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Author's Chapter Notes:

Dear god, was this fun to write. Gotta love teasing people with the prospect of hard vore. Truly, I am a demon. I'm also pleased that this chapter managed to combine plot and action; this should hopefully begin to set up for the conclusion.



As I have probably mentioned before in this sordid recount, it is usually not a good idea to inconvenience or cause harm to, either accidentally or with intent, anyone who has some form of control over you, who essentially is your superior. Such a mantra exists in all walks of life; take, for instance, the world of work, where spilling hot coffee on your superior is, as portrayed in so many crappy comedies, a surefire way to get demoted or fired. Similarly, one trying to beat up the playground bully may well end up finding themselves with a severely mashed up face and bruises all over their body, left on the concrete of the playground like roadkill. Certainly in this world, people have experienced such things in their lives, and it had surely been a terrible experience for them. Their experiences, however, I would argue are tuppence when compared to the situation I found myself in after almost killing Jo, accidental as it may have been.

Bosses and playground bullies, of course, are not several thousand times larger than you are.

"You... tried to choke me..." the titaness whose throat I'd gotten lodged in rasped. Her hot, garbage breath continued to blow over me in hot gusts as she tried to regain her composure. "You tried... to kill me."

I tried to stammer out some words, but what mostly came out was gibberish. I'm fairly certain, however, that I did manage to articulate the words 'Jo', 'sorry', and 'accident' well enough for her to hear them, and I hoped to God that that, at least, helped her understand the situation.

If only it were so easy.

It was if I was watching a storm approach, a great, thunderous storm barrel over the land towards me on Jo's face. Her jaw clenched, her eyes narrowed, locked on my petrified form with a gaze that could shoot a thousand daggers at me. Her face, already a flushing crimson, stayed that way as her panic dissipated, replaced by a burning rage. As if I didn't know she was angry already, her other hand came sailing over me, plucking me up with finger and thumb rather roughly as she dangled me in front of the thunderous visage of her face. I tried my best in my fear not to squeal out in pain from the painful pressure on my head, waiting for the inevitable outburst that could easily lead to my own demise, so soon after escaping it in her windpipe.

It would be an understatement to say that I had gained knowledge of the emotion of fear during this experience. All through my entrapment in Jo's mouth, and indeed before it, fear had stuck with me like a leech the entire time, growing larger and smaller as it fed on my emotional wellbeing. I had felt it when I first saw her gigantic form across the breakfast bar, I had felt it when she first opened her cavernous jaws in front of me and when she finally sucked me into it. I had felt it when she first took that swig of coffee, when the first bite of bacon sandwich had passed through her lips, when her mouthwash sent me in a foamy green torrent down into her gullet. I had felt it most of all just then, stuck in her windpipe, certain I was going to meet my maker in the depths of Jo's colossal body, never to be seen again. But of all these experiences of fear, up until that point I had never felt it quite as I did then, pinched between her huge fingers being subjected to her red hot anger, her rage at something like me almost bringing her to her grave.

"You trying to fucking kill me, you little shit?! Trying to choke me to death so you can have some precious David and Goliath moment?! What sort of a little fucking shit tries to choke me in my sleep?! After all I've done for you, letting you live out your perverse little fantasy in my mouth while I went about my day, you think it's a good idea to try and bump me off?! Huh?! I ought to kill you right now for this, you fucking murderous insect. Crush you between my fingers or stamp on you or fucking swallow you whole or- just- ARGH!"

Jo's rage exploded in front of me like a nuclear bomb to the face. Immediately her voice, seemingly decibel-smashing in its extreme loudness, sent searing pain through my ears into my head. By all rights, the god-like fury should've deafened me immediately, but Jo herself saved the day, the great fleshy pads of her fingers muffling the ear-splittingly loud roar of her anger. I was violently shaken as she yelled at me, both from the sheer power of her voice and the air blasting from her maw and herself jiggling me in explosive outrage. Nausea hit me in full force once more, and I had to gulp back down my vomit out of pure fear that throwing up in front of her might just put the icing on the cake for the angry giantess to outright kill me. Little flecks of saliva, the kind I hadn't experienced since she exhaled her disgusting morning breath onto me so long ago, flew past me like comets, occasionally splattering onto my hanging form and sticking there in the hurricane of hot, ghastly breath. When it stopped, finally, I looked at the enraged colossus breathing deeply after her outburst , and just like that, I snapped. My resolve shattered like glass, and I am not ashamed to say that in the face of that wrathful seeming deity, I broke down crying.

"Jo, please! I'm sorry, so so sorry! It was an accident, it really was! I got thrown around your mouth when you moved your head on the pillow and ended up falling into your throat! If it hadn't been for you yawning, I'd be in your stomach right now-"

"You'll be in there in a minute after what you did to me, you bastard!" Jo roared back at me, drowning me out completely, though with slightly less anger than before. "After this, I'd happily let you live out your last moments screaming in pain in a sea of my stomach acids, slowly and painfully. I'd take satisfaction in feeling your movements and screaming die out from inside my belly." Her words lacked the same pure explosive rage of her rant a few moments beforehand, but they dripped with venom and malice. This girl wanted me dead.

