Gluttony: Ouroboros
By VivettaVenray
(WARNING: Contains saliva, vore [including same-size and inanimate object vore], gore, and digestion among other things
As another important notice, this story features bit of jaw unhinging. Also, despite the vore-focus, there is no weight-gain here as the 'big' character only grows in-proportion.
The main character is also a monster-gal with a snake tail from the waist down, so no feet content in this story.)
(NOTE: This story is part of the "Seven Sinful Size Stories" loose anthology thing I said I'd try to do. This story has a little to do with "Gluttony".)
Chapter 1: Start
January 2nd 20XX
My name is Rasima, and I believe my team and I have made the discovery of a lifetime.
Since I just now had the foresight to start a journal, an introduction: I’m 28 years old, female, and an archaeologist. I lead a team of 6--myself included--here at a dig in the Nile Delta. The spot’s at some sands north of the city of Cairo where I am employed by a University.
I knew the region was one of the most explored in the world, so I didn’t expect to find much. The pyramids were already discovered, as were much of the other treasures located deep under the sands. Despite that, historical treasures were still what we were hoping on as we dug in a relatively unexplored subsection of the area.
Ihsan dug up a strange rock and she called me over to examine it. It was perfectly smooth stone about twice the size of a baseball. I took it into my hands and gave it a few taps. It felt and sounded almost like wood. It was hollow. I thought heard something thawping inside, so I pressed my ear to it to its surface.
I had thought to gently chip it open with one of my tools. No sooner than one step back towards my tent did the rock split open of its own accord. The two halves of it fell from my hand, revealing the creature within.
One could imagine how far my jaw dropped when I stared down at a naked woman with the lower body of a snake. Her tail was the first thing I noticed. It started right at her waist line. The appendage was at least twice as long as her fit human-half. Soon after emerging she coiled it around my fingers. The tail felt scaly with a bit of friction against my prints. The underbelly of it was white as ivory, though the rest of the muscle was covered in onyx-black scales.
Her skin was a soft brown: darker than the sands but not by that much. Her hair hung past her shoulders and was a jet black. I felt her try to wrap her jaws around my index finger, but when that clearly was working, she turned up to me. It was then I noticed red irises in her eyes. Her face was beautiful. Her whole body was gorgeous, slim, and subtly toned. She was like something out of a painting, though I’m not sure anything short of a photograph could capture her well.
The snake-woman opened her mouth to speak, and I was surprised she knew our language.
I wasn’t a biologist, and we didn’t have one on the team. I was the only one here with a doctorate, in fact. Nevertheless, I knew that she must be starving after however long she spent in there. I held her gently as I went to the kitchen tent and fetched a chunk of flatbread for her.
By now, the rest of the team heard the news and crowded in. We watched her coil around it in my hand and noisily chomp and gulp the meal down. She stuffed her face till her cheeks were full like a gerbil’s before every swallow. Eventually she ate too much for her human stomach to hold, which stayed its normal taut. We only figured that since we saw lumps form in her tail. It was disturbingly fascinating to watch those bumps diminish shortly after as her tail muscle kneaded them down.
I offered her a water bottle throughout, but aside from a glance she ignored it until finished with the bread. Then, she dove right into the opening and drunk. I tried to hold it steady, but she used her tail to just dump it all over herself, gulping and swallowing all the while. Most of it was wasted, pooling to the floor by my sandaled feet. Yet, I’m positive she drank her own weight of the beverage.
“Aaah.” she smacked her lips all cute like.
“More bread.”, she said.
Again, I’m not a biologist, but I thought all this very strange. This creature’s small size and slim, healthy physique bellied an amazing hunger. We ended up her giving two more pieces of flatbread before deciding enough was enough.
The rest of the day was spent talking to her. She was intelligent as any of us, but highly uncooperative. Anything we asked she refused to answer without more pieces of bread, and the vast majority of her answers were “I don’t know.” We did learn that she remembers being underground for “a long time.”, but she apparently slept most of it. That was a relief to me, as I couldn’t have imagined spending months or years trapped and alert.
