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Author's Chapter Notes:

Previously on Planet Tiny: Olivia and Belle mysteriously end up near Area 51 as 98 foot tall Giantesses. Meanwhile Kevin, Dylan, and Veronica try to escape Olivia's apartment via the vent and that's what you missed on Planet Tiny. Now in this chapter Kevin, Dylan, and Veronica reach Olivia and Belle where Olivia thinks of a plan to have her friends control her brain.

Chapter 2: Battle to the Giantess Control Room


Okay, so now that we escaped the apartment, now let me tell you how we try to reach Olivia and Belle.


Wednesday, July 10, 2014


“What are we gonna do?” Veronica asked. “I don't know,” I answered. “What's going on the streets?” Kevin asked looking at a bunch of tanks heading toward Olivia and Belle. “I don't know, but we have to get to them,” I said. I then started to lose control again and started to fall. “Ahhhhhhhhhh!” we screamed. “What happened!” Veronica yelled. “Are you trying to kill us?” Kevin yelled. “I have no idea!” I yelled. We were almost about to fall to our doom when we fell on an awning of a bakery. We then fell down to the ground safely. “What the heck happed?” Veronica asked in anger. “I have no idea,” I answered in confusion. “Well I think we'd better go by foot,” Kevin suggested. “Good idea,” Veronica said. “Uh speaking of foot I think we should get out of the way?” I said. “Why?” Kevin asked. “That's why,” I said pointing at two giant feet in blue flip-flops with purple nail polish on the toes. We dodged right before we were crushed and Veronica stared at the giantess that nearly stepped on us. “Man that was close,” Kevin said. “You can say that again,” I said. “Man that was close,” Kevin repeated. “Uh Veronica?” I said in confusion as she was staring into space. “Maybe she's dead,” Kevin said. “Veronica are you okay?” I asked. Veronica was starring at the giantess who was almost to step on us and was none other then Ciara Bravo. “We were almost crushed by Ciara Bravo,” Veronica said surprised. “Yeah what about it?” I asked. “I can't believe that we were almost stepped on by Ciara Bravo,” Veronica said. “What about it?” I asked. Veronica then started running towards Ciara as fast as she could. “We got a rogue partner,” Kevin said. “Come on,” I said. We then ran after Veronica who was almost at the blue foamy structure of Ciara's right flip-flop. “Veronica what was that about?” I asked. “I must talk to her,” Veronica answered. “Why?” Kevin asked. “I'm a huge fan of Ciara Bravo,” Veronica answered. “Okay, I see your a huge fan, but now's not the time,” I said. “I have to talk to her,” Veronica said. She then started to climb up the foamy flip-flop. Ciara was talking to a guy and was for now easy to climb. “Come on Kev,” I said. We then started to climb the flip-flop to go after Veronica. We made it to the top of the flip-flop and we started to rise. “What's going on?” Kevin asked. “Hang on Kev, were going for a ride,” I said. We were then going up and down, up and down, and so on. We were taken into a café a block away and finally stopped. Ciara sat down and relaxed. “Hello boys,” Veronica said from on top of Ciara's foot. “Veronica get down. This is no time to talk to our giant idols,” I said. “But I must…” Veronica started to say. Ciara started to pull her foot out of the flip-flop. “Ahhh!” Veronica shrieked. “Kevin stay here and try not to die. I'm going to save my girlfriend,” I said. I ran across the flip-flop and jumped right at the end. Ciara's foot as about an inch away and I landed on the skin of her big toe. I then climbed up where Veronica was freaking out. “I'm here,” I said. “Wow that was an impressive jump. What god power was that?” Veronica asked. “Thanks and it wasn't a power. It was all me,” I answered. “So how are we going to get back?” Veronica asked. “I don't think we have time until she puts on her shoe, so we'll climb her leg to get to her stomach area and then climb her chest and finally get to her neck where she'll feel us and fall down to her shoe,” I explained. “Good idea,” Veronica said. We then walked up Ciara's foot where it was in a slop formation and to her leg. We started to climb her leg and reached the top of her lap. “We have to climb her stomach,” I said. “Why are you saying something I know?” Veronica asked. “Because it could be a little risky,” I answered. “Risky because?” Veronica asked. “Because there may be a chance she'll see us,” I said. “But that's good isn't it?” Veronica asked. “Well in some cases yes, but if your ¾ of an inch tall you'll probably get mistaken for an ant or other insect,” I explained. “Well let's not get caught,” Veronica suggested. We climbed up Ciara's stomach area and up to her breasts. “Okay, this may get a little gross. We must get past her breasts,” I said. We then climbed up the breasts and reached the neck. “Finally,” I said. I turned and saw that Veronica was starting to climb up to the ear. I ran over to the shoulder to stop her. “What are you doing?” I said. “You'll see,” Veronica said. “Ugh,” I said. “Ciara Bravo this is Veronica Stellhorn from the Small Hero Intelligence Team and we need your help,” Veronica said into Ciara's ear. Ciara then turned her head and picked us up. “The Small Hero Intelligence Team?” Ciara asked. “Yes and the three of us need your help,” Veronica said. “Three? But there's two of you?” Ciara said. “Two of us in your hand, but our friend Kevin is on your flip-flop,” Veronica said. Ciara then bent down and picked up her shoe. She then dropped Kevin off it into her hand and dropped her shoe into her flip-flop on the ground. “Come on we must get to Olivia and Belle who are about 98 feet tall,” I said. “I guess I'm only 17 and I don't have a car, so I can't drive you there, so I'll just run you to them,” Ciara said. She then put her feet back in her shoes and walked out the door. She put us on her solder and started to run. “Bad day to wear flip-flops,” Ciara said. About a half hour later we reached our friends and were right in front of Olivia's foot. Ciara then got out her cell phone to call Olivia. “Olivia it's me Ciara,” Ciara said. “Which Ciara?” Olivia asked. “How many Ciaras do you know?” Ciara asked. “Just the one,” Olivia answered. “Just look down I have your friends,” Ciara said. Olivia then opened her mouth and a large sucking wind gust came out and swooped us. We were heading toward Olivia's mouth. We went in and Olivia spit us onto her hand. Her hand was way more bigger then it was before. “Okay, I they're on my shoulder,” Ciara said. Olivia squinted to see us and could hardly manage to do it. “There you guys are… I think,” Olivia said. Olivia then grabbed a gigantic magnifying glass and saw us. “Wow you are a lot smaller then I thought,” Olivia said. She then put us in her nose and sucked us up. “Okay, I need you guys to control my brain to help us,” Olivia said. We landed in her head and onto her brain. “Okay, so let's save Olivia and Belle from the military,” I commanded. “Let's do this,” Kevin said. We ran to the center of the brain and I started to control Olivia's body.


