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Later at the hotel-room two muscular guards stood on either side of the door to Nicki’s room. They were big strong meat-headed looking fellows, but they couldn’t be fooled by any fast talker. Slowly a hotel housekeeper with a wheeled laundry cart approached. She was particularly attractive, long blonde hair and a sexy figure. She only needed to smile at the guards to let her in. No questions were asked.  After getting past the guards she opened a compartment of the laundry cart. From the compartment three tiny men in matching beige full body suits emerged. Each one equipped with a number of cameras on matching beige backpacks. The normal sized woman looked into her low-cut top with a smile and then reached her hand in. A fourth man was plucked from between the big breasts of the housekeeper and placed on the floor. This was Calvin, shrunk to only an inch tall. He and his goons rushed to the carpeted floor of the hotel-room.

“How come he gets to ride in there?” one man asked in a grumpy tone.

“That’s a business perk, Paul” Calvin said over his helmet’s internal radio. “Right then, everyone’s equipment checked?” He looked around at the three other men in matching outfits. Their faces were the only exposed part of them, just barely enough for them to see.

“Rodger that” Paul responded a stern voice. “Cletus check the camera” he snapped.

“Fucking thing’s fine” Cletus responded. He turned his helmet covered head over to Calvin. “You sure no one can see us in these damn suits?”

“That’s what she’s here for” Calvin said pointing up to the housekeeper. “In addition to providing transportation for us. So how do we look from down here?”

The woman stood up and backed up to the other side of the room and quietly whispered into her earpiece “You blend in with the carpet perfectly, nice call on the colour scheme.”

“Great, now no one will see me dressed up as a fucking marshmallow” Cletus stated.

“But Cletus isn’t this just like hunting in camouflage?” Asked the fourth man while turning to face him.

“No it ain’t, Ben!” Cletus shouted. “When I go hunting I expect to kill somethin’. This here peepshow ain’t nowhere near as fun.”

“You’re saying you don’t want to take candid photos of nude celebrities?” Asked Ben.

“No, that ain’t it. I just can’t fucking masturbate in this damn suit without getting all exposed and shit.” Cletus responded.

“Under no circumstances should we remove our suits” Calvin snapped. “This camouflage is the only thing keeping you from a quick death or worse capture by the cops! Paul, what’s Nicki’s ETA?”

“Ten minutes” Paul responded.

“Right then Paul, Cletus, Ben! Under the bed, and have those cameras ready!” Calvin snapped. The woman walked over to the laundry cart and began to push it away. Calvin said over the radio “Hey Bridget, you look good in a hotel maid uniform. We’ve got to save that one for later tonight.”

“Have fun boys” Bridget said before snickering a little over the radio. 

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