Reviews For Home Sick
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Reviewer: Parajake32 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: February 29 2024 1:09 PM Title: Extended Stay

Was going to ask how small is the protagonist going to be by the end, and if there is some foot interactions down the line!

Reaaaaaally praying we get to another chapter soon! Even at just 2 chapters long, this story is one of my favorites here!

Reviewer: ittybittyman Signed [Report This]
Date: December 06 2023 1:27 AM Title: Extended Stay

Glad to see you came back to this. Also love the big breast smothering. Hopefully she keeps it up with the maternal instinct to smush him into her calcium cannons. 

Author's Response:

Yup its been a long time coming! Didnt mean to leave you hanging there haha I hope it was worth the wait

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