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Author's Chapter Notes:

This chapter goes out to my dude TinyLeo, without whose ideas this chapter would never have formulated like it did. Thanks again for the ideas!

Gotta say though, this one was really different to write, and a lot harder, as well. Hopefully it's turned out as good as the others, but I'll let you guys be the judge of that.

Now...who's ready for a concert, Jo-style?


Admittedly, my situation in the time after Jo had subjected me to her dental hygiene routine was better than it was when my prison was a stinking bacteria hive. Everything looked and felt cleaner; the air I breathed, while still thick, hot and recycled, pleasantly smelled of spearmint and no longer assaulted both my nose and taste buds; her tongue, when it had its way with me, no longer felt nearly as rough as previously, and the visible absence of the rank white film upon it made me feel marginally less disgusting; her saliva, while still warm, gooey and covering everything, smelled and felt cleaner than the ran slime that had soaked me previously, absent of any other liquids like milk or coffee; even her teeth, while still retaining their defining yellow tint, felt smoother and looked less blemished when I came into contact with them. It was as if I had moved up a cell for good behavior; rather than being imprisoned in the black cells of the dungeon, I was moved to a cell with a window for fresh air, and overall cleaner surroundings. It was still my prison, but it was a better prison.

This new cleanliness, of course, by no means meant I was in for an easy ride; my giantess captor was more than willing to see to that. As she went about preparing further for work, I was constantly interrupted in my general recovery by her whale of a tongue, which when it wasn't saving me from being swallowed with her constant build-up of saliva was generally pre-occupied with toying with me and tasting me like a tiny gobstopper. I simply let it do as it pleased; resisting cost me valuable energy that would be in vain anyhow. Trying to resist the will of a being multiple thousand times larger than you, as mentioned, is never going to end well, especially when you are already inside her cavernous mouth where the danger of being popped like a pill is at its greatest. Jo could idly toy with me as she readied herself for work, pushing me around her maw with the tip of her tongue and getting me ever more familiar with the alien landscape of my prison. Her cheeks, her palate, her teeth, and of course the resident ruler of her mouth her tongue, all became as familiar to me as the back of my own hand as I let Jo give me the gobstopper experience.

As I was toyed with, I closed my eyes- the tongue pulling my body around her mouth meant I could only see a blur usually anyway- and focused on listening to the muffled world outside, which was hard considering all the noises coming from within her body gurgling and beating and making other strange noises. I heard the thumping of her footsteps, comparative miles away from my cell in the sky, propelling her continent-sized body through her house. I heard the jangling of a set of what I assumed to be massive keys, imagining the size of each key compared to my tiny form and how they could probably sever me in two (it's somewhat hard to think brightly when you're being essentially molested by a giant tongue), and the click of them in a massive front door that Jo opened, stepping into the mid-morning sun, before closing the titanic wall with a mighty slam behind her and re-locking. I could hear the muffled sound of cars rushing along the road, and then the click of another lock as Jo unlocked her own car, opening the door of the vehicle and getting inside. Then, the muffled roar of the engine starting reached my ears, lowering to a hum as the first burst of life left it. The largest sound of all, though, came not from outside but from within Jo herself, which echoed around me like an opera singer's voice in a grand theatre.

Up until this point, my stay in Jo's mouth had been marked by many things; repulsive stenches, seas of liquid, torture by tongue and torture by brush; but had been free of the boom of Jo's voice, which had been so eloquent in announcing my fate, my trials and my doom in my time outside her mouth. Even then, her voice, defined by a feminine, largely unrefined and casual British accent so common in the town I lived in, boomed around me like that of a goddess addressing her subject, seeming to echo around me in the open space of the kitchen. When she spoke to me while I was inside her mouth, the result was a sound so great that I strained to hear the words she spoke. It was as if she was speaking into a microphone, and I was standing with both ears pressed up against speakers; my hearing was dominated by her voice. Even worse, I was forced to cling onto her tongue for dear life as it thrashed about all over the place, grabbing somewhat futilely at her slimy taste buds for purchase as she formed words. Light flooded and left her mouth as her lips helped form the same words, teeth moving up and town sporadically. It was as if the machine of her maw, working serenely and somewhat uniformly in its natural state (as well as treating its new visitor), suddenly went insane, as everything manically moved up and down and all over the place as the roar of her voice boomed around me, and a gale of fresh air blasted around me to escape her jaws. Thankfully, it wasn't so loud that I couldn't hear her directly addressing me; after all, who else would she be addressing?

"So, sweetie, do you like to sing?" The sound of her giggle boomed around me and everything returned to gloom as she grinned, pleased with her own inside joke. "See, I call you sweetie because you're literally my sweet. Aren't I hilarious?"

One of the benefits of being inside her mouth was that my giantess co-worker couldn't see me shake my head no. In the peace that followed her first booming question, I was able to escape her tongue and make a dash for my new 'safe spot'; the narrow canyon between her teeth and gums. Her lower jaw shifted up and down below me as she continued;

"Anyway, I just love to have a good sing when I'm driving to work, if I know the song at least. It's a good way to wake up in the morning, and it makes you feel good, y'know?"

I could see where this was going, and I didn't like it.

