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Story Notes:

Special thanks to user Meereten01 for encouraging this idea!

Officers Hill and Turner got out of the squad car and checked the assigned address.  This was the one house on Greek Row they had never been called to, even for a noise complaint, and now they were supposed to be involved in a rash of missing persons investigations?  It was definitely a waste of time, they figured, but at it would be a good way to kill an hour or so while they looked around.  At the very least they would get to look at some hot sorority girls.


Hill pulled up his belt to make sure he looked his best then gave three solid hits to the door.  They heard some rustling on the other side and muffled conversations, then a set of footsteps.  Finally the door opened inward with a scrape, revealing the tallest woman either of them had seen on the other side.  She was dressed in a white shirt and shorts, with curly blond hair hanging loose, and nearly reached the top of the door frame.  After a second to look down at the pair she asked, “Yes?  Can I help you, officers?”


It took a moment for Hill’s mind to get working again.  He was not used to women being taller than him, let alone over a head taller.  “Uh- yes,” he managed when his brain kicked back into gear.  “We’ve gotten reports that some people have gone missing around campus and this house was noted as their last seen location.  Would you mind if we looked around for any clues as to their present whereabouts?”


“Of course not, come in!” the woman answered, moving out of the way.  While they entered she continued, “I’m Helen, by the way.  I need to get back to what I was doing, is it okay if two of the girls walk with you?  They can help you with anything you need.”


Turner looked into the living room and saw a powerfully-built redhead and a lean Asian reading.  “Only if it’s them!” he joked, pointing into the room.


Helen smiled, bending backwards while she walked toward her sorority sisters.  “Perfect, they’re just who I was thinking,” she answered.  “Fulda!  Li!  Please come escort these officers around our house, and make sure they get everything they need.”


The girls slammed their books shut, and while Helen walked away they approached the police.  Somehow the redhead was even taller than Helen and skimpier dressed, with a white tank top hanging loose over black shorts with the bottoms rolled up, and sizable black and white low-top Converse.  While still fairly tall, a couple inches over Hill, the other girl was much closer to normal height.  She had on a white button-up shirt tucked into her pleated plaid skirt, and black socks pulled up to her knees with brown loafers.  Though they wanted to avoid profiling, they guessed that the giant redhead was Fulda and the less gigantic Asian was Li.


“Hi!” Fulda exuberantly said.  “I’m Fulda, and this is Li.”  They were exactly right, so now it would not be profiling.  “We know our way around this house pretty well, so we’ll be your ‘guides’ for this investigation, as such.”  Li simply nodded when Fulda had finished, signaling her approval for the search.  “And I see from your nametags that you are officers… Hill and Turner.  Glad to meet you!”


Hill tipped an invisible hat in Fulda’s direction.  “You too, ma’am.  We’re going to start our search with the downstairs and then go upstairs before heading outside to do an inspection of the premises, it might take a while, so I hope you have some time to spare.”


“Absolutely!  Please, come right this way,” Fulda answered, gesturing back into the living room while stepping back to allow the officers passage.  Slowly they walked past the pair of sorority sisters, Turner taking a chance to look Fulda up and down as he went by, and started their search.


It was a large living room, and some things looked as though they did not quite fit, but there was nothing to indicate anything untoward had happened.  There was a wide, unusually tall table in the corner, and a long couch that could seat a dozen people set in front of a big screen TV.  On the far side there were a couple chairs with ottomans, and a perfectly clear coffee table in front of the couch.  College students could rarely afford such luxurious furniture, but the officers knew that rich parents made a lot of stuff happen.


They were about to clear the room when Hill noticed a small, dark red spot on the carpet.  He knelt down to get a closer look, and pulled out some clippers to take a sample.  “I know this is probably just some wine or a fight y’all took care of,” he began, cutting a small segment of the fibers, “but I’ve got to be thorough.”  Slipping it into a plastic bag he stood, then walked back into the hallway.


“Of course, I understand completely!” Fulda replied.  Internally she was kicking herself.  They had gone over this place twice looking for remains of smashed, tiny corpses, and somehow they had missed this one.  After the next party they would have to be more thorough, or find out who had fucked up.  She hoped it wasn’t her.


The group went into the kitchen, which had been scrubbed clean just this morning.  Fulda was confident they would not find anything: it was remarkably easy to scrub the whole place with bleach, then do another pass later with rubbing alcohol to make sure everything was sterilized.  Li looked nervous when they opened the refrigerator, but after barely a glance Hill closed it again.  “I see you ladies eat well,” he remarked, moving aside a loaf of bread on the counter.


