Reviews For Homunculus
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Reviewer: crazyboy Signed [Report This]
Date: September 02 2008 10:59 AM Title: Chapter 1

Man this story had me on the edge of my seat. It had action, love, hate, drama, torture, enslavement, giantess, and my favorite feet.

It had my attention the whole time. It seemed to drag on in some parts, but that is one of the things that kept me interested. I could picture the story as it happened, also you didn't reveal anything to the reader kept the reader on his toes. I would say this story is one of the most well-written stories I've ever read.

Yo, you got mad skills!

Author's Response: What, me? Mad skills? Rad!!!

Reviewer: Natch Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: April 15 2008 9:45 PM Title: Chapter 1

This is the best I have ever read ever on this site, period. This is going to be a bit of a long review, but you deserve it, for the sheer length of this story.


I first looked at this story when I looked at the little sidebar to the left showing the 3 most recent stories. I picked the one with the R rating, just because I was in that sort of mood. I decided to see if you had any other stories, and came across this one.


I gasped when I read the word count was nearing 150,000 words. That is very hefty for a fan fiction. The most recent book I read was around 220,000 words (Stranger in a Strange Land, if you care to know), and this was pretty damn close in my book. Then I saw the number of reviews. 11. I felt this doesn't do something of this length any justice at all, considering you put so much work into it. I decided to read it a bit, to see if it was because your writing style was poor. I read some of intro, and concluded this was clearly not the case, and that people have just too small of an attention span.


I made the decision to read your novel (yes, it's a novel) in its entirety, partly because it was good enough to keep me interested, and partly do it justice. You put much effort into this, I can tell, just by the sheer number of words it contains. So often, I see great stories written by people that never end of getting completed. But you completed this one. And that made it worthy of reading. So no more than 8 hours ago, I bit into it. 5 hours later, I'm at the part shortly after he comes back after "running away".  I felt the suspense at what was going to happen next, true and utter suspense, not some of idle curiosity about what's coming, but real suspense. Then I did a double-check. You got me caring about this character to the point where I am sweating my balls off wondering just what in the devil's unholy and god damned name is going to happen to him at one of the many climaxes of this story. And that statement is true in more than one way har har har.


 This basically chiseled into the stone tablet of my brain that you, my friend, write a very mean story. Thus, I decided to review this grand tale. After finishing it, I sat back and am typing the review you now see before you. This story has been long, and I honestly can say I did not want it to end. Seriously. I would like to see a sequel, possibly starting it off sometime around the Christmas vacation in which he gets to see Suzy, but I'm not sure. Anyways, the point is this is a great story, and deserves great praise. You my friend have a resolve I have rarely seen before, and were it not for the content of this story (GTS in general) I would fully urge you to try and get it published. Hell, try to anyways; you might have a shot at landing in the "alternative literature" section of the bookstore.

 So there you have it. A long winded review. I babbled a lot, but I just felt I had to say so much about this novel. Yes, by definition of length, it is a novel. I will read all your work from here on out, and will graciously review any story you write. You my good sir are a great writer.

Author's Response: Thanks, Natch! I appreciate the thoughtful review and the high praise. I don't think I'll ever actually submit it (I wrote it between chapters of a "real" novel whenever I wanted to cut loose and blow off some steam). I know it meanders considerably at times and tends to be repetitive (one of the dangers of publishing a chapter at a time), but I'm still quite proud of how it turned out.rnrnI'm planning on a sequel that will tie HOMUNCULUS and THE SUMMER JOB together. Of course, the rate I write these things, I may die of old age before I get started ;-)rnrnThanks again!

Reviewer: zenyburger Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: April 06 2008 12:26 PM Title: Chapter 1

This story is god damn awsome! Its cruel just the way i like it!

Author's Response: Me too! I think I'm seriously damaged ;-)

Reviewer: Jester Signed starstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: January 14 2008 9:12 PM Title: Chapter 1

Awesome story, concept, and writing.  My only regret is that is one giant chapter, instead of several smaller, easier to read chapters.

Author's Response: Sorry about the long-ass chapter. I just signed on here last year, and I learned that somebody else had created a Cayce account and posted this story. Asuka was kind enough to reset the account and let me take over. One day, when I've got some free time, I'll see if I can break the story up into chapters without losing the comments.rnrnThanks for reading, Jester. Glad you liked it!

