Reviews For Inversion
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Reviewer: Battlemaster-3d Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: March 13 2019 8:55 PM Title: Chapter 1 - Reunion

Think every one is hurting, Jill started out as a bit of brat and grew (in more ways then one) into a caring person.

Sam is hurting, don't know if he will ever forgive himself, it will always a be a what if.  I am sure he would of traded his life for Jill's in a heartbeat, that's just the man he is.  I also believe at some level Julie knows this as well...

Julie, just as she is dealing with her own self-inflected wounds from her treatment of Sam this hits.  She's likely angry at Billy, maybe angry with Sam, could be angry with the police, but I think she is if she's being truthful with herself most angry with herself.  She has trained with Sam, she knew what he could do before he shrunk, she has likely heard from the Cops what a "hero" he is (and likely some parts of her know that as well), maybe even seen the tape and knows it beyond a doubt.  The for lack of a shoe sieries of events have to play in her mind.  If she hadn't of done what she did to Sam, Billy might of never been an issue, if he was Sam even at 4'9" would of easily dealt with him and kept Jill safe, if she hadn't of 'assulted' Sam he might of gathered his confience earlier and dealt with Billy, for everything Sam can blame on himself, she can blame at least two of her own actions for why Jill died.

As stated Julie knows at least on some level Sam would of died to save his sister, in an ironic sense Julie may of wished for that to happen.  Not cause she wants Sam to die, but if he had to go it was THE WAY to go and he would be free of her and what she did to him.  The only person Julie would likely want to die more is herself, maybe she could do right by Sam as he had done right by her.

It may take her some time, and she is going to be angry, with Sam blaming himself she may find comfort in blaming him for a while and let him continue to be her 'sin eater' but I think she has matured enough that over time knowing the man Sam is as she gets over her grief she will try to heal Sam.  In fact it maybe easier for her to get over her grief then Sam as Sam always takes the littlest of things to heart.

Hope they heal and are their for the other, hope the crew heals and is there for both of them.  Thank you.

Author's Response:

Jill was growing into a caring person like you say, partly because she felt at least some responsibility for what happened to Sam. After learning how great a person Sam was she was at first volunteering and then later actually working to help people who had caught the disease. It is because of her transformation from a brat to a caring person that makes her passing so tragic.

Everyone needs time to heal from this. Julie of course is devastated from the events in her life. I think she wants to get back with Sam. She had a moment years ago where jealousy or just plain revenge took over her good senses and now she's paying for it. In fact, everyone is paying for it and she has to deal with it. Before things can get better she has to forgive herself. Can she?

Sam wants to get back with Julie, but does he have the patience? The other girls in his life want to help, even if that means convincing Sam not to go back with her. Sam has doubts about whether he should keep persuing Julie. And then there's the fact that Sam survived the incident and in his mind blames himself for what happened to Jill. He has to get over that. The incident with Billy could have turned out several different ways with either nobody, one or even all of them getting hurt. It just so happened that it turned out the way it did -- call it luck of the draw.

The rest of the story is how Sam, Julie and the others handle this tragedy and if they grow from this. How can the two get back together. Should they? Will someone else be better for Sam?

I had in mind to take the story one way but it moved a little from the original intent. There were some things in my life that happened that changed the course of the story too. But let's see how the characters fare because I think you'll like it. I've already finished writing this so I know how it goes, but of course there's all the editing and stuff that has to be done. Inevitably little details will change when this happens. The key thing is to not change the story as a whole when these little things change. There are still a few twists and turns but they are there to force the characters to ... well you'll find out.

Thanks for the comments, Battlemaster. I appreciate you all taking the time to do this and it does make a difference when I edit before pushing new chapters up.

Reviewer: Ugly one Signed [Report This]
Date: March 12 2019 1:37 PM Title: Chapter 1 - Reunion

Ouch, poor Jill, poor Julie and poor Sam.  I kinda of expect Jill's death (stories have a certain stucture), but it didn't make it any better knowing.  Hope Sam, Julie and friends can rally and find some healing and happiness...

little warry of the 'vegence' part of Julie coming back, hope it isn't a tell.

Thank you for the chapter!

Author's Response:

The whole part of this is to see if the characters can rally and find peace. Julie herself is wary of her own vengeance, you'll see. Can she and everyone else get past this?

Thanks for commenting. I hope you like what's coming.

