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Story Notes:

I got this idea while watching those Old Navy commercials starring Julia Louis Dreyfuss and those cool kids who contrast with her nerdy son. I want to turn this into a comic book soon.


The middle school auditorium was filled with students and their parents sitting in the audience. The next act was being set up; a wooden table was set in front of the blue curtains, and two milk shakes were set on the table, in old fashioned glasses with whipped cream, chopped nuts, and a cherry on top of each one.

An attractive brunette possibly in her forties stepped out onto the stage, and stood at the left side of the table with a wooden rod in her left hand.

“Preteens!” the woman commanded, and two blonde girls about twelve years old emerged onto the stage and took their places behind the table. The woman took a plastic jar out of her vest pocket, and took the lid off. She sprinkled the contents of the container onto both milkshakes.

The brunette spoke to the audience. “You have just witnessed me dumping a dozen ant-sized shrunken convicts onto the milkshakes of these two junior high school girls. They will perform for you!”

The woman slammed her correction rod down onto the table, and each girl took a spoon out of their pockets and scooped up one each of the shrunken men from their milkshakes. One of the girls flicked her shrunken captive at the other girl, but he hit her face and bounced down onto the wooden floor beneath them.

The girl nearest the shrunken man raised her sandal-clad foot, and stomped on the shrunken man. When both girls began giggling at this, the woman slammed her correction rod down onto the table and shouted: “Young people! Concentrate! I want you to win this talent contest!”

The girl on the left who stomped on the other girl's captive raised her captive in her spoon, while the other girl opened her mouth. The girl on the left flicked the spoon, and the captive went flying into the mouth of the girl on the right. When he slammed onto her tongue, she closed her mouth and tilted her head back and swallowed. When her victim was safely in her stomach, she licked her lips and raised her arms in victory, and the audience clapped.

The girl on the left pulled out a straw with red stripes circling it, and lowered it onto the top of her milkshake. She began sucking, until she had vacuumed up two of her captives, then sealed the top of the straw with her index finger and lifted it high into the air. She brought the straw over her mouth, then released her finger so the captives and a glob of milkshake tumbled out and onto her pink tongue. She swallowed, then raised her arms in victory like the other girl had done. The audience clapped furiously.

The brunette who was directing them said, “Very good! We don't have much time left, so gobble up your captives!”

The girls obliged, and dug through their milkshakes like ravenous cannibals. The girl on the left scooped up the remainder of her captives in one scoop of her spoon, and devoured them. The other girl decided to get creative and used her straw, sucking up each one separately.

When the spectacle was done, both girls raised their shirts just enough to reveal their belly buttons, and rubbed their tummies while they licked their lips. The audience clapped as the brunette ordered the children to bow.

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