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Author's Chapter Notes:

The setup for the story and our initial shrinking. All the endings deviate from this chapter. No tags to add to this.

You groaned as you awkwardly slumped into your seat. You had been lucky enough to get a window seat for this flight at a decent price. Though it was an over night flight so it wasn’t like you had much to really look at while you were here. The rest of the cabin was still filing in, your gaze lazily dancing down the queue, not really taking stock of any one in particular.

You paid half attention to a woman in her early 20s, easily in the middle of college, plop her sizeable butt onto the aisle seat in the row directly across from yours. From her hair and piercings she was obviously part of the alternative scene, though you didn’t know enough about that sort of thing to know if she was punk, goth, emo or anything else. She seemed prepared for the long night flight, dressed in cozy looking baggy sweats and hoodie with some band you didn’t know emblazoned on it, cradling one of those airplane pillows in her arms. 

You were about to take notice of her hair when your view was blocked by the attractive body of a woman around 30 stowing luggage in the top compartment of your row. She was dressed in a comfortable though classy business attire; heels, stockings, pencil skirt, blouse and blazer. Her shoulder length brown hair framed her mask covered face. You contemplated where she had to have been coming from to be dressed like that for an overnight flight, but you broke your gaze, not wanting to make the rest of this trip awkward for the both of you by looking like a creep. She awkwardly sidled into your row and sat down in the middle seat, wedging a professional looking shoulder bag under the seat in front of her. You paid each other no mind as the plane finished loading and the crew began preparing for take off.


Once the plane hit cruising altitude the seat belt sign finally went out. You could almost feel the collective sigh as a chorus of metal clacking echoed around the cabin as folks unbuckled to get into a comfortable sleeping arrangement. The lights dimmed and the cabin fell into near total darkness, only the pale glow of the emergency lights on the floor giving any illumination. Your row mate pulled down her tray table, laying her head on her arms to get some z’s. You leaned an arm against the wall of the plane and did your best to get some sleep, it’ll be many many hours before you get to your destination.


You awake to an unfamiliar dark environment, at least it looked unfamiliar but the muffled sound of the plane’s roaring jet engines was still clearly present. You also realized you were laying completely flat on your side when you should have been sitting in a chair. Bolting upright, you quickly looked around, struggling to come to terms with where you were. You recognized that you were still in your row, hell you were still in your seat, but everything was far too big. It was difficult to ascertain your exact size in the darkness but you knew you were well under a foot, smaller than most dolls, easily. 

You then noticed that you were alone, the office woman no longer in her seat, but the goth coed across the way sleeping soundly (or as soundly as you can in a cramped airline seat at any rate) in her seat. So your flight hadn’t landed yet, but with how dark it was, you had no real idea of just how long you had been this tiny, or how much longer until daybreak would start to light up the cabin. 

Your thought were interrupted as an impossibly large humanoid shadow briskly glided down the walkway. How was that a person? They were just far too big. Way too big. You felt a panic attack coming on as you began to lose your footing, stumbling around in the dark you tripped on a large object hidden in the dark, letting out a yelp. Glass. Rectangular. Flat. Oh shit. This was your phone. And it was huge. The realization brought you back to earth as you did your best to try to work it, but it seemed like you were too small to register a touch for it, so that wasn’t going to get you help any time soon. Looking back across the row you weighed your options. 

You could wait for the woman in the seat next to you to come back from wherever she was and get her attention. You knew where she’d sit since planes had assigned seats of course, so you didn’t have to worry about her accidentally sitting on you. But with how dark the cabin was, there was no way she was really going to be able to see you for hours and you really didn’t like the idea of just sitting here in the dark at this size with no one knowing about you. The plane was lit a little bit better near the aisle and you knew the aisle seat was empty, so you could safely increase your chances of being seen if you could get there. Remembering the person that walked by earlier, you remembered how tiny and vulnerable you felt from that. Being found by just anyone would be a death sentence. You’d need to hide until the right person walked by, like a flight attendant. Yeah they’d be able to help you if they found you! 

The plan was settled. You’d get to the aisle seat, do your best to be found by a flight attendant, and hide from everyone else. Easy. With no time to waste you began your trek across the row.

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