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Story Notes:

Safety proves to be an issue for men causing them to seperate themselves from the female species.


First person entries on this new world.

Author's Chapter Notes:

Intro and backstory-male perspective.

Earth 3000 A.D: To say that things had changed since the last turn of the millenia would be an understatement. By going back we can look to the future is what some philosiphers say,so by going back to the year 2020 would be an excellent start I suppose.


I write this in the safety of my conominium,my ion gun at my side and the telivision going strong. I write this in an attempt to illuminate anyone on the history of our planet. If the rports are true I feel my time may be coming to an end or at least my life as I know it may. The reports of the booming have been ringing in my head for the last two weeks.Well here goes my entry,hopefully it won't be my last.



Okay gents I will give you a brief rundown of history so bare with me please. The year is 2020 A.D and the planet has just come off one of the biggest breakthroughs in the scientific field. The cure for cancer,the golden trophy. The elusive fish was caught and the world was celebrating. After all if we could cure cancer the worlds economy should be easy right. Well the world celebrated for a short time until chaos and unease took over.  You see there rose a group of women who called themselves the F.F.W or Freedom For Women. Their goal was to make sure all violence against women in the middle east ceased.


They petitioned the government to enforce laws against the men who abused their wives over there. Well you could imagine what their response was........NO! Okay so some women got upset right? No big deal right? I hate to tell you this but no they didn't disband,they actually began to swell in numbers 5 years after their failed goal. Their new resolution was for women to to take up for themselves if men wouldn't do it for them. A movement occured causing more and more women to become more violent and lift to strengthen their bodies. To keep up with the growing needs women began consuming larger and larger amounts of food. Their bodies rapidly were putting on more and more weight with each passing year.


To put it plainly women were growing at alarming rates,doctors were taken aback by this and blamed it on hormones put into the food. The food which was being injected with who knows what supported the growth of the female body and soon women were catching up to men in the evolutionary scale size wise. To boot women were taking more proactive roles in the communitty. Men were taken aback by this and knew not what to do. The sudden shift had made them a little meeker by comparision.

With each passing generation the women continued to rapidly get bigger and bigger until they reached 10 feet tall by average in 2200 A.D. For these now massive females the attitudes shifted and they became the hunter instead of the hunted. Reports of domestic abuse against men had gone up and women were now being sexually agressive. The cases of women forcing men into sexual situations went through the roof. As the years went by and the evolution of women's growth accelerated the world of men turned to technology to shift the battle in their favor. 


The President of the Men's protective act decreed that there was to be a seperation of the genders. The two sides would come to an agreement on mating setups and each gender would take care of their own. As the years passed technology in the men's side of things continued to progress as fast as women's bodies grew.Women didn't depend on technology as much and soon the gender's were seperated by an energy wall.


It was a barrier the Council of men had secretly been creating for a while and when it finally went up the women were shocked. They had no further contact with the world of men and it made them upset. They felt like men couldn't take the fact they were no longer dominant and set themselves apart for safety.


Well as I sit here after giving you a brief history I hear the sounds of the alarm going off in the distance. I hear he booming of large blows against the wall. and pray that it is just a false alarm for my sake. I have only read about the brutality and force of women and have never encountered one in my life. I sit here as a man dreadng the though of one grabbing me in her huge hands and doing who knows what.


I will end this log entry until tomorrow...please let there be one for me.


11/23/3000-Teddy Guinox  21:09 

Chapter End Notes:

Next chapter is a entry from the other side.

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