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Author's Chapter Notes:

Trent and Rebecca go into the living room, where they begin to set things up as Trent starts to think about dinner...

The afternoon is wearing thinner and thinner as the two of us stumble down the stairs. My legs are a little tired from resting in one spot all afternoon, submitting all of my work while on the laptop. Not only that, but walking with Rebecca, and holding her hand has always been...interesting, to say the least. Her height obviously makes some things a little different than if she were my own height. Only coming up to my knee, my hand, at it's lowest comfortable point, is right around her head. So, holding her hand, comfortably, isn't really that comfortable for me. It's a lot lower than I am normally comfortable with.

I'm partially bending over as we come down the stairs, her hand still wrapped around my own, the sounds of four feet touching the floor, her naked feet and my socks. She, apparently, wants to play games tonight and, while that's fine with me, I question the reason for this. Did she just randomly get up from her nap and want to play a game, or is there something else? We don't normally play games together, since the controller for the PlayStation 3 we use is almost as big to her as she is to me. Needless to say, she's not as comfy with controllers as I am. We hit the floor and then make our way down the hall, to the living room.

In the living room is the couch that the two of us sit on nearly every day. In front of it is a rectangular coffee table, and several feet in front of it is a TV stand. Inside the stand is a relatively large flat-screen TV, and in the bottom of the stand is where I have our games, PS3, movies, and other equipment for it. Rebecca climbs herself onto the couch and grabs a small remote control from the arm of the chair. She carries it with two hands, the entire thing nearly half her height. Setting it across her lap, she puts a hand down on the “power” button, and presses down until a small light appears on the remote. Across the room, we hear a soft, humming sound as the television turns on.

I stand by the couch as she turns the television on, not exactly sure what she wants to do, what she wants to play, and all of that. All she's really told me so far is that we are going to play a game. She didn't say what game, when we were going to play it, or anything like that. I look back, towards the doorway to the hallway and to the kitchen. Through that doorway, I can see the atomic clock hanging in the kitchen. It reads 4:45 P.M. If we do end up doing a gaming night, I will probably have to throw something in the oven to fix for dinner. That way, we can stay in the living room and play games and hang out, while the food cooks itself.

I admit, it's not the best idea in the world, but hey, it'll work. Rebecca does seem to want to play a game with me, so it makes sense for me to not stall that desire with a really long meal. I start thinking about what we can make, and really, we have plenty to do so with. In mid-thought, I feel something tugging on my shirt sleeve. Looking down at the couch, I see Rebecca, her little feet curled over the arm of the couch, standing and grabbing onto the sleeve of my shirt. I blink towards her and she lets out a sigh. “Finally! I thought you were out of it! Go over to the TV and get the controller so we can start up your P..S...whatever it is, and get this going.”

Looking over towards the TV stand, and then back at Rebecca, I smile. Using my two arms, I pull Rebecca's sides and sit her back on the couch, not wanting her to fall. “Sure thing. Let me just get you down here and I'll get right on that.” As she gets set down, she lets out a little snorting. “H-Hey! I can sit myself down, thank you very much!” My smile never fades as she looks up at me, her arms crossed. I enjoy touching her, though the situation doesn't come about all that often for me to actually pick her up and hold her. She could have gotten down on her own, but I wanted to make sure she could get down. “I know. I just didn't want you to slip and fall off the couch.”

Rebecca just stared back at me, almost as if she were glaring at me. “J-Just get over there and turn that thing on! You're wasting valuable time!” My head nods towards her, understanding her position and the likely frustrations going through her head from me taking it upon myself to sit her down, myself. “Alright, alright. I'm going.” My face brings about a smile as I begin to walk towards the TV stand. She has yet to ask me to put a disc into the system, so maybe she doesn't know what she wants to play yet. Maybe she just wants to play...something. I get over to the stand and take the cord out of the two Dual Shock 3 controllers, preparing to bring them over to her.

As I come back over to the couch, I plan to make the preparations that we need for other things. I'm not terribly worried about what game she wants to play. Half the games we own are digital downloads, so she can just navigate the menu once we get the system turned on and she can choose whatever she wants. Setting the controllers down in beside her, I continue walking, towards the back of the couch. My mind is on getting dinner ready, whatever that may be, though I can tell that Rebecca is no longer paying attention to the black-screened TV. “Where are you going, Trent?!”

I stop halfway across the couch as the hand that is skimming the top gets held down. To my side is Rebecca, leaning on the back of the couch, both of her hands trying to hold mine down. “Huh? What?” I say, my mind having been distracted. She looks at me again and pulls herself up higher. Her face is almost to mine now and she stares into my eyes, with a serious look on her face. “Where...are....you...going?! We're supposed to be in here, playing a game together! Why are you leaving? You want me to play in here, all by myself?!”

That girl is smart. Oh, she is incredibly smart. She knows just what to say to make the situation turn in her favor. As soon as she mentions being by herself, a knot appears in my stomach. I start to wince, feeling that guilty feeling of leaving her alone. I quickly shake my head as I look down at her. “N-No! Of course I don't want you to be in here by yourself. I just thought that we could...you know...get some dinner in the oven, so we can eat in here, while we play and stuff later on tonight.” It isn't easy getting all of that out, but I did get it out. She looks at me again, her eyes moving from the kitchen to me. “Oh...okay! I'll come with you!” Now Rebecca jumps from the couch and comes to my side, grabbing onto my hand and my initial lonely trip to the kitchen is now a venture, led by Rebecca. Oh, how things can change in a split-second...

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