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Reviewer: ReclaimerChief17 Signed starstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: June 23 2023 5:55 AM Title: Chapter 3

Pretty interesting start to this story! It’s got potential. Hope we find out more about the origins of this world like were the tinies regular sized at one point and all simply shrunk? And how and why is the king and queen entitled to being the big ones. 
More action with the king and queen towards the tinies would be cool to see. As of now they haven’t done much story wise more so ordering stuff in the background etc. 
and of course, the whole 6 in peasant faction is a nice addition. Lol would love to see one of them act entitled and forget she’s still peasant when being dwarfed but the queen.  

Author's Response:

thank you, very good advice. Glad you took the time to leave your input. This gives me encouragement to finish the story and post some other ones I'm working on. I have a lot more of the story already written out, it just needs editing. The next chapter has lots of interaction with the King and Queen. I'm still working on nailing down a good background on how they all got small. I also really like your idea of the 6 inch peasants being put in their place by the queen.

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