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Story Notes:

Author's Chapter Notes:

Hope you guys enjoy, it is the first size based story I have written.

‘What the ever-loving fuck?!?’

James looked towards the ever rising wall of cement before him, bewildered.

‘What the fuck happened to me?!?’



                                                            Earlier That Night


‘Mum I’m going out trick or treating!’ James yelled out his open door way, he was currently hopping around trying to get his other leg into his all-in-one Ant costume.


‘Don't you think you’re a little old sweetie?’ The reply drifted up stairs.


‘I only turned 18 a month ago! Besides, I don’t want to miss out on free candy.’ Burbled James as he hurried down the stairs and outside, the door slamming behind him.


‘Don't forget to check your candy for needl-‘ His mothers voice was cut off.


This was it! Despite what he had just told his mother, James’ interest tonight lay upon something other than candy, but just as sweet. Emma. Emma had moved here last year from Melbourne, at 5’8 with billowing blonde hair and a body to boot she had instantly peaked James’ attention and he had been trying to get hers ever since. He had done everything he had seen in movies or could even think of; Letters, Videos, Poems, Songs, all of which however, he had not mustered the courage to give to her and so in her eyes he remained anonymous.


But that changed tonight! He thought to himself.

Tonight he would march over to her house (After grabbing a bit of candy on the way) and profess his love, it was a romantic move fit for the classics.


He began his journey towards her address, stopping off at every house along the way. Most adults seemed shocked to have what was essentially a fully grown man trick-or-treating at their door, but nonetheless they gave him an assortment of candies and sent him on his way. That was until, he came upon the house of Bella McClaire.


Bella was famous in the town for allegedly being a witch. Superstitious nonsense, James thought, in reality she was just Eastern European and kept to herself, two facts which led the neighbours to  endlessly gossip.


As he approached her house however, James’ opinion on the matter began to wane, the large grey brick structure stood out amongst its peers, its sides jagged and jutting as if it were trying to pull itself apart. But James felt compelled and before he had realised that he was moving, he was at the door, knocking.






James stood there, waiting for what felt like an eternity, he was just about to turn and leave when the door creaked open.




There in the doorway stood not an old haggard witch, but a perfectly normal looking, middle aged woman in a devil costume.

‘Tric-Tric-Trick or Treat?’ James Murmured, nervously.


‘Trick.’ The woman purred, her native accent obvious.


James paused for a moment and his face flushed before the woman cracked a smile.


‘Only Kidding, a little old for trick or treating aren’t you?’ She asked condescendingly


‘A little old to be wearing that aren’t you?’ James retorted, he was fed up with people asking him that.


‘My Costume?!?’ The woman yelled, anger clear in her voice.

‘You turn up to my house dressed up as an ant and you complain about my costume? Ive had many an animal tonight Geese, Horses, even a Capybara, but an Ant! They are barely even creatures!’


It was clear the woman was getting increasingly angry now and so James began to back off slowly.


‘Thats right, get away from my house, back in my country we would never be so rude! A fucking ant? fits you well! And take your fucking candy!’ She yelled, throwing a handful of lollipops at James.


James quickly scooped up the lollipops before hurrying down the street.


That was it, no more stops, he would head straight to Emmas house, he thought as tried to unwrap one of the lollipops, a bit of sugar would surely cheer him up.


By the time he arrived at Emmas house, James had finished the lollipop but decided to keep the stick in his mouth to make him look cool. As he stepped on to her front doorstep he braced himself, this was it, this was his moment.



                                                            Back to the Present



‘This was meant to be my fucking moment!’ James yelled at the air before punching it.


James glanced around before his eyes settled upon the discarded lollipop stick next to him.


That Woman, he thought, She’s done this to me, she’s ruined what was meant to be the best night of my life!


As he glanced at the wall of cement and the imperceptible large wooden door above it, James had an epiphany.


If I can get Emma to come to the door I can get her attention and confess my love to her, its a win win!


James ran towards the door and pounded at it with all his might… nothing happened.

He tried again… Same result.

Finally he fell back, defeated, before his back hit something large.

The lollipop stick! I can use this to tap!

As heaved the stick with all his might towards the door James managed to tap it three times.






James waited, if this didn’t work, he was out of ideas.




James eyes lit up as the door before him opened.






Emma was carrying a large bowl of popcorn from the kitchen to the living room when she swore she heard a tapping at the door. As she opened it to look out she couldn’t see any kids or anything, she decided check further out just a bit, in case someone had thrown eggs at her house like last year. As she stepped forward onto her doorstep, something popped under her bare foot.




As she lifted it, a large gooey puddle oozed outwards around a lollipop stick.


Ewww, I hate halloween.


She thought to herself, before slamming the door shut.

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