She didn’t give a name, so one of the assistants started calling her “Almaekruna” which means “noodle”. That seemed to stick.
I told everyone not to feed her again till dinner tonight, but she apparently kept begging and making pouty faces. It became obvious people were giving her bits of bread given all the trips my team made to the kitchen tent. None had the heart to put a stop to it: myself included.
That night we sat around a camp fire. The current plan was to finish the dig, since we were already set up, then take her back to the city. Finding another species of human, even if just this one, would make us famous for sure. I didn’t care much for that, but I’m sure my assistants would greatly appreciate whatever income would trickle to them from this. I knew they weren’t paid too much but, alas, I didn’t set their salaries.
I also thought she might not be a human. Some sort of mythical creature, maybe? I knew from my brief studies into mythology the legends of the nagas and lamias: demi-snake beings. I cast this possibility out of my mind for a bit, then something happened which lowered my skepticism.
We were making some Ful medames in a cooking pot. I had Almaekruna wrapped safely around my hand, though I could tell her mouth was watering at the smell of the fava beans and spices. Ihsan was stirring the pot. Gamila said something funny to me and I turned to laugh.
I turned back to my hand and Almaekruna was gone. My heart skipped a beat as I saw her slither to the cooking pot and dive right in. There was screaming as we thought she was done for and doomed to be cooked alive. An assistant grabbed a bucket of water to douse the fire beneath the pot and we listened for any sounds.
There was no screams of burning agony, only slurps. We saw the ‘water level’ of the stew go down. Ihsan dipped her spoon into the pot to try and fish Almaekruna out. The snake-woman came up with the wooden thing and had a look on her face like we committed the gravest insult. She had two beans, one in each hand, and woofed them down. Her tail coiled around the spoon’s handle and she dived back in. Ihsan grabbed at Almaekruna then recoiled from the hot liquid coating the little naga.
We had to wait for the pot to cool more before we got her out. We stood, helpless, as we heard her slurp up more than half the stew. Once in hand, her black snake tail stretched to nearly half its old width, as it was filled with stew. Shortly after, it shrunk back to normal, slowly, before our eyes as she digested the meal.
As I write this, Almaekruna is now stuffed inside a small cage we had brought along in case we came across a wounded critter or something. The plan remains the same, but it’s clear she needs to be heavily supervised lest she eat everything we have.
No normal creature could survive that level of heat from the stew. I still don’t believe in myths mind you, but as I close this journal for the night, I begin to feel as though the naga or lamia might have been based on a real creature. Some sort of biologically immortal semi-human, perhaps?
January 3rd 20XX
She broke out of the cage. It must’ve been while we were all sleeping. We awoke hours before sunrise to the sound of rummaging in the kitchen tent. There were slither-marks leading there too. Ihsan made it in there first and had a lantern for light.
Almaekruna ate through almost everything. There were only a few pieces of bread left, and none of the other snacks or stores. Bags of uncooked fava beans were just gone. I assumed she ate them whole, container and all.
Ihsan didn’t stop her right away though, nor did I when I made it. Us two and all the others just stood, dumbfounded, at how our little ‘noodle’ was now the size of a dog. If she was all human bodies instead of half, I had figured she’d stand maybe two or three feet tall.
She turned to us, caught in the act, then stuffed her face more hurriedly. Eventually we tackled her to get her to stop. She was strong. She bucked Gamila off her tail and launched my assistant into a table. We heard Gamila’s arm break.
Suad, the strongest on our team, jumped on her tail. Not only did even her strength falter, but Almaekruna coiled around her and started squeezing. We all shouted at the snake-woman to stop, but once our coworker started turning blue everyone jumped on Almaekruna, myself included.
We managed to get the snake-woman tied up with some spare rope. Everyone was tired still. It was dark. The plan changed to packing up the equipment as soon as possible, then taking her and it with us in our car back to the city. She was dangerous. I checked the tiny cage she got out of and noticed the bars were bent. They were made of steel. She probably could’ve snapped my finger off even when her length was measured in mere inches.
