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That night I didn't find it the easiest to sleep... then again, you try sleeping when you're reduced to doll size. It also wasn't the most comfortable thing ever sleeping on Amanda's dresser.

The next morning, I find myself awaking slightly startled.

"You okay, baby?" I heard Amanda ask. I look up. I had fallen down into her open drawer. It was just a good thing the drawer had been open, otherwise I might have fallen onto the floor and splatted. I try to pull myself up but end up falling on my butt instead. Finally, Amanda grabs me and removes me from the drawer, setting me back down on top of the dresser where I started.

"Heh, thanks" I said, feeling embarassed for needing such help.

"Of course" Amanda said, and began carrying me away from the bedroom. I shot her a curious look back.

"Where are we going?" I asked.

"To get breakfast, silly" Amanda said, "I'm gonna try to keep your routine as normal as possible, even if you're a little smaller"

"I appreciate that" I said, "but I don't really feel much like eating"

"Non-sense" Amanda said, setting me down on her kitchen counter as she scrounged through her fridge. She then arose, holding out some pancake batter.

"Amanda, I honestly don't feel like I'm in the mood for breakfast" I sighed.

"Okay" she shrugged, "but then you'll miss out on the good news I have for you"

"What good news?" I asked, slowly perking up, watching as Amanda walked away from the kitchen.

"Eh nothing" she shrugged, obviously acting sarcastic nothing, "you dont want any of my breakfast, so... I don't really think it's that big a deal!"

"Oh, please just tell me" I sighed, throwing my arms down in frustration.

"Okay okay!" Amanda sighed, unable to hold herself back from telling me. In fact, so much so that she practically lunged at the counter to make sure I heard her loud and clear, "OKAY, SO GUESS WHAT?"

I fell backwards, afraid she might've crushed me with her hands pressed on the counter but I was placed safely in between them - for the moment.

"Uh what?" I squeaked meagerly.

"I got in touch with my cousin Sterling... from the magic academy" Amanda said.

"That's great!" I said, slightly jumping from joy. "What'd she say?"

"Well, she said she's not an expert... guess she dropped out after a year or so, but she has some spell books and she's willing to at least try it. She even said some friend of hers might be willing to help" Amanda explained.

"That is great news!" I exclaimed, ready for this ridiculous spell to be over with.

Amanda cracked a slight smile, perhaps happy to see me finally cheered up for the first time since being so reduced in size. She proceeded towards the stove and began conducting herself as if everything were still normal, but I still didn't feel like anything had been resolved, so I sheepishly chimed in.

"Hey, uh when are we going to see Sterling?" I asked.

"I don't know" Amanda shrugged, reaching to get the pancake batter before dripping some onto the pan. "I guess as soon as you want, but I don't see what the big deal is, Cassandra's gonna learn the re-growth spell soon, and if she can't, I doubt Sterling can"

"Amanda, please..." I moaned, "this is important to me..."

She walked over towards me and I forced myself to stand up so that I could crane my neck up to see her face from the counter top level.

"Bobby..." she said, "you should know I care a lot about you. I'd never let anything bad happen to you..."

"I know..." I stuttered, but she wasn't finished speaking yet.

"...you trust me, dont you?" she asked.

"Of course I do..." I said, "but..."

"No buts" she said, and gave me a caring smile as she glanced down at me on the counter, then back towards the pancakes, "Now hang tight, little guy. I'm gonna get breakfast for us"

"Do you need to call me that?" I asked, letting out a frustrated sigh.


"Y'know little..." I sighed.

"Well I don't mean it as an insult" Amanda explained, nonchalantly preparing the pancakes while she spoke. "But you ARE little. Besides, you're kinda cute like that"

"Cute?" I asked nervously. Something about the word made me uncomfortable in this situation. Amanda drew closer and left a small plate (which was still large enough for me to lay on with plenty of room) in front of me with a small pancake.

"Yeah, y'know..." Amanda said, reaching her hand towards me. I might've been nervous to scurry away but she had already surrounded me with her fingers and began to press them against my body, until she had me wrapped up in her grip. "...you're just... yknow cute"

By now, she had propped me up and had me secured in her grip, being careful not to hold too tightly as she lifted me closer to her curious eyes.

"Amanda, please put me down" I stuttered, taking a nauseating glance at the ground below me.

"Aw c'mon" Amanda smiled and laid another kiss on me with her massive lips. She finally set me down on the counter and I took a moment to marvel at her collosal size compared to mine. "You gotta take chances once in a while, and how often will you have a chance to be like THIS?"

"Who said I wanted to be like this?" I asked, finding myself walking towards the plate of pancakes. I reluctantly tore off a piece that was the size of my head and took a bite. "Hey, this isn't bad"

"Damn straight" Amanda smiled.

"So if we're not gonna see Sterling soon, what ARE we going to do?" I asked, in between bites of the giant pancakes.

"Hmm, I'm not sure" Amanda said, "I suppose we could go to the mall"

"The mall? What for?" I asked.

"To go shopping for your new dollhouse" she chuckled. I shot her a nasty glare back. "I'm kidding, relax. But seriously, we should go"

"I don't know..." I sighed.

"It's not like I'm really giving you a choice, Bobby" Amanda smiled, "normally you're reluctant to come shopping with me but I'm certainly not going to leave you like this alone. You could get hurt"

"I don't need to be taken care of" I said, "it's okay if you want to go out for a while, I can hold my own"

"Non-sense" Amanda said, effortlessly lifting me from the table with her hand, keeping a firm grip on me as she carried me into her room again. "I insist"

"Heh, you're not gonna make this easy, are you?" I asked.

"Nope" she grinned and kissed me again before putting me down into her open purse.

"You're not gonna let me ride in your shirt again?" I asked.

"You're pushing your luck" she laughed, and zipped the purse, shutting me out. Now I was simply alone in the confined chamber along with the collection of paraphanelia that included her lipstick, cell phone, a small wallet and keys. All of them appeared to be set pieces on a movie to me. I leaned myself up against the lipstick and sighed.

Guess this magic stuff is more complicated than I thought...
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