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Morning Routine
The time was 9:53 am and the city was busy. Thousands where on the road and millions already at work. The continuous rhythm of the city was beating. Like blood in arteries the traffic streamed through the streets driven by the heartbeat of traffic lights.Sunlight flooded the streets. People in business attire could be seen on a short break or heading into the skyscrapers for important appointments. The clatter of stylish patent leather heels was coping with the dampened engine sound of expensive limos.There was one noise however that didn't fit in. Soft at first it got more and more dominant in volume. Hard to describe it was. Like a rush of air. A gale storm. But where would it come from? A tornado with blue sky? One that didn't move a leaf on the trees?The noise ebbed away quickly but was then replaced with a low rumble. A noise so deep that it could be felt rather than heard. Then the frequency changed and a low booming sound rattled the windows, then shattered them with its unimaginable power. The ground heaved and cars skidded out of control as the dampers couldn't keep the tires on the tarmac. Was this the sound of an earthquake? It seemed more plausible to believe that than to admit that a sound like this could cause one.People in the streets tried to cover their ears or tried to keep their balance. The noise was literally mind numbing. Especially the low vibrations blurred their vision and seemed to shake any sensible thought out of their brains. So when it was over after about three seconds the silence was as painful as the noise and hardly anybody was able to think of anything.A shadow obscured the sun. Half a second before it disappeared again. Enough to make people turn their heads. But most of them saw nothing but the building next to them. Those who looked down one of the roads or where able to see the skyline had a different view. A view that should've been really terrifying but was in itself so unbelievable that those who saw it just couldn't tell if it was a hallucination after the mad noise they had just endured.The view rather looked like a photomontage. Miles away but still dwarfing the skyline their eyes saw a pink coloured marabou slipper.But as if to ridicule the thought that its immense size would make it impossible a second one of the same monstrous dimensions stood to the left of it. While the curving arch of the slim sole made them look like four inch heels the clear acrylic towers where indeed two and a half miles high. The mountain slope of an insole was pink as well except for giant, ornate letters in black that said 'Go Do Show' that could be seen through the gap under the giant bridge of the strap. The pink fur on that strap had mile long fibres that stood out in all directions. Beneath that the pink insole formed the rounded lip of the saucy bedroom footwear. With only a thin layer of black rubber the flat sole looked thin compared to the shoe. But what would've been less than a quarter inch on a human lady's slipper was scaled up to form a 500 foot high platform above the ground.Of course none of the people in the shocked metropolis had the means to guess these dimensions. But of course no one really asked as their humongous size was obvious. The violent earthquake however was unexpected. It arrived just before the thunderous noise of the shoes hitting the ground had covered the distance, too.The city was rocked in a violent way. Skyscrapers got stripped of their facades as they got wrenched and bent by the quake. People tumbled across the ground or even worse out of empty window frames. But unlike a true earthquake his one was short. More violent but much shorter than a real earthquake the report of putting down these shoes had been. It was over before the falling glass, concrete and plaster had found its victims in the streets.And also before these victims found their fate the sunlight faded again as something big appeared. Something truly big in comparison to the dainty slippers.Two giant feet appeared and slid gently into the slippers. The crimson red of perfectly pedicured toenails was an eye catcher but only until the giantess rose to her full size. 45 miles tall she stood in her heels. A pink negligee hid nothing under its translucent fabric. And it would've been a hard task to hide the giant breasts that stretched the thin garment's neckline. The hemlines of the skimpy thing were covered with fur matching the slides on her feet. A slim cut thong of the same pink colour was unable to attract the attention it could've deserved if it had not been in the shadow of so well formed and ample breasts. With tall legs and beautiful curved waist the woman was sure one of those who had to speak up to have men's eyeballs pointed at her face. A face that was framed by a blonde mane that was tousled from a night of deep sleep. A face that put her into the early thirties or maybe late twenties as she was clearly drowsy and had the imprints left by some folds of the cushion on her cheeks.Delayed by the huge distance the report of the events on the horizon was unexpected. In the back of their minds people remembered the soft sound of a woman sliding her