Reviews For Tom's Story
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Reviewer: TomSpeedy Signed [Report This]
Date: April 19 2016 1:08 PM Title: Tom's Story

Happy 500th review!

Reviewer: Carycomic Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: April 07 2016 12:37 PM Title: Tom's Story

@HectorVanDyne: Unless she (Tom's mom) turns out to be like the selfish mother in the Asukafan classic; CAMP CAMPERS.

Reviewer: HectorVanDyne Signed [Report This]
Date: April 04 2016 9:08 PM Title: Tom's Story

@Ancient Relic: Except Tom's mother, as his mother, would have legal custody of Tom. Hell, maybe that's how she'll get involved in the story. Or at least, how Tom might agree to let her know. Unless Tess tells their mother before hand. 


Realistically, Lina benifits more if Tom's mother doesn't know. 

Author's Response:

The countdown is on. the only one who seems to benefit from Raphaella is Tess, well and Tom, maybe... 

Reviewer: HectorVanDyne Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: April 04 2016 8:25 PM Title: Tom's Story

Will we see Miss Addison again? I am wondering what her current state of mind is. She informed Tess about Janine taking Tom. So it seemed like she was concerned and maybe guilty since she did threaten to kill Tom when Janine blackmailed her.

She didn't seem like a bad person overall, so i wonder if she regretted making the threat. By the way, did Tom hear the threat? He hasn't brought it up. 

Author's Response:

I think the Miss Addison character may only be seen in passing. She had her chance and was outplayed.

Reviewer: TomSpeedy Signed [Report This]
Date: March 24 2016 9:51 PM Title: Tom's Story


It's not about her high heels. When we first met Lina and Jess, they were both described to be shorter than Janine.

Author's Response:


Author's Response:


Reviewer: licktoy Signed [Report This]
Date: March 24 2016 4:52 AM Title: Tom's Story

@Hector: I think Tom is not a masochist having pleasure from a physical pain. However I think he has a submissive site. It means he likes to be helpless and used by women for their sexual gratification.
If he is owned by a sensual dominant woman who would gently press his submissive buttons he could love to be a tiny slave boy serving his goddess.

Reviewer: TomSpeedy Signed [Report This]
Date: March 22 2016 5:16 PM Title: Tom's Story


I see where you are coming from and that Tom has had some painful experiences with multiple women.

However, I believe that Tom is one of this guys that gains pleasure from some pain here and there. Here is an example he said last chapter:
(Tess smiled wryly, “I appreciate your offer, really I do, but for how long? I can’t keep covering Tom’s absence from school. I think your initial thought of telling our mother might be the best way to go,” she ventured.

Shaking his head, he would rather be tied to Janine’s hairbrush again.)


Here, Tom decides between staying with his mother or being tied to Janine's hairbrush and chooses the hairbrush. Yes, telling his mom is the right thing to do, but it looks like Tom really, realllly doesn't want to be with his mom.

Also, while Janine has been the cruelest, he had some moments where he couldn't help but be mesmerized by her beauty while she tortured him. It was only Miss Addison whom Tom actually disliked becuase he personally didn't like her.

One thing you also could have mentioned was that Tess's roommate was becoming a little scary to Tom becuase she reminded him of Janine.

As for Lina, her "sinister motives" seems kinda hot in my book because she wants to own Tom and I bet Tom kinda likes that idea as well.

Lastly, Tom said he preferred the hairbrush over his mother. That's a powerful statement becuase the hairbrush was one of the worst things he experienced with. If he thinks the hairbrush is better than his mother, perhaps the whole experience was pleasant after all.

Author's Response:

There have been positive and negative attributes to each of his encounters.  So far the pros outweigh the cons otherwise he wouldn't keep pushing the envelope. Miss Addison use of him almost made him toe the line. Almost.

Reviewer: HectorVanDyne Signed [Report This]
Date: March 22 2016 4:46 PM Title: Tom's Story

@TomSpeedy: How has thongs been pleasant for?  He's been hurt by several of these women, especially Janine, it's why Tess wants to inform their mother and she's right to want to tell her.


The only people Tom has had mutually pleasant time with has been Cassidy and Tess's room mate. Technically Janine's mom, but now it seems she has sinister motives.

Author's Response:

You're right in that Tess’s conern for Tom is what'd prompting her to tell their mother. Tom's self destructive behavior is making it harder for her to keep him safe. At some point there has been some pleasure in each of his encunter but by the same token there has also been elements of pain. 

Reviewer: TomSpeedy Signed [Report This]
Date: March 22 2016 4:08 PM Title: Tom's Story

I think Tess only wants to tell their mother becuase she is tired of looking and chasing after Tom.

She believes that watching out for Tom is too much of a burden and wants to share that responsibility for their mother.

Tom just thinks that their mother will like keep him in a box metaphorically, and not let him out of her sight.

Also, his experiences as a tiny have actually been pleasant. Having sex with like 5 women, most of them hot (except Miss Addison) and he enjoys it. (Except some parts with Janine). I bet Tom would rather be sexually abused by multiple women than forced to stay by his mother.

However, his mind may not be so clear because he is currently in Cassidy's possession and just thinking about his future in her apartment may influence his judgement on this topic.

Janine doesn't want to say anything becuase she knows that whatever she says will be judged critically by Tom and Tess since they know what she did to him. Janine right now is just using her physical beauty to lure Tom to her as she did in the very beginning of the story. She knows she is hot and will use it to her advantage.

Cassidy seems to be the only one who has actually had sex with Tom nonstop with no interruptions. When Janine had Tom, Tess bothered her, when Lina had Tom, Janine bothered her, when Tess's roommate had Tom, Tess bothered her, and when Miss Addsion had Tom, Janine bothered her.