We took shifts either watching Almaekruna or helping to pack. I took the first shift helping to gather up the excavation site gear alongside Sharifah. Ihsan and Jameela watched the naga while Gamila and Suad took the first napping shift.
We worked by lamplight. It was a painful experience. the snake-woman would constantly shout to be let free or for more food. There wasn’t much food left, but I found out on my way back to the tent that the only way to get her to stop squirming out of those ropes was to feed her pieces of whatever was left of the flatbread.
I took a nap just as the sun began to rise. There was still half the gear left to pack. It’d probably just be one more shift.
Rasima awoke to the sound of screams. The sun was up in the sky now and she raced towards the kitchen tent where the noises were coming from.
There was a lot to take in.
Almaekruna grew again to the point where, if fully human, she’d stand as tall as any of crew. The naga broke out of her ropes, and had her unhinged jaw wrapped around Ihsan’s waist. The naga was swallowing the dig assistant head first.
The snake-woman’s onyx tail had two others pinned beneath its bulk. Suad and Gamila--even with her broken arm--were punching and kicking at the naga to try and get her to spit Ihsan up or at least slide off the others. Much as they pushed at Almaekruna’s sides, they didn’t budge. The tail didn’t give at all really.
Rasima realized she had been the last one to come here. She rushed for a knife among the other utensils and found one, then charged at Almaekruna.
The lamia moved her tail without lifting its underbelly off the people writhing beneath it. Just the tip of it ran into Rasima’s side and the archaeologist flew through the air and into a small shelf. The knife flew from her hand and out the tent’s flaps.
Rasima groaned. The bone in her left leg had broke and throbbed with pain. Her head was spinning, and she saw through blurred vision as Almaekruna set her hands upon Suad and Gamila’s heads and shoved them to the floor. With all of the group taken care of, the naga tilted her head up and finished swallowing Ihsan down.
The sounds had Rasima shivering even during the stupor of her recent injury. The naga’s neck distended and she could see the outline of Ihsan through the monster-woman’s flesh. She clearly skipped the naga’s human gut and went straight to the tail. She saw the bulge and heard the screams as the muscle kneaded Ihsan’s form. Even muffled, it rose above the cries of the rest of her staff: who watched on in more vocal horror.
“It burns, it burns!” that’s the words Rasima made out. She saw the bulge in the naga’s tail shrink as her coworker was digested alive. Suad and Gamila were trying their best to wiggle away, but with just one hand on each Almaekruna had them pinned. The strength was unreal.
Ihsan was gone. The dig assistant’s reward for unearthing the lamia in the first place was to melt alive in her gut. The monster-woman didn’t even wait 5 seconds before lifting Gamila up by her shirt. She held Gamila tight to her naked bosom with just one of her inhumanely strong arm. Gamila cried out as her broken arm had all that pressure on it. It didn’t phase the naga at all as she opened wide. The jaw unhinged again and a bit of drool dripped onto Gamila’s face. Soon after she was stuffed in. Soon after that and she was gulped down.
Suad was next. She put up more of a fight but in the end she became a tail bulge. Both here and Gamila were in there are the same time. Rasima thought it a morbid little silver lining that they didn’t die alone in there.
It was just Rasima left in the corner of the tent and the two others squirming beneath Almaekruna’s white underbelly. From the look on the naga’s face, it seemed she enjoyed that in a sense. Not enough to refrain from shifting her tail bulk up *just* enough to slip them out and gulp them down. She used the tip of her prehensile tail to wrap around another crew member’s body. Almaekruna coiled the woman’s arms to her side wouldn’t fight as much.
Jameela found herself wrapped up by the tip of the limb. Even the thinnest part of that great muscle undulated with unnatural strength. She felt her bones ache with every twitch of the smooth dry appendage. Almaekruna licked her lips then opened wide. The meek archaeology assistant saw strands of spittle drip about; they shimmered in the sunlight coming through the flap of the tent.