bare feet into her slide heels. They just didn't have time to realize that the enormous scale would amplify the sound to a deafening noise. And then they heard the groaning of the planetary crust itself. The ground sagged away beneath their feet when the tremors arrived. Her unfathomable weight was deforming the ground for miles and the city suffered. Only the unexplainable origin of the seismic shock prevented the skyscrapers from collapsing as the earth sagged with only a slight rebound. To many smaller buildings however this was more than enough. Warehouses and supermarkets collapsed as the violent jolt tore the walls of corrugated iron apart. Family homes suffered a strange kind of damage as the support beams took the load but as they bent the wallboards were chipped off.The population suffered in a cruel way. The noise itself had been powerful enough to inflict cruel pain. The destructive power of the tremors left them battered to death, crippled or at least painfully injured. And as if it was an act of mercy a shadow engulfed the city. Pink rays were visible around a triangular shape of blackness. It was rapidly filling the sky as it descended. Those looking up saw the giant rubber tread and then thin patches of unrecognizable matter stuck to it. There wasn't enough time to realize that many parts of their city and of course a few molecules of its inhabitants would stick to it in an instant before the giantess stepped on the city.She didn't mind and she didn't notice. This was a morning like usual to her and she moved sleep drugged without watching her step. Still her gait had some female appeal. Her legs were toned and compensated the erratic motions of her feet settling on an uneven ground.Hills of respectable size were only minor bumps to her. A six mile long foot had no difficulties to flatten even larger hills. The fluffy bedroom slides didn't change that. Typical for mules their sole was narrower than the foot inside. Still the two and a half mile long and two mile wide triangle easily covered a lot of landscape.Without a concern and jiggling breasts the giantess walked across the land. Her ponderous twelve mile steps passed over many towns and villages and even omitted a few cities. But not without causing immense destruction and distress just by the tremors produced. But the densely populated land had sprouted so many small towns and settlements that there was not a single step that wouldn't obliterate at least a few hundred people with their tiny properties. And as she walked her annihilating steps hit and squashed more cities into the bottom of her footprints. From a distance it seemed that the small tip of her heel would be less destructive. But it penetrated the ground with it's black rubber tip and cracked the bedrock underneath. Just a rounded square with a 200 foot diagonal it was - but the impact was much harder and the seismic shock levelled everything within a one mile radius. No live remained on the crater it left and when the giantess was unaware of a softer geology her weight pierced it mile deep into the planet and the death radius doubled. And as if all that wasn't enough there was the long, false fur of the marabou slippers. The giant fibres hit the ground and brushed over the landscape. Whole villages where casually smashed into splinters by them.Heedless of the destruction at her feet the giantess was looking at the landscape around her. For an uninvolved observer it would have been easy to guess what she was looking for. But with everyone on the ground subjected to the spreading tremors of her footfalls and even passengers within the many planes flying below mid calf didn't feel distant or untouched enough to think clearly.So they couldn't tell why she was speeding up and turning when she had locked her eyes on a certain spot. Was it the industrial region spreading there? Did she notice what she was constantly trampling under her kinky shoes?Within seconds the giantess stood in front of the area. Stretching herself again her groan turned into a hum. Planes beneath her turned into little sparks as the sound simply exploded the cabins. Just a second later she did a move that was as unexpected as it was familiar. Squatting down her thumbs pulled down the strings of her thong and the fabric groaned and produced thunder like crackles as it stretched between her spreading knees. The giantess exhaled.The yellow jet was bursting out between bald shaven pussylips. Erupting from a 500 foot peehole it spread and fanned to fifteen hundred foot as it arched towards the ground. Giant droplets formed and started to bomb the ground beneath her knees. Capable of destroying a cityblock in a yellow inferno they were nothing against the brutal power of the jet itself. The pressure created so casually by her bladder was pounding the blast of piss into the ground. Earth was washed away and the bedrock was cracked into building sized boulders that were forced out of the crater and rolled across the landscape devastating things and killing people before the wash of pee would.Watching her pee trickling down the giantess didn't mind that the jet moved erratically across the ground. Her slight moves to keep her balance and even the rhythm of