Reviews For Side effects
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Reviewer: ittybittyman Signed [Report This]
Date: May 14 2021 9:41 PM Title: Side effects

Yeah, I was a big fan of the side effects universe. I like it when giantesses really want to grow. The cousin (forgot her name) that tried to get the serum seems like she deserves a chance to be big haha

Author's Response:

Yes, I think she does! :)

Reviewer: Pok420 Signed [Report This]
Date: May 09 2021 12:07 AM Title: Side effects

Do you do giant couple stories?

Author's Response:

No, I'm afraid that's not my cup of tea...

Reviewer: ittybittyman Signed [Report This]
Date: May 08 2021 2:41 PM Title: Side effects

What was the update to this story? I got excited seeing it on the front page haha 

Author's Response:

I made a mistake... posted the new "Megan in the City" chapter in this one, and removed it 5 minutes later. But apparently the story remains updated in the front page. So, are you missing the Side Effects universe? :)

Reviewer: Nostory Signed [Report This]
Date: January 31 2016 4:24 AM Title: Side Effects. Volume 2

Once again I love the renders, beautifully done!

Author's Response:

Thanks :)

More to come!

Reviewer: iHategiants666 Signed [Report This]
Date: January 24 2016 1:10 PM Title: Side Effects. Volume 3

OKAY, I've effectively blown off my story and am working on something completely unrelated to this site. If you have Celtx, then maybe I'll share it with you. I feel I could learn from you on how to write a longer story, and maybe you might learn something from me (less likely).


But the main thing I;m interested in is what I agreed to hold off until this story's finale. Now it's happened and I want to know if you intend to keep using the formula so that it only affects females. This BS about men not suffering any effects makes no sense (SOMETHING SHOULD HAPPEN).

Also I feel that maybe there will be an added twist with Men either being more stable so that they can operate as Soldiers and be part of an ANTI-GIANTESS attack (Operation Goliath Mk. II)


They will be more unstable that women and will kill anyone and everyone.

I just feel you should keep options open. Attack of the 50 Ft Cheerleader did not specify whether the formula worked on just women, and yet they made it work anyway.

I am interested in hearing what you have to say.

Author's Response:

A pity to hear about the other story. I do not have Celtx. I guess it won't be that hard to install it and create an account but, quite honestly, I'm going through a very busy moment right now, so I'm not sure I would be of too much help in the short term. The only piece of advice I can give you about writing a long story is this: planning. Once you have an idea and a character (or characters) in mind, decide more or less what you want the story to be about and then write an outline: which will be the settings? who will be the supporting characters? how will things evolve? With that, plus a list of the chapters or scenes you want and a few bullet points of what you want each chapter to be about you'll be set. 

Quite honestly, I think that what I have been posting can be considered a draft of a story with a certain structure. I set myself to write each chapter with the outline in mind and then I let myself get inspired as I went. I went as far as rewritting a few chapters once the story had progressed, but in most of the cases I just left them as I had originally created them and corrected a few things, plus the spelling, grammar and style.

As for the giants: honestly, there is no scientific reason why the formula should not work on men except for the one I made up for the story (it requires 2 X chromosomes). The reason it does not work on men is because male giants or giant couples are not really my cup of tea. I don't know too well why, but it's an idea that does not inspire me. Maybe it's because my liking to the giantess theme has to do with a combination of beauty and female power (that's why I like superwomen as well, especially the ones that use their powers in a naughtier way than Supergirl or Wonder Woman). I don't know... but I don't see myself writing about a giant man unless it is for a very brief moment in a story where the plot might justify it. But I would not expect that in the short term to be quite honest.

It's a matter of taste...

Reviewer: gadgetmawombo Signed [Report This]
Date: January 10 2016 12:48 AM Title: Side Effects. Volume 3

I'm glad Kelly kind of got that up close and personal look to the carnage she caused, it's the least punishment she could get, really she deserved far worse than that. Kinda sucks that Lisa and her family get shafted like this while Casey is still free. Like seriously, is nobody petitioning for her and her family to be released?