The jaw shifted again with a slight crack and that maw became even more ominous. The naga dragged her tongue against Jameela’s face: it twitched against the wet muscle. Then, in she went: down a slimy throat, bit by bit till her entire body was stuck in a tight tunnel of tail flesh. The naga smiled as she felt more food in her. The tail muscles kneaded and worked. Rasima could hear them snap more bones in there. Almaekruna flexed and wiggled her tail in tune with the crunches. The rippling, slimy walls turned Jameela to fluid and ended her agony.
Rasima had to get out of her. She tried to rise up to her feet but just fell over on her front. Her left leg was too badly hurt to walk. She turned from Almaekruna and started to crawl. Inch by inch over the sandy tarp floor, she advanced towards the tent’s entrance. Her progress was cut off by a mass of onyx-scaled muscle. Rasima turned around and saw the naga hugging the last of her coworkers tight to her naked bosom. Her red eyes met Rasima’s brown as she that woman up and stuffed them in her mouth.
That woman, Sharifah, went down Almaekruna’s throat legs first. The naga ate her bulky clothes without issue and the person herself without conscience. Rasima got to see the look on the assistant’s face: a mixture of horror and disgust as she felt slimy muscles against the naked legs her shorts bared. Rasima saw every twitch of pain as the throat squeezed too tight on an arm twisted just slightly off-angle.
She saw Sharifah disappear down that maw into the tail.
To the tune of muffled screams, Rasima tried to crawl over the tail. Almaekruna let out a satisfied sigh.
Before Rasima cleared the appendage, it wrapped around her waist. The naga turned the archaeologist around. Despite eating the camp’s food supplies and all her coworkers, Rasima noticed the figure of Almaekruna remained fit as ever and her body the same shape as when they found her. The naga’s skin was taut, chest perky, and not a hint of pudge on her. For all this snake-woman ate, she only grew in proportion. Her tail distended with meals, but only briefly. She grew in size but not in proportion.
This was unheard of. Rasima was tugged up to the naga’s face and the monster-gal licked her lips.
“Why?!?” shouted Rasima, gritting her teeth as her broken leg still throbbed. “We were nice to you. I don’t understand.”
“I was hungry.”, said Almaekruna, smiling.
“I still am.”, she continued.
Regarding this monster, Rasima considered mythical species up till now, but never a true legend. A serpentine monster who’s hunger dwarfed all other urges. There was only one creature in the world that fit the bill, though it was thought more symbolic than anything. The alchemists wrote on the monster and the Norse mythologies called it Jormungandr. The first ever depiction of it, however, was in 14th century BCE: right here in Egypt.
“Could it be? Ouroboros?” said Rasima.
Almaekruna tilted her head. She smiled. “I like that name better. It feels more fitting for some reason. Anyways, down you go!”
Rasima was stuffed in head first. The sensation of cloying saliva matting her hair was repulsive, but it was only the start of things to come. The click of Ouroboros’s jaw as it unhinged had Rasima shuddering. Then came the first swallow.
There was light from her flesh. It wasn’t much, but it was enough to see every grisly detail of that slimy throat as it squeezed and tugged on her face.
She felt her arms go down up to her shoulders. She heard the sounds of the snake-woman’s stomachs: both of them. Ominous gurgles. Rasima had the macabre thought that it was good, in some sense, that her coworkers were already gone. Aside from their suffering being over, their screams didn’t add to this cacophony of horror.
Only Rasima’s legs stuck out of the lamia’s mouth. She kicked them wildly to no avail. If anything, she just made the monster-gal salivate more giving how wet her ankles felt. The archaeologist's head passed through a spintcher now: she was heading to the tail gut. It was long, wide, and the walls shifted about while exuding some foul acid that stung her nose.
