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Author's Chapter Notes:

Remember when I said I would try and update this within a week? Clearly I'm terrible at keeping promises. Blame The Morning After for taking my attention away the night I meant to write this. Oh well; this chapter still turned out far differently than I first thought it would, and it's probably better because of it.

I hope, anyway. Here it is, all the same. Enjoy!


Our town wasn't exactly famous for its nightlife. That said, our town wasn't famous for much; living in a quieter corner of the country could be seen as both a blessing and a curse. This, of course, was not to say that our town didn't have a nightlife scene, so to speak; just that it was perhaps overshadowed by the famous (or perhaps more accurately infamous) nightlife of the bigger cities. I'd been making fun of nightclubs for years, seeing them as slightly seedy places where younger people went to break their eardrums and frazzle their livers, if not worse. My opinions, however staunch they may have been, meant nothing however when I was the size of an ant, stuck inside the mouth of one such prospective clubber, of the sort I'd been taking the piss out of for years.

Though I couldn't see the nightclub in question; my views were still as restricted to the gloomy vistas of Jo's slimy pink tongue and gums, dripping red palate and cheeks, and the hard walls of her infamous yellow teeth; I could certainly hear it. Even from outside, I could hear the continuous beat of the music from within, loud even through both the walls of the club and the fleshy barrier of her cheek, and the chattering of the throng of people presumably in line to enter. Strangely, Jo was for once leaving me be in my oral cell, rather than using me as a boredom-busting gumball as she usually did. I mused that perhaps she was finally getting bored of me, but I dismissed the notion fairly quickly. After all I'd dealt with from her in the eon I'd seemingly spent trapped within her abhorrent jaws, it wasn't too hard to accept the notion that Jo would never get bored of exercising the dominance she had over me; indeed, she pleasured in humiliating and demeaning me, even up to the point where I agreed to becoming her slave for life in order to save my helpless legs from being shorn off by her filthy incisors. More likely was the option that she had either momentarily forgotten my presence, or that she was preoccupied with something else that captivated her attention.

As it happened, and as I would come to learn to my horror in short order, my captor was indeed preoccupied, looking down at her phone with interest as the line moved sluggishly forward. She had just heard from a close friend of hers that she was back in town for a few days, and by coincidence was currently in the same club we were lining up to enter. Unbeknownst to me, and the source of what would cause my latest problem later, Jo was already dreaming up her latest 'trial' for her little prisoner currently hiding within her cheek; and hoping to relive some of her old games while she was at it. For while I knew that I was nowhere near the first person to fall victim to the shrinking powers of the scheming witch, what I didn't know, and what I would come to know, is that not all the people who did fall victim to it faced inevitable death.

After a few minutes, a short conversation was held between my kidnapper and a deep, male voice who I presumed to be the bouncer, and suddenly the music got a whole lot louder as Jo entered the club. Almost immediately, my world began to bounce and rock slightly more vigorously as she began to move to the beat of the terrible club music, edging her way through the myriad moving bodies of the club. My interpretation of the outside world was still all sounds; the shouting of the DJ over the tracks he was playing, the artificial music, so loud that it even managed to drown out the ambient sounds coming from within Jo's body that had almost become somewhat soothing to me. Unfortunately, the loudness of the music was even worse for the titaness, who of course didn't have the fleshy walls of her own cheeks surrounding her to mitigate it; and as such, if she wanted to ake herself heard she had to shout. As the bouncing stopped, I breathed out a sigh of relief; only to have my eardrums raped by the booming voice echoing through her maw ordering herself her first drink of the night.


Welcome to the party, I mused to myself unhappily.