her breathing peed strangely curved trenches into the ground beneath her. But as her bladder emptied the whole area was flooded by her pee. A yellow lake spread across the basin she had chosen to receive her golden shower. To her it was just a minor coincidence that the tiny civilization had built an industrial region into it. The little sparks of exploding machinery were quickly squelched by the flood she released. Soon a handful of square miles were filled with brown, stinking morning pee. And just when the basin couldn't hold anymore and started to overflow on the far side her bladder had emptied. The jet ebbed away and fell shorter and shorter until the last heavy drops splattered away any life forms exactly below her flapping labia."Aaaah", she made relieved and with a volume that killed the last struggling survivors within her pee. Her powerful leg muscled caused the ground beneath her to groan as she raised from her squat. Her knees kept the thong strung up and with a content look at the puddle she stepped clear of it before she allowed the tiny piece of fabric to slide down to her ankles. With gentle moves she extricated her heels from the little strings. The village buried beneath the little strip of fabric had escaped her attention. Most of it's inhabitants had been smashed by the tonnage of fabric. The few survivors were tormented by the concentrated fragrance of the female sex that had seeped into the fabric during her sleep. Bending down to pick up the skimpy cloth the enormous breasts stretched the neckline of her negligee with their proud weight. The handful of people who survived the devastation caused by the fabric again as she picked it up got a view of it. But none of them was sad when she stood and walked away without wasting a glance on their demise.On the move once again her giantess steps caused instant death beneath the black rubber soles and all around the towering heels. Her drowsy appearance had almost vanished and she was walking with the natural elegance of an experienced woman who was well aware of the erotic signals she was sending out. Of course cities getting underfoot of her marabou slides were pressed just as flat but the step itself was more confident and part of a sublime female gait. The pink thong dangling from her hand was a strange detail however and as if she realized that, too, the giantess started to pull up her negligee while she was walking.Her enormous boobs were pulled up and then flopped down when they slid out of the fabric. When they slapped against her ribcage and then against each other the triple thunderclap shattered windows and deafened people. It was the loudest sound ever heard on the planet. As the ground was soft to a giantess of her size her steps were deafening but comparably soft.Pulling the negligee over her head the giantess was now walking naked in her fluffy heels. Regardless of her size it was a sight to remember. But as big as she was the show was overwhelming. People forgot to flee as they stared up at her. It didn't change the outcome of her passage. At her size and speed humans were simply impotent to escape the death radius of her footfalls.As she continued to walk the planet found time to realise her appearance. Disturbing footage spread across the media. Watching on the screen from relative safety people could tell that she was doing something like a morning routine and they asked themselves how she intended to wash herself. There was no shower of her size and the oceans of the world where shallow to her brobdignagian scale. Only a few parts of the oceans would be ankle deep to her and the deepest oceanic trenches were too shallow to fit even one foot into them.But whatever they thought about it the giantess didn't care. She was indeed heading for the ocean. A few channels disappeared from the media network when she stepped squarely into a big city. The disappearance of smaller towns under her sole was becoming a common occurrence.The message spread across the networks. She was going to wash in the ocean. The message didn't matter to those in her path. But others saw hope. A stupid hope concerning people who lived on the shore and had no idea of the tsunamis she would cause should she wade into the depths of the ocean. And a hope that was deprived even before she stepped into the water.Upon reaching the shore the giantess looked across the blue sea - and turned. Her giant feet still in her sexy footwear trampled carelessly across coastal cities that had hoped to be safe.On the densely populated coast her steps couldn't mercifully land in places with less life to be wiped out. She placed her feet as heedless as before and turned a footwear that many thought was kinky into the cause of an unprecedented Armageddon.She followed the coast for hundreds of miles which was not much of a walk for her. Then she suddenly stopped. Looking at her feet for the first time she didn't mind the smoke wafting up or the remains of whole cities crumbling to dust from the impact of her weight. Instead she simply watched herself as she slid her feet out of the slides. Compacting under her bare feet what had crumbled seconds ago she stepped back and bend down. Extending two fingers from her left