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Once there was but a single white fairy

she lived free amongst the forest, the last of her kind  

but a day came when she was caught by a little demon

who took her to his shed, of odds

In the shed, the demon had collected fairies of red and blue

from his cabinet of potions, the demon grabbed two jars

one of them red and them, the other blue

and with that in hands he poured the contents into the white fairy's jar

did he pour the jars of red and blue,

turned the colors all and glowed a brilliant purple hue  

and the white fairy began to shake and tremble

in the jar, her body expanded she, grew and grew

the little demon watched, as she grew, filling the space of the jar

bigger and bigger, she grew

and soon she broke through the jar, oh did she grow

and still did she grow, now she sat on the table

she grew till she could jump of the table

and from where she stood she could see herself surpassing

soon she was twice the size the of little demon

startled was the fairy at first at her new size

she looked down at the little demon

what a creep was he, she hated him so

and now bigger was she, and she wanted more

more to grow and become even bigger

she lunged to the tables, holding the other fairies captive

she grabbed the jars with fairies of red and blue inside

she stared at them for just a moment

clutched a jar in her hand, twisted off the lid

and before her fellow fairy could escape,

she graded it in her hand

she opened her mouth

the demon and other fairies looked onward in fear

as the fairy struggled, and arms flailing   

and she gobbled them down one by one

until all the fairies were gone

and dust of red and blue flowed over her

and the white fairy grew and grew

and so forth she grew she could reach the ceiling

as she stood, then she got down on her knees

as she continued to grow ever so

she grabbed the little demon in her clutches

and attempted to stand up

but boxed in, in the shed

and so with a push a nudge and a creak

she bursted herself free

from the little demons abode

and with her mouth gaping open

she dangled the little demon from her fingertips

and with the sweet release of her mighty

fingertips, and the little demon fell

and fell, his arms flapping in the wind as

he fell into the open jaws of a vengeful fairy

and he fell past her lips, and teeth

and with a mighty clap, darkness

the little demon sat wet and dreary open the fairy’s tongue

but soon and very  soon  the fairy will swallow him

with the swash of her tongue she took a large gulp

and the little demon was no more  


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