Member Since: August 22 2010
Membership status: Member
Bio:Hello! I'm a relatively new and young writer, GTS and in general too. English is not my native language, so I hope you'll understand if you read something in my stories that you find to be somewhat funny or weird-sounding, especially on my first works, but I try to improve all the time.
I usually like to write cruel stuff, I don't know why but that's the kind of genre I like, I think you will find the reason for that in most of my stories when I portray the psychological nature of my giantesses and why they do the things they do, but nevertheless I think I'm leaning towards gentle too, especially towards stories that have heavy character development.
I hope you like my stories and if you do, please do take the small time and effort to drop a review, whether it is just a thanks or a full review, especially one containing constructive criticism. Feedback helps a writer immensely on his writing, his morale and especially his drive to write more.
My DeviantArt page:
Beta-reader: Yes