hand she managed to hook under the toe strap while holding the thong with the remaining two. With a quick motion she lifted the pink shoes and as if to mock another city where inhabitants had thought to be far enough from the footfalls and the sea she put her shoes down there. Then she dropped her negligee into them and turned towards the water.Even testing the water with her big toe produced a destructive wave that rolled along the coast sinking small vessels like yachts and fishing boats. People on the beaches where washed into the sea just because she wanted to feel the tropical warmth of the salt water. Content with it she stepped into the ocean.To the giantess the shore was shallow. Of course her first step took her miles away from the coast. Still the water level couldn't even cover her toes. Her careless step however caused and enormous splash and a gushing tsunami spread out in a rapidly growing circle. Given no time to turn into the wave only lucky ships could ride it and where the monster wave hit the coast it washed away whole cities.The following waves were less destructive. Not because she was stepping more careful. There was simply not much left to be destroyed. Wading towards deeper waters the giantess was just carefree. Her naked tits swayed in the warm sun and she breathed the refreshing air.Leaving the shoreline miles behind with just a few steps she found the water clear enough and bent down. Her thong it the waves and with humongous sloshes she started to wash the remains of the night's fluids from it. That done she returned to the coast and her shoes. Careful to keep her negligee dry she arranged them so that the wet thong could dry before she headed into the ocean again. A careless step of her bare foot changed the coastline forever. It wasn't all wrong to call it a natural harbour. It was a rather big bay created by her enormous foot.Soon the water turned deep blue and she realized that it completely covered her toes. A few more steps and she felt that it was deep enough or at least as deep as it would get within reasonable time.She loved the fresh feeling of clear water on her but cheeks and over her pussylips. She was thoughtless about sitting down. She just wanted to wash away the last traces of pee on her pussylips. Cubic miles of water got displaced by her firm, giant ass and it was nothing she cared about. She just started to splash her crotch and had no eye for the wave that would wash away cities miles away from the shore.More handfuls of warm water wetted her stomach and then her naked breasts. Cascades of water fell off her nipples and the curving bottoms of her breasts. Her navel turned into a giant lake and unbeknownst to her it even caught a flattened shipwreck from the giant gushes of water she used for her morning wash.For a moment it seemed as if she would splash her face with the salt water but those who could remain calm saw her think better of it. Then she did what human technology was unable to do. She simply slid her hand under her right breast and lifted it. With the other hand she gently brushed across the skin that was usually the fold under the mighty cup. Content with what she felt she did the same with her left breast. Then she gently pressed and fondled her boobs. It should've been just the daily routine of a voluptuous woman. But when she seemed to be done she hesitated and then continued to explore her own skin. Taking a deep breath she moved her fingers towards her nipples. Barely touching each with a fingertip the soft touch caused them to swell and harden. Brushing her hands across the growing nipples she sight when the hardened nipples bumped through the gaps between her fingers. Another soft touch from her fingertips made her shiver with delight. Goosebumps formed on her tits and her areola tensed. On her giant scale these gentle touches were strong enough to pulverize rocks. But the giantess got more and more aroused by them. Her giant breasts got even rounder as her own attention caused them to swell. A subtle process indeed, but obvious on her gigantic scale.Once again she lifted each breast but this time it was no examination. It was an act of female pride. Rotating her shoulders she pushed them together to form an almost three mile long cleavage valley. A sigh of wanton echoed across the ocean.The lewd woman bit her lip as her hands headed south. She moaned when her finger found her clit. She closed her eyes and gently traced her bald pussylips with her finger. Circling the entrance of her vulva she prolonged the pleasure by refusing to delve into herself. Instead she rotated her hips and caused her bottom to push up another giant wave. When her finger returned to her clit it was already wet. She circled it before her finger parted her pussylips with a smacking sound. She cooed slightly. The amount of wetness was unexpected. Greedy for pleasure her labia hugged her finger and opening her nether lips caused shiploads of her cream to mingle with the sea water.With a sigh she refused to go on. It was a fight between sudden desire and experience in self pleasure. With a loud moan she pinched and pulled her labia between thumb and forefinger. Forcing herself to leave her crotch alone she