“We like to stay healthy,” Li replied, leaning against the chrome door.  “Most of us here play a sport.”


“Well, both of you certainly look fit,” Turner threw in while he pulled out a silverware drawer.  No one called him out, so without any further ado he slid the drawer shut and the group returned to the hallway.


Their survey of the downstairs finished, they went upstairs.  Turner was sure to get behind Fulda, and to his delight her ass ended up being right at eye level for him while they ascended.  Li insisted that everyone else go in front of her, ostensibly to keep anyone from looking up her skirt, while also making sure that none of the cops tried anything suspicious. 


Fortunately, they reached the top without having to do anything drastic, and bunched up at the top of the stairs.  Looking down the hallway, the police saw a daunting number of doors on either side, leading to a single large one at the very end.  Turner whistled and said, “Sure are a lot of rooms.  Maybe we should split up to get through all of them without having to come back.”  Hill nodded his ascent, so Turner continued, “Fulda, if you could show me to your room while Li shows my partner to hers, we can get started and out of your hair as quickly as possible.”


Fulda opened the door directly to their right and stepped through, giving Turner enough room to enter.  She smiled while he walked in, giving the impression that she was being a good host, but really looking forward to what was about to happen.  Both of the officers had been shrinking an inch every couple of minutes while they had been walking around and neither had noticed.  It was time to speed that up. 


Turner walked slowly through Fulda’s room, mostly keeping his eyes on the floor, while Fulda kept her distance from him.  There was not much to look at, since she kept her room fairly clean and free of clutter, and was sure to do a deep clean each time she pounded a shrink into the carpet.  Unless he wanted to rifle through her underwear drawer, which she got a feeling he might, he would be thoroughly disappointed.


When he was done with her closet and walking to her bed Fulda could not believe her luck.  He had lost a foot just since coming into her room, and if he noticed he had not said anything.  She waited for him to lean down and look under her bed, then increased the speed at which he was shrinking even more.  Eagerly she approached, hoping that she could get this done without him even noticing.


Suddenly he stood and turned, running right into the crotch of Fulda’s shorts.  “What the-“ he exclaimed and took a step back, reaching for his sidearm.  Unfortunately, his shorter legs did not take him back as far as he was used to, and while he brought the gun forward Fulda sprung into action, seizing it in her hand before it was pointed toward her.  She easily wrenched it out of his grip, her hand twice the size of his and much stronger, and tossed the toy-sized gun behind her.


While he was still shocked Fulda stepped forward and brought a knee into Turner’s face, throwing his head back against the frame of her bed.  With her other leg she swept his legs out from under him, throwing his rapidly dwindling body to the floor.  For good measure she brought a foot down on his chest, cracking some ribs and knocking the wind out of him as her shoe ran from his waist to collar.


“Get up,” Fulda demanded, pulling her foot off him.  Though his chest screamed with pain while he tried he finally managed to get to his feet, struggling for breath.  Turner looked up and saw that he had been wildly mistaken about her being a giantess earlier.  As she continued growing before his very eyes he realized what a giantess was, and got the distinct feeling she was none too pleased with him.  He looked up her towering, beautifully tanned legs from his position directly centered between her shoes, and saw nothing but scorn in her icy gaze. 


Fulda grinned, and set her hands on her hips.  “I fucking hate cops,” she quipped, and raised her foot up to her waist.  The tiny cop raised his arms in a vain effort to shield himself as the brown rubber sole rushed down toward him, then he was flattened by her stomp with a small, satisfying crunch.  She lifted her heel and ground him into the carpet, mangling his remains further, then repeatedly stomped on them until it stopped feeling good.  When she was done she went to get some cleaner, not leaving this up to chance.


Over in Li’s room it was a quite different picture.  Her room was a mess, even more than usual, with her desk cluttered with papers and materials for a presentation she had been working on.  The floor was strewn with clothes, and unlike Fulda’s orderly row of shoes beside her bed Li kept hers in a pile near the door.  She would have to be patient waiting for the chance to make Hill go away.


Methodically Hill went through her room, looking underneath discarded clothes and pushing aside stacks of books to look for anything beneath them.  Despite his thorough search he found nothing, as Li knew he wouldn’t.  She preferred a much less messy way to dispose of her shrinks, one that seldom left behind evidence.


“If you don’t mind me asking, miss Li,” he began, turning down her covers to look for anything unusual, “but you’re in college, why do you still wear a uniform?”