She's a hero and I'm sure more than a few people know it! Ah well, just like in real life sometimes bad things happen to good people. I'm not gonna lie, I'm a little disappointed, this ending was not only a bit depressing for me but also it kind of left alot of things open ended. I usually like stories to tidy things up and leave no holes unchecked. Anyway, I wish you luck in your future endeavors, overall this was an amazing series!

Author's Response:

I had guessed you would not like too much what happened to Lisa. The public does not even know. The FSD was not going to leave any lose ends after the mistakes they did after the first incident and that led to the carnage of Volumes 2 and 3. Their intention was to neutralize the three women and also Stella. Joe saw it and that's the reason Stella is still at large and unaware of what she is or who her parents were. The other lose end, Casey, was also on purpose. I had no epic way of finishing her in Volume 3 (all the attention was focused on Kelly), so Casey worked best as a lose end that could be used if I ever have to come back to the Side Effects world. So, by the end of the story the world comes back to a "giantess-free" scenario, but there is still some threat looming there for the long term. 


I know that the story evolved in a different direction that what you typically like. I'm glad that you still enjoyed it and I wanted to thank you once more for all the feedback and encouragement over the last months. Thank you!



Reviewer: LJin Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: January 05 2016 6:20 PM Title: Side Effects. Volume 3

Loved it, this will be one of my favorite story!


Do you plan to also add an illustration for this 3rd volume later?

Author's Response:

Thank you! I'm glad that you enjoyed it! Did you like Volume 3 better than Volume 2?


I have no idea on what will happen in terms of illustrations. I'm still commissioning renders to SorenZer0 for Volume 2. Once I finish illustrating the Vol. 2 chapters I would like to illustrate, I will need to think what I do. I love the renders, but the cost is not precisely low...


Anyway, thank you very much for the feedback. Getting this type of input is what drives me to keep working on new story ideas for the future!



Reviewer: MadHatter Signed [Report This]
Date: January 03 2016 12:25 PM Title: Side Effects. Volume 3

Awe bro you can't tell me you don't got a continuation in mind for this! 

The fact that of the 3 girls, the entire most vicious one is still at large, just scream for more 

You are such a tease lol

Author's Response:

Very honestly: when I finished writing it (some time ago, already), I left some possibilities open but I did not have anything speciifc planned, just some vague ideas. As I've got to the end of posting the story (and re-reading and editing it), some of those vague ideas were discarded and some others started gaining some momentum. There is one I'm quite fond of, right now. I need to put some thought to it to see if it can turn into a viable story idea. It would not be a continuation per se... the original story arc is done.


Also... the girl I left at large was the most vicious one precisely because it was the only one it made sense to leave at large. Kelly, as great a character as she has been (hey, at leat to me ;)), is done with. Her evolution has done its journey and right now I cannot think of anything else she could bring to any story. The case of Lisa is even clearer. The only one that, left at large, could have a motivation to bring back some giantess action would be Casey. Having said this... I think Casey works well enough as a villain when she is not the main villain. I don't think that she can bring enough complexity to hold an entire plot on her back. But as I think on the ideas I may find out that I'm wrong... ;P


Is there any idea that you had in mind? My mind is not made up, as you can see, so I'm eager for feedback!


BTW, I wanted to thank you for commenting. It's always good to hear from someone new that has been reading the series. I hope that you have enjoyed it!



Reviewer: Nostory Signed [Report This]
Date: January 03 2016 6:47 AM Title: Side Effects. Volume 3

Of course we can still communicate! Be it through your future stories, on DA or you could even comment on my stories too :)

Author's Response:

Yes, cof course! I really mean to get back to Downtrodden, since I was enjoying it quite a lot when I postponed it (I was buried in work at the moment). But I will get back to it and comment on it once I get up to speed!



