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Avatar: The Last Airbender: The Wrath of Azula (Created in response to challenge by Odysseus)
Chapter 1: Fall of an Avatar
Day of the Black Sun
Fire Nation

As the sounds of battle faded into the background, Aang swooped in and landed his glider by the palace doors. "Wait here, Momo." He instructed. Clang!

With a gust of wind the palace door swung open and Aang dashed in. "Huh? Where's Fire Lord Ozi?" Aang wondered aloud.
"Don't act so dissapointed to see me. I've been looking foreword to this." Came a proud, strong, familier mocking hurt voice accompanied by footsteps.
"Azula!" Aang said as she stepped out of the darkness, chuckling. He readied his staff but she was quicker. She raised her hand and pointed at him, emmiting a strange pink glow from her fingertip, knocking Aang on his back. "What was that?" He shouted. "My wish." She said plainly. "What?" He asked. "Recently the spirits granted me one wish, and I chose the ability to shrink anyone or thing. Go ahead. See for yourself." She said bored.

Aang jumped to his feet and saw Azula standing over him. He was 3 inches tall! "And you can try bending, but it won't work." She said as he was already striking a pose.
She bent over and picked him up, holding him just centimeters away from her mouth. "It would be foolish to kill you, as you would just reincarnate as a waterbender." She said. He could feel her warm breaths on his whole body. "So we're going to have some fun time alone together." She said, dropping him into her mouth.

Aang didn't know what to think. He didn't really have time to when Azula's massive tounge wrapped around him, carressing his body, exploreing it, tasting every inch of it. The feeling of total superiority over him, dominance, power, the though of all the things she could do to him, excited her.

Her mouth began filling with saliva, which she thoroughly soaked him in. Grasping him tightly, as to make sure not to swallow him, she drained the saliva down her throat, allowing Aang to see that he could just as easily be sent down.

She pinned him to a wall of her perfect teeth slowly rubbing him against them. For several hours she coninued to suck on him, play with him, and taunt him by holding him at the back of her throat.

When she got board she spit him out into her hands, which he accidently slipped out of being so lubricated and slipped down her shirt, planting his feet in her bra to keep from falling to his death. Azula gave an evil grin, flashing her perfect teeth.

Picking him up again, she repositioned him between her breasts. Aang didn't argue. Grabbing the sides of her chest, she pressed the two mounds of flesh together, watching them engulf Aang. She shook them, slightly jostling tne tiny man in her bust. She continued pulling them apart, pushing them back together, playing with them, feeling Aang squirming inside of her...

She amused herself this way for several hours, until finnaly getting board and picking him up again, nearly suffocated.

Exhasted, she sat on her throne dangling him between her sparkling eyes. She shifted uncomfortably. This gave her an idea. "You know... these thrones are awfully uncomfortable. I think it needs some padding. I could call a servent to fetch some, but that would ruin our private time, don't you think? Hmm... I know! How about you fill the role." She said standing up.

She lie hi down on her seat, allinging him perfectly, then took her seat, wich him between her buttcheeks. She rocked this way and that, effectively grinding him beneath her sexy rump. After a few hours with him in her buttcrack, she stood up and pulled the bruised airbender out of her skirt.

Running out of ideas, she dropped him to tne ground and kicked off her shoes and began playing with him between her toes. After a few pleasureable hours of this and similar events, Aang had formulated a plan.

"You may have blocked my bending, but you forgot about this!" He yelled entering the avatar state. With a sudden non-leathal jolt of lightning, Aang was paralyzed. "No. I didn't. This was all part of the plan. I realized my mistake last time: there were remains of you to ressurect." And with that she picked him up for the last time, dropped him in her mouth once more, and swallowed him, whole and alive.

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