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Author's Chapter Notes:

Yep, you read that right.

It's fianlly time.



In all the drama, I had missed the rather humiliating fact that my three-way kiss with the two colossi had technically been my first true snog.

The music was loud, and the grotto bounced up and down as Jo re-entered the dance area of the club with Melissa and got down to raving in the crowd of clubbers. Inside, I tried to remain in my position under her tongue, using the great muscle as a shelter to prevent me from bouncing all about her maw while I got over my latest of a string of headaches. This one in particular was a solemn reminder of the pressure I had been put through as my captor and her drunken friend literally sucked each other's faces off, and it hurt just as badly as the others. I was plagued by frequent headaches before my predicament, but this constant oral torture-fest had truly made me re-evaluate what a head pain truly could be. It was arguably the worst after-effect I faced in my living prison; the persistent ache in my head beat out the sliminess, the sweltering humidity, and the overpowering stink by a long shot.

Speaking of the overpowered stink, the air was still tinted with not just the stench of Jo's breath, but also that of Melissa's; though arguably there was little difference between the two. Having someone's mouth clamped onto your own naturally means a transfer of the various fluids associated with them, and that had clearly extended to the stench of Melissa's own revolting maw as well. The two combined together in a melting pot of all the various stenches of both, giving me flashbacks to the crooked, yellow jaws and equally repulsive tongue I had encountered on my whistle-stop tour of the other titaness's mouth, before being sealed back behind Jo's thin, smirking lips. Much as it sounded strange, the primal side of me, who had of course still been loving this entire adventure I'd been having , took interest in remembering seeing, if only fleetingly, another mouth as well as Jo's now all-too-familiar oral cavity, as if it wanted yet more, that simply experiencing one titaness's jaws and all the hell they had given me still wasn't enough. It was getting greedy, despite all I'd been through.

And greediness never led to anything good.

As the two danced, I tried to block out the horrible noise of the club as best I could, wanting only to rest for a while after an afternoon and evening of being tortured, played with, and almost being severed in two. Exhaustion was beginning to get the better of me, though my determination to keep myself going until I had my chance to escape was staving it off. Perhaps that was why I at least had the good thought to move myself from under her tongue, trying to get to my old reliable safe spot on the edges of her mouth, where the saliva didn't build up- already it was pooling considerably in my shelter, and I didn't want to be gulped down by an unaware Jo in her partying. It seemed like a good, sound plan; it was something I had done countless times before, and usually made me a whole lot safer from whatever entered her foul maw next.

What I did not account for was that 'whatever' being Melissa's tongue.

At that exact moment, Melissa decided to pull her friend in for another impromptu kiss. As I would learn to my horror later, ever since she had first seen me bedraggled and helpless within Jo's jaws, the woman who had once been my captor's willing little plaything had been scheming to be rid of me. Whether she plotted out of jealousy or just a pure sadistic delight is a mystery to me even now, but what happened next was to be the start of my biggest fight for survival yet.

Of course, I didn't know any of this at the time. All I saw was the sudden appearance of another monstrous tongue forcing its way into my prison- I didn't even know that it was Melissa's, until I felt the overpowering stench of her own breath come back again with force; and that, to my helpless terror, it swept me up onto its rough surface upon finding me, almost immediately retreating back into its' owner's maw. It happened in a blur; one moment I was trekking towards the murky yellow wall of Jo's teeth, the next all I could see, feel (and taste, for that matter) was the slimy, rough surface of her old friend's tongue, as I was stolen from Jo and taken into the similar but at the same time alien environs of Melissa's ambient maw.

"Dude, what was that for?" It was strange to hear the voice I had grown so accustomed to hearing all around me muffled through someone else's cheek walls, and weirder still to hear Melissa's voice booming around me in response.

"Spur of the moment, you know? I just felt like it. Party hard, man, party hard!"

There was no response. Jo, inebriated heavily, hadn't even realised I was gone.

"Here, if you really want, I'll get you a drink to wash the taste out. Even if yours is still worse." Unfamiliar giggling burst out around me, seemingly unevenly thanks to the sound bouncing off her crooked teeth.

"You can fuck off, yours is worse, but I'm not turning down a free drink. Bring it back here!"

I was more confused than ever, and now legitimately scared. I wasn't sure why Melissa had taken me, what her big scheme was, or for that matter if she'd even intentionally sucked me up into her mouth; either way, being away from Jo in an unfamiliar environment, much as Jo's mouth was a hellscape, seemed very bad for my chances of getting unshrunk. I wasn't sure whether to try and call out to her, either to get her attention or find out just the bloody hell what was going on, or just to sit it out and wait, and hope she realised her mistake. What eventually made me choose the latter was the worry that Melissa truly was unaware of me; if she sensed my presence, and mistook it for something else, I didn't doubt I'd be halfway down her gullet before I even realised it. Instead, I stayed perfectly still, flat on my stomach on her tongue, taking in the new world I had entered.

