Date: July 05 2013 12:24 AM Title: Teacher's pet
Keep it up! Looking foward to the next installment.
Date: August 09 2012 2:12 PM Title: Prologue
Awesome!! Please continue the story!!
Date: April 25 2012 1:34 PM Title: Teacher's pet
awesome, please continue with this story!
Date: March 19 2012 1:05 PM Title: Prologue
Great story. This is a really cool idea. An I love his size as well as how everybody treats him. hope that there will be more to come. An does his motheran aunt get a check from the government for his condition?
Well anyways I love the characters and can't wait to read more.
Ps will there be somebody that becomes enamored with him? Is his math teacher grossily fat or just attractively plump for being so tall?
If it's the ladder I hope we get to see her are feet
Date: March 13 2012 6:46 PM Title: Prologue
I'm enjoying the story but given hos important his roll is in the future I wonder why the government isn't taking more steps to protect Jake. After all it probably wouldn't look good if he was killed or taken hostage. The only reason i can think of is the Ashen require that he lives as normal of a life as possible but given his condition that doesn't seem possible. It could be easy to justify having a permenant escort with him just to help him get around.
Author's Response:
that's not a bad idea, maybe i'll add in some new characters
Date: March 05 2012 1:23 PM Title: Prologue
Oh... the anticipation is killing me! If I know you're writing, which I don't, there's gonna be something dirty in the next two to three chapters. I can't wait!
Date: February 26 2012 8:43 PM Title: A new day
Nice job. Continue soon. Can't wait.
Date: February 26 2012 6:22 AM Title: A new day
I'm enjoting the story so far can't wait to read what happens next.
Date: February 22 2012 9:15 PM Title: Prologue
By the way, not that I mean to pry, but when are you getting back to Distant Relatives? Because THAT was awesome!
Author's Response:
well I honestly sort of hit a snag with that one, I'm sure i'll add to it once I figure out how to proceed
Date: February 22 2012 9:14 PM Title: Prologue
Looks good so far. I'm anticipating something juicy in the future.
Date: February 22 2012 5:08 AM Title: Prologue
NO idea why no one has not reviewed yet. Very original idea. Love the first chapter. Waiting for the next eagerly :)
Author's Response:
thanks for the review! though I did get some inspiration from assassins creed