Reviews For Homunculus
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Reviewer: Afroking Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: April 29 2012 11:02 PM Title: Chapter 1


first story i read on site

Reviewer: th3_sylvester Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: February 04 2012 4:37 PM Title: Chapter 36

So i finally finished your story, and wow, what a ride it has been! The turn of events of this story were phenomanal. The characters were well-descripted, and they all fit in so well! The view of the story made me feel like i was right next to Ray, witnessing everything he went through. This story was just... wow...

It even inspired me to start working on my own story. which will take a LOONG time to finish.

Reviewer: The GTS Reviewer Anonymous [Report This]
Date: August 29 2011 5:28 PM Title: Chapter 36

Hello, Cayce.  I am aware that you’ve taken a very long leave of absence from this site, which is unfortunate for myself and many of your other fans, because you are truly in tune with the giantess fantasy: you understand nearly as well as possible, I believe, how to take the enticing spirit of the fetish and elevate it to something more.


COMPLIMENTS: What can I say?  There’s a lot to comment on.  Your narrative itself is perhaps what makes this the strongest and, in my humble opinion, the greatest story on the site.  You focused entirely on creating a 100% believable story before integrating admittedly arousing elements of the actual fetish, and yet it all fits together like the perfect literary PBJ.  Few pieces of dangling illogic show up, and honestly, a connection to the plot itself is made far easier because of this.  I felt myself being inserted fully into the story, living out the events from the perspective of your hapless character, because the story flowed so naturally, once the hump of unreality is crossed; indeed, you made it a hump easily crossed.


Your characters are stunningly well-realized.  You managed to craft half a dozen, if not more, fully-developed giantess characters, each with a unique personality and interactions with the main character.  Perhaps best of all, though, was how they ran the gamut of genre types, six of which stand out most clearly to me: you had a calculating, conniving woman as the primary antagonist.  You had a disgusting and subtly clever best friend of the mother who knew how to be a complete psychopath, and yet stay cool the whole time.  You had an entirely becoming and likeable love interest, whom I actually sympathized with the main character’s attraction toward.  You had a mischievous stepsister, and you managed to make the interactions somewhat sexy without making it become creepy between them.  You had a best “friend” for the stepsister, who was an excellent younger reflection of her mother.  Finally, you had a humiliating step-mother character (the best of the story, in my opinion) who managed to be a terrifying, dominating source of power without having her resort to abject, destructive cruelty.


The variety of scenarios is excellent.  As you’ll see in the below section, one particular aspect of this felt slightly out of place for me, but for the most part, I was surprised by the glorious amount of varying situational breakdowns of your protagonist’s psych and emotional fortitude.  Just when it seems like it’s not going to get worse, it does, and because, as I mentioned, the human element is so thoroughly adhesive to the reader, you get to feel each unique mini-adventure along with the character, and that’s fantastic.  A favorite moment is nearly impossible to pick, but one in particular stands out to me: the Oreo crushing scene with Kimmy as Ray slowly starves in her captivity.  Sheer, maniacal brilliance for both characters.  It’s a scene I plan on rereading from time to time.


THE CRITIQUES: There aren’t many to give on my part for this category, but here we go anyway.  Honestly, my biggest complaint I can possibly level is that the story is so foot-focused, and it’s so long, that I almost wished I could have seen other genres pop up more frequently.  You certainly fit in several others in a few occasions, but for the most part, it’s a gigantic footfest, no pun intended.  Granted, you keep the tension and enjoyment factor up commendably well in these segments, but still, a tiny bit more variety would have been greatly appreciated, especially having seen how well you write “foot” scenes; I would have liked to see some more showcasing for a few of the related genres that could have fit in with the tale just fine and left room for the feet spotlights.


One other tiny suggestion I might make is to be aware of your character’s relative “catchphrases” throughout the progressing storyline, as he tends to repeat similar phrasings on more than one occasion.  I know this is bound to happen in such a lengthy story, and many probably won’t even notice it, but it was a tiny reminder to me of the character’s fictional nature.  Again, this is but a tiny blemish on an otherwise phenomenal story.