Reviewer: Ugly one Signed [Report This]
Date: March 09 2019 10:47 AM Title: Chapter 1 - Reunion

Jill and Sam not good, hoping the crew comes together...

Not sure if they gets Julie out of her current state or makes her feel worse.  The if onlys start to kick in especially when she learns Sam is in surgery.  She will listen to every message and think if only I had been there and with her reconiciling with Jill it will only make it that much worse.  Maybe Zoe cuts into her as well (she has been doing that for the last couple of chapters).  Any way you look at it likely Julie will feel even worse then before.  Hopefully she has matured enough to know at some level it this instance isn't her fault it's Billy's and that she has to be there and strong for both Jill and Sam.


Author's Response:

All of what you talk about is coming up in the next few chapters. You can bet that Julie is feeling bad. We'll find out who she blames too. Zoe lays into her behind her back as much to protect Sam (in her opinion Julie's not good enough for him) but also maybe because she wants Sam for herself.

Thanks for the comments.

Reviewer: Bigdawg K Signed [Report This]
Date: March 07 2019 7:57 PM Title: Chapter 1 - Reunion


I appericate your skill and writing also I am sorry for your loss and hope you are doing better.

With that said I really got into the story because of Sam and Julie, the first third really hooked me and I have been engaged because you do write well and maintain a good story.

In the end it is your story and you will end as you wish.

I can guess more or less where I think the story is going.  With your comments my guess about Julie she either going to fade away or be the 'villian' with the Sunflower Girls, considering everything that Sam has done for her and her for him that to me is a throughly unsatisfying ending.

I will give it a chapter or two, but it seems you have made up your mind and from what I have read of the story and the comments a rough path at least appears.  If it is the path I have guessed it is I can utlize my time working on my own stories rather then be disappointed.

Hope your life continues to get better and thank you for your time.

Author's Response:

I appreciate your sentiments, however I assure you, we have not heard the last of Julie. Perhaps this is dragging on too much -- for that I apologize. I promise we'll see more of Julie in Sam's life coming up. However, there are a couple more twists and turns first. I just hope there's no rebellion from my readers for the next chapter.

BTW, we won't hear much from the Sunflower girls from here on out. That should tell you something.

Thanks again, Bigdawg, for both the comments and condolenses for my loss. It's been four months since then and we all knew what was happening for a whole long year. It's over now so I'm moving on.

Reviewer: Bigdawg K Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: March 04 2019 8:17 PM Title: Chapter 1 - Reunion

I am a bit worried about Sam and Billy being at large, any normal sized person could take Sam.  I would hate to be Billy if he did hurt or kill Sam and Julie finds out.  All that angunish would become rage with a focus, someone other then herself had hurt Sam, I doubt Billy would enjoy or even survive that, not sure Julie would survive the gulit afterward.  She would likely see it as yet another sin she inflicted on her Love, after avenging him, she would berate herself for letting him come to harm.

Speaking of Julie, it's becoming ever more clear she has always needed Sam.  She is the poster child of 'Love makes you crazy' and 'Love makes you evil' (both from Tv Tropes).  She has been growing up (at times very slowly), her physical growth spurt didn't help matters, nor did Sam's enabling of her.  Though I doubt Julie of chapter one or fifty would have the moral courage she has now.

Don't particulary like the other girls trying to crowd Julie out of Sam's life.  Understand they believe they are protecting him, and that there are times when you have to retreat or even give up.  Even if Sam has reached that point Julie still needs him as a fellow human being.  His nature is to help and if something happened to her you know he would feel awful.  They should let Sam be Sam and if they can fix things they should be happy for him.  The once bitten twice shy rule doesn't completely cover this, Julie wasn't gloating over what she had done, she was geniuely remorseful and from Jill and others she is devestated by what she did.  It doesn't excuse it, but as mentioned before she did have a time when 'Love made her Crazy and Evil' don't think that applies any more to her.

In the end Julie needs Sam in her life (at least a friend) if she is to be happy.  He has been her anchor, her rock, her means of support.  She took ihim for granted and got jealous a fair bit. she also allowed other to mock him and took it out on him instead of them (Sunflower girls),but I hope that with her confession came an ephiny and that she know her emotional and mental growth are much more important then her physical growth.

