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Reviewer: Avid Reader Signed starstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: June 24 2022 9:21 AM Title: Malon Aware

"Finally, when she was about to give up marion saw her magnifying glass she uses to take ticks off her animals" Who is "marion"? :P

" "Hello there oh great giant, we've come to you to ask a question: What did we do to make you angry?"

"These are dark times, marion." There is this unknown person again...

"I've come here numerous times to pray and take care of Link."

" "Is there anything I can do" marion asks" I know the joke is wearing thin but why "marion"? Not even capitalized...

"Now tell young man, how did your village get destroyed by a flood of milk?"

I didn't expect a Town built inside of a Coin, but that's a great idea of nothing else.

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