"No, please, I beg you to believe me!" I wailed back. "I fell into your throat, and when you yawned it sucked me into your windpipe where I got stuck! I couldn't help it! I even tried to pull myself out so I wouldn't kill you! I don't want to be responsible for your death, never would try to hurt you, so please don't eat me, please, please...." I broke back down into a fit of wracking sobs and tears. The initial anger had now disappeared from Jo's face, but her expression was still stern; clearly, her fury had not subsided completely.

"Pathetic little man," she spat. "I ought to eat you just to put you out of your misery, and to get your infernal crying out of mine." Her jaw clenched again before she continued, in a stern yet still furious voice.

"So you're saying you didn't try to murder me, huh? Sure, I'll believe you. Still, you could've killed me, and I can't just let that go. I'll let you live, but I want something from you.

I raised my head again, eventually finding breathing space between my sobs to burble a reply. "What?"

Her eyes narrowed. "Well, what is it they say about... 'blood for blood?'

The last three words made my blood run cold. She couldn't be thinking what I seriously hoped she wasn't.

"Let's see," she continued, levelling a finger at my tiny form and wagging it rhythmically as she delivered the unholy judgement. "Eeny... meeny... miney....legs." She licked her lips. "Yeah , I think I'll have those nice legs as compensation. This might hurt a bit... aaahhhhh..."

Suddenly, I found myself being lifted to above the furnace-like pit of Jo's gaping maw. Her teeth gnashed together menacingly, clashing together with great booming noises. She was seriousuly going to bite off my legs and eat them, and as I felt myself being lowered towards the chopping block, I flung myself into full-on panic.

"NO, PLEASE! Not my legs! Please don't eat my legs, please! It was an accident, Jo, I'm sorry, please, please! You can't do this, people will find out!"

"Will they?" she inquired back. "And what if I just keep you forever?"

My last feeble argument was shattered. The grimy teeth that were to sever my body in two like so many other foodstuffs grew ever closer below me, like a living meat grinder. Panicking still, I turned to my last, desperate resort!

"PLEASE! I'll do anything!"

The descent stopped.


"Yes, anything! Just please don't eat my legs!"

The great plain of her face contorted into a thoughtful expression, the hellish pit below me mercifully closing below me. Though I was clearly not out of the frying pan yet, I breathed a huge sigh of relief; it seemed I would keep my limbs for at least a short while longer.

"Hm... So, if I were to say you were to become my tiny shrunken slave for the rest of your life, what would you say?"

She had me in a knot. I had to answer honestly.

"If it means I get to remain whole...yes." My panic had subsided, as had my tears; I spoke instead in a garbled voice, thick from the throes of my recent breakdown. Slowly, the lips below me puckered to one side in thought, before slowly spreading into a large, malicious smile.


I was lowered back down to in front of her face, now seemingly destitute of the anger and sternness that had formed a stony mask before. Instead, she was smiling sweetly, almost maliciously.

"I think I can get over your little manslaughter attempt if you're willing to give your life over to me," she decided, eyes gleaming. "The prospect of you serving my every whim for the rest of my life is just so tantalising, it just wouldn't be right to throw it away over such an incident as this. Her trademark grin appeared on her face, knowing full well that I had just sold myself, body and soul, to her and her pleasures. I felt empty, almost dead inside; my whole life, from now until I died, would now be dedicated to the woman who had shrunken, captured, and tortured me. All because of a series of events I had little to no control over.

"Come on, it won't be so bad," Jo reassured me, in a mocking sympathy that was clearly causing her great pleasure; after all, her object of torment belonged to her now, and her alone. "You'll be in my mouth a lot, and you love it in there. This is the perfect job for a little perv like you, surely. Serving a giant woman." She giggled, still gazing down at me. For all her mocking, she did have a point, and I tried to focus on it rather than the depressing realities of my new situation. I would never see my family or my friends again, never realise any of my dreams; my real dreams, not my deviant fantasies. But at least I still had those; perhaps it wouldn't be so bad, I thought bitterly, before looking back up sullenly at the woman who was now my goddess.

"Speaking of which, the day's not done yet. I've got a night out to prepare for, so you need to pop back into my mouth. And if you dare choke me again..." her face grew stern once more as she glared down at me with malice, "I'll bite off all your limbs and suck the blood from you like a sweet." Her whispers no longer sent a chill through my spine, though; my mind was too busy trying to accept a depressing reality. I wasn't even sure whether Jo would have really bitten my legs off or not, but I concluded I had made the right choice for my own survival. But as her mouth opened wide in front of me, tongue rolling out of its prison once more to welcome me back like a red carpet, I remembered what my primary goal had been the entire time I had suffered within Jo's maw; my own survival. Walking across the slimy, pulsing muscle, I focused on that, and realised that my fight did not have to be over yet. I didn't just have to meekly give up now and live the rest of my life in servitude. And as her jaws closed behind me, isolating me once more in the thick, putrid-smelling gloom, my emptiness was refilled with a grim determination, one that said that my story would not end in slavery, in worship of this colossal, scheming co-worker of mine.

All I had to do was escape.

Chapter End Notes:

Slavery! Plotting! Alcohol! Stomachs! All shall come soon in the next few installments of this thrilling tale of the mouth of Jo, so keep those eyes on this space!

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