Without Sam, what does she do, she won't be satified with the Sunflower Girls, will she work things out with Jill and do her utmost to treat those like she infected?  Will she become so desponent that she seeks out the same disease she gave Sam so she can return to the way things were in forlon hope for Sam?  Will her own growth perhaps provide a treatment or cure for Sam?  If so, and if he's cured would she try to get back together at that point or will her guilt stop her?  After her realiztion can she allow herself to be happy again?

I believe Julie will from here on out attempt to support and help Sam.  She will do it covertly, quietly and in sercert.  I think she has reached the point that she feels she no longer deserves him, or anything good in her life.  I think Sam being Sam will do the same for Julie, he will help where he can, support as he can, and wish her the best if they don't heal.

I think they should meet and let time and healing take them where they can go.  If it's friends that might be good enough, but Julie never had to tell the truth, one day, could of become one week, a month a year, maybe on his death bed (or hers).  She knew the pain it would cause both of them, but Sam deserved the truth.

Thank you for a great chapter, still want healing beteewn Sam and Julie...


Author's Response:

Hi Bigdawg, how's it going? Thanks again. You write your comments almost as long as I write my chapters. :)

With Billy out and about nobody's safe. I hope he stays hidden and we don't see him again. Or better yet, he gets caught and thrown back in jail.

I'm kind of wondering what Julie is doing with herself. Perhaps she doesn't need Sam. Maybe the Sunflower girls will keep her attention and be her new muse. Maybe Sam doesn't need Julie. He has plenty of girls around to look after his needs, doesn't he? I'm not so sure the other girls are trying to crowd Julie out of Sam's life, except for Zoe. It seems the little spitfire wants Sam to herself, or at least away from Julie. We'll see what happens.

One thing is for sure at this point: Julie seems to be drifting away from Sam, but Sam can't get Julie totally out of his mind. What's it going to take? Will he finally forget about her, will she come back to him, or will something else bring them together or apart? I know everyone wants to see Julie and Sam back together. But sometimes, shit happens.

Thanks for the comments and thoughts.

Reviewer: Ugly one Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: February 11 2019 4:38 PM Title: Chapter 1 - Reunion

Intresting chapter, think Sam needs to be Sam and help where he can, hopefully Jill we help and keep him from over doing.  Julie will only hurt more at this point with every act of kindness from Sam.  She has to think she was a monster (and likely still thinks she is), that she can no longer delude herself that it was a 'highschool' prank he deserved means she has a heart and can be saved.  Though I think the last thing she wants right now is to be 'saved' she problely wants the devil to drag her to hell and torture her personally.

Sam will hopefully stay engaged and help her walk back from that, hope there is healing and in time their releationship heals.

Hope you are doing better as well, thank you for the chapter!

Author's Response:

Thank you for the comments. I can see that some of you are invested in this story. I haven't been timely in publishing the chapters but sometimes it's hard, sometimes not. You just can't tell.

Julie never intended it to be a high school prank; she knew exactly what she was doing and wanted to hurt Sam. Payback! Well, i think the price of that pay was way too high and now she knows it too. She thinks pretty bad of herself for hurting Sam but can Sam forgive her and make her feel better so that the two can get back together? That, we shall eventually see.

Here's to healing ... cheers.

Reviewer: Last_one_33 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: February 01 2019 8:13 PM Title: Chapter 1 - Reunion

Sam is remarkable, other then not being able to 'keep it in his pants' he is a very good person.

Worried about Julie, doubt she's ever felt like this before, I am guessing Sam's first instinct is to go to her and tell her he's fine and its ok (after a couple of days).  Most poeple are their own worst critics, I think right now that is espcially true of Julie, every kindness from Sam right now may be more acid on the wound (I don't deserve him, I am a monster, He needs to stay away from me for his own good...).  Sam does have to be Sam so as K suggest a message that he's ok and he hopes she feels better and he is there for her and would like to talk if she would may cause lots of tears but also give her hope.  A small living plant of a non-romantic nature that he knows she likes with a note like the message would burn as well but would also reinforce he cares for her without being overbaring.

Right now Julie needs to determine iif she can be good for Sam (which I believe she is).  If she's grown like I think she has in spirt and emotionally every time she sees, talks and makes love with Sam from here on out there will be that bit of pain to remind her of what she did, and the wonderful man she did it to.  In time (maybe a short amount) the joy will outwiegh the pain, but it will never go away, cause I believe at some level she will never forgive herself for it and over time Sam is smart enough to know it and though he forgives her he will have to stop saying or it will become picking at an old wound..

