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Author's Chapter Notes:

This one goes out to spring - that wondrous season that blocks my nose up for three months on end.



Gloom, heat and decimated cake surrounded more as her giant lips, the gates to the outside world I had so briefly visited just now, sealed shut once more, leaving me and the last vestiges of her afternoon snack to our respective fates within.

Of course, her cake, being both inanimate, non-sentient, and most importantly chewed into mush, wasn't able to duck under her tongue when said lips closed like I did, and thus its end was brought upon it. With a mighty gulp and a heave of her tongue, it disappeared into her guts like the rest of the previously delightful baked treat, to be turned into nothing but yet more calories to be dispersed through her body, like so much food before it. The only sign that there was ever any sort of food was, as before, a few forlorn crumbs wedged between her teeth, which I was presently ordered as before to pick out, unless I wanted my own end to be similar to that of the cake she had just devoured.

Not wanting to end my life as extra fat reserves in the depths of Jo's body, I immediately put myself to the task once more. I didn't necessarily mind doing it, after the last time; though strenuous, it was easier and less scary (and more importantly, likely to kill me) than the other things she put me through during my imprisonment so far, and the idle monotony of pulling slimy mush from between her grimy teeth left my mind idle, allowing me to think. I had to wonder; after eight hours of so many different tortures and trials that my scheming colossal co-worker had thrown at me during her daily routine, what else was there she could do? I had outlived both her lunch and her afternoon snack, as well as the few drinks that had cascaded through the cavern; I had been licked, drooled on, breathed on and belched on in my 'interactive tour' of the ungodly grotto I now inhabited; I had been used as a sweet, chewing gum supplement, cleaning tool and a toothpick; and, perhaps most importantly, I had managed to keep my sanity through them all. Thus far, Jo and her maw had not been able to break me, and now I honestly doubted, up until the party anyway, what else she could have in her arsenal that was drastically different from what I had experienced already. All in all, I had to say I was feeling fairly confident; though my reason told me that at every point I had felt such a way in this experience, something had come along to absolutely smash it asunder anew. As I chucked the last boulder of mush down into the tube to hell, I turned back around and walked back to my safe spot between her teeth and her cheek, breathing in the stagnant air with slightly more guts than perhaps I had before.

My captor, climbing back into her car after a hard day's work, also had my fate on her mind; but she was thinking about it in a far different way to me.

"I gotta say, you're not half bad at this whole toothpick thing. I've half a mind to just keep you if you survive as my tiny little servant." The car engine rumbled to life as she began to ponder the possibilities; her voice, ever goddess-like in its ability to boom around the chamber of her mouth, making her ideas sound like divine orders sent down to me, the tiny speck of a servant pledged to obey her. "I know you're too tiny to be extremely useful, but I could still get you to do things. You could paint my fingernails and toenails, and get any grime out from underneath. Or you could give my feet massages- well, as best as you could, given your size- after I go running. I could even get you to go a step further and brush my teeth for me. I could watch you in the mirror, make sure you're doing it right. It'd be great."

It didn't sound great; far from it, honestly. Much as my primal side enjoyed the sheer raw experience of being trapped in a giantess's mouth, the thought of a life of serving giantess Jo, never leaving her person for the rest of my life (however long that may be) was not one I relished. I was no slave, even if the girl currently dominating my entire life was the size of a continent to me; I'd read enough stories like that online to know it wasn't my idea of utopia. Eventually, I'd perish far too prematurely; down her gullet, under her feet, or, more fearfully, in places on her giant person that I deemed far too private for me to consider going to. I planned on living a long, successful life, not dying as a slave to a titaness who happened to accidentally (or intentionally) snuff me out with not even the slightest effort.

There was an irony in that, considering I was trapped in what was essentially the atrium to her stomach.

Meanwhile, Jo had arrived back at home- mercifully, this time without subjecting me to the ear-splitting clamour of her singing. Stepping out of the car and into the fresh air once more, she took a deep breath of it in through her nose; and thus began to feel a growing tingling in her nose.

As it happened, it was that time of year when life bloomed back into the world; spring. The sun shone at least once a week (in Britain, that was a miracle), the baby animals entered the world as cute as can be, and a myriad of flowers began to bloom across the country. With flowers, of course, came pollen, those tiny, almost invisible granules that carried on the wind to continue to create more flowers. As innocent a process as that was, the unfortunate fact was it was everywhere; in the air, on plants and animals and other wildlife, and, most importantly in the case of this tale, getting into people's respiratory systems. So it happened that an abundance of stray pollen happened to be floating in the air as Jo took a deep inhale of the fresh air around her, and the resultant suction pulled the grains into the depths of her nose, where it proceeded to get stuck in slimy beds of mucous. This wouldn't have been a problem, had the giantess whose mouth I was imprisoned within not been victim to that common ailment and spring irritant, hay fever; and thus, her body began to work immediately to expel the demon pollen from her system.