Author's Response: Thanks for the extensive review (and the utterly reasonable critiques =) I know I've been incommunicado for a while, but I'm still around! I've been lurking quite a bit, and working (intermittently) on a new story. Homunculus was the first thing I wrote for this group, and while I remain quite proud of it (especially the ending), there are a few things I would do differently if I were writing it today. But such is the peril of publishing a chapter at a time! My favorite stories on these boards have always been the ones with relatable, realistic characters. When I first started this story, I was basically aping the authors whose stories I most enjoyed (Nemo, Jamie, Branford, DX Machina, and Canuck, to name a few). Nemo in particular has a talent for taking a cliched giantess scenario, deconstructing the crap out of it, and turning it into something totally unique. I'm quite fond of the Oreo scene as well, as well as the first bath scene with Cheryl (which was admittedly inspired by Branford's Bad Day for Shopping). I like most of Ray's interactions with his stepsister Nicole, but there's one that felt wrong and a little out of place when I wrote it, and I've never warmed up to it. I wrote it in reaction to a debate that was raging at the time on the now defunct Giantess Magic message board, where some rather strident members of the community were insisting that merely acknowledging the existence of children in a story was the same thing as child pornography. But going back and rereading the scene, it now seems hamfisted and ill-advised. As you said the repetitiveness is a symptom of a lengthy story, especially one that is published a chapter at a time. I often come up with a particular turn of phrase that I like, and I forget to check and see if I've already used it or not. If I showed this stuff to my editor, I'm sure she would catch those mistakes and slice them out post haste. But when you're editing your own work and publishing piecemeal over the course of a couple of years, that kind of thing tends to slip under the radar. It's a fair cop on the "gigantic footfest" (heh!), and I'll readily admit that those scenes are what really drove me to write this story. Again, my editor would probably cut most of that stuff out as superfluous (and would likely advise me to "quit writing about goddamn feet and go get laid or something"--she talks like a sailor, that one). But as any writer will tell you, killing your own darlings is a difficult thing to do. Thanks again for reading the story and for the great review!

Reviewer: wb2 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: July 29 2011 1:16 AM Title: Chapter 1

I really like this story. It kept me interrested. Hope you make more stories like this. 

Reviewer: Phil_Tiny Signed [Report This]
Date: May 30 2011 12:27 PM Title: Chapter 1

Cayce this is the GREATEST story
I have read in years!I beg you to make a sequel.PLEEEEEEASE!!

Reviewer: tjnova Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: May 19 2011 10:55 PM Title: Chapter 1

omg please contine this story mate i got to have more your so Awesome !!!

Reviewer: underherheels Signed [Report This]
Date: March 20 2011 6:33 PM Title: Chapter 4

I wish that you would have let Him suffer in her sock for the rest of the night, and than in the morning be placed in Naomis High Heels or something, too bad.

Reviewer: T-Rex Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: February 19 2011 8:12 AM Title: Chapter 1

I was blown away by this story. The writing was of such high calibre and the plot was gripping even outside the macro content. What particularly stood out for me was that there were no clear villains, everyone had a reason for acting the way they did (cruel or not).

Reviewer: Mr E Signed [Report This]
Date: February 02 2011 9:55 PM Title: Chapter 18

no thank you. I enjoyed reading it. 

and just to clarify things i meant the final line of chapter 18. not the very last line of the last chapter.  I'll get to reviewing that chapter one of these days

Reviewer: underherheels Signed [Report This]
Date: January 28 2011 3:03 PM Title: Chapter 1

Cayce, When are you gunna give us the one in the shoe store? Im really looking forward too it!

Author's Response: I was joking when I said that, I'm afraid. Guess it's hard to tell sometimes. Sorry I got your hopes up =(

Reviewer: Mr E Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: January 09 2011 11:41 PM Title: Chapter 18

nice surprise twist and the final line was a nice touch.

Author's Response: I'm rather happy with the ending myself, so I'm glad you liked it. Thanks for reading, Mr. E!

Reviewer: Mr E Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: December 03 2010 7:44 PM Title: Chapter 1

Easily one of the best stories on this site.  im only on chapter 15 but thats beacause every time i take a break form the story i reread the old chapters to keep it fresh in my memory. 

a sequel would be cool but another original idea woould be better in my opinion

Reviewer: underherheels Signed [Report This]
Date: November 28 2010 7:56 PM Title: Chapter 1

Hey Cayce, Just wondering when your coming out with the new story in the shoe store?

Reviewer: underherheels Signed [Report This]
Date: July 25 2010 9:43 PM Title: Chapter 1

I loved it But try to put more Bigh heels on your story

Author's Response: I'll set the next one in a shoe store. How's that?