Good Chapter, saying 'hi' hoping time and life are treating you well!

Author's Response:

As far as Sam keeping it in his pants, I'd like to see how you do if you were on the same meds. I decided to give it a name: pentadequinolone or pdq. It's because of this that all the girls, and Sam, are so, let's say, amorous. I mean, would people really be that horny in real life? Or could the shrinking alone make them all that over sexed?

Julie has known the situation all along and knew that someday she'd have to confront the truth and tell Sam. That day has come and she feels terrible about the whole thing. I think Sam can forgive her, but can she forgive herself? We'll find out soon, I hope. I made some changes to the way I wanted this story to go and I'm still struggling with this. I hope it turns out better than what I had originally planned.

Thanks for the feedback. I'll get some chapters up soon, I promise.

There's some things I need to take care of in the aftermath of what has happened in my life, but we're moving on. It's still busy. I don't know how I find the time to write. I do this mostly late at night.

Like I said, the story will throw some more twists at you and I hope you like it. There are a couple of other stories I'm working on when I get writers block for this one. So please be patient. Sorry to make everyone wait between chapters, but more is coming.

Reviewer: Bigdawg K Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: January 31 2019 5:18 PM Title: Chapter 1 - Reunion

Good Chapter, Sam has a big heart, I sense the author wants Zoe and him which is fine.  I would still like Julie in his life and over time winning him back (more like being able to be near him again without her guilt making her feel like scum).  With Billy around and no one really able to protect Gail I sense a possible heroic end for Julie.  Maybe Sam attempts to slow do or stop Billy, Billy is of coursed armed, Julie though big would likely still be frightened of guns (she's 8 feet tall not super girl).  Then the shot goes off and instead of Sam, Julie takes it...  Might be a touch melodramic.

Sam should just call and leave a message with her, somthing like I am ok Julie, I forgive you and Jill (and Zoe and Samatha), I just want you to be happy or something kind, but hopefully not overwhelming, maybe send her live flowers she likes, so she has something to take care of and heal.  Just stay in her life and let her recover what she can and Sam recover what he can.  It seems Sam has the heart can Julie use the guilt to better herself or does she let it drag her down.  Thank you and hope that life is treating you better!

Author's Response:

Thanks for compliments. Zoe might be going after Sam, or maybe just looking out for him. Julie's not out of Sam's life yet, but maybe others think she is. Will Sam still stay interested in Julie?

Let's hope Billy doesn't mess things up. I like the idea of Sam sending Julie flowers; good idea. It let's her know that she's still wanted. We'll see what Sam does, but I'll tell you that more twists and rocky roads are headed Sam's way.

Reviewer: Bigdawg K Signed [Report This]
Date: January 10 2019 4:39 AM Title: Chapter 1 - Reunion

I think Jill would have to confirm it, she would ask Sam or Zoe and if it was confirmed Jill would likely try to start healing rifts at multiple levels.  First her and her sister which would be the main focus, if after all the water that has passed under what's left of their bridge can be made better, pretty much anything could in Jill Point of View.  The Sam and Julie, Julie wouldn't of gotten there if it wasn't for Sam, Jill though standoffish as you stated likes Sam, she would put a fair amount of effort trying to get them to at least reconcile and if the sisters can get back together, she would make that her main effort, the others would flow from the first two.

They need to protect Gail, Jill and Julie are the only ones without weapons that can do it, so hopefully somewhere in the conversation beteewn Jill and Julie, or later Sam and Julie they understand bad stuff has gone on, but right know Gail needs her and Sam doesn't want to leave her on the street, so as they work through things Julie if possible needs to stay close to Gail.

The whole situation is this Sam I believe will forgive her, he will take her back as a friend, the issue is being burned twice will that make him to gunshy even if her sees improvement with Julie?  Me I would be warry, but Sam's a trouble shooter, he can have set goals that she needs to reach and attempt to fix things, if Julie doesn't push to hard and if Sam finds even one more milimeter I believe they can in time make it work.  The key issue is how hurt Sam will remain, if it can even be partially healed they have a fighting chance.  I am hoping they do reunite, as you said Julie likely didn't know just how bad the thing she did was and when she did figure it out she burried it hoping it would stay six feet under, now she knows she will likely do everything she can to start fixing it herself.

