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The atmosphere on the bus went from bad to worse.  At a size of under 1/4 of in inch, the tiny passengers of the bus were terrified when Molly ordered all of them inside and lifted up their entire world from the ground.  Arguments erupted as the tiny people struggled to stay oriented as their world shifted around them.  The ones who had accused Molly of being responsible for the bus drivers death were ridiculed for their lack of foresight.  Why would they risk upsetting the giant girl who was about to start the process of saving them? But they had bigger problems than eachother.  The callice look in Mollys eyes, seen through the windows of the bus spelt out issues for the bug sized people.  The surrounding bedroom flew by and everyone on the bus was hit with a sense of vertigo as they were lowered towards floor.  Some of the passengers who had a view of the mischievous smirk Molly wore on her face had a shiver sent down their spines.  What was she doing? They still felt confident that their classmate wouldnt risk hurting them, would she? With bountiful unanswered questions floating around, their world started to darken.  The light streaming through the expansive bedroom window became more distant as the shrunken students wondered what was going on.  Then, in a significantly darkened environment, they felt the bus make contact with the ground.  Those who hadnt braced themselves were rocked from their seats, with several heads banging into the seats in front of them, there were a few bloody noses.  The ride wasnt quite over yet as everyone on the bus was lurched forward as Molly must have pushed the vehicle from behind.  They were sent deeper into the darkness ofo wherever they were and were once again shaken as the vehicle collided with whatever was in front of them, sending cracks splintering through the windshield.  With an eerie stillness now around them, all 50 or so people on the bus began to recover from the rough ride, wondering where they were.  A few of the braver souls catiously ventured outside the bus, bewildered by their surroundings.  The most apparent thing, was the familiar smell. It definately didnt smell good, and permeated into the bus, giving everyone an opportunity to analyze it, much to their displeasure.  The party outside the bus looked at their surroundings, it was difficult to see much of anything in the darkness, but relatively far in the direction behind them they saw a shaft of light pouring in from the sky.  The next thing they noticed was the squishiness of the ground.  At their small size they werent heavy enough to cause any imprints in the floor, but it was definately soft.  The group also noticed the rounded walls and ceiling that was in front of the bus.  With all the apparent information, must of the group began to piece together where they were.  They didnt want to believe it, but Molly had put them in one of her shoes. 

Molly stared down at her size 7 boot, it felt so strange knowing what was inside it.  An entire bus filled with people who used to be the same size as her, but were now reduced to the size of bugs.  The realization of what was going on hit her hard, she felt this growing sense of total control in the pit of her stomach.  She couldnt come up with any explanation for how the bus appeared in her room, but she was glad it did.  She looked back at the table she had placed it on earlier, seeing the tiny corpse of the middle aged bus driver.  She walked over to the table, knowing that her footsteps were probably world shaking to the bus inside her boot.  She stopped in front of the table and looked down at the little body, with a tear forming in her eye.  She couldnt have done anything about it, but couldnt help but feel a sense of guilt.  He was a human being and now he was dead.  Molly bent over and picked up the little body delicately between her fingertips.  It wasnt her fault though.  "It was his own fault.  If he took better care of himself he wouldnt have had a heart attack and died.  Now I have to deal with the guilt of this?" Molly thought. She briskly walked over to the bathroom, in front of the toilet.  She knew it wasnt the right thing to do, but in her state of frustration she let go of the limp body and watched it plummet into the toilet. Molly flushed the toilet before she had a chance to second guess herself and left the room.


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