Reviews For Tiny in reality
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Reviewer: vegetaboy Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: March 12 2024 5:50 AM Title: Chapter 4

Another amazing chapter here.

Again you're writing the dialogue so 'real' and so realistic along with the interaction, this feels like real people and not just empty fetish-puppets. 

Tom's anger, his sadness, his helplessness again is coming across so well here.

And the fact that despite him trying to explain, no one will believe him. Reality itself has been re-written and no one else (so far at least) remembers.

Imagine if you woke up a different ethnicity, or living in a different country, and told people around you, who had no memory/understanding, you would seem crazy or delusional.

And Tom is being honest. But to everyone else around him, they have no memory of this.

It would be infuriating, especially since he was once a big/masucline figure, and now reduced to a doll.

Unable to even pleasure his wife (whoever that may be in each shift) unable to even do day to day things. 

Him breaking down and angrily/crying in this chapter was an inevitability, and Jess didn't help.

(but again, imagine her husband just telling her he was a full sized man and getting angry at her for not believing him)

Her playful/sexy teasing was great to read, but also when she genuinely was concerned when he got upset. 

(only to of course turned to annoyance/anger when he kept up the pretense, at least to her, of his 'fantasy')

I also love the blowjob scene, and her telling him to hit her and her teasing about 'go easy on me' XD She was really playing up the fantasy she thought he wanted. And you wrote the detailed scene really well. 

(Also the scene where he wasn't able to even register to her feeling, until touching her clit)

I wonder, is reality shifting around him, or is Tom being catapulted through realities.

Is his world changing, or is he winding up in Other-Tom's worlds whenever these shifts happen.

Imagine a 4 inch tiny Tom waking up full sized and married to Jane, (or Jess) and trying to tell them he was tiny yesterday. 

Is Tom the 'only' Tom to go through this. (and I'm not expecting an answer as that would no doubt spoil things if it were the case XD

I know it might not fit certain scenes/themes, but I couldn't stop imagining Tom being pushed so far, he just jumped onto Jane, kissing her/crawling around her and almost manically yelling that he's 'her husband' only for Jess-World Jane to be freaking out like "Tom what the hell are you doing! Your Jess's husband! Hey! Get out of there you little-Tom!" 

Sorry for going on some tangents there.

Really enjoying the interactions and characters here, and you're doing a great job making every chapter a fleshed out (and sexy) read. 

Author's Response:

Hi Vegetaboy. 

Wow, thank you for the awesome feedback, this story has already surpassed my expectations in terms of views and rating. I'm just glad a few people enjoy my story. So, thank you. More to come soon 😊

Reviewer: Recoveringlurker Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: March 10 2024 1:28 PM Title: Chapter 4

The reality shifts that happen are interesting.  I don’t think I have seen that in a GTS story. I look forward to future chapters.

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