Thank you.

Author's Response:

How do you think Jill is going to handle things now that Julie's secret is out? Maybe she'll be good friends with Sam again or at least won't try to avoid him. Or maybe not.

I will tell you all this: Jill will have a key role to play soon.

I'm still struggling with the next chapters because I've decided to take a different branch from what I had in mind before. Look for a new chapter soon. 

Reviewer: Last_one_33 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: December 05 2018 4:22 PM Title: Chapter 1 - Reunion

Hey, another chapter!  Thank you!  Basics of keeping Sam and Julie together, and am grateful you can keep up with the Harem, though two are going to AZ soon...

Hope life is treating you better and THANK YOU for continueing this awesome story!

Author's Response:

Thanks for the kind words. I always meant to continue, it's just that sometimes things happen that takes us away from what we like doing. Writing takes time and all my time was being spent taking care of family matters. Hopefully, things will return to something more like normal after the holidays.

There are some surprises coming but the chapters I have ready to go are not really ready -- they need a rewrite. Another chapter coming soon though. I promise.

Reviewer: Ugly one Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: December 04 2018 7:55 PM Title: Chapter 1 - Reunion

Seemed like more a transion chapter, but a good one.  Keep it up every story needs to shift gears from time to time.

Hope you are doing better and again sorry for your loss.

Author's Response:

It was kind of a transition chapter, yes. I have split this chapter up into three (or four) chapters. There will be more things coming up soon. Thanks for comments and well wishes.

Reviewer: Bigdawg K Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: December 02 2018 8:15 PM Title: Chapter 1 - Reunion

Someone has a felon after them, Succubuses, Julie wanting Sam to grow, Good Chapter, have to re-read with all that's going on.  Again sorry for your loss, I hope in time it gets better.

Again keep Julie, Sam and their harem together, also have Julie knock some sense into the Sunflower girls.  I know it's not going to happen and that Julie is "OK" with it, but have Sam keep "it" with Julie...

If you have time please check out my little piece of fiction "A war with no Graves" and if you would give me some feed back.

Thank you for a good chapter!

Author's Response:

Sunflower girls wont come for a while. Sorry. But I'm looking forward to reading your story. Thanks for the comment.

Reviewer: Bigdawg K Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: November 16 2018 10:11 AM Title: Chapter 1 - Reunion

Sunflower girls arc/new story.  Depending on the ending, if things go south for Julie and Sam I would like Julie to have a redemption story (hopefully not much of 'redemption' would be needed just her maturing a bit) with the Sunflow girls as a follow on story.  I would espeacilly like it form Julie's prespective (since this story has been all Sam all the time).  If she and Sam are together how she plans to get the Girls to help others.  If events force her and Sam apart at the end, that she strives to be worthy of his friendship, that finding the golden road back to him (and the way you have it set up right now Zoe).  Using her size to help find a cure, trying to get him to an average hieght, being there for him when no else will be.  Excelling at things other then being big, strong and fit knowing Sam would want her to be sucessful in all things (and makes her appealing to him as well).

After Julie, how she begins to mold the girls in her image, works so that they see others as being worthy of help, of care, or compassion.

Them being the Sunflower Girls there still will be arrogance and some sense of entitlement, but in will be channeled into good works and pushing things for those 'poor slubs' who are tiny through no fault of their own.  Basically they become good, and strive to do better but there is always going to be a touch of narricissism even in Julie, but it doesn't stop them from help others, in fact in a perverse way them being "better' makes them work harder to help.

Hope the jumble here helps on your call, sent message with regard to IRL, hope things get better for you.

Author's Response:

Good idea about a new story about the sunflower girls. I'll give it serious thought. I'm not sure about Julie just yet. You'll see what I mean in a few chapters. 

I've decided to make a change to what I had originally planned, of course you'll never know since you don't know what it is. But I'm hoping everyone will like it. There's going to be lots of twists. I'll work in some of the sunflower girls but it's coming a bit later.

Thanks for the comments.

Reviewer: Ugly one Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: November 02 2018 6:54 PM Title: Chapter 1 - Reunion

Glad Sam and Julie have stabilized and that Julie likes to expirement!

Zoe seems to be trying to heal and have them understand the other more, the poor woman has PTSD, little worried that the glue that's keeping the tissue together as it heals isn't quite right herself.

