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Author's Chapter Notes:
WARNING: For Adults only. This story contains Extreme Content , including bestiality and bondage sex. If this greatly offends you then do not continue reading! Otherwise I hope you enjoy the story.


What went before…

It was late Saturday night, almost going into Sunday morning, a cold night, with the rain whipping past the window caught in a howling wind that only New York City could manage. A spring storm was raging full blast, and my friends were trying their best to hang out just a little while longer before they had to go into the cold, wet rain.

It was the ending of one of our regular weekend games, where a few of my friends and I would gather to do a little role-playing. We had all grown up playing Dungeons and Dragons through our school years, and ten years later found us still gaming though we had moved on to other things as well. There were five of us that night, I remember, though other times there were more, sometimes less.

We were all packed into the tiny studio apartment that I shared with my girlfriend just above Manhattan's Greenwich Village. It was one cluttered room, with a small bathroom, kitchenette and a large hallway. We paid an arm and a leg, cramming all of our possessions into the cramped quarters, but we knew that we were paying for the address rather than the space. Despite the chill outside I had all the windows open, as the air was thick with cigarette smoke and the body heat of several young men that were loud and literally radiating heat it seemed.

I glanced at the clock, nearing midnight, and tried again to get my friends moving towards the door.

"C'mon guys," I pleaded, "Jessica'll be home any minute." They half-heartedly grumbled but made their way out into the hallway. Jessica, my girlfriend was usually due back anywhere between midnight and daybreak, but I always tried to break up the games at twelve just in case. My friends knew that she got annoyed if she had to stand around and wait for them to leave. And I was the one that had to hear her afterwards.

We said our good byes and I closed the door on three of the four then headed back into the main room to find the last. Tad, my best friend at the time was fiddling with my Play Station video game console. He had the thing pulled out and was plugging something into the back of the machine. I sighed.

Tad was a big, black man who was openly bisexual. None of our little group had any problem with that as we were all pretty open minded, and Tad commented enough that we were all too ugly for his tastes anyway. He was a nice guy, I thought, though a bit on the wild side for my own tastes. A true friend too, or so I thought at the time.

"Tad…" I whined, watching as he shoved my game machine back into place on its stand, "we don't have time to play any games. Jessica-"

"Chill, man. This'll only take a few minutes." He smiled a dazzling smile and shuffled back to flop into a chair as he waited for his game to boot up. "I just gotta show ya this game." He sagged back into the chair and started fiddling with a joystick as the television flickered and warmed up into game mode. I sighed again, knowing that it would be simpler to let him show me his game rather than argue about it.

"Fine!" I shrugged. "Get it goin'. I gotta take a piss."

"Thanks for sharing." He chuckled as I strode past him into the bathroom. I shut the door, but could hear him moving about in the other room as I sat on the toilet enjoying a cigarette as I did my duty. I washed up and returned to the main room to find him playing a game against the computer, sprawled in his chair and drinking a beer. A game pad sat on my own chair, an open beer on the table beside it. I took my seat, and took a sip of the bitter-tasting beer asking what we were playing.

We played for almost an hour, drinking beers and enjoying ourselves when suddenly the game froze without warning. Apparently there was a glitch in the programming, or maybe a problem in the wireless game pad that Tad was using. Whatever we both moaned as we were doing so well, but there was nothing to do but shut it down and restart the game.

"Hit the Restart, would'ja? I'm a little buzzed." Tad grinned, his speech slurring as he popped the back of his game pad to check the batteries. I nodded and stood, feeling a slight rush myself as I staggered over to the console. The beer had tasted funny, bitter, and was stronger than any I had tasted before. But Tad had downed bottle after bottle with no problem, so I had figured that I could as well. My mistake as I had forgotten that Tad out weighed me by at least thirty pounds, even though I was taller than him by a good five inches.

I shut off the machine and popped the game cartridge, then restarted the thing once more. When the game seemed to be running again I turned and saw Tad still sprawled in his chair, but he was pointing his game pad at me. He smiled-

"Wanna see something really cool?" he asked, and before I could answer he pushed a button on the wireless pad.

I saw a pencil thin red beam of light strike me squarely in the chest, and suddenly I was doubled over in pain. I felt as though someone had kicked me in the stomach, and I felt all the air rush out of my lungs as I dropped to my knees in agony. Sweat was suddenly pouring from me, beading on my brow, under my arms and rolling down my back. My vision blurred, and it seemed that all the world was rushing away from me as I doubled over clutching my stomach. I shuffled forward, then fell onto my face in a daze, unable to find my equilibrium. I moaned, calling out for Tad to help me, to call a doctor, but all I could see of him were his huge motor cycle boots as I rolled in agony on the floor. I reached out, a hand wrapping about his ankle.

and somewhere far away I heard him laugh…

Story Š Carnaj 2005
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