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Author's Chapter Notes:

Richard takes Nick and Hannah into another room and begins to talk, wondering if they know how their miniaturization happened...

Richard, Nick, and Hannah were finally together again, though it wasn't as any of them had guessed that it would be. They had all come to this cabin for a nice, fun vacation, and none of them had had any fun with it so far. Richard had been forced into the servitude with Cindy not once, but twice now. Nick and Hannah had nearly gotten killed twice together, Nick a few more times than Hannah. They were now the size of tiny action figures and had no idea how to get back to their original height, and now it looked like they'd caused some tension between Richard and his wife. This was definitely an interesting, and bad weekend thus far.

The two tiny friends were sitting, calmly, in Richard's hand, holding onto one another as their giant friend was walking them to another room. They still couldn't believe the situation, nor could they believe just how much power their two friends now held. They could hear the booms from each and every one of Richard's steps as he moved. They could see the muscles in his arms, sides, and neck moving every time he took a breath and took a step. Were they not incredibly scared at the situation, they might start liking this situation. Hannah could definitely appreciate those giant muscles, each larger than her entire body, moving from side to side as Richard walked through the cabin.

Looking past the giant, ab-filled chest that was carrying them, they could still see their friend, and were glad to have caught his attention. Cindy had nearly killed them many times by now, and they were in a lot of danger at this size. The warm heat coming from Richard's fingers was warming them up, not only physically, but emotionally. They were glad that things would be going better, from now on. They were found, and the torture and danger would stop. That's what they thought was going to happen now that they'd gotten his attention, anyways.

As Richard came into a bedroom, right across from the one they'd been in before, they could hear another set of booming steps behind them. Nick and Hannah looked and shivered as they saw Cindy's naked form, stomping into the other bedroom, presumably to get dressed, as Richard had told her to do only moments before. They were very glad that Richard was the one to have discovered them, and not her. If she was so forward and mean with Richard, someone taller than herself, there was no telling what she would be doing with them, at their current height.

Richard closed the door behind him, mostly, after having glanced down, seeing his friends' reaction to seeing Cindy. He wanted to keep them from seeing her as much as possible, for right now. She had been out of line since this trip began, and a lot longer than that. Cindy had been dominating and mean towards him for years, but he'd never gotten the courage to stand up to her and tell her that she wasn't doing the right thing. It took Nick and Hannah...it took his friends' lives being in danger for him to finally stand up to her.

He only wished that this would stay, what with him being in charge and not being a doormat for her, literally. He would have to fight for that thought, though. Cindy would, no doubt, try to take control of the situation, and their marriage, any time during the day. She would clearly be upset for what he'd done with her. For Nick and Hannah, for his friends' sake, he would need to fight it off and make sure she stays in line. Their lives being in danger of getting hurt was a good motivator for him. He wasn't exactly sure he could resist her forever, but he'd try his best, for them.

Richard found a small computer desk against one of the walls of the room and slowly set his hand down on top of it, letting Nick and Hannah hop off. Slowly getting to his knees, he brought his face down, towards him and just stared them down. He had an apologetic, yet curious expression on his face as he looked at his tiny friends. He wasn't sure what he could say to them, after all they'd been through, nor could he say anything on the shock of seeing them so small. All he could say, at first was “Hi, Hannah...Nick.”

The two tiny friends looked at each other and blinked. “Hi” is all he could come up with? They almost started to laugh at the baffled response they'd gotten out of Richard. Turning towards him, Nick yelled up, towards him. “Thanks for helping out out back there, bud! If you hadn't have done what you did, Hannah and I might very well be stuck to the bottom of a certain person's foot by now...” Hannah, shivering a little at the thought of being smashed under Cindy's foot, quickly nodded and added. “Yes...t-thank you, Richey.”

The three of them sat down together and finally started talking, Richard trying to find out what happened. “Okay...so...I'm completely freaked out right now. You two...how did you become...like this? What happened to you?” Nick and Hannah both looked at each other, wishing they had an answer for him. Unfortunately, not even they knew how this came to be. “We're...not really sure ourself, Richard” said Nick. “We got here a couple hours ago, took a nap, heard a storm come through, and then we woke up, tiny and down at the floor, running away from your wife's feet.”

Hannah quickly nodded, confirming the situation. “Y-Yes, he's right. She...tried to stomp on us! Twice! And we...we...” Hannah couldn't take the situation very well. Nick wrapped his arms around her and let her cry into his shoulder. “Richard...” said Nick. “This situation is bad, and Cindy just made it worse. We don't know how this happened, and don't know how to fix it. What we do know is that it happened after we got here. It could have something to do with that storm that came through, but I can't be certain. For now, though, we need your help.”

Richard had wanted to hear an answer from them, but what they knew was more than he knew. It seemed likely that the freak storm that came through had something to do with it. If so, however...they wouldn't be able to figure out how to get Nick and Hannah back to their original heights until it happened again, assuming another storm didn't just make the two of them smaller, or all four of them smaller. He sighed and nodded towards them. “Yes, Nick, Hannah, I'll take care of you. I'll make sure you don't get hurt anymore.”

“We both will” said a familiar voice from the other side of the room. The three of them turned and all got a strange feeling as Cindy walked into the room, wearing a blouse and a pair of panties, slowly coming in. Nick and Hannah ran back into Richard's hand, eyeing Cindy, still not trusting in her, despite that she knows they they're not bugs. Hannah, especially, sent Cindy a foul gaze, remembering everything that she had made Richard do earlier.

“I want to help, too” she said, trying to put a grin on her face. “I'm sorry...I almost stepped on you, you two. I didn't mean it.” All three of them were incredibly confused as Cindy's sudden change in behavior, Richard especially. They looked and watched as she walked over to them and knelt down by Richard, looking down at her little friends...

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