Read Jill's part a couple of times, not sure if the fight even involved Sam, could be how great it was to be tall (which while the realationship was on Ice she made clear to Sam).  I don't quite know what Sam could learn, if it was really hurtful to Julie my bet is Jill would of told him.  I am sure it will be yet another obsticile that they will have to deal with in the last few chapters.

I think since Zoe talks and spends more time with both Sam and Julie she's if not pushing, she's clearing what Julie does and doesn't do to Sam during their 'sack' time.

Intresting concept crossed my mind, Zoe maybe the one thing that holds Julie and Sam together if things get as rough as I think they are.  Both love her, and she loves both of them, having Sam's harem (with Wilma trying to get in) and Julie's arrogance with her size having what I would hope is their final flare up that they pull back from the edge and know they have to help Zoe and that Zoe wouldn't put up with their stuff if there wasn't something good and worthwhile about their love (her wishpering in Julie's ear and helping her deal with Sam's Harem, as with her talking to him and pushing him to do right by Julie).  That if Zoe can see it, they begin to see it as well and their combined efforts to 'help' Zoe allow them to overcome the last and greatest issues.

Keep Julie and Sam together, they need each other and Zoe needs them.

Thank you.

Author's Response:

Ugly one,

Thanks. I'm glad Julie and Sam are back together too and hope they stay that way. It seems everyone here does.

Zoe has some problems but I think she's strong enough (emotionally) to handle them. If not, she has some new friends, not the least of which being Sam, to help her out. What do you think?

Ah, Jill. What is it that she knows that nobody else does? Is something hurtful to Julie? Or Sam? Or anyone else?

I'll hopefully start posting chapters again soon. Read down a few comments to find out what has happened IRL lately. I'm grateful for the support you and everyone else here is giving me.

Reviewer: Battlemaster-3d Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: November 01 2018 7:17 PM Title: Chapter 1 - Reunion

Just Read 79, the baggage appears, Jill has no problem sabatoge Julie so the fight they may of been bad, even apporaching what Julie did to Sam level.  My guess is Jill wasn't happy with how Julie treated same when she had her 'lapse" and Julie not dealing well with the gulit projected how Sam did things to her and how he had it coming or the like.  It was likely just a stupid sentence or two and she probley felt horrible about it, but as bagage goes Julie saying something like "he had it coming', or 'the Sunflower girls were right about him' would put a bit of cold water on what's becoming a ever hotter pot.

If it was worse Jill would spill, she had no issues 'letting' it slip that Julie knew about Sam's disease.  Julie not spilling with everthing else she's done that's right means she's ashamed or worries it could hurt or end their relationship.  I personally think she said some things stupid, that she regerts them even when she was a bit pissy (when they were basically broken up and she was a bit full of herself in a bad way) and that it was a difference it scale not in kind, which Sam already having some issue that he's resloving will hopefully not act in haste but see how she's grown even in the time they've gotten back together.  Sam's 'big' enough to know that everyone when stressed makes mistakes, Julie at the time of her assult was definitely stressed she likely said some very stupid things to her sister who by her existance has been know to piss Julie off, so Sam has some issues he need to tell Julie and Julie likely has a Whooper to tell Sam, the scales should mostly blance and they can continue to heal.

Thank you for a great chapter.

Author's Response:

Funny how you mention all of these things; very prescient. I will tell you that in a few chapters all of these will come to a head. We haven't heard the last of Jill -- she definitely knows something. I only hope you aren't too disappointed at how all of this ends.

Thanks for the followup comment. I don't know when I'll put the rest up because of real life, but I hope it will be soon. Just keep checking back.

Reviewer: Battlemaster-3d Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: November 01 2018 6:21 PM Title: Chapter 1 - Reunion

Great Chapter, Like the confident Julie, Now Sam needs the same level and Zoe needs just a bit more.  Ending strech, every unresloved issue is going to raise it's head Just keep Julie, Sam and Zoe together the rest will be ok.  As for the question to BigDawg, I like what he said about Sunflower Girls and Julie's response to them.  Would like to see Julie push just a foot or two taller, and at the end Sam grows (I do like the concept of him growing while hanging inverted on Julie's body, he helped and supported her through her growth, now in a different manner she helps and supports his...)

