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Day 9

There was a knock on Scott’s door; this woke him up with his eyes still closed. “Yeah?” asked Scott as he heard the door open. “Come now Scott, time to get up” spoke Riza’s voice. “Do I have to?” asked Scott as he slowly opened his eyes and looked at his sister. He saw Ritz was standing behind, within her hands were a tape measurer. “I afraid so brother” answered Ritz as she straighten the tape measurer.   

Scott took a deep sigh as he slowly stood up, holding onto his pyjamas as he found them to have out grown him. Scott then looked up at his twin sisters and saw that his height was between their collar and breasts.

Scott quickly looked away from the two. “Wow...guess it was lot this time huh” said Riza as she scratched the back of head. “You think...I only just bought this just a few days ago” snapped Scott as he looked back up. “Gees calm down please” said Riza as she waved her hands at him.

Scott took a deep breath and said, “Fine, sorry for snapping” “That’s okay,” said Riza as she rubbed Scott’s head, “Come on sis, how tall is he?” Scott looked and saw Ritz stood next to him; Riza made Scott stand up straight as well as trying to keep his pyjamas from falling while Ritz then pulled out the tape measurer and saw how tall he was now.

Riza saw Ritz rolled the tape measurer back, let Scott go and the two of them looked at her. “Well sis?” asked Riza. “How tall am I now?” asked Scott as he turned to face her. Ritz looked at the two of them and answered, “4’3” Scott blinked for a bit before he could say anything, he took a deep breath and said, “4’3...god...I...I was just 4’6 just yesterday”

Ritz and Riza saw that Scott was going red and was about to cry. The two of them hugged him as he burst into tears. The rest of the day Ritz and Riza tried their hardest to cheer Scott up.


Donna looked up from her notes and asked, “You really wanted to skip to that day?” Scott nodded. “I’m sorry for asking but why?” asked Donna.  “Well you see...”


Day 10

There was a knock on Scott’s door; this woke him up with his eyes still closed. “Yeah?” asked Scott as he heard the door open. “Come now Scott, time to get up” spoke Riza’s voice. “Do I have to?” asked Scott with the sound of depression in his voice. Scott slowly opened his eyes and looked at his sister. He saw Ritz once again standing behind her and once again within her hands was a tape measurer. “I afraid so brother” answered Ritz as she straighten the tape measurer.   

Scott took a deep sigh as he slowly stood up, holding onto his pyjamas as he found them to have out grown him, he wore the same pyjamas as the day before. Scott then looked up at his twin sisters and saw that his height was between their collar and breasts.

Scott quickly looked away from the two. “Err” was all Riza say as she scratched the back of head. “What?” snapped Scott as he looked back up. He looked at her with a confused look “Is it me,” said Riza as she placed her right hand on the top of Scott’s head, “Or does it look like that your not smaller?”

“What?” asked Scott as Riza took her hand off his head. “Only one way to find out” said Ritz as she pulled out the tape measurer and read his height.

Scott and Riza looked at Ritz and awaited her answer.

“4’3” said Ritz as she slowly looked at the two of them. “Are...are you sure?” asked Scott. Ritz checked again and again and saw that the digits are the same, haven’t changed one bit. “You haven’t changed...Scott,” said Ritz as she slowly looked at him, “You’re still the same height”

“You’re serious! You’re not just saying that for my benefits are you?” asked Scott. “No, look you two, look” answered Ritz as she showed them the measurements. With that the three of them spent the rest of the day in high spirits. Scott hope that he did in fact stopped shrinking.     


“Well that is good news to hear” said Donna as she looked up from her notes.


Day 11

Scott sat down upon the many chairs within the waiting room; he was sitting in-between Ritz and Riza as they were in the waiting room with him. The three of them held their heads high as Scott was still the same height as the day before, 4’3.

As the twins was about to lean towards the old magazine rack, they heard Scott’s  name being called out. Scott looked at Ritz and Riza then he slowly stood up from where he sat and made his way to the doctor's office. Scott couldn't help but notice how everything around him seem to be out of place, due to the fact that he’s a foot shorter than the last time he was at the doctors.

Scott stood in front of her office door noticing how much higher the door handle was to him, took a moment before he knocked. “Come in” spoke his doctor, Chloe Jones. Scott slowly opened the door; he noticed that the door was heavier than he remembered it to be. Scott poked his head into the office. He saw the doctor once again busy at her desk. Chloe looked up from her desk and saw Scott's head poking through. She saw how much lower down Scott’s head was at the door then remembered it to be.

“Erm...er, ” was all Chloe say as she gave him a quester to come in. Scott slowly walked in with out looking up. Chloe looked at him with a surprised look. “Wow...Erm...you’re smaller than I remember” said Chloe as she looked at him standing a few feet away from.

“Well...I have been shrinking this past week” said Scott with a smile on his face. Chloe looked at him, still in her seat with an even more confused look. “Have?” was all Chloe as she shifted the way she sat.

Scott looked at her and saw that she had the look of someone that figured out something. Chloe leaned towards him and looked at his feet. She slowly stood up from her seat, still looking at his feet as she walked towards him.

As she was close enough, Chloe slowly looked passed his feet all the way to his face. The two of them saw that Scott stood only as tall as her breast. “Well...the tests came back and they say that you’re just healthy, showing nothing that’s effecting your well being apart from of course with you shrinking” said the doctor as she looked at him worried.

Scott looked up at Chloe with a smile on his face. Chloe asked him why he seem happy about the test. Scott took a deep breath and began to explain the moment that found himself to stop shrinking.

“So you think that you stopped shrinking?” asked Chloe as she picked up her notes. “Yep, still 4’3 for three days” answered Scott. “Well to be on the safe side lets take measurements” said Chloe as she pointed towards the measurement board. He did what he was told, took his shoes off and stood had his measurements taken, which still read 4’3.

Chloe still have no idea if Scott was in fact stopped shrinking or if it was some sort of temporary delay. “Well Scott, to be on the safe side. I feel that we need to do a bit more tests to see if you have indeed stopped shrinking” said Chloe. “So what are you saying?” asked Scott as he looked at her confused. “I’m saying that it would be your best interest along with others that we do more tests” answered Chloe. “Erm...okay, so what do I need to give you another set of samples?” asked Scott. “No, Scott, no” said Chloe as she shook her head, “We need to you to come in person”

“Where do I need to go in person?” asked Scott. “Well Scott, its just so happen that you’re not the only one with a size problem” answered Chloe. “I’m sorry?” asked Scott. “Let’s say that you’re not the only person that suffered from size reduction from different causes” answered Chloe.

“Really...are you saying that there are other people shrinking like me?” asked Scott. “Yes and no” answered Chloe. Scott looked at her all confused. “You understand when we meet them” said Chloe. “Where are we meeting them?” asked Scott.

Chloe put her notes down over at her desk, looked over to her and answered, “St. Mercy Hospital” 


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