"So, why don't I get you in centre stage...." She paused as I saw her great tongue slide over the mountainous wall of her teeth and plough into me, sticking me to the slimy tip as it brought me back to the middle of her mouth, "...and we can have a nice sing-a-long together. Wouldn't you like to do that?"

One of the problems with being inside her mouth was that my giantess co-worker couldn't see me shake my head no. All I could do was scrabble onto the flat surface of her tongue, clamp my hands on my ears, and wait for the worst to come from her larynx.

"Okay then, let's see what's on the radio!"

It all happened in the space of a few seconds. Outside, I heard the radio blare to life, some crappy modern tune playing- they all sounded the same to me, even when I wasn't confined within the fleshy walls of someone's mouth. All I could do was pray to the Lord that she didn't know the song, and thus couldn't sing it.

I should've known better. The Lord had been giving me the middle finger all day.

Immediately, the huge sound came bursting from her throat as Jo burst into song, booming around me like a nuclear explosion right above me. Had I not clamped my hands over my ears, I may well have gone deaf then and there; the sound was so loud I was surprised I did not feel any blood trickling from my ears. Nevertheless, the sound penetrated my ears and made them ring, stabbing pain shooting through the sides of my head like twin daggers. It was as if I had just put on headphones and cranked the music up to max volume; I couldn't even make out the words, just a garbled mix of different pitches at the same excruciatingly loud volume. For all I knew, Jo could have been a masterful singer, or she could have been completely out of tune; in the boomburst of sound, it all sounded the same to me.

The ear-splitting sound was accompanied by a gale force wind which blasted through the cavern and out of her huge lips as she sang boisterously. Mercifully, the air was still imbued with the fresh scent of spearmint; but it had been a good twenty minutes since my encounter with Jo's toothbrush and mouthwash, and already I could detect a hint of staleness masked behind the mint. This, however, did not have nearly as much effect on me as the erratic activity of her maw; I was ricocheted around her mouth like a pinball as her tongue flung about madly to form the lyrics of the song. I hit the roof of her mouth, the walls of her teeth, and of course the flipper in the pinball machine that was her tongue, constantly moving and changing shapes to form every different syllable of whatever the song was. While I don't regret clamping my hands over my ears and thus saving my hearing from much worse, I do wish I'd had more arms; had I been able to hold onto her tongue I might've been saved from the bruising, the disorientation and the nausea from being flung about her mouth, hitting the hard ceiling of her palate and the even harder boulders of her teeth. If there was any upside, it was that her constant singing meant her mouth was relatively free of saliva; as anyone who does a lot of public speaking knows, the mouth gets quite dry when used as erratically as it does in speaking, or for that matter singing, for long periods of time. Thus, I didn't have to battle a torrent of spit in my ear-shattering ordeal as well; a paper-thin silver lining on a massive thundercloud. My only respites were when the giantess had to pause to inhale, when the sound and the erratic actions of her maw were stopped, if only for a second, and replaced by an intense suction as Jo drew in breath. Thankfully, I normally fell somewhere too far away from her gullet to end up getting inhaled by my tormentress, but the gale of cooler, outside air still pulled my body back and terrified me. Then, the chaos would begin anew, and my body would be flung around like a ragdoll once more.

Having little perception of time inside the chaotic chamber of sound, I have no idea how long the song lasted, or if it was even only one song, but mercifully it eventually stopped, just as Jo was able to park and stop the car. Serenity came over the cavern once more (relatively speaking, anyway) and I finally fell into the pit below her tongue, where saliva was already pooling again. My ears heard nothing but ringing, and I had been saddled with a splitting headache. To add to my newfound pain, I was covered in bruises from my high speed contact with the sides of her maw, and my body ached all over from being turned from a gumball into a pinball. With no chaos to distract it, my brain suddenly noticed how extremely disoriented I was, and a huge, sickening wave of nausea overcame me as I collapsed in a heap in the pit of her maw. Vowing myself not to throw up the concoction of Jo's saliva in my stomach, I heaved a couple of times before finally escaping the worst of the dizziness, curling up in a ball and cradling myself, trying to soothe both my bruises and the stabbing pain in my forehead. Through the red mist of pain, my hearing began to normalize and I heard her voice booming around me again, sending more waves of pain slicing through my tiny skull.

"Well, wasn't that fun? I can tell you enjoyed it, I could feel you bouncing around in there!"

Of course she knew that she had caused me suffering; why else would she have started singing if not to put me through more horrors inside her hellish jaws? As her laugh echoed around me, forcing me to clamp my hands tight around my ears once more, I tried to prevent myself from blacking out, and that despite all my pain I had survived her again. I could hear the jingle of the bell as she let herself into the café, which meant her shift had begun; more importantly, it let me know what time it was, and thus how much time I had left.

One hour down. Twenty-three more to go.

Chapter End Notes:

Realistically, I'd expect my little protagonist to be deaf right now, but hey, this is fiction. The fact that I'm trying to interpret realism into a story about a girl with magic shrinking powers is a tad silly already. I mean, how am I supposed to over-describe what he goes through, or what Jo's saying, if he can't hear?

As for next chapter, nothing's set in stone, but it may well end up being his greatest challenge yet... lunch. So stay tuned- and of course, reviews are still always appreciated! Any ideas you guys may have could always inspire me like this one did!

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