste gradually become more solid until full logs were falling overhead. You were exhausted from swimming in this storm of shit and felt sick from the fetid gunk floating around you. You didn't even have any strength left in your throat to yell for help anymore, at the most you could only just stay afloat in her dump.

Finally light came. Kuroeda's ass lifted from the bowl and light from the outside world poured in. You basked in its glory as she reached to wipe her ass with toilet paper. All you could do at this point was meagerly wave your arms in the air and pray she would see you. Kuroeda's beautiful face returned, framed by the toilet seat. She was just about to drop her paper in when she paused. Did she actually see you? Her eyes squinted, pointed right at you and so you waved even harder. It finally clicked and her eyes shot wide open, shocked to see a tiny person in her toilet. Hurriedly Kuroeda grabbed more toilet paper and used it to fish you out of the bowl. You grabbed on to the white material as if it was a cloth sent from heaven. You were saved!

The dark elf was so shocked she couldn't find her voice for a moment. She placed you on the side of the bowl and flushed the toilet, trying to eliminate the bad smell. You took the paper and started to scrub yourself clean, looking up at the giantess. She shook her head and collected herself, lowering down to get closer to you.

"Wha... how?!" she started, finding her voice again. "I'm SO sorry for what just happened to you. I had no idea you were... down there. If there's any way I can make it up to you, I can..."

She trailed off, finally recognizing your face. You were tiny but it had only been a couple hours since she last saw you.

"Hold on, you're the kid from earlier! Does that mean you were with me the whole time?! Even when I was farting?! Oh Gods..." she said, embarrassed as could be. "Then how did you become so... !!! The potion!" she gasped.

The mystery of where her weight-loss potion had been solved. Everything that had fallen into place this afternoon clicked in Kuroeda's mind. She then realized that most of it was her fault too.

"Shit! I'm so sorry! I shouldn't have left that thing lying around. You hold tight here, okay? I'm going to find the antidote!" she told you, almost shouting. Then she ran off.

You felt her footsteps pounding the floor as she left. Kuroeda had gone to the backroom where she kept all her antidotes and potions. She had a fairly large stock of experimental concoctions amongst the regular store items and needed to search through them one by one.

After you dried yourself off your realized you had nowhere to go. In her panic Kuroeda had left you on the toilet without realizing. The toilet seat was far too high off the floor for you to land safely. You tossed the soiled paper into the bowl and decided to wait it out. Several minutes went by before you felt the pounding of footsteps outside the bathroom. Kuroeda must have found the antidote, you thought. You could finally go home and wash off this awful lingering smell. However, just when you were getting excited the footsteps got bigger and heavier. A very different person entered the bathroom.

"Person" might be the wrong way to put it, as this woman was another fantasy race, just like Kuroeda. She was named Oga, as she was an orge lady, and definitely had the tall imposing stature of one. Despite her beautiful face she was built like a fortress, from head to toe she was covered in powerful muscles. Her short hair and luscious eyelashes contrasted greatly with her thick bulging muscles. Her arms looked like they could tear a phonebook in half and her legs looked like they could crush a watermelon between them with ease. The only part of her body that wasn't rock hard was her stomach, which was a little pudgy thanks to poor eating habits.

"I wonder where Kuroeda went off to, it's not like her to leave the store unattended" the orge lady said to herself.

It seems like her and Kuroeda knew each other, but that wasn't important right now. You yelled and waved your arms around but couldn't get her attention. The size difference between you and her was even greater than you and Kuroeda, there was even less of a chance of her noticing you. The words she said next sent a chill down your spine.

"Well, I'm sure she won't mind if I use the toilet real quick..."

The sinking feeling of imminent danger was back. Oga began pulling down her pants, exposing her enormous backside to you. It was massive, an absolute mountain of an ass. The different in size was staggering. As she backed up to the toilet you tilted your head back, eyes transfixed on the impossibly huge butt that was casting a shadow over you. You lean back, back, and back even more until you lost your balance. The colossal size of Oga's ass was so staggering that you staggered backwards and plummeted back into the toilet bowl. As you breached the clean water you cursed yourself, how could you be so stupid?! You had basically signed your own death warrant.

Your only possible way out of this situation would be for Kuroeda to come back and rescue you. Looking upwards you could see the underside of Oga's butt, right before it made contact with the seat. A crushing slam hit the bowl, practically breaking it under her weight. The light was almost extinguished under the unaware orge woman's ass, but you could still see her butt crack, spread open and ready to let loose. Something told you deep inside Kuroeda was't going to make it in time.


Oga let out a crude grunt and her asshole tore open. A powerful meaty fart blasted the bowl, rippling the water into a wavepool around you. You gasped at the hot stink, soon realizing how bad an orge's digestion was. Her eating habits and frequent ingestion of alcohol made her farts extra potent. The taste of Oga's gas burned at your insides, you wretched violently to the point where you almost sank back into the pool below. Her stench was easily a dozen times worse than Kuroeda's, a horrifying feat you never thought possible.

Up above Oga groaned again, and her butthole began flexing. A wet peeling sound was heard above you as her anal wrinkles spread apart, revealing a huge daunting turtlehead of shit. You froze in fear of the massive load, Oga's log was thick enough to be someone's arm. As she strained the giant protruding mass of shit grew in size, slowly creeping out her asshole and descending into the water. You swam as far as you could but your body was so tiny you couldn't make that much distance. Suddenly the shit found its release and broke free from of Oga's anus all at once. A huge wave of water plunged you underneath while the heavy turd sank into the depths alongside you. Like a insignificant speck you whirled around in the water, the force of the current made it impossible for you to take control of your own direction.

Meanwhile Oga's asshole was already gaping open and pushing out another massive log. This one toppled over the first, sending it crashing down on top of you all the way to the bottom of the bowl. The change in water pressure hurt your ears, your head felt like it was swelling at this depth. A huge rumble shook the bowl as Oga farted again, squeezing her anal muscles again to expel more thick poop.

Your air was running out quickly. You swam as hard as you could to ascend back to the surface, but a giant splash blocked out the light from above. Oga's next fat turd hit you head-on, pushing you right back down to the floor of the toilet and pinning you in place. You were then buried in a mountain of her shit, one after another she pooped them out until a gross piled had formed inside the bowl. There was nothing you could do as the weight grew upon your back. Little by little you ran out of oxygen and passed away, unnoticeable amongst the giant pile of waste. All you struggles against Kuroeda's butt that afternoon had been for nothing...


"I found it!" The dark elf shouted at the empty bathroom.

She had returned to where she left you with a green vial of antidote in her hand. Surprisingly however, you were nowhere to be found. Kuroeda started ducking under the sink, checking any corners of the bathroom you could have ran off to without her noticing, but you were just gone. There was always the chance that the shrinking may have worn off on its own or maybe you found your own way to safety while still small. At this point though she didn't have a clue where to begin looking for you. Kuroeda made her way back to the shop's front counter, still feeling a bit worried. She hoped that wherever you were now that you were alright.

Elsewhere Oga was walking down the street, feeling satisfied. It took a couple flushes for the toilet to take in her monstrous dump, but somehow she made it work. Her ass now felt sufficiently empty and as a result she felt lighter walking along the road. As if on queue her stomach growled, noisily calling for more food. Now that Oga had the room she started to think about where next to grab a bit to eat...

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