A giant helicopter came near Olivia and she then did a high kick with her left leg. “What was that?” Belle asked. “I don't know,” Olivia answered. The helicopter exploded by Olivia's gigantic barefoot.


“Kung fu high kick!” I yelled heroically. “You know Kung fu?” Kevin and Veronica asked at the same time. “Yeah I did for years,” I answered.

“Olivia Holt has turned evil!” a man on the street said. “RUN FOR YOUR LIFE!!!” a woman then said. Everyone then ran away from them. “Oh great Dylan you made them run away from me,” Olivia said.

“Sorry Olivia,” I said.

”You know I could use someone to give me a hand,” Belle said. “You got it. Veronica I need you to get out of my head and help me,” Olivia said.

“You got it. I'll jump to your throat so you can cough me up,” Veronica said. Veronica then jumped down climbed down Olivia's brain stem and into her throat.

Olivia then coughed Veronica up on to her hand. “Here all you have to do is suck her into your brain,” Olivia said
said. She then put Veronica into Belle's hand. Belle then put Veronica in her nose and sucked her up. Veronica then started to control Belle's body.

“Okay, Belle you will now do everything I do,” Veronica said.

“Wait I just thought of something,” I said. “What is it?” Kevin asked. “If the military finds out about Lord Osiris and Lady Universe then they'll take them away for good,” I said. “Your right they're the only ones that can help Olivia and Belle,” Kevin said.

At Olivia's apartment Osiris was working on his ship and accidentally dropped his hand held shrink and growth ray out the window. “Uh oh. Well at least I have a spare,” Osiris said. When the beam hit the ground it turned shrink Olivia and Belle to normal size.

“Yay! Ware back to normal!” They look around and see the citizens are gone. “Where is everyone?” Olivia asked. Belle looks down. “Try shrunk.” Olivia Looks down. “Uh oh,” Olivia said. “What do we do?” Belle asked. “I have no idea,” Olivia answered.

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