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Reviewer: Ironhide1994 Signed starstarhalf-star [Report This]
Date: June 01 2024 8:44 PM Title: Chapter 1

Literally made this account just to write this review.

First off, excellent size play stuff, really great. The problem is this story is very different from what the preamble and tags suggest.

Unfortunately, I can't enjoy it. Lily and Tom's relationship just seems so off, and for the last few chapters I've actually felt kind sick after reading. He is miserable, does not feel like himself or like much a person anymore, and they don't have a safeword even though he considered asking for one (and didn't, which is extremely stupid). She manipulates and gaslights him into getting what she wants and making him believe it's for the best and out of love. She doesn't give him much of a say and it all just seems really toxic. Now it is just a fictional story and I don't have to read it, but I went in expecting something very different, something sweet and fun about a loving married couple with some fun, sexy size play content. This story is not that.

I just had to put this in writing and get it off my chest, it's been bugging me for several chapters.

Author's Response:

Really sorry that you haven't been enjoying it! One of the pitfalls of writing and releasing something serially like this is that sometimes the story develops in different directions from what you had in mind at the outset, and I can completely understand if you felt like the early sections of the story were setting up for something different from where I've gone with it. I'll have to give some thought to updating the tags and synopsis to more accurately reflect where this thing goes.

Reviewer: Kell Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: May 17 2024 5:14 AM Title: Chapter 12

Wow! Ending this chapter on a very exciting cliffhanger!

Reviewer: eve Signed [Report This]
Date: April 24 2024 7:20 AM Title: Chapter 9

Very good, I hope to see a growing mature woman too

Reviewer: oxa749 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: April 19 2024 3:32 AM Title: Chapter 1

What an amazing story. Did not expect that from the humble preface. One of the best stories I've read in a while!!

Reviewer: fosmat Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: April 17 2024 1:53 PM Title: Chapter 8

This is so good man, loving the dynamic you've got going on between Lily and Tom. Can't wait to see where it leads. Also congrats on the marriage! 

Reviewer: Aquanid Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: March 28 2024 12:39 AM Title: Chapter 7

Really good and interesting so far, I'm waiting patiently for what's gonna happen next.

The size tags on the story are for the current content, right?

Also congrats on getting married!

Reviewer: Doberri123 Signed [Report This]
Date: March 22 2024 12:13 AM Title: Chapter 1

Simply the Best slow shrink story! 

Reviewer: LenioTG Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: March 17 2024 2:29 PM Title: Chapter 6

Wow, this story keeps getting better and better!

Reviewer: ShrunkenSlime Signed [Report This]
Date: March 17 2024 3:41 AM Title: Chapter 1

this story has been one of my favorites lately and definitely something i look forward to seeing updates for. i love the dynamic between Lily and Tom and how you can tell Lily loves her husband as much as she loves taking his size. not to mention her ideas have just been getting better and better with each chapter.

the only complaint i can make is that the overall idea of each chapter is becoming predictable and arguably a little repetitive (Tom resists, can't, and then Lily takes things a step further). but with how this story has been a super slow burn, i don't really hold that against it. it feels more like you're trying to REALLY drive this dynamic home before some huge bomb drops rather than rehashing the same ideas.

i have some ideas/hopes on where it's heading, but im looking forward to more nonetheless! great job!

Reviewer: pillgram Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: March 17 2024 1:21 AM Title: Chapter 6

I've loved this story since day one and am waiting daily with bated breath for updates, and each one was been better and better. Excellent work letting this one cook, I can't wait for each new development in this wonderfully written couple's new lives!

Reviewer: randomizetheplot Signed [Report This]
Date: March 16 2024 11:29 PM Title: Chapter 1

Incredible. You weren’t lying about cooking this one slow and low. Tom and Lily and the readers are better for it. I’m definitely checking every day for new chapters. I hope this one runs for a long, long time!

This next bit isn’t a critique at all. I’m just rambling. This may just be my reading or misreading of the previous chapters, but I personally enjoy the frisson in their relationship that comes from Tom wanting Lily to be more but not necessarily wanting to be less himself. Not totally anyway. I didn’t get the sense earlier that he truly wanted to be small, so to get what they both now seem to want (more Lily) he had to sacrifice. Really I just want the excellent drama aspect of the story to carry on for as long as possible. lol. And it seems like it will! 

I absolutely love the detail about the wedding rings. Great potential there. I also love the texture you’ve given Tom and Lily and hope to see more of it. Stuff like Lily’s job. I hope Lily thinking about booking another gig is a sign that we may get a social situation of some sort down the line. Someone to react to Lily’s new size. 

I could keep going but I’ll stop for now. Thank you for sharing this story with us! These are the types of stories that make me really glad that this is my thing!


Reviewer: Ijod Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: March 16 2024 10:53 PM Title: Chapter 6

He was allowing her to have some of his size, and she owed him a huge debt of gratitude for it. It felt like a sneaky way for him to try to control things, when their sex life should be something mutual between the two of them. If anything, she—no, it should be equal.

God this is great. Most slow-shrink stories take a while before they get good, but this one has been on point from the start, and it's only getting better. I always love it when classic premises get executed with such skill.

Reviewer: fosmat Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: March 16 2024 3:46 PM Title: Chapter 6

Huge fan of the 'dont talk im on the phone jack off', the dynamic you got going on with Lily and Tom is great and I LOVE when stories go through that typically masculine guy realising he likes being small and you don't often get a good slow burn like this so good stuff man!

I hope my review satiates you, maybe even spurs you onward.  

Reviewer: randomizetheplot Signed [Report This]
Date: March 11 2024 4:59 AM Title: Chapter 4

Epic. Loved Tom thinking of Lily as a chained titan. 

Reviewer: Greenanon Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: March 09 2024 3:08 AM Title: Chapter 3

I'm really enjoying this, the moment when Lily decides she wants to keep going is a great and sexy insight into her thoughts and it's clear these two are at a point of no return. Keep up the good work!

Reviewer: cwmoss Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: March 08 2024 4:50 AM Title: Chapter 3

Amazing story!

Reviewer: LenioTG Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: March 05 2024 7:43 PM Title: Chapter 2

These first two chapters are awesome, just what I enjoy about a nice power dynamic reversal story! Can't wait to read more.

Reviewer: Ponyup999 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: March 03 2024 10:16 PM Title: Chapter 1

Such an amazing start. Can’t wait for more :)

Reviewer: randomizetheplot Signed [Report This]
Date: March 03 2024 2:15 PM Title: Chapter 1

This is awesome so far. I love that she just lays it all out at the end.

Reviewer: Doberri123 Signed [Report This]
Date: March 03 2024 8:20 AM Title: Chapter 1

Instant classic slow shrink! Love the slow burn. The measuring tape is always a good tool to show the change in dynamic between wife and husband :) you should progressively add background to the story to make it even better! With the doctor could even hint on NWO if other couples could be infected :)

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