Ambient, the mouth I had entered, as stated, was not wholly unlike Jo's. The same swelteringly hot air prevailed, thick and reeking and hard to breathe; the same probably went for any mouth, Jo's or otherwise, I reasoned. The same went for the sliminess of literally everything, and the plaque and bacteria that coated the surfaces of everything in her maw. What was different was the unique stench of her breath, a mixture of the septic odour of spirits, the foul stench of digesting beef, bread, and cheese, and to top it all off a sizeable amount of the familiar stink from Jo's mouth. Of course, her voice was also different, being slightly less refined and slightly higher pitched than my tormentress's. It resonated throughout her mouth, as did Jo's in hers, as she ordered two shots of some awful spirits concoction, and sent me bucking and bouncing on her tongue' though somehow, she kept me under some semblance of control. In reality, my suspicions should have been raised by the fact she was trying to keep me central at all, but like with Jo's first tortures aeons ago in the morning, I remained oblivious of her schemes until the very last moment.

That moment was when I suddenly found myself being forced through her lips, and shot out into the open air. Try to close my eyes as I might, my eyelids were forced open by the speed I was flying, almost seemingly bullet speed, as I flew from her lips- straight into the open shot glass.

Spirits stung my eyes as I was dragged underwater, filling my nose and mouth as I flailed back up to the surface. When I did, I gagged and retched at the taste; if having a shot of the stuff is awful, having a full mouthful is downright evil. My entire mouth tasted of the awful fluid, and in my struggles I had managed to swallow some, burning my throat and making my stomach turn backflips. How I managed to regain my train of thought is beyond me, but my best guess is that I had finally cottoned on to Melissa's scheme; looking up to find her smirking down at me, eyes narrowed in sadistic pleasure and malice, only cemented my realisation.

But it was too late to escape; I was already being given to Jo, for once completely unaware she was about to try and kill me.

I looked up at her in terror, more terror than I ever had in my long imprisonment. When she first opened her mouth in front of me and bathed me in her revolting morning breath, she knew. When she almost swallowed me with her mouthwash, she knew. Even when she devoured her lunch with me helpless inside her maw, she knew. Now, however, she looked forward at Melissa, who was trying hard to stifle her sadistic pleasure as I was lifted to her lips, that thin red line I had come to know as the gateway to the hellish world beyond. I screamed for help, or for her at least to notice me, at least, but my pleas fell on deaf ears; the club was just too loud for my tiny voice to even be heard by my gargantuan co-worker. Perhaps what was worst of all was how, in her unawareness, Jo didn't even build up to it, as she might have done has she known I was in her glass; that at least gave me time to steel myself. Instead, there was no ceremony, no build-up- just two slurred words which branded themselves in my memory.

"Bottoms up!"

In and instant, my glass was lifted into the air and upended into Jo's lips, myself and the alcohol cascading through her mouth at bullet speed. There was no time to grab onto anything, no time to try and save myself; all I heard was an all too familiar gulping noise all around me as I was pulled into her gullet, drowning in a cascade of stinging, burning alcohol. It had finally happened; after fearing it for all the time I had been a prisoner of her terrible jaws, I had been sucked down it completely unawares by my captor, at the sadistic glee of a friend who clearly wanted me dead. Part of me felt like accepting it, giving up and letting her swallow me into the depths of her body to die, or at least survive the horrors of her stomach for as long as I could before my inevitable demise.

Part of me realised that Jo's gullet wasn't that large.

In my last act of defiance to Melissa and my now burning will to live, I stuck my arms and legs out, feeling them press into the walls of her oesophagus, which was warm and of course slimy to the touch. Gallons upon gallons of alcohol crashed down upon me, as if I was standing under a waterfall. I continued to slip down, but I realised with more hope that I was going slower than the shot, which continued to flow past me until it had all drained down her throat past me, into her belly. I continued to slowly slip down into her core; and then suddenly, pushing my limbs into the walls with all my might, I stopped.

Somewhere In Jo's chest, my tiny form desperately clung to life In her murderous gullet. Peristaltis made the slippery walls undulate around me, trying to force me further down and sending spatters of saliva down with each gulp, thankfully failing to dislodge my precarious position. Above, I could hear gulp after gulp after gulp; clearly, Jo knew something was stuck in her throat. The question was whether she realised it was me or not. My hopes rose when the gulping turned to rigorous coughing, and great earthquakes reverberating through her body as she slapped herself on the back. As far down as I was, I was petrified that I would fall down if I let go of the walls, and thus decided to hope against all the odds that her coughing managed to dislodge me and send me flying back out of the abyss I had entered. For but a few moments, there seemed to be hope.

Then, Melissa gave Jo the shot she had meant for herself.

I knew I was screwed as soon as I heard the gulping, and heard the crashing liquid cascading down the tube. Subjected to another waterfall of liquid, my arms could no longer take the strain, and I slipped down her gullet once more, eyes stinging and mouth taking in ever more of the substance. As I hit the sphincter leading to her stomach, the liquid drained around me before it released its wrinkly grip on me, leaving my upper torso in the bottom of her gullet and my lower half in the heat of her tummy. In the split second before it released me, my life flashed before my eyes; my family, my friends, my life; and above all, Jo, her maliciously grinning face plastered into my mental vision.

For the first time since I had woken up on the breakfast bar in my co-worker's kitchen, I screamed.

Then the sphincter released me, and I slid into the centre of hell.

Chapter End Notes:

So, you all know what's next up...

Did I do the set-up for that justice? I had so many ideas on how to do it, but seeing as I'd introduced Melissa, I figured it worked out to include her, as well as get a small second look at her mouth as well. Still, please let me know what you thought of this chapter; whether you liked it or perhaps didn't. I'm all ears!

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