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Author's Chapter Notes:

So, here we are, Chapter 2! This chapter should finish up the opening and clear up any backstory not finished in Jo, so we can start the good stuff in the next chapter. Sorry for the slow start, but we get the first interaction between our protagonist and the lovely Jo, so it's not all bad news!


Trying to grasp the gargantuan scale of the woman who now sat before me was too staggering for words to accurately form a coherent sentence. Suffice it to say that in none of my years over many dark nights fantasising about this sort of event had I ever fully grasped the sheer amount of feelings of awe and abject primal terror that came with looking up at the deity-esque female whose presence I was in.

In front of me, by what seemed like a good twenty metres but in reality was probably about half a foot, was an imposingly large object made of what looked like some form of porcelain; in the midst of my racing mind a small voice of logic told me that this was a bowl, and considering the breakfast bar I was on it presumably held a pracitcal lake of whatever breakfast food the titaness before me was devouring for her morning meal. Beyond that, towering far above the in contrast modest-looking bowl, was a huge imposing wall of black and white stripes, rising up and around the curvature of the huge, horizontal hills of her bosom to come to a stop at a neckline that looked wide enough to drop the Empire State Building into without any issue. Boggling at the sheer size of her dress, one that I had come to see often at work, was almost inconsequential when it came to looking at the massive visage of her face, staring back at me with those huge, watery eyes.

Jo's face, to my miniscule eyes, was a landscape. Her nose was a prominitory which begged for climbing, beneath it her twin nostrils were living tunnels which beckoned for adventure. Her eyes, so intensely staring down at me like two spotlights, were twin pools that I could swim across. My mind pictured, in its rush of adrenaline, my tiny form getting lost in the jungle of her hair atop her head and holing up in the confines of her ear; and yet, of course, what caught my sttention the most was the pale, red strip of her lips, seemingly long enough and wide enough to drive a car across, yet alive as they tightened and widened periodically as the cavern within chewed up her breakfast. Her great jaw moved up and down as the powerful muscles within masticated and pulverised, and I could even faintly hear the crunching, slopping and sloshing noises coming from within as she chewed. My mind, of course, turned to one thought as she finally swallowed the contents of her colossal maw with an audible gulp;

I could disappear behind those lips and never be seen again without a second thought from her.

Her eyes continued watching me throughout her mouthful, those blue pupils almost unblinking, until she gulped and they momentarily disappeared behind a wall of skin and eyelashes. Looking into them, I felt in my terror and amazement like I was under the judgement of a god, some titanic deity who saw all of humanity and its many advancements in civilisation and technology as mere ants for her pleasure. Then, the lips opened, and her great voice boomed around me as she addressed me, the speck on the table, directly.

"So, you're finally awake." The titan pased momentarily to take a sip from a steaming mug as big as the Colusseum; probably coffee, a Jo work staple. "Fantastic. Watching you process this all is much more amusing than watching you out cold on the table."

The lips formed into a smirk as a giant hand appeared in my sight, grabbing a huge metal utensil in the bowl in front of her and idly moving it around the bowl, presumably stirring whatever lay witihin. I tried to process words, do anything, but in the steely grip of Jo's gaze I was trapped like a deer in headlights.

"If you're wondering," she continued, finally averting her gaze to look at the huge slab of metal that was her iPhone while continuing to idly stir her breakfast, "you're currently standing at about half an inch." She looked back to me and stuck her bottom lip out. "That's pretty tiny."

"I'm sure you're wondering just how you're the size of an especially puny ant, though." A hint of amusement crept into her voice at the mention of my size again. "See, I have this power to shrink things; objects, people, you name it. No-one's really sure why I have these powers or where they came from, but I've learned how to use them over the years. It's all done in my head; I look at something, I want it to shrink to whatever size, and boom; it's done."

"At first, I just tried it on objects; books, pencils, that sort of thing. It took effort to concentrate to do it at first, but it got easier. Then I tried it on animals. They blacked out upon shrinking, as you did, but when they came to they wereno worse for wear. But I wanted to try more." She smirked again, taking another sip of coffee. "You're not the first person to be shrunk by me, not by a long shot. My first was an old ex-boyfriend of mine, who'd cheated on me with some other girl. I seem to remember he tried to run... soon managed to stop him, of course." She chuckled to herself. My fear began to rise; what had my co-worker been doing all these years? Was I merely the latest on the list of unfortunates to fall foul of Jo and her mysterious powers? What was she doing to them? What was to be my fate?

All these questions broiled in my mind, but my terrified little voice was only able to squeak out one.