Rasima’s entire upper body was in the tail. Every swallow had the tail tugging at her as well with those undulating, acidic walls. Her legs kicked in the throat. She tried to use her arms to scoot back up and resist the next swallow, but the tail muscles clenched the limbs tight to her body. The digestive fluids stung at her skin.
Rasima was pushed deeper into the tail gut. Not a single part of her stuck out of it. She kicked at the sphincter behind her: again, pointless. That last tug of the inner muscles cracked her shoulders. She let out a scream.
The tail gut was ruthless. Not even 3 seconds after getting fully inside, it started constricting and crushing more of Rasima’s body. Every knead from those muscles tore off more of her acid-weakened flesh. The potencies of the fluids melted Rasima down before her very own eyes.
Bomp Bomp
Before Rasima died, she felt a bit of a nudge from the stomach-wall above her. The sound was Ouroboros giving the bulge she made a pat.
Rasima was gone, as were the others. Ouroboros had the entire camp to herself.
“Yum~” said the snake-woman, talking aloud to herself. She patted her tail again as she watched the bulge fade away and her onyx tail was back to its normal shape.
“Let’s see, that one human said something about a city: more of them lived there. Ah, first!”
The Ouroboros stretched her arms and let out a satisfied sigh. The tan naga’s body burgeoned up and out of the tent in an instant. The tarp collapsed against her body before she ripped it apart with her hands. She giggled.
The snake-woman stood about 50ft from head to tail tip now. She loomed over the whole camp
Her eyes settled on Rasima’s tent. “That was the leader’s quarters.”
She slithered over towards that smaller tent, leaving a furrow in the sand in the shape of her ivory-white underbelly. She peeled open the dwelling and took a quick look.
‘No food.’ she thought. Nevertheless, she tore the whole thing from its posts and stuffed in her gob. She had many powers, but unhinging her jaw if need be was one of the most useful to the only thing that mattered to her: eating.
Rasima’s journal, her possessions, and the tent itself quickly digested away. She put that meal towards more size immediately. She took another look around, and spotted more tents and a truck that the crew came in on.
‘Inorganic matter is a bit less filling, but if it’s here...’ thought the Ouroboros.
She consumed everything. The other tents, the remnants of the campfire from the other night. She grew all the while, and the only thing left was the truck. She had to unhinge her jaw for that, but she took it down with relative ease. No one but her heard the scraping sounds as her tail-stomach contorted it into a metal bolus.
It felt and sounded oh so satisfying.
With nothing left here, the Ouroboros moved south towards Cairo. Her speed at any scale was impressive, but her size had her zooming along faster than most vehicles. She was over 100ft by now. She traveled along the sands till she came to a road, then hung by that. The giant naga would lash her tail at cars passing by: some would even stop on their own accord to take pictures or gawk or call the authorities.
All were devoured. Her hunger had no end and there was no mercy for food. She was soon big enough that cars ceased to make a lump in her formidable tail. Soon, the naga became bold enough to slither on the road itself. The weight of her giant form had her tail tearing up the asphalt into a trench. Cars crashed into her body, not stopping in time and ending up sitting ducks for her greedy mitts to snatch up.
A short ways before the city, the now 200ft sized naga ran into some resistance in the form of military trucks. They were too little and too late, and like the rest became snacks. She penned them with a slam and a coil of her tail, then scooped them up and feasted one truck at a time. She finished off with the soldiers themselves. They fell into her gaping maw, breaking through bands of saliva and suffering in her tail-stomach while their comrades piled in.
Her height more than doubled from that feast. Ouroboros’s tail was big enough to slip off the road and wiggle up a few small sand clouds with its thrashings. It wasn’t intentional, though it did help obscure her advance somewhat.
She saw the city in the distance and smiled. Her supernatural hearing picked up the sounds of more cars. She could smell all the people in there; millions lived there. Millions of morsels awaited her alongside the metallic casings of buildings and vehicles they placed themselves in.
Ouroboros approached the edge of the city. Her tail’s every movement had the earth rumbling. She licked her lips at the spread before her.