Reviewer: Magicredmonkey Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: January 05 2010 6:21 PM Title: Chapter 1

man you really out did yourself! You know how to pull someone in don't you? Anyway greatest story evar!?!

Author's Response: I appreciate that! It was my first and still my favorite =)

Reviewer: SpongeBob Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: May 15 2009 6:05 PM Title: Chapter 1

Man this is great, it's hot and yet it has a plot which keeps you reading and reading, read it in one sitting it was GREAT!

Author's Response: Wow. I can't even read it in one sitting, and I wrote the damn thing. Thanks, SB. Glad you liked it!

Reviewer: Nitrotix Signed [Report This]
Date: December 06 2008 5:15 PM Title: Chapter 1

Dude that was amazing. It's discribed perfectly. Every foot scene, even walking was so discriptive. It go me into the stroy, and i felt Ray's pain. You should cntinue to write more stories here on GIANTESS PLANET.   Thank you for being apart of this.


Author's Response: If I didn't write so damned slowly, I totally *would* write more stories here on GIANTESS PLANET. I've got one more planned after I finish my current one (Summer Job). After that, who knows? I'll probably be in my nineties. Glad you liked it, Nitrotix. Thanks!

Reviewer: Westland Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: November 04 2008 6:06 PM Title: Chapter 1

Well, I got to say man this is one hell of work. I was very moved by our hero as he battled against the world at an Action Figure height. I love the style of how it was wrote and it kept the story going. The torture scenes with Naomi, Cheryl and the rest of the horrible sluts made really feel bad for him as things get worst and worst.

On other notes I was extremely happy as Ray used his mind and wits to find the best possible solution. Going against the odds and doing anything he can. Again I was easily affected once the shit happens and his plans backfires.

Each character fulfill their roles perfectly. I especially enjoyed the moments with Nicole and Suzy as our hero finally gets a break. I'm a feet man myself at times so the scenes with those two were awesome. 

Oi and another thing I like was the jokes, philosophy and Ray's reasoning through out the story. But at the end, the last chapter has to be down right the best of the whole story. Our hero finally having a happy ending seems to me the best ending possible. Though I would wish that Nicole can somehow escape away from her cruel mother and stay with Ray. Their relationship seems too cute to break up like that. Find me heartless but I laughed when they found Paul dead along with Rachel in a coma and Naomi crying. The perfect karma, revenge, and epiphany and all that. Dues Ex Machinima indeed=D

Author's Response: There's a lot of brutality in the story and, frankly, I would have never been able to write it if I hadn't known from the outset that I was going to give Ray a happy ending. I did leave a few plot threads dangling, and once I finish my current opus (Summer Job), I'd like to write another story about Ray and Suzy, set several years after the first. Will Nicole still be living with her mother? Will Rachel still be in a coma? Will Ray's father still be dead? Tune in and find out! Thanks for reading, Westland!

Reviewer: Redius Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: October 29 2008 4:47 PM Title: Chapter 1

The best 8 hours of my life well spent. Indeed I could not stop reading this story. I do not know why, but I just couldn't. That usually never happens to me but I ain't complaining. The story the chracters all of it was beleiveable and sucked me right in.

 The ending was surprising to as I thought Ray was done for but could't help but feel joy for the chracter. During the story I actually felt for the guy. I leaped from my chair and laughed when something good finally happened to Ray and utter saddness when things looked down. I will recommend this story to my friends not for the GTS or the sexual encounters but for the chracters and how the world treated one boy who could not "fight" back.

 Thank you for your hard work in this Novel and I look foward to reading any work you do. 

Author's Response: Those bits where Ray does fight back were a lot of fun to write. There's a gleeful abandon to the way he acts every time he gets the upper hand. He knows he'll be punished for it eventually, but he just doesn't care. Glad you liked it, Redius. Thanks!

Reviewer: Alpha2099 Signed starstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: October 24 2008 10:11 PM Title: Chapter 1

I really enjoyed this story.  It was very well-written and flowed nicely.  I especially liked the part where Naomi stomps on the car.

My creative writing teacher once said that if you introduce a gun into the story, it has to go off before the end.  That's exactly what went through my head when the car first appeared.  I knew it would meet a fateful end.

Again, well done.

Author's Response: I think I had that same creative writing teacher ;-) Thanks, Alpha. Glad you liked it!

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