threw her head back and started to knead her breasts. Her eyes opened again and a determined look spread on her face.Rolling to one side she used her hands to support her weight before she got up. On a whim she dragged her feet through the shallow water creating splashes that reached the stratosphere. To her however it was just some lazy water play. Giant waves devastated even more coastal regions before she stepped ashore.Once again her giant feet annihilated whole counties with a single step. But the small towns and villages were squashed flat without notice as she was up to something bigger. To her the next metropolis was just a few steps away. At her size there wasn't much to discern about it. Upon seeing it she straddled the little heap of dwellings. With a lustful gasp she touched her breasts and then moved one hand south to caress her pussy. Squatting down she spread her legs and produced wet sounds of thunderous volume as her pussylips parted. Knowing what to expect from the little things beneath her she no longer hesitated to press her finger into the wetness of her cunt. Grinding her clit against her hand she pleased herself and moaned. A viscous drop of cum hit the suburbs and devastated huge parts. Glistening her finger slid out and she started to rub her clit under her finger tip. Then she leaned forward and got on her knees. Still caressing her clit she lowered her butt and pressed her giant labia and then her whole pussy into the city.To her this was just a little wet kiss from her pussy. Something she liked to do as it gave a pleasant tingle on her most sensitive body part as it got smeared into it. The metropolis however was hit by her giant sex. Loaded with pheromones her female fragrance had been omnipresent and caused people to gasp for air. Then her wet folds bulldozed across the city in no time. Pink flesh and thick wetness crushed and squashed the millions of tiny people faster than a nuclear attack could've done. They were gone even before her giant nerves could've transmitted the soft tingle towards her brain. Their end produced nothing but a soft moan from her and they couldn't even hear it. Leaving a damp spot the giantess lifted herself off the honey coated remains she left behind. Once again her finger found the way into her depths and rubbed away the little trace of dirt left on her pussy. Getting up she let her eyes wonder across the land for the next one. Seeing it she moved ponderously slow towards it and used the time to caress her nipples and fondle her sex. A few unworthy cities met their demise under her bare soles before she next the next one that was big enough for her - but of course big was not an attribute she could use for anything built by the tiny civilization below. The fate of the next metropolis was sealed. Once again she got down on her knees and sighed softly when she dabbed her wet pussylips at it. Then she sunk down with more weight and smeared all of it with a determined rotation of her hips.As she did her eyes fell upon a collection of cities that were too small to please her cunt. But as there was kind of a flock of these she got on all fours and crawled over them. Swinging her big breasts she enjoyed the display of her mountainous breasts. Showing off her giant tits obviously pleased her more than resting them on the tiny audience a few seconds later. She just sighed and rolled them across the satellite towns even though the quake of her settling breasts had already destroyed them.Once again she got up and continued to a huge city. Straddling it there was no doubt that she was willing to end this kind of play. Her finger moved faster within her pussy and she gasped in soft pleasure. Heavy drops of pussy drool bombed the city and destroyed vast areas before the giantess sunk down on her knees. Squeezing her breasts and panting it was clear that she wanted to finish. The people beneath her had to watch her giant love grotto above them as the giantess started to cum. It was a soft orgasm. Some morning pleasure. And when she felt it she just relaxed and allowed her soft and swollen pussy to squash the metropolis beneath her. A nice tingle that added to the gentle orgasm she felt. A little bit of pleasure in the morning.For a moment she enjoyed the wet feeling beneath her and gently smeared the mess beneath her crotch. Then she got up with a yawn and stretched again. Swinging her boobs in the process she looked at them with pride. She brushed up a little bit of dust stuck to them from the cities she had flattened. Then she turned towards the see again. It was an aftermath to the world when she trampled more cities without even looking where she put her feet. The killing ceased when she entered the water. The coasts where already bare of life. Big splashes cleaned her crotch. Then she returned to her clothes. A few last catastrophes happened when she put on her thong, her negligee and her marabou slides. Then she walked off and suddenly took a step up. Walking up an invisible stair she disappeared from the world. A world that would never forget her and always live in fear that she would return to them for her morning routine.
Hedin, January 2014

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