Reviews For Money Matters
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Reviewer: Ancient Relic Signed [Report This]
Date: September 27 2021 1:51 PM Title: Shitty Day

The premise is excellent, and the story has been a lot of fun so far. Think hard about worldbuilding and how it affects the plot and characters. This story has a lot of potential.

Author's Response:

Thank you, means a lot.

Reviewer: hanssmith7670 Signed [Report This]
Date: September 16 2021 7:20 AM Title: Shitty Day

HOLD THE PHONE. Actually, hold your phone... Thats me calling, Yeah put it to your ear "THANK YOU!"

Literally read this chapter and was immediatley inspired to start writing again. The SIZE difference... Oh the size difference, it clicked in my brain, like BAM *Starts feverishly typing on the keyboard with the mad scientist look but with better hair*

But really this helped me get out of my rut. Big thanks. Standing infront of his roomate really stuck with me!My mind was tansfixed about her unwashed body so close to his and the thought of them socks *Sudders in horny*

Loving this story so far, I am anticipating your next chapters! Keep on delivering them hot n' ready chapters!

Author's Response:

Thank you so much, that truly means a lot. Going to be some more roommate content next chapter so I hope you enjoy!

Reviewer: SoleWriter Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: September 13 2021 4:50 PM Title: Shitty Day

Glad you found some inspiration from one of my stories. Interested to read more! Great story! And now you've inspired me to write a bit myself.

Author's Response:

What can I say, they're great, thanks for the kind words!

Reviewer: johnsmith10992 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: September 12 2021 5:21 PM Title: Shitty Day

Love the premise, and wow, 50ft women?! Certainly hope you continue.

Author's Response:

Haha 50ft is reserved for the richest of the rich, and I'm planning on it!

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