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Story Notes:
Sorry for the delay, I never forgot about this series and I hope you enjoy part three of my personal favorite series that I've written so far.
It had been a little more than two weeks since Marissa was brought into the tiny community and she was scared everywhere she went. The thought of just knowing that anything could crush her or eat her made sleeping at night troublesome. She just couldn't see how Natasha and Jessica could just sleep at night. For the past week she's been here, she's had nightmares almost every night. Each involving Ryan, the now giant girl that shrunk her to this size tormenting her family. Seeing her parents being crushed under the feet that she remembered so vividly.

On some nights, she'd wake up shaking from fear with tears rolling down her face. She'd just stay up all night, terrified to go back to sleep, knowing what was waiting for her if she closed her eyes. She'd leave the tent her and Natasha shared to clear her head while everyone else was fast asleep. She'd walk around in the dark, not wanting disturb anyone from the light she carried in case of something happening to her.

On this night, like most of the previous nights before, Marissa woke up from a terrible dream. This time had Ryan slowly tearing her family limb from limb while she watched, begging her to stop what she was doing but like the other times, Ryan ignored her and her pleas. Even when she woke up, she was shaking from fear. “It's ok Marissa.” She told herself. “Just need to clear my head.” She wiped the tears off her face and stood up to head out the tent.

She personally hated nights like these. It had been like this ever since she was brought here by the kind souls who fed, clothed and sheltered her after she was unrightfully shrunk by Ryan. She couldn't believe the things that Jessica told her about. How her former best friend would do that to her. She told her how before all this happened, she was the absolute sweetest person she ever met. Then they moved in here and she discovered the fabled colony that gave her the technology that made Jessica, Natasha and herself this size. Now, she was an animal that ruled over the colony that the others told her about. It was a common goal for the people living here that Ryan needed to be stopped no matter the cost.

She continued to walk around the dimly lit place. All the tents were dark except for one in the center of this line of tents. She wondered who exactly would be sane enough to stay up if they had a choice, not like she did. It was either sleep and see nightmares of her family being torn apart or walk around in the night to pay for the consequences later in the day. “Who's up right now?”

Marissa soon got her answer as she walked up to the tent and opened the flap to see a single light keeping the tent from utter darkness like the others. She looked around and saw a few wooden items that was similar to that of furniture. She then looked forward to see a man with his head on the desk. Marissa didn't know who it was but she decided to walk into the man's tent to turn off the light. She tipped toed on the ground over to the desk and eventually reached for the light to turn it off. She then looked over to her left and saw the man start to wake up. She retracted her hand as the man stood from his chair and turned around to yawn.

“Was I keeping you up with the light?” He asked as he yawned again. Marissa looked his body and how trimmed it was. He looked familiar too, she just couldn't remember his name.

“Not that. I've just been having nightmares lately. You know, with Ryan and all.” She said timidly, about to leave the tent and continue to walk around but she was halted by the man’s voice.

“What kind of nightmares? With Ryan? Oh wait, I remember you. You're one of the girls Ryan shrunk right?” Marissa nodded. “Marissa? I'm John if you don't remember.” He said as he got on his bed and pulled up a chair from the desk he was just sleeping on. “Maybe I can help.”

“No, I think I should head back to my tent. Wouldn't want to keep us both up.”

“Marissa, I know the side effects of Ryan's process. I know for a fact you don't want to see whatever crazy thing your mind will imagine in there.” Marissa turned around and looked at John. She burst out crying and ran to him.

“Why would she do this to us?” Marissa put her head in John's chest. “We never did anything to her! Why?”

“I don't know but I want you to know something Marissa.” She continued to look down at the ground with tears still flowing down her face. “Whatever her reasoning for doing any of this, weather it's the colony, you or me, she's going to pay. I promise you that.”

Marissa looked up at him as she got closer to him. “What did she do to you?” She asked as John stood and walked over to the desk and searched through his jacket for something. “What are you looking for?”

“A special thing. Something that I kept since the day Ryan came and took the colony. Here it is.” John turned around with a small photograph in his hand.

“Can I see it?” John nodded and handed it to her. It was a picture of him and his then girlfriend, Ariel. They were smiling and were in their house. “Was that your girlfriend? She's beautiful.” John nodded. “What happened to her?”

John cleared his throat and sat back down. “Her name was Ariel and back home, she was my best friend, and yes, my girlfriend. We dated for three months before Ryan came and ate her. She was saving the lives of a majority of this community before she caught her and brought her up to her mouth. She's a hero.”

“She ate her?!” Marissa was surprised.

John started to tear up as he remembered the memories he and her had in the short time they were together. “Yes. And I couldn't do anything about it. My love was gone in a blink of an eye.”

