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Tiana ran as fast as she could. She didn’t know anything about the apparently giant castle she was in but she couldn’t help but run. This madwoman was catching up to her. Her heart beat fast and she couldn’t stop running, her legs wouldn’t allow her. 

Rapunzel on the other hand didn’t want to run. Her prey wasn’t getting away from her giant footsteps. Each step of her bare feet sent shocks to the tiny woman. How DARE she try to escape her. Their fun had only just begun. 

Tiana’s track was stopped by a giant foot right in front of her. Rapunzel smirked down at her prey, and Tiana’s breath was incredibly heavy. “You bitch! Let us go, you monster!”

“I don’t think so” Rapunzel sang teasingly as she pinned her down to the carpet of the castle with her barefoot. “You need to learn your place.”

“You’re crazy! You won’t get away with this!” She squirmed and hit Rapunzel's foot in anger. But she didn’t budge in the slightest. 

Elsa and Anna watched this from nearby. Elsa had sealed the cage with the rest of their new victims with ice so they can’t make it away like that last one had unwisely done. “That’s what they all say” Anna giggles “It’s one of my favorite parts”

The other princesses watch on in horror, some in tears. They had told Tiana it was a bad idea, but this new girl they just met didn’t seem to listen to reason. None of these girls knew each other from a hole in the wall, but none of them wanted to see the others get hurt. These women who captured them were cruel and evil, and they had never been more terrified. 

“I think if you want to get out of there, little girl, I would do the smart thing and worship my foot.” Rapunzel pressed a bit, hoping the show of power would get her to submit. 

But Tiana was defiant “Never!”

Rapunzel saw an opportunity, and she looked to her other captives. Seven other tiny frightened princesses. She couldn’t help but chuckle. She wasn’t powerless anymore, she was the one calling the shots. The last person she had under her foot deserved every bit of it, but this one was innocent. And while part of her was still that girl who cared about others, she had died a while ago. The Rapunzel who remained wasn’t that anymore. This Rapunzel wanted every chance to show just how powerful she had become, to show why she should be feared. “Fine then” 

The girls in the cage watched as Rapunzel lifted her foot off of the defiant Tiana, and they were suddenly hopeful. But her foot kept rising until suddenly it came down in a terrifying stomp, aiming perfectly to completely crush the bottom half of Tiana’s body. And the seven of them become frozen in fear.

Rapunzel heard the screams of the woman she mutilated, the perfect way for Rapunzel to show just how wrong this girl was for challenging her. A chuckle came from her lips, almost one of relief of her affirming the power she so desperately craved. And it felt so good. “Oh man, I needed that.”

Elsa and Anna chuckle at the sight “Getting rid of one already?” Elsa responds “I mean, I don’t think keeping her alive that way is all that fun.”

“I figured the others deserve to know just how serious we are” She said as she lifted her foot again, her gaze turning back to the cage “Hear that girls?” She notices what’s left of the barely alive speck trying to crawl away. But one stomp and… crunch… gone. Her efforts were useless anyway. “Any of you could be next.”

A few of them were in tears, a few frozen in shock, and one or two were angry and looking to avenge the girl this giant had cruelly killed as if she were nothing. 

“Are you sure you haven’t done this more, Raps?” Anna chuckles “Because you are a natural.”

“What can I say, I have been thinking about this alot.” Rapunzel couldn’t help but think of just how amazing it felt. Especially when looking at the rest of the victims she has yet to play with. Tonight was gonna be amazing. It took her so much effort to get to this day, but oh boy was this feeling of power worth it. She could feel herself getting excited at the thought.

Chapter End Notes:

This chapter is rather short, but that's because I wanted to make this closer to a prologue. As you can guess, Rapunzel is going to be the main focus of this story but with Anna and Elsa also taking up a good amount of time already. And what happened to each of them to make these versions cruel is something I definitely want to explore. Especially for Rapunzel. 

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