Hope things get better outside of writing and thanks for the chapter!

Author's Response:

And a third vote for Sam to grow, and to grow hanging on Julie to boot. Well, that's something I'll have to think about.

There are some more issues coming down the pike that will raise their ugly (and some not so ugly) head, but in the end they'll all get resolved. Or not. We'll see.

Thanks for the compassionate words for outside of writing and thanks for the reviews. You guys are great.

Reviewer: Ugly one Signed [Report This]
Date: November 01 2018 6:16 PM Title: Chapter 1 - Reunion

Good Chapter, seems Sam is getting over his little hiccups with Julie.  Julie likes the three some, as does Sam and Zoe.  I think Julie would be fine with just the cuteness factor of Zoe and Sam, I think she wants to love and protect them both very much.  It could be an issue if she becomes overprotective or maternal (or both).  Both are wonders of talent, reslove and each helps others, Julie just being around them has to have a high going, then knowing she's so much physically more powerful, oh god that love of hers must be rigid all the time around them...

I know Sam has to suffer, but when all the girls are taller then him, can he hang inverted on Julie and begin to grow (from all her growing and love for him and her really wanting him to have a normal hieght if only to know what's like, not that Julie would love him less if he's two feet then five, but I think she knows how hard it is on him and would hope for his sake to allow him to feel just a bit of what she feels).

Know it's the final run so problems will come fast and furious, but as Family Julie, Sam, Zoe and the rest of the crazy mixed up brunch can make it through and stick together!

Thank you for the chapter and hope home life improves.

Author's Response:

The couple has gotten over these latest hiccups but I don't know if it will last. There could be rocky roads ahead, or maybe they'll live happily ever after. Nah.

It seems we have a second vote for Sam to grow. I'm wondering what that would be like. Will the bunch of them stick together, or will events overtake them? I'd really like to see them stay together.

Thanks for the review. I really do appreciate all the feedback you guys are giving. Unfortunately, I haven't been able to play online as much as I would like. IRL things have changed and I have some fallout to deal with that will keep me busy. Besides the death, I had to go to the hospital a while back with another family member. It was pain in the lower right abdomen and we thought it was appendicitis, but after waiting all night long in the hospital, it turns out it was a hernia. Still not good, but not as bad as appendicitis. We spent 0.5% of the time filling out forms, 0.1% talking to doctors/PA/nurse, 1% testing and 98.5% waiting. And life goes on.

Reviewer: Bigdawg K Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: October 30 2018 3:11 AM Title: Chapter 1 - Reunion

Sunflower Girls and interaction?

What I would like to see is Julie brining Sam along saying all the things the tall women like to hear on how they deserve good food, wine, cars, ect and saying she had all those things already before they sought her out.  Julie pauses for effect that she had those things, a person who backed her through her education, who bore the costs of her rapid growth, too the pain on himself, endured her insensitivity and loved her without condition.  Of the two the person she's know or the Club she would keep Sam over the Club in a heart beat cause even though people look up to us it's because we are beautiful statues at least at first, I hope with Sam they see beyond it and I can use my natural advantage (which he in a way gave me) to help and not be so selfish like some of you.  I would like to maintain some of the contacts I made, but if you tell me I can't love Sam then Sam and I will be on our way, since I want to help people with my gifts like Sam does and I want to find ways for things to work not be presented with old solutions.  In essence I LOVE Sam and don't care what you think of him."

Sam either before or after Julie's speach is polite explains what he does and how it impacts and general that he's been good for and too Julie without bragging or going into too much detail.

I would like a convert or two to start following Julie, and to be the submissive discussed earlier, the one Julie can go all out on.  The shock and awe of an uninhabited Julie having her way with a woman that still dwarfs Sam and Zoe and having their reaction to it would be priceless as would Julie having 'driven' her to heaven has Sam finish Julie off (like all you are is the appitizer, Sam's the main course WOMAN!)

I would also like Julie with Tee and Sharon hang inverted for 'old times sake" and have Sam hang inverted on her breasts (and that time is the first time he gains hieght)

Author's Response:

Hey, Bigdawg, thanks again. Please see the last part of my response to the previous comment. 

We haven't heard the last of the Sunflower 'girls' but I'm not sure how much interaction will be there. There coud be lots more which will make the story longer than it already is or I could end it sooner which I'm leaning towards. If I do that then I may create a seperate story going down the line of the girls in the club. I haven't decided but if you want to vote one way or the other it will probably influence what I do there.

