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Reviewer: hava Signed [Report This]
Date: November 28 2023 9:09 PM Title: Part 1

What a great story, I love their dynamic together. Hope you revisit these characters one day!

Author's Response:

It would be fun to see how they're doing, but you just know she's going to have both of them wrapped around her fingertip lol

Reviewer: BlueDream Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: October 03 2023 1:45 PM Title: Part 1

Lovely! ^-^ Reminds me pleasantly of the charming "My best friend's girl" 1+2 by 5952, which can also be found on this very site:

Author's Response: I'll have to check those out sometime, this one is a happy little tale at the end of it, thanks for reading!

Reviewer: amaotoko Signed [Report This]
Date: October 03 2023 6:28 AM Title: Part 1

Incredible story!!

Author's Response:


Reviewer: RustyBroccoli Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: September 30 2023 1:08 AM Title: Part 1

Good story, I like Sofia's personality.

Author's Response:

Thanks! She's very teasing isn't she?

Reviewer: It Was Me Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: September 26 2023 10:40 PM Title: Part 1

So when they say it takes a year for the virus to stabilize, are they talking a year from when you reach your bottom or a year from when you caught the virus? Or is it a year from the diagnosis, with the doctors just using that arbitrary number to cover their asses?

So it seems pretty clear that Sofia and Kyle were aware that Will was attracted to Sofia well before the shrinking virus. Neither of them seemed surprised when she set off his shrinking for the first time. In fact, Kyle seemed almost a tad smug about it. I think Will feeling the way he does about Sofia (being attracted to her but seeing her as off limits) and the couple's knowledge of said feelings (unbeknownst to Will) sets up this odd three-way relationship really well.

Sofia is obviously a lot of fun. I'm guessing by all her intimate touching of Will even before she was trying to shrink him (hugging him tight a couple times and kissing him on the cheek) that she has always liked to tease him a bit. Or maybe she's just the touchy-feely type, or she may even just like the attention Will gives her, but it just seems like getting Will all hot and bothered from time to time would be something that matches her personality.

It was great to see her show some sincerity to Will when he confronted her about the intentional shrinking. She made some great points, too. Getting him to his smallest size quicker, rather than drawing it out, would let him focus on living his life (although his options would be limited, to be sure). Sitting around worrying about it every day for month after month would have likely become torturous after a while. And Sofia's reassurance that Kyle and her would take care of him (I don't think he was necessarily worried that they wouldn't, but it had to be nice to hear out loud, especially from someone who has seemingly been making light of his situation up to that point) was heartwarming, as was her flash of legit happiness once Will came around. Not to mention her acknowledging that Kyle and her were actually worried about him (most likely his mental state, since they could keep him safe physically) is good for him to know, since the couple seemed to bury that worry and focus on the lighter side of the situation.

And the handjob was nice, too, I'm sure.

Then there's Kyle, who's in a pretty weird spot. I think most people would hate the situation he's in. I mean, his girlfriend is getting hot over another guy (I know, I know, it's what's happening to him more than just him, but still!) and his best friend is clearly into his girlfriend. But instead of being upset about the whole thing, he's actually feeding off of their emotions instead, enjoying Sofia's teasing of Will and what it does to her and feeling guilty about what it's doing to his friend. His rationalization is interesting, telling Will that college is about experimenting and approving of his girlfriend's antics as a "reward" for the hardship his friend is going through.

It was also intriguing to see him get a little defensive when Will seemed to feel a little betrayed that Kyle knew what Sofia was doing. That implies that his guilt is legitimate, but his libido is in the driver's seat. That can make things interesting down the road.

And Will, of course, is having to maneuver through all this. He's freaking out that he's going to be tiny, and he's not sure how to react as the people he has trusted seem to be enjoying his condition. Again, I think Sofia talking to him was important, as it reminded him that they were friends and gave him some insight into why the couple was handling things the way they were. Sofia was right, the virus was ruling him, not just in the way he thought about it but in the way that it made him think about his friends as well. Once he realized that they were taking things lightly BECAUSE they knew he was safe and just wanted him to loosen up and get in on the fun, the virus kind of lost its power over him, mentally, at least.

That is, until he dropped below six inches. That's a whole other level of stress, not knowing where that floor really is.

The second half of this looks like it's going to be really fun! It'll be interesting to see how Sofia navigates teasing Will at those smaller sizes. And while I'm not into couples stories generally, the build-up for the inevitable three-way has gotten me kind of into the idea.

I'm just wondering how all of that is going to affect the relationship between the three of them once Will grows back (assuming there aren't any ... complications with that).

Author's Response:

The one year thing is kind of like how a doctor says leave a cast on for X number of weeks, it's just an outside thing to be on the safe side.

I don't usually write giant couple's stuff but I decided to make an exception for this particular commissioner. As far as the relationship between these three goes, it's like Kyle says, it's weird but they all care about each other so they're making it work, for now anyway.

Anyways the second half is going to be fun!

Reviewer: rubber Signed [Report This]
Date: September 26 2023 9:13 PM Title: Part 1

great story so far

Reviewer: hornet Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: September 26 2023 8:08 AM Title: Part 1

Your slow shrinking stories really are the best. Can't wait for next part!

Author's Response:

Thanks! I do love some slow shrinking, it allow for more drama I think.

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