Sure, you could say the lawyer bothered Cassidy, but all she did was delay some sex. After the lawyer left, the two love birds went back at it again like nothing happened. That's why it feels like Cassidy truly experience Tom like no other character. I'm hoping some other characters (Miss Harwood) can have Tom for extended periods of fun as well.

I mean this story has everything. The hot sister, the hot classmate, the hot sister's roommate, the hot milf of your girlfriend, the strict horny teacher and the hot nurse.

You see the one thing wrong with this picture? Yeah, the teacher isn't hot and I think this story needs to redeem itself by having a new teacher that is hot to replace Miss Addsion. I'm telling you, Miss Harwood is the next big thing. She will fit that role nicely and soon Tom will have sex with basically everyone you can find on his porn history.

This next chapter will show which direction the story is heading in. I just hope it's heading in the direction I like.

Reviewer: TomSpeedy Signed [Report This]
Date: March 22 2016 3:49 PM Title: Tom's Story


No worries. I'm ok with it.

I was just surprised that it was similar to what I wrote, so I just had to point that out.

Anyways, glad we both agree on the same idea.

Reviewer: licktoy Signed [Report This]
Date: March 22 2016 3:39 PM Title: Tom's Story

@TomSpeedy: Basicaly I have reused your sentence because I liked your idea. That is why I started my sentence with 'there is really ..' - I was refering to your idea. Maybe I should be more explicit saying 'there is really something sexy on TomSpeedy idea ...'.

I hope it is ok for you.

Reviewer: TomSpeedy Signed [Report This]
Date: March 19 2016 2:34 PM Title: Tom's Story


Your review looks like what I said.

TomSpeedy- Also, there is something sexy about the thought of Lina "owning" Tom.

Licktoy- There is really something sexy about the idea Lina legally "owns" Tom.

It just surprised me that it's like almost the same sentence. Glad to know someone else thinks that idea is sexy.

Reviewer: TomSpeedy Signed [Report This]
Date: March 17 2016 4:06 PM Title: Tom's Story

This story became* popular 4x as fast.

Reviewer: TomSpeedy Signed [Report This]
Date: March 17 2016 4:05 PM Title: Tom's Story

Hey Duggernaut,

I'm not sure if you saw Ancient Relic's past review (because you didn't respond to it) becuase he discovered that this story is in the top 10 for most read and favorited.

It's also worth mentioning that this is the only top ten story that is made in the last year, let alone that past 4 years. I mean, all the other top ten stories are created from 2012 and earlier. This story becuase popular 4x as fast!

Author's Response:

Hi Tom,


Yes I saw Ancient Relic's review about this story making it onto those lists. While it is very gratifying, I think we must also bear in mind that this site has had four additional years to broaden the membership base. there are a couple of stories with many more reads and far fewer words which is a testament to the tales crafted by those other talented authors. I am truly grateful readers find appeal in this story borne of your suggestion and guidelines. I am humbled to have it appear on those lists. Thanks Tom.

Reviewer: KEr3d Signed [Report This]
Date: March 11 2016 9:17 PM Title: Tom's Story

So far, I've been reading non-stop, barraging through 70 chapters in a little under 8 hours. although that doesn't mean I don't ponder these things through several scenarios in my head, I can't always seem to come to a resolution. Heck, I think I just recited the definition of suspense! Great job, man, keep it up! Got me and half of the site hooked.

Author's Response:

Wow, thanks K3red. It is my hope to keep this story engaging enough to keep readers hooked and coming back for more. 70 chapters straight, wicked awesome!

Reviewer: TomSpeedy Signed [Report This]
Date: March 11 2016 6:44 PM Title: Tom's Story

Ancient Relic,

Nice catch. I didn't even know that this story has become that popular to be compared to some of the greats.

What's more amazing is that this story is on both of those top tens and it's not even 1 year old!!! The next youngest one is from 2012! Incredible!

Reviewer: TomSpeedy Signed [Report This]
Date: March 10 2016 4:37 PM Title: Tom's Story

That teacher is Miss Addison. I'm still waiting for Miss Harwood to make an appearance. :)

Author's Response:

Only time will tell

Reviewer: TomSpeedy Signed [Report This]
Date: March 04 2016 8:54 PM Title: Tom's Story

I'm still wondering how this story got 300 reviews. The premise was just a fantasy I had. Now it had tanscended into this phenomenal story.

I mean, of all Duggernaut's stories, why this one? The one based off a mere request.

Also, I thought I was going to be the only reviewer on this story initially. But this story just keeps attracting attention and a multitude of people have joined in.

Anyway, congrats on the 400 reviews for the first time in any of your stories. This may go to 500, 600, maybe 700 reviews!

Now imagine if I hadn't made that request for this story.... (I can't help but smile.)

Author's Response:

Lol, I tip my hat, this was indeed your request. I am delighted people are following it. There is such a wide spectrum of tastes ion this site making it hard to cater to the masses. I suspect while i have lost readers because of this, i just hope the story is still strong enough to warrant the attention it is getting. It is by far and away my most popular story to date.  

Reviewer: TomSpeedy Signed [Report This]
Date: February 22 2016 7:18 PM Title: Tom's Story

Totally agree with shiron's comment.

Reviewer: GTS33 Signed [Report This]
Date: February 18 2016 7:13 AM Title: Tom's Story

Love it. Stories like these are great especially when the characters are so well developed. I can't wait to see Tom in Round 2 xD

If it's criticism you want then here's mine: Try not to get repetitive and keep writing so descriptively, as it really does make the story more enjoyable to us readers.

Author's Response:

Thanks for the review GTS33. I appreciate this input regarding too many descriptors, I will keep it in mind for future chapters. Round two will take things to another level. :)

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