Sam gaining height by hanging on Julie's breasts? Cool idea. I'll think about it. Sam would love to gain some height, poor guy.

Reviewer: Last_one_33 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: October 29 2018 3:12 PM Title: Chapter 1 - Reunion

I like the playful, confident, sexy and dominate Julie.  I think she has a contact high every time she thinks about Sam, Top Secret clearence, well-paid, smart, problem solver, has a great heart and is willing to do things for even those that hurt him (like her) all that and he fits into her hand :-).  Thats part of the high as well to know this man of so many gifts is hers and if she was of a mind to he could be hers alone (no one is going to challange a 8' tall supergirl like her), that she has all this power on Sam in size and attraction, she might not need Zoe and Sam for anything else, not that having Zoe in a simalir situation doesn't make her motor rev higher.

Physically Julie will be careful, but she is still young, I don't think she gets all the mental aspects of her power.  Even being gentle playing with Sam and Zoe like they are dolls maybe cute as hell for Julie, but maybe a tad controling for Sam, and I think Julie knows it's a bit controling (experimentation), but I don't think she's to the point where she considers her every action, so for a while she's going to make 'uncomfortable' mistakes.  Sam's a grown man he knows it will be ok and he did ask for experimentation.  Though I did like Sam being trapped under Julie's panties, from her laughter Julie did as well, embrassing but fun Sam can handle...

Everyone is still growing but Sam, considering all he's been through and all he has he can deal with it though and as he stated he's never had more instreting and fun times, now the author is going to put some problems in his way, but we all need character develop.

Great Chapter, hope things are moving in the right direction at home.  Keep Julie and Sam together, together they can handle anything!

Author's Response:

I like how you put that, "contact high" that she gets. But I think all the girls do: Sam is confident, handsome, and can be a good provider. If only he were bigger. Yes, Julie is still getting used to being so much bigger and especially so much bigger than Sam. But she is starting to settle in as her new role as the stronger and dominant one. Sam is not the only one who's not growing though. The story has a few more twists to it and it will bring some turmoil to their relationship. Let's hope Julie and Sam stay together.

Speaking of turmoil, the person who was very close to me and has been in and out of the hospital the past few months has died. I'm still dealing with this and the aftermath so I may not get the next chapter up for a little bit. It is written, as is the next three chapters after this, but they of course need TLC. I don't know when I'll get back to posting but I will continue the story.

Thanks, for the kind words, Last_one_33, and also thanks to EVERYONE for supporting me here.

Reviewer: Last_one_33 Signed [Report This]
Date: October 08 2018 6:36 AM Title: Chapter 1 - Reunion

Wow, everyone seems to be onboard, though Sam is still self-sabotaging ala JD from Scrubs.  You have your Elliot Sam, her name is Julie and yes like Dr. Reed if you mess up you are going to pay, but I doubt anyone will be there for Sam like Julie.  Julie isn't perfect, she needs to understand the power she has and control it, which it seems she is trying very hard to do.  Also both don't feel they can fillful the others 'needs', but they each have a harem of supporters to aide their needs.  I believe Sam and the four girls will find a way to ensure Julie is satisfied (and beyond) and I think Julie will take the lion's share (quite litterally with Sam and another scrubs quote "mount her like a lion') of his needs and the other four can 'help' after Julie has handled 80+%.

Yes it's a story, so of course Sam and Julie are going to face difficulties, the AZ trip likely the most difficult one foreshadowed.  Sam's going to hate himself if he infected those women and Julie's going to be a mess trying to talking him down and console him.  At the end they will get there (small scale-trip, large scale-relationship) and make the most of each up while keeping the downs managable.  Good chapter hope RL lets you continue to write and that your situation improves.  Thanks.

Author's Response:

Interesting analogy to scrubs. Unfortunately, I don't watch TV. Yes, they both have their supporters, but mostly their friends are mutual. Well, except for the sunflower club. I don't think the club would welcome someone like Sam at all. Their mutual friends will ensure that everyone is "satisfied". It's just that there's all this other baggage floating around. You'll see.

The thing about infecting others is in the back of his mind now. Do you think it will fester and really bother him later? We'll see.

Thanks for all the comments. I really enjoy hearing from everyone.

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