Really, I should have been more thankful than I was that, for at least a while, Jo decided to stay close to the bar and get herself wasted, as opposed to going out on the dance floor and doing so; it took care of one challenge at least for me. Of course, that was not to say that I wasn't forced to stay on my toes. Swig after swig of black, bubbling liquid came pouring through her lips, bathing me in the cold, refreshing beverage mingled with the bitter tang of the vodka. For what it was worth, those first vodka and cokes did more good than they did harm for my situation. Wedging myself as was customary for me when my tormentress drank between her disgusting but sturdy molar teeth, I was able to weather the storm quite well, even breaking my general policy of keeping my mouth as shut as possible to any liquids entering her maw to take tentative sips of her swigs every now and again. Despite of course being mingled with her similarly foul saliva, the taste wasn't actually bad; the cola was refreshing, and the vodka not too strong. I did, however, make sure not to take in too much of it, for fear that inebriation would be a one-way ticket to the world's worst hangover in Jo's belly.

The drink also did well to eliminate the horrible smell of cigarette smoke from her maw, which had been plaguing me ever since my run in with her cigarette. The only downside to this was that the Coke, as a carbonated drink, of course led to the gas that went down coming back up; and I knew Jo was anything but ladylike when it came to her belches. Periodically after the latest cascade of drink had disappeared down her throat my world was rocked by tremendous, rumbling belches, sending acrid and utterly foul-smelling thick air back up from her stomach and into the cavern. When it first hit me it made my eyes water and my gag reflex activate, making me double over in my little nook from the horrible stench of digesting sushi mingled with alcohol, cola, and other disgusting chemical smells that mingled to create the horrible odour of vomit. Vomit I almost did as slowly the smell became more and more potent as the belches went on, like a gas leak let loose by an earthquake.

My problems, however, were about to get a whole lot worse than the rancid stink of Jo's belching.

"Jo!" I heard a female voice call amid the blasting music. Jo responded by shouting "Melissa!" again sending my eardrums into pain as she got up and ran over to hug her, my prison jostling vigorously with each step. I wasn't given a chance to recover as they got to the general formalities of meeting up after so long, commenting on each other's looks and general wellbeing before sitting back down at the bar again.

"Shots?" The voice I knew as Melissa inquired.

"You know me too well, girl."

I hadn't even seen this girl, and I was already cursing her name.

Volumes of spirits, smelling for all the world like cleaning solvent to me, shot like rapids down Jo's gullet as I watched helplessly from my theoretically safe haven. My world turned sharply vertical each time she opened her lips, and I found myself clinging to the slimy walls of her teeth besides me in fear of falling down her throat with the liquid, which disappeared with an ominous wet gulping noise every time. Every shot was of course duly followed up by another belch, adding its acrid smell to the melting pot of stinking air inside her maw; even around company and in public, my giant co-worker's seemingly slobbish nature shone through. All the while, Jo continued to talk with her old friend about everything and nothing, in a conversation that shot my eardums to hell. Much as I didn't care about what they talked about, I was all but forced to listen; after all, one of the conversationalists' voices was literally all around me. However, it was only after one such unholy burp from Jo that the conversation took a turn for the interesting.

"Man, that one was fucking powerful! If I didn't know any better, I'd say you'd been practising."

"What can I say? I've not changed since the old days."

"Ha, clearly." Melissa paused for a moment, for what I wasn't entirely sure. "Y'know, I do miss the good old days, back when we were younger, We had so much fun together, what with you and your..."

Jo abruptly cut her off. "Dude, don't say it, remember?" At this point, my interest, before her interjection apathetic at best, grew exponentially. Was this someone who knew about Jo's strange powers- and, more to the point, had lived to tell the tale?

Melissa continued. "Whup, sorry! Almost forgot. Can't have everyone knowing!" She giggled profusely; clearly, both girls were now getting into the zone of more than moderately tipsy. "Still, nothing quite beat it. All the stuff we did with the people you, aha, 'collected'... and I don't think I'll ever quite get over seeing you so big. All the stuff we did when you did 'you know what' to me... it's always stayed with me, y'know?"