"W...w...why d-d-do you shr-rink people th-then?"

"Various reasons," she replied, almost casually. "Some for revenge, some for fun, some to teach them a lesson." She sipped her coffee again, laughing quietly. "Once, my sister started saying my feet smell, so I shrank her and stuck her in my trainer when I went running." She grinned as she remembered, for the first time displaying to me her stained teeth; at size, they looked like great yellow boulders, a sheen of slimy saliva coating them and glistening in the light. My mind raced into overdrive again, and I felt a slight tingling from below; thankfully, my embarrassment at being naked managed to quell any blood flow long before it had an effect. "She stank of it for days afterwards. Couldn't go near her. It shut her up pretty quick, though."

"Which brings me swiftly onto you."

Her eyes locked onto me again, her gaze deadly serious. "You're probably wondering why I shrank you, hmm?" I nodded my head slowly, as if dreading the answer. "Well, let's see if you can figure it out yourself. What do you think would make me want to shrink you, given what I told you just now?"

Her lips spread into a smile, clearly false, and her eyes gleamed as she watched my petrified little mind spring into thought while taking another mouhful of breakfast; if I hadn't been focusing on my thoughts, I'd have seen that it was cereal. Of course, it should have come to me almost immediately, but hindsight is a wonderous thing, and given the situation my mind was certainly not working coherently. After twenty seconds or so, she gulped down her latest mouthful and started clicking her tongue and counting down from five on her hand. When she reached zero her great voice cut me off from my thoughts and made me look up once more at the huge face of my co-worker-turned-captor. "Bzzzzt! Time's up, I'm afraid. Here, I'll help you out and give you a hint. What do you first think when I do... this?" She grinned again, and like a freight train it hit me as I looked up at the great barrier of teeth on display between Jo's lips. A red flush hit my cheeks, and the melting pot of feelings in my mind gained a heaping help of embarrassment.

"Jo, I.... I d-didn't... I'm so-so-so-" My stammerings were cut short.

"Oh, save me your apologies. You didn't think I'd notice that your eyes fixed on my mouth every time I opened it?" She laughed. "It's about as subtle as a rhinoceros horn up the backside." I was taken aback. Here I had thought for years that looking at her mouth, being so close to her eyes, would arouse no suspicion, yet here was Jo, several hundred times larger than my current form, shattering that view. Waves of embarrassment crashed over me as I realised what an idiot I must have looked throughout my teenage years. My cheeks flushed hotter than ever, turning a distinct shade of light crimson. The giantess pouted. "Aww, is someone embarrassed? Save me your self-pity, I honestly don't care. Being able to do what I can do, I'm of course aware of all the kinky stuff that has built up around the idea. It didn't take me long to put two and two together after some searching, and upon getting over the slight feeling of-well, strangeness- I suddenly came up with the best idea on what to do about it. It should be very amusing for me, and very...well.... enlightening for you." She laughed again without opening her mouth, mischievously. My heart rate reached machine gun levels of speed.

"Y-y-you mean... you're g-g-g-onna...."

She leaned closer to me, over the bowl of cereal to block out a fair majority of the sky, but not so close as to fill my entire vision. The next words out of her mouth were quiet, almost whispered, yet they had more impact on me than anything else she had said thus far.

"I'm going to make you experience more of my mouth than you ever thought physically possible,"

If it hadn't been for the blood rushing to my crotch, I might have fainted again, there and then.

"Here's how this is gonna work," she continued, in the same low voice. "You're gonna spend the whole day in here;" she poked a giant finger into her chin to signify the cavern within; "while I go about my day. That way, you can experience everything my mouth has to offer... every...last...bit." The emphasis on those last three words almost sent me into oblivion. "That means when I eat... when I drink...when I talk...and when I breathe ." She grinned at me, letting me figure out all that implied. "If you can survive that... then maybe I'll unshrink you. If not.... well, we'll cross that bridge if we come to it." Her giant tongue snaked out of her mouth and slowly licked her lips, ominously; I got the message loud and clear. Survive her mouth, or face what laid beyond. While that certain prospect also somewhat excited me, the primal fear of dying took precedent. "Well, then... are you in?" She smirked, letting all she had said fully sink into me, before adding; "Bearing in mind that even if you say no... I'm gonna do it anyway." She giggled again, grinning."

There was no question about it- quite literally. Slowly, I nodded my head.

Let the games begin.

Chapter End Notes:

Ladies and gentlemen, please remain seated. We thank you for sitting through the opening of our little show. The main performance will begin very shortly.

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