Reviewer: Nostory Signed [Report This]
Date: January 02 2016 10:30 PM Title: Side Effects. Volume 3

Good story but I thought you could have at least devoted more time to Lisa and Casey.  Kelly ate up most of the screen time here although she was tons of fun. 

The epilogue is fitting in that you can end things without really ending it.  You have Casey who is still on the loose with Kelly frozen and Lisa also frozen.  Stella is missing and likely able to grow if needed.  18 years from now it could very well end up with a fight between Stella and Casey for the fate of the world. 


Author's Response:

Thanks, I'm glad that you enjoyed the story overall.


I agree with you that one of the main shortcomings of the story (that would need to be corrected if I ever re-write it) is not paying enough attention to Lisa and perhaps to Ron. I feel that Casey had her moment in Volume 1 and her moments in Volumes 2 and 3. I could probably explore a little more her psycho mentality if I went for a re-write, but I do not think that she requires much more development. What she is is clear enough... (although, as I say, it may be interesting to write a little more about her view of the worls). 


As you say, Kelly was tons of fun (also to write), which in the end made me devote more time to her than to the rest. 


I'm happy that you find the epilogue fitting. I wanted to end the plot lines in the trilogy in an elegant enough way but leave some possibilities open to return to this world in the future. Of course, Stella and Casey are these possiibilities. Who knows what may happen some years down the road? (18 years sound like a nice number that I could have incidentaily though about... :P)


Anyway, thank you for your feedback and support along the story. It was very much appreciated. I hope that we will continue communicating in the future.



Reviewer: iHategiants666 Signed [Report This]
Date: January 02 2016 6:03 PM Title: Side Effects. Volume 3

I give you an A minus review for your story.


This was a rather well-thought-out plot without too many scenes of masturbation or worshipping. It did have however, a considerable overdose of violence and waton destruction of cities. Total massacre, with the army not strategizing enough. The girls' motives were all reasonable, though I felt that Lisa's overall role was somewhat diminished, and not as explored with as much as with the other two.

As for Casey, well her role in this volume started with promise of a major smackdown between herself and Kelly and I was somewhat dissapointed when that didn't happen. Kelly's only real adversary was the FSD, though it makes sense that they were the ones to bring her down.

Kelly turned out to be my favourite character to read because she was the only one with major character developments. Her perceptions of herself in contrast with the rest of humanity became warped and to see it happen was beautiful. Losing touch with her own humanity, K found it easier and easier to trample humans until she felt no feelings for them at all. She even enjoyed it. And when she was finally defeated, all her ideals and beliefs of her godesshood shattered and she broke down, dramatically.

Her death also made sense... no one gets spared for committing the murder of over 1-10 million people or more.

(She IS dead right? It would be stupid if she wasn't.)

One last minor complaint was of course, not wrapping the story up. But if you think you can build upon this trilogy, then by all means... go for it.




My story is somewhat behind, due to a brief trip to Saint-Sauveur, where I celebrated the last days of 2015. I am also resuming classes so I now have no idea when I'll be finished.




Happy New Year!

Author's Response:

Happy new year!


Well, I'm happy to get your review for the story and to see that in the end you are looking at it in a quite positive light! Thank you!


As I mentioned some times during our discussions, one of my objectives with Side Effects was to have a plot that had certain consistency. I'm happy to see that you thought it was well though-out. Of course, this is intended to be a giantess story, which implies having plenty of giantess action. I did not want the sexual part (masturbation mostly, due to the women's size) to be the main argument driving the plot though. Sure, we are talking about young women enjoying a power that in some cases turns them on, but this only meant that I had to address how they overcame this need, not that I had to focus the story on that (it would have become very boring pretty soon). I'm glad to see that I achieved the right balance. As for worshipping, this is not what I wanted the story to be. Kelly, who is the one with the God-complex, is not actually interested on being worshipped. She is more "practical" (if I may use this word). To her, her goddesshood does not have a religious implication; in the end, she sees herself more as the ultimate absolute ruler than the ultimate goddess.