Directly below her nasal passages, the serenity in the grotto was rudely interrupted by sudden sharp intakes of air, combined with the booming voice I had grown accustomed to reverberating through the maw, almost in time with the intakes of air.


Too late, I realized what was going on.


It all happened at once. The mouth went from serenity to utter, utter chaos in a split second. The sound sent a sharp pain through my ears once again, making them ring as if I had just stood at the edge of an explosion. I was suddenly ricocheted across her maw like a bullet, coming into direct contact with a massive blob of stale, pungent saliva, which had now amalgamated with mucous and phlegm from her throat to form an even more viscous, disgusting goo. It trapped me within it as, almost immediately, it settled again, leaving me fighting for air as I pulled myself to the surface of this new disgusting concoction and found myself almost chest deep in it. The moment of respite didn't last long; a fresh wave of pollen-laced outside air breezed through her maw, culminating once more in another explosive sneeze that sent me once again flying across her maw, this time missing her giant upper incisors by a whisker and slamming into the fleshy wall of her inner upper lip, just missing flying out of her mouth at hundreds of miles per hour. Looking down, I could see that the pool of spit and mucous had gotten even larger. Stale air, reeking of Jo's ever-encroaching and worsening halitosis slowly mingling with the aromatic, yet slightly bitter scent of the coffee cake she devoured, blew past me in short, powerful gusts, allowing her to recover from the mighty sneeze, rushing inside her house to avoid sucking in any more dastardly pollen. Unfortunately, she wasn't fast enough to prevent a third sneeze, this one sending the lake of slime up into the chamber once more, enveloping my tiny form stuck to her upper lip and dragging me back down with it, fighting to get back to the stale, foul air. Practically treading slime in the bottom of her maw. I wasn't even phased by the suction and expulsion of air that otherwise would have pulled my body this way and that; I was immersed in the disgusting, slimy concoction.

I couldn't see it, but my giant co-worker's eyes were streaming and her nose was red. The short hay fever attack had left her slightly reeling; but not reeling enough to forget to consider the effect that this had had on her little oral guest. As she wiped at her eyes with a piece of kitchen towel, I found myself and the torrent of liquid I was immersed in swished about her mouth like the mouthwash so many hours before. From one cheek to the other I went, suddenly re-acquainting myself with my old friends Disorientation and Nausea in the chaos the cunning colossus had created from her own ordeal. It amazed me how quickly she was able to go from suffering what seemed to have been a quite serious hay fever attack to using the fallout of it to make me suffer once again; and nothing epitomized that more than what she did next.

For the third time in one hour, I felt myself being forced through Jo's lips, this time completely trapped and immersed in the translucent, gooey concoction. If I hadn't had my eyes shut to prevent said goo getting into them, I would have seen a very blurred outside world, moving slowly downwards. Even blind, I could feel gravity working on me, and could for once figure out what was going on; Jo, like a slob, was literally dangling me in a massive thread of drool from her lips. It was as if I was trapped in a cocoon of spider silk, attached to the jaws of the arachnid in question about to enjoy me as its latest meal. Lower and lower I felt myself drop, until, just as I was sure it would break and crash down to whatever surface lay below this disgusting drip of fluid, I heard a massive slurping noise from above, and soon I was pulled forcefully back through her lips and into the heat of the chamber once more. After such a long immersion, my lungs burned, and I gulped down air like a madman, not caring about the thickness or the rank taste of Jo's breath on my tongue. Soon, I found myself wheezing for the effort, and as the mucus and spit were sucked down her gullet like water down a plughole, I lay on my stomach just behind her lips, gasping in lungfuls of thick, oxygen-starved air. Whether from the sound or the want of oxygen, my headache came back with full force, and I genuinely felt like I was going to pass out, then and there. Even in my catatonic state, two things were not lost on me. One was the irony that my own breathing difficulties had been instigated due to her own breathing difficulties.

The other was that, once again, the realities of Jo's body had shattered my resolve.

Chapter End Notes:

This was probably one of my most unique ideas so far, in terms of chapters based around ideas that I myself came up with, as opposed to my lovely reviewers. I'm quite pleased with how it took shape slowly in my head and developed into this; hopefully you all enjoyed it as much as always.

Reviews, ratings and ideas are, of course, always appreciated!

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