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Author's Chapter Notes:

The four are at the table, once again, though there are a few problems and Hannah has a little accident...

Cindy had a nice, big grin on her face as Richard reacted oddly to her little speech about walking slower and being more careful to make sure that Nick was being handled carefully and that he was safe. She'd gotten a reaction out of him that she wasn't expecting. She was just using those words as an excuse for why she and Nick took so long to get into the room, with the rest of them. However, it seemed to work in her favor, pushing down on Richard, ever-so-slightly, with the fact that Richard probably had not even thought about doing that for Hannah.

Nick could see all of this going on, and knew there was a lot of conflict in this room. More than some of them knew, in fact. He assumed that both Richard and Hannah were oblivious to the fact that both he and Cindy knew about what had happened last night, and about what Hannah had been telling Richard about her, about them. He stayed close to Cindy's hand as he was put on the table, just looking over towards Hannah as she watched Richard move over towards the stove again and walking back with a plate of food. Her attention wasn't even on him. She wasn't asking him how his night went or anything. All she seemed to care about was what Richard was doing.

He was looking past the fact that Richard was steadily walking back, his calm, yet firm footsteps causing loud, quaking sounds as he came back to the table. The plate was coming towards them, and they were about to eat. Unfortunately, two of the four people didn't really want to eat, at that moment. Two of them were too distracted, disgusted at the events that were unfolding in this cabin to think about anything else. Nick normally wasn't bothered by little emotional things like this, but the idea of losing Hannah was affecting him a lot. He couldn't shake the fact that he might lose Hannah in this venture, assuming she really spilled her feelings for Richard the night before.

The table moved, slightly, as the plate was set down on it. Hannah was right next to it, and she'd falling over, right into the plate. Her face fell down at such an angle that it plunged straight into the big pile of white yogurt. As Nick fell backward, Cindy's hand breaking his fall, they all looked at Hannah and started to crack smiles. She pulled her head up and screamed at the fact that she could feel the thick, creamy yogurt all over her face. “Hannah! Are you okay?! Here, I'll get you a towel or...something!” said Richard, quickly walking off. He was concerned for Hannah, having dunked her face into the yogurt, but the other two weren't so concerned.

Nick started chuckling and laughing at the scene. He always knew that Hannah was a little bit clumsy, but this was just, plain hilarious. Richard had gotten a small washcloth from the kitchen and was on his way back when Hannah was turning to Nick, seeing him laughing at her. “H-Hey! It's not...not funny!” This only made Nick laugh harder. He walked forward, putting his hand on her shoulder. He wasn't sure he wanted to talk to her, but he figured he had to, and this situation was just too funny. “Hannah, my love, if our plights were reversed, you'd be laughing your butt off, too. I guarantee it.”

Hannah let out a loud, frustrated sigh as he told her all of this. She tried to give him a sad look, but it was hard to get such an expression past the mask of yogurt that was now covering her entire face. A couple moments passed before Richard came back with the washcloth and brought his hands down, towards Hannah. “Here, Hannah. I brought you a little washcloth. Just hold still and I'll get all of that sticky yogurt off your little face.” He was volunteering to clean her up for her. This got eyebrow-raising expressions from both Cindy and Nick. They had no intentions of letting Richard get any closer to Hannah that he could.

“I'll do it!” called out Nick. Richard had stopped the cloth's descent towards Hannah's face, and Richard looked at him. “Excuse me?” Getting a serious look on his face, Nick responded again. “I said I'll do it! Hannah's my girlfriend! She's the love of my life. I've cleaned her up before, and I know how gentle to do it. Please, let me clean her up!” He was being very insistent, even walked over towards where part of the washcloth was hanging down, grabbing a corner of it and tugging it towards him. He really wanted to this, himself, and didn't want Richard to do it. Cindy's talking to him had worked. He realized that he could lose Hannah, and didn't want that to happen, one bit. He wanted to do this for Hannah, and anything else that he could.

“But, Nick...don't you think it'll be a little...ummm...heavy?” Richard had no idea why Nick was being so insistent on cleaning her up himself. It would be so much easier for Richard to do it. However, the situation kept looking more and more like Nick really wanted to do it and they didn't want him to do it. He soon heard Cindy's voice coming from the side. “Just let the poor guy clean up his girl, Richard. He clearly wants to do it, himself. If the rag's a little heavy for him, then let it be. Hannah is his girl, and you should let him take care of her. Just give up the rag!”

Cindy had not expected to be coming into the conversation so soon, but she saw what Nick was doing. He didn't want Richard doing this with Hannah. Even thought the cloth would be heavy, he desperately wanted to do it himself. So, she decided she would help him out, a little. This isn't how she imagined they would start to separate Hannah from Richard, but it was a start. Richard soon felt pressured and let the cloth down, for Nick to take and use. He sighed as he looked at Nick struggling to lift all of it, and bringing a corner to Hannah's face.

It took a good few minutes, but Nick strained himself long enough to clean off Hannah's face. “There. All better, honey. You're as beautiful as ever!” Pulling Hannah towards him, he gave her a soft kiss on the lips and whispered in her ear before they began breakfast. “You're beautiful, Hannah. I love you.” As Hannah stood there, she blinked and thought about what Nick had just said to her. He'd never randomly kissed her like that before. A couple moments passed and the three of them were separating the food and quickly ate their breakfast, getting ready for the rest of the day...

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