I know that we have not agreed about the amount of violence on the story. It's a matter of tastes, I believe. Casey's character required it, and the evolution of Kelly's character required it as well. We can always discuss about the dose, of course. 


I know we have typically disagreed on the approach from the army. In the end, my starting point was simple: they were not ready for that, the chain of command was broken pretty soon and they did not have too long to strategize. When they did, they organized a pretty effective attack (the navy and the nuclear bomb); they could not have known that it would be ineffective due to the nature of the women.


The girls' motives where the main element driving the plot, so I'm glad to see you thought they were reasonable. I also agree that Lisa's role was diminished. The fact that she has not had enough attention (and probably the same could be said about Ron) is probably one of the main shortcomings of the story (of course, there are others), and it's something I would need to address if I ever re-wrote it. 


As for Casey, I set-up the possibility for the smackdown with Kelly on purpose, knowing that I would not use it. It's one of the elements I used to keep the story unpredictable. Hopefully I achieved that in an elegant way. To me, even if the story used plenty of common places in the giantess genre, it was important to keep it interesting enough to read because what would happen could not be taken for granted.


As you mention, I set things up so that just the FSD (i.e. the regular humans) could fix the mess they had created when making Kelly big. It felt better. During a lot of the story many readers (including you) felt frustrated that Kelly was so utterly powerful that she could not be stopped. This was the way to show that it did not require another giant to stop her. People could do that, even if the cost was dire.


Of course, the story was set up in a way that Kelly was the most interesting character. Seeing the amoung of "hate" you professed for her during part of the story, I'm surprised that she ended being your favorite one, though :P Of course, Kelly is the one whose character has the biggest evolution, and the brief moment where she realizes what she has done and, with megalomania now gone, feels the weight of her actions on her, was intended to close this loop. I hope that it was effective enough. If you may, I used Kelly to explore a potential "path" of evolution for someone as the rest of the world starts appearing smaller, weaker and less consequential to that person. There are, of course, other possibilities and I may explore them in future stories.


The story does not clarify if Lisa and Kelly are actually dead. I agree with you that it would be quite fitting. I don't plan on re-using them right now, though. I think they're done as characters. I left the open ends with Stella and Casey on purpose, in case I decided to return to this world in the future. Who know?


Anyway, I've enjoyed reading your reviews and commenting the story with you. I Hope that you will continue letting me know what you think if I write new stories in the future.




P.S. I'll wait to see when your story is done :)

Reviewer: smoki1020 Signed [Report This]
Date: January 02 2016 1:56 PM Title: Side Effects. Volume 3

Well the epilogue leave many questions unanswered. Mandy is disappeared from the picture. you set background for a sequel !

Author's Response:

That was done on purpose. I wanted to keep possibilities open for future story lines in the Side Effects world. I hope that the Epilogue was good enough to at least close the main plot lines in the original trilogy (you'll tell me what you thought). 


Mandy was never intended to be much more than a secondary character. If I ever did anything with her, it would be a "short", where she temporarily gets the power she is seeking for and uses it. But I doubt she would ever become a main character. She would break a little bit the logic that has been more or less working for the Side Effects story.


Stella and the runaway Casey are still interesting characters to come back to this world, though (and new characters could also be created).


I hope that you have enjoyed the series, in any case.



Reviewer: kkxrs Signed starstarstarstarhalf-star [Report This]
Date: January 02 2016 12:11 PM Title: Side Effects. Volume 3

I made an account just to say great story!

I've been looking forward to new chapters every week and I'm a bit sad now that its over. I immensely enjoyed all the fun destruction but I really appreciated all the parts that were told from the POV of people on the ground below all the action. It makes the story much better to see it from every angle.

The other aspect I really enjoyed was Kelly's development and how she devloped her God complex as she gained more and more power, Abandoned it after she got nuked and became so big that the idea of ruling was impossible and decided the only thing left to do was satisfy her own carnal desires, and finally was brought back down to earth to breifly realize what she had done before being put on ice.