“I like it,” she answered simply.  “Guys like it too.”  Hill expected more, but when nothing was forthcoming he shrugged and resumed his search.


Li followed him more closely, sensing that the perfect moment was coming soon.  When he walked by her desk she began rapidly reducing Hill while he was bent over and looking at an old coffee stain she thought she had cleaned away.  She made a mental note to have someone come and steam clean this room when he stood and turned around, running into her chest. 


Hill saw her eye him hungrily and, feeling a very real threat, reached for his radio.  Before he could press the button Li grabbed his wrist, yanking it away from the box.  She spun him around, wrenching his shoulder and pressing his arm into his back.  For good measure Li kicked him in the back of a knee, dropping him to the floor with a yelp while she maintained her iron grip on his arm.


With her free hand Li grabbed a pair of scissors off the nearby desk and set them on the shrinking cop’s shoulder, snipping the cord for his radio.  Calmly she replaced the scissors on the desk and tore the mouthpiece off, tossing it onto her bed.  Then she stepped forward and drove a knee into his spine to further contort him, raising his arm far over his head to keep him in pain.


Soon it became too difficult to maintain the position without hunching over too much and Li released him, letting him collapse in a heap.  He groaned and pushed himself up with his good arm, slowly getting his feet beneath him.  When he was able to stand, albeit hunched, he turned to face Li and gasped.  Her thin, black socks were taller than he was, and he could not help but gape up at her towering over him.  She winked a dark eye and her tongue poked out, sensuously licking her lips.


Hill tried to dart away, but a quick strike from one of her huge loafers bowled him over.  He whimpered, watching her continue to get larger in front of him.  Li smirked and leaned over, reaching an enormous hand toward him.  She easily engulfed him with her fingers, trapping him inside her fist before picking him up.


When Li opened her hand, Hill almost had a heart attack.  A gigantic face loomed over him, filling his vision, while dark, hungry eyes stared at him from beneath a curtain of black bangs.  Pink lips still glistened from her licking them, and her nostrils flared as though she were sniffing the air.  “I like the way you smell,” she remarked, her voice a veritable assault on his ears.  “It’s like bacon before I toss it in the skillet.”


Li’s other hand reached in, and she plucked him up between her thumb and long, slender index finger.  She moved him closer to her lips and his tiny body began struggling, making it even sweeter for her.  “I’ve never had raw pork before,” she said, her lips on the verge of wrapping around the cop held in her fingers.  “They say it contains parasites, but you’re enough of a parasite on your own to risk it.”


Hill screamed, just the way Li liked it.  She parted her lips and stuck him inside, keeping him pinned between her fingers until he was on her tongue.  Then she let him go and slowly drew her fingers out of her mouth, kissing their tips when they exited.  The shrink was wiggling on her tongue, trying to get free from the abyss she had dropped him into, but she had no intention of letting him go.


When she grew tired of his flailing she raised her tongue to the roof of her mouth, slamming the tiny man into her palate hard enough to stun him.  Slowly she ran him back and forth against the ridged surface, feeling him bump against the protrusions.  She rolled him quickly with the tip of her tongue a couple times, then let him drop away from her palate.


Before he hit the bottom, Li slid her tongue back over him, slapping him down into her frenulum.  She flattened her tongue, covering him entirely and keeping him pinned in the soft tissue.  He struggled weakly against her, unable to overcome the power of her tongue while he laid in a deepening pool of her saliva. 


Though his feeble struggles amused her, Li had to lift her tongue off him.  She tilted her head back, and the tiny person rolled to the top of her gullet.  Her saliva rushed around him and the chamber opened, sucking him down with it.  His thrashing continued all the way down her throat, bringing a smile to Li’s face, and he even continued when he was inside her stomach.  Within seconds, however, his movements grew weaker, then stopped, and Li was certain he had finally died.


Helen had gotten the least fun job, but knew it was the most important.  She walked out to the abandoned squad car and checked to see if anyone was looking.  Fortunately, the street was deserted, and no one was even looking out their windows.  With a few words the car practically disappeared, becoming smaller than her shoe.


Looking down at the car, Helen considered crushing it beneath her heel.  It was the one part of being a giantess she had never gotten to experience, and smashing a car with her shoe would make her feel so much better.  She though better of it, though, and leaned down to wrap her long fingers around it.  Helen easily picked it up, holding it in her hand like a toy, and carried it up to her room.  Maybe she would let some shrinks play with it later before crushing them and the car in one go.

Chapter End Notes:

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