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Reviewer: D W Signed starstarstarstarhalf-star [Report This]
Date: May 06 2024 2:54 AM Title: Learning Your Place

A very nice story so far.  You have quite a lot of grammatical errors, though nothing that can not be ignored and read through without confusion.  Though you might want to proof read your work and use spellcheck before posting.

I'm looking forward to the shrunken guy, me, meeting others she has shrunk.

I have a similar story which I have not posted yet, in which a woman shrinks people as insects in her home which she ignores and steps upon; only they can not die and are reformed to normal, though still tiny, after she steps or sits upon them.  She also calls them bugs and insects.  A few even crawl up inside her asshole to fulfill the proverbial edict of "a bug crawled up her ass" to excuse her foul behavior.

I am looking forward to more of your great story.  Hopefully you post more soon.

Author's Response: This is like a year old so I partially forgot what even happens in the story. I skimmed through it though I didn't really notice the grammatical errors, we talking typos and broken English or some more nuanced things? Cause I probably would have a lil difficulty with the later due to it being a second language, and part of me wouldn't care changing it would change the text flow. Granted, from the short skimming I do feel like the flow of text in this one wasn't as good as usual. 

I will post the rest of my stuff from DA over time.

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