Marissa then hugged him. “I hope you don't mind if I do this. We both need it.” Marissa then released her grip of him and got on John’s bed. “I can't thank you enough for this John.” John soon got off the bed and let her have the whole, full sized bed. “You know, the bed is big enough for the two of us.” Marissa wiped her tears away with John's blanket. She soon scooted over to the side next to the wall.

“I see what you're doing Marissa. It's not gonna work.” John said as he got on his knees and put his hands on the bed.

“Please?” Marissa gave John her puppy dog eyes again and he cracked. “Maybe being with a strong man like yourself will stop the nightmares from coming.”

John looked at Marissa and grabbed her hand. “You play a hard bargain Marissa but I've been taught to never let an opportunity like this go. Cute girl in my bed, telling me to get in with her, never let that go. Ever.”

Marissa continued to wipe her tears from her face. Soon, a smile emerged as John opened the covers and got in the bed with her. “Thank you John. Hopefully you'll keep me safe from Ryan.”

“I will. I promise. Now, I'm guessing we're both tired beyond belief. Considering it's three in the morning.” John looked at Marissa who faced him as well.

“Sorry for keeping you up John.” Marissa sounded sympathetic as she yawned again.

“It's fine. I'm sort of a restless sleeper too sometimes. Staying up till five in the morning is my life lately. It's just nice to have someone share this experience with.” John caressed Marissa's silky soft cheek. “I guess tomorrow, we'll talk about what this means. When we get up.”

“Yeah. I guess that's night.”

“Night. If you have those dreams again, don't be afraid to wake me up. I'll be right here.” They both smiled as Marissa hugged John as she closed her eyes while still in John's arms. But he didn't mind one bit. For John, this was the first time a girl that wasn't Jessica had connected with him. He smiled as he closed his eyes, joining Marissa in the dream world. He felt a connection with her like he used to have with Ariel.

That day, the two realized how much they had an attraction for each other. Even though John hated Ryan and what they did to the girls she shrunk. Jessica, Natasha, Mia and now Marissa but now she accidentally gave him some hope with Marissa. Even though John knew what was about to come as a side effect of the shrinking process. Depression, anger, and more. But John thought maybe they could feel more comfortable together before and he ask her out before any of that truly hit. He thought maybe he could help her better as a boyfriend rather than an advisor for her problems. He felt like they belonged together.

And so did Marissa who had the same feeling for John. He was kind and sweet. And although she missed her old life, she thought she might be able to make this work for herself. Having the special someone that she could talk about whatever was on her mind. Her mind wandered and she never exactly saw Natasha as the type to listen to her problems. With John, she felt and knew that both of them felt incredibly comfortable talking to one another. It was like the tales of love at first sight she would imagine as a kid. Except her younger self wouldn't have imagined the circumstances she was currently in. She imagined herself being a princess with a handsome knight. Not less than an inch high. But those fantasies were soon out of her mind as her and John talked for hours. Her heart knew what John wanted to do. As did her brain.

The next morning, the couple were still in each other's arms. Like John predicted, Marissa slept soundly throughout the night without interruption. He had this theory brewing in his head that the process used to get the girls here caused them to see terrible things in their heads which proved to be true. But he knew that from the first day that Jessica was here. But it soon subsided as Jessica spent time with Jerry in their tent. He just needed a girl who had the nightmares to test his theory. Although he didn't expect Marissa to one, be his subject last night or even get close to her. No matter how hard he fought it, he fell for Marissa.

John soon woke up and saw Marissa's still sleeping face. She looked so peaceful as she was still asleep. He smiled as he got up out of the bed and continued to look back at her. He walked over to his desk and checked the clock. “11:25. I guess I could've slept later.” He then heard Marissa yawn from behind him. He turned around and looked at her sleepy form. “How'd you sleep?”

“Better than before.” She got to into a sitting position and looked at him. “Thank you John. That was...all I could've asked for. I guess being around you made my nightmares go away.”

“That sounds great.” He paused. “Not gonna lie. You're a sweet woman. You wanna get to know each other? In the time we did last night, it wasn't much time to know one another. I know you came here on accident and scared.”

“I guess. You do seem like a nice guy.” She looked at John. She blushed.

“What?” John joked.

“Nothing.” She scooted over on the bed and welcomed John next to her.

As the couple started talking, they lost track in their conversations and completely skipped lunch, talking about things that were on their minds, their drastically different worlds. The things that were similar were few and far between but the ones that were, sparked so many conversations between them. Hours spent in John's tent could've turned into an all day thing if Marissa's stomach didn't growl like a lion halfway into a kill.

