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Author's Chapter Notes:

Coming into the briefing room, Trent is told something very shocking...

Passing through the halls, he saw an empty city. There was rarely a single person out and about. The situation must have been grim for this to happen. On his way to the briefing room, he passed by the Infirmary, which was still locked up. As he walked by, he heard something. It was muffled, but he thought he could hear screaming. Terrible, angry screaming. It gave him a chill, actually. He shook his head, and then continued into the Briefing Room.

The doors slid open as Trent came into the room, and he saw an almost empty room. All that was there were Dr. Weir and Rodney McKay. Dr. Weir, sitting at the end of the table, looked up as he came in and smiled. "Thank you for joining us, Trent. Please, have a seat." She pointed to the seat next to where Rodney sat. He complied with her wishes and sat next to the scientist, who was looking a little nervous.

He thought about asking Rodney what the problem was. Although he didn't do much, he and Rodney talked often in the mess hall. Rodney, after all, loved to eat and Trent loved to cook. There were many occasions where Trent would have to give Rodney a special-made lunch due to his citrus allergy. The two looked at each other, and then back towards Dr. Weir. Rodney then held up a remote and brought up a video feed on the room's monitor.

The video feed showed a map of Atlantis. It was something Trent had seen before. There were small, blinking dots all over the map, and he realized it was a reading from the City's life-sign sensors. In the map, he saw 3 white lights, all in the same room, and then many clusters of orange lights, grouped together in multiple rooms.

"What you're looking at is the sensor feed, Trent" said Rodney, watching Trent studying the map and the dots. "Yes" replied Dr. Weir. "We have a bit of a situation on our hands that you need to be made aware of." "You think?" replied Rodney, sarcastically. "He didn't exactly think he was coming down here for a social call" Dr. Weir then raised an eyebrow at Rodney. "Okay, enough, Rodney."

Dr. McKay then stood up and walked Trent over to the map. "Although you're already aware that this is a reading of life-signs in the city, this differentiates between two things. You obviously noticed the orange and white dots? Well, the white dots are humans. Those three dots? That's the three of us."

Trent sat, confused. "Okay, but there are only three white dots. There are hundreds of humans in Atlantis, aren't there?" Rodney looked over, rolling his eyes a little. "Medical Emergency, remember? Normally, yes, there are hundreds o f humans in Atlantis. However, there are how hundreds of orange dots. There are now hundreds of Wraith in the city."

Trent, gasping, asked Rodney what was going on. Dr. Weir stood up and walked over to them. "Trent, listen carefully. I don't want you to be alarmed by this, but the medical emergency in question is a retrovirus." Trent looked at Dr. Weir and tilted his head. "A retrovirus? What, you mean like that stuff Dr. Beckett made that turned Wraith into humans?"

Rodney, sarcastically responds. "Yes, my boy. Just like that. Amazing that it took you this long to figure it out" Dr. Weir looked over at Rodney. "That's enough, McKay. This is a serious situation and you have to be serious with him." She then pulled Trent's arm back over to the table, sitting him down next to where she sat. She let out a deep sigh and began to explain what was going on.

Chapter End Notes:

Where could this new retrovirus have come fromand what is it doing?

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