I goggled at this revelation. Someone who had not only survived a shrunken experience with a girl I had come to know as a scheming and cruel dominatrix, but had enjoyed it, and remained good friends with her to this day. It brought into question a lot of what I had been thinking about Jo up to that point, and I had to wonder; did she actually have more morals than I took her to have? Her reasoning for why she had shrank me in the first place came back to me, her words floating in my head. Did I break her moral code, was that it? Since I had technically used her for my own fantasies, had I in turn led Jo to feel alright about using me the way she did, as an actual punishment? My mind was awash with ideas as I tried to piece back together the character of my co-worker, who now seemed to have some form of morality behind her usage of her powers. If that was so, however, where did this 'Melissa' story fit into it, and how?

My questions, however, would have to wait. Now was not the time to ruminate on such matters, for Jo began talking again; and this time, she was referencing me.

"Yeah, those were the days. Seeing you as an itty-bitty speck... well, it was as exhilarating an experience for me as it always is when I shrink people. Seeing them so small and helpless, how I can do anything I want to them.... It's that sense of power, y'know? It was fun to mix it up with someone actually willing to do it, though... you know my general rules when it comes to doing you-know-what to people."

"Mmm," was the only reply back.

"Hey, speaking of those old days... you wanna see the latest guy I've got?"

The inquiry shot through me like a bullet. After twelve hours of being known about by Jo and Jo alone, she was about to bring another person in on my predicament; and I knew it would help me naught, considering how okay with it she seemed. Wonder and fear, two intertwining emotions seemingly so common in my experience in Jo's mouth, coursed through me as I awaited the fateful response.

"Wait, you've got one on you now?" Melissa inquired back. "Man, you really don't change, huh girl?" She laughed again. "Go on, then, let's see the poor bastard."

Jo, in response, laughed the laugh of someone who knew so much more than her friend. "Heheh, not exactly on me...but certainly somewhere in the vicinity of my body," I could almost visualise the smirk. "I can either show you pictures, or... we can go to the toilets and I can show you the real deal."

I had to at least hope that she would only want pictures, but judging what I knew of Melissa already, it hadn't seemed likely."

"Oh, go on, then. It's not like after the old days we have many boundaries anyway."

Considering she was still shouting, Jo's voice became something that almost resembled seductive.

"Heheh. Come on, then..."

As the pair stumbled across to the dismal club toilets, I tried to process what was about to happen, as well as all I had just learned about my captor, while my ears and head recovered from the battering they had recieved. Clearly, Jo was not just some merciless killer out to shrink and dominate people purely for her own pleasure; she only did so according to her own 'rules', whatever those were, though I had a rough idea from my own experience of stories involving more 'moral' giantesses. Whether it was revenge, vigilante justice, or a mix of the two, Jo was clearly out to punish anyone on the wrong side of her moral code, like the main character of some twisted comic; and she showed no mercy to those who were unfortunate enough to end up on the wrong side of it. However, she had used her powers in the past for the fun of others, which was how Melissa and her were seemingly so close. What their 'fun' deriving from Jo's powers was not specifically entailed, it didn't seem to stop at just Melissa having some shrunken fun with the giantess who currently was keeping me locked up in her maw. Something told me she had had her own fun as a giantess; and perhaps that was why Jo was suddenly so willing to let another person see me. Drunk or no, I had a feeling that my captor was trying to revive her old days, at least for a night; and that I, as a result, would be integral in that quick revival.

Suddenly, I was far more scared of Melissa than I ever had been before.

Chapter End Notes:

Another cliffhanger? I know, I'm awful. But I didn't want the chapter to be too long. This, and the next chapter, was originally going to be one, but I got to about halfway and saw my word count drifting towards 2500, so I decided to just split it into two so as not to constrain my writing or create a massive chapter over my normal limits. As such, this chapter is more set up and plot than anything else- haven't seen that since Jo's Intentions, am I right?- with the pay off next chapter. As for next chapter. I will try and get it out within the week.... but no promises. Seriously, I'll try.

Any feedback is very much appreciated!

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