She got up from the bed, bringing John with her. “Thanks John.” Marissa said as she was about to exit the tent. “That was great.” Marissa then reached for John's hands and started swinging them left to right in a small game. Both of them smiled. “I can't thank you enough for being there for me. Talking to me, letting me stay in your bed, everything.

“It wasn't much of a problem.” John whispered as he looked at the clock. It was 4:56, close to dinner time. “Hey, do want to do this thing again? Like a date?” He asked, timid of what Marissa would say next. “Maybe on Friday? Just the two of us?”

Marissa looked at John with some level of surprise but not a lot. She couldn't imagine that the nightmares that haunted her would ever lead to something like this. Asked out by what seemed her soul mate. She felt like they were two puzzle pieces that belonged together. Separated by being born and raised in two separate worlds. She had to say yes but adjust some things around.

“Friday? It's all so soon...” Marissa looked at John while he had disappointment on his face. Marissa let go of John's hand and caressed his face. “I don't mean not to have you ask me out. I'd love you to. But let's change it to Saturday. How's that sound? Gives both of us more time to prepare.” Marissa smiled, showing her bright smile to John. John looked up and saw her smile.

“Better than Friday. See you then. Here?”

“That'd be great.” Marissa then hugged John and said her goodbyes.

“See you then.” Marissa blushed as she walked her way to the tent her and Natasha were.

As John watched Marissa walk away, Jerry came up to him.

“So that's where Marissa went. She didn't get lost going outside. She was in your tent.”

“She came to me. I didn't force her to stay here. She came here on her own free will and see could've left whenever she wanted.

“Uh huh. I mean, I won't judge you for going for a human girl, especially a beauty like Marissa. Even Jessica was slightly jealous when she first got here. I'll admit, she's cute.”

“Just don't tell her just yet. We talked a little bit and I think we have something but I want to be sure after our date so don't tell her. She's been begging me to get over Ariel for weeks now. But I can see why you went for Jessica now. Marissa is sweet and cute. Just like you described with Jessica.” John then started to walk in the opposite direction of where Marissa went.

“So I guess I'm not weird for seeing Jessica?” Jerry followed John as he had his hands in his pockets with a smile on his face. “Since you're going after a human just like I did almost three months ago?”

“Oh, you still are because of what you and her did while she was still her normal size. Sides, I asked her when we're the same size. Not like you were she could've moved wrong and she could kill anyone of us. And I think I remember you two having a little too much fun.” John smiled at his friend. “You going in her mouth if I remember correctly.”

“One time! It was one time!”

As Marissa was heading back to her and Natasha’s tent, she had a smile on her face. It was the first time in two weeks that she felt good. Her heart was pounding from sheer excitement. She couldn't wait to tell Natasha the great news.

Marissa opened the flap of the blue tent to see Natasha sitting on her cot, reading one of the books she borrowed from her close friend and mentor, Darwin. Natasha put her book down and sat up to look at Marissa’s smiling face. She went over to her and hugged Marissa. “Oh thank god Marissa. I thought you out missing! When I woke up, you were gone! Everyone was looking for you. Where'd you go?”

Marissa got out of Natasha's grip and walked over to her bed. “Well, last night, I woke up from one of those nightmares and I walked into some guy's tent. This is probably, no, this is is the best day since I've been this size. I just got asked out.” Marissa then grabbed her pillow and squeezed it.

Natasha's jaw dropped as she walked over to her bed and looked at her. “Asked out? By who? Who would want to date people that used to tower over them less than a month ago?”

“Jerry and Jessica seem to be doing just fine and she used to be like us. Normal, everyday person until she found them. She used to be just like us and she's been dating Jerry for about two and a half months. They have feelings just like we do. And his feelings for me...it's great.”

“Ok I get it, you two like each other. So who asked you?”

“His name is John and he's an absolute sweetheart.”

“John asked you out? Wow.” Natasha said, surprised. “I never thought he'd get out of his tent and talk to other people that weren't Jerry and Jessica.”

“Yeah, we slept together last night and talked for hours today. Just about random things. Oh my god, this is so exciting! I can't wait for our date!” Marissa then kicked off her shoes and started to relax on her cot. “It's going to be great.” Marissa then closed her eyes to take a quick nap.

“Well I hope you have a good date and a good nap.”

“Just wake me up when dinner is ready. Ok? Shouldn't be long.”

“Yeah sure. I'll be back. See if I can find a guy to ask me out.” Both of them laughed. “You never know. I might find a John like you.”
Chapter End Notes:
I hope you enjoyed the prologue, this part was my pride and joy for the months I was writing this.
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