Reviews For Small Side-Effect
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Reviewer: Dawger2 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: June 16 2020 12:56 AM Title: Final Test

Woah! I thought the fianl test is going to be Piss, that was a surprise, and I was like "Hell yeah!". But then it was Vore and I was like " vore is good too". Then, there's biting involved and I was like back to "Hell yeah".

That biting part was really great and you explained it really well. It was rare to find mouth play with biting involved.

But, seriously I love Lana and her coldness that she doesn't really care about the assistant inside her stomach anymore

Whew! That was an excellent story. Hope to read some more. Thanks for the story

Author's Response:

It's rare to see mouthplay with chewing because it's something that will certainly kill the subject.  Chewing without being turned into a paste requires an invincible tiny, so the story has to be built in such a way to enable it without straining credibility.

Lana cared very much for her assistant!  She just cares more about the results she got from him.  In a way, he'll live forever in the form of her data.

If you're looking for more from me, check my profile for other stories and you'll be in for a pleasant surprise :)

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