I was a bit disappointed that there was never any confrontation between Kelly and Casey after she became Mega too but I guess I'll just have to keep imagining that in my head.

Lots of open ended parts to think about. What happened to Stella? Will the Government be doing more experiments on the frozen former giants? Carson said it won't happen again but how can we be sure? The comment about Lisa being able to take much more gas than Joe leads me to believe that she and Kelly probably still have super strength and endurance like Casey does. Whatever happens I'm sure someday in the future Casey will find a way to come back bigger and badder than ever before.

Author's Response:

Well, first of all thank you for making the effort and taking the time to create the account just so that you could review the story. I'm very happy that you have enjoyed you so much.


The areas you are mentioning as the ones you enjoyed the most (the changes in viewpoints, Kelly's character development, ...) are precisely the ones where I devoted more time and effort while writing, since I thought they would be important elements into getting a good story, so I'm very happy that they were the ones that made the story good for you. 


I know that the set-up of the story seemed to point to a confrontation between Casey and Kelly. I decided against that, though. I wanted to keep the plot unpredictable enough and as logical as possible. As much fun as that type of confrontation could have been to write (and I hope that to read), I think that the line I chose allowed me to end the story in a way closer to the one I had originally thought of. I could always write an "altertative storyline" chapter with that, if one day I feel inspired... (who knows...)


I tried to have the ending satisfactory enough in terms of closing the plot lines of the trllogy but open enough to be able to go back to the story later on. Of course, we have Lisa and Kelly frozen, but the story does not imply if this means they are dead or not. It would be highly unlikely that the government let these two slip through their fingers again, so "waking them up" (if that could be done), would require a pretty unique plot "resource". I've thought ot a few, but let me tell you that right now this does not feel like a line to pursue. I may change my opinion in the future (that's a right I like to keep :P), but at this moment I think that, as interesting as they were, Kelly and Lisa are done as characters for this world.


Of course, the characters with more possibilities to come back to this world, if I ever decide to do so, are Stella and Casey. And I can always create new characters, of course. I have some ideas for them and also some that do not involve them. And of course, I have ideas for stories in different worlds with different set ups. Quite honestly, right now I don't know what will happen.


Anyway, thanks again for the encouragement and the feedback. Comments like yours are what keep me motivated to write and post, so they are very much appreciated. If I ever post another story in the future, I'd appreciate your regular feedback!



Reviewer: officerkc Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: January 02 2016 9:43 AM Title: Side Effects. Volume 3


Author's Response:

Damn... I was not expecting it?

Damn... I did not like it at all?

There can be many "Damns"... ;)



Reviewer: iHategiants666 Signed [Report This]
Date: December 26 2015 12:37 PM Title: Side Effects. Volume 3


Dude, I'll be honest, I hardly read any sequences from Kelly's perspective because I knew at this point, (with her size and durability) there is no weapon powerful enough to kill her. It seems even a hundren megaton nuke would do no less then put her in a state where she became maybe ten miles tall.

You also proved that her new size even gave her new weapons. Using her urine to dispatch tanks was hilarious (Why were tanks summoned though?)

There has to be no more growth though. If you're story plays out the way I think it will [I'm not telling ;)] then teh excess growth at the end will actually have been a good plot-point. At her new size she was unable to hear the plane approach her until it was too late. If she was still only 2000ft or less the she would have seen it coming and destroyed with ease.

I realize now that will Kelly was recovering, Ron and the Major were mounting into their plane.Not the best explanation, but a reasonable one.

So, one more chapter. Which brings me to my big question:


Where did Joe hide Stella?



Author's Response:

Yes, one more chapter to go. Let's see if, by the end, things play out as you were expecting :)


I'll wait for your review next week. As for Joe and Stella... it will be resolved... or not ;P



Reviewer: officerkc Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: December 26 2015 8:45 AM Title: Side Effects. Volume 3

2 miles tall is too big! Hopefully this serum will shirnk her "down" to a more managable 1200ft tall or something. I think having her shrink down to normal would make me sad lol. Only a little left! Great story!

Author's Response:

I agree, 2 miles tall is too big. You already know that I like "more manageable" sizes, but it's fun to write about something out of my "comfort zone" for a while, as well. Everything will be resolved soon. I hope that you will like how. Thanks, as always, for the feedback!



Reviewer: gadgetmawombo Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: December 26 2015 8:29 AM Title: Side Effects. Volume 3

Great stuff! I'm excited for the next one, I'm guessing this story is almost over, but I hope you don't rush it, most stories on this site tend to have rushed endings.

Author's Response:

The story is almost over, as you say. Everything will be resolved next week. I hope it does not feel too rushed. I'm glad that you enjoyed this week's chapter.


Reviewer: Nostory Signed [Report This]
Date: December 26 2015 6:59 AM Title: Side Effects. Volume 3

Looking at iHategiants review, I don't know if she is going to shrink this time. I mean she has to, the serum Ron used when he flew into her mouth with all of it. It should work, she should shrink down to her normal size right? 

I can't believe she'll grow because if she does, its game over. For everyone involved. Kelly will be so large a simple twitch of her toes will cause catastrophic earthquakes across the world. 

This should level it, leaving a normal Lisa, a somewhat dangerous but managable Casey and a very normal Kelly. 

If she does grow, then its game over but I would love to see it. Kelly is my favourite character.  The things that would hint at her growing is that one, she knows the feeling and Kelly has only grown so far so the sensation of pain is something known to her as she grows. Two, she doesn't want to grow. Any bigger and she'll wipe out the planet and herself since she can't support herself. 


Looking forward to 2016 where I'll see the end of the story!

Author's Response:

Well, you'll know what happens soon enough. You are right: if she grows anymore, Kelly will be a walking natural disaster. She sort of is already. And she will be too big to be stopped. So, is this what's going to happen? Well, everything will be resolved in just one week :)


I hope that you enjoy the ending I have prepared for this story.



Reviewer: iHategiants666 Signed [Report This]
Date: December 21 2015 9:45 PM Title: Side Effects. Volume 3

Let me think about your reasoning...


Nope, not buying it.


It just doesn't compute. Even though it was expected, it shouldn't have happened. The last thing this story needs is more growth. Any of that shit should have happened way back then. And I know you like to explain your reasoning and why you thought your method worked, but please don't. Not to me.


Just take this in and see if anyone else feels the same way. I just feel that you've seriously overvalued the formula's side effects as an excuse to make shit happen. At this point, nothing is rational anymore, not even in crazy-rational.


This chapter makes me want to travel back in time and repeatedly smash both Kelly and Casey's heads in before they ever get their hands on the formula... without even giving them the courtesy of explaining why I'm doing it. Doubtless you understand.


So again, no need to explain your reasoning. I just want this to be read and discussed by others.

Author's Response:

Ok, I will not explain my reasoning then.


While waiting for feedback and discussion from others you might want to notice that this is not a forum where everyone can answer to anyone's posts but a story site where you can post reviews and just the author can reply...



Reviewer: gadgetmawombo Signed [Report This]
Date: December 19 2015 3:41 PM Title: Side Effects. Volume 3

To me, it was obvious she was gonna get bigger. What is not too predictable right now is how they stop her. Also, the guy that invented this growth serum, I forgot his name, should be tried in a court of law in my opinion, his crazy human experiments are the reason this is even happening in the first place!

Author's Response:

Well, Kelly getting bigger was definitely a propable possibility. As for the way to stop her... brute force had already proven to be ineffective. The nuclear bomb was just the last attempt. The way to stop her (it it exists) will probably need to come from another source.


As for Ron... he was not trying to experiment on human beings in the first place. He was just a nerd that got too arrogant, but he was never bad. He is sorry enough for what is going on, and right now he is one of the only people that has some clue about how it could be possible to stop Kelly...


As usual, thanks for the feedback!



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