Reviewer: Whittleman Signed [Report This]
Date: October 06 2007 12:40 AM Title: Chapter 1

This is a great story. I especially liked the crushed Oreo part. That was genius, and sexy genius at that. GTS writing as an art seems to be on the decline, so it's refreshing to see stories like this. Well done.

Author's Response: Thanks, Whittleman. I'm going to add "sexy genius" to my resume ;-)

Reviewer: JohanSutherland Signed [Report This]
Date: September 26 2007 10:14 AM Title: Chapter 1

Dude that was good. I loved our little hero because he's smart. I mean, why does it take so long to others to ealise how useless it to fight when you're sooooo tiny. Here we can see a tiny dude using his brain, and doing great. I realy liked qhen he drove "momma" crazy. "Do you think your husband will come back tonight?"

Very great story 

Author's Response: I really enjoyed the way the balance of power kept shifting between Ray and his stepmom, and it made the story a lot more fun to write. I've always hated passive protagonists in GTS stories, and I thought it would be cool to have a hero who uses his wits to occasionally get the upper hand. Of course, when it backfired, there'd be hell to pay...rnrnThanks for reading, Johan. Glad you enjoyed the story!

Reviewer: TinyMan23 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: May 20 2007 6:06 PM Title: Chapter 1

Awesome story man.. i love it, i lovve it, and i love it.. my favourite of em all =]

“But Momma, he said the ‘F’ word and he called me the ‘B’ word!”

“And I’m gonna whip your ‘A’ word if you don’t sit down right now.” 

That part was soooo funny! I was choking from laughter. Man great story. Easily my favourite 

Author's Response: Glad you liked it, TM. Thanks!

Reviewer: dajo Signed [Report This]
Date: January 01 2007 9:25 AM Title: Chapter 1

I cant remember reading a better story. Though I would have loved a little bit more of sexual play between the boy and his stepmom.

Author's Response: Poor Ray. You guys just don't want him to catch a break, do you? ;-)rnrnThanks for reading, Dajo!

Reviewer: Zalrus IX Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: December 29 2006 12:02 AM Title: Chapter 1

Love story. I like the balence of good and evil, so I am very happy when he gets to see susan and the feet.... well, who could not love the feet? (Don't answer that.) but yes very long too, I liked that, very good. good.....good. just good. 10 for you. Now Write more stories. and respond to reviews. and eat your peas. that is all.

Author's Response: Yes, I realize I have an unhealthy fascination with feet. Fortunately, I have a lovely girlfriend who not only thinks it's adorable, but enjoys mashing that particular button. Life is pretty goddamn sweet ;-)rnrnI'm writing another story, and I *finally* responded to the reviews. I make no promises about the peas...rnrnThanks, Zalrus!

Reviewer: billyevil Signed starstarstar [Report This]
Date: December 20 2006 12:17 AM Title: Chapter 1

I enjoyed this story. You really made it fun and gave it a nice love story ending, which I think is cool. There isn't enough happy endings in this genre and maybe we should try that now and again. I really enjoyed the parts where he was punished with the feet. One thing I didn't get was why he was so whiny about how his food was presented. Seemed like he was a bit spoiled that way to me, but then again I've never been his size. Thank you for the story.

Author's Response: If you're going to just beat the hell out of your protagonist for 200+ pages, the least you can do is give the poor bastard a happy ending ;-) Glad you liked it, Billy!

Reviewer: ImDownHere Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: December 17 2006 8:04 PM Title: Chapter 1

Great story.  Very well written. I can't remember when I've read a better story.

Author's Response: Thanks for reading the darn thing, IDH! And thanks for taking the time to rate and comment. Glad you liked it!

Reviewer: picjusbro Signed [Report This]
Date: December 13 2006 12:14 AM Title: Chapter 1

Story was really good probably one of the best I have read in years I just wish there more interaction bewteen the shrinky and nicole and her feet.

Author's Response: To tell you the truth, I originally hadn't planned on that much interaction between Nicole and Ray (other than some mild tormenting and holding/petting). But just about the time I was publishing this story on Giantess Magic, a debate started raging about whether or not including a minor character in a story made it child pornography. The arguments got a bit silly, especially when people started invoking Hitler and 9/11 in their arguments. And just to spite them, I started adding scenes I hadn't originally intended to include. Looking back, some of them seem awkward and a bit ill-advised. But I think some of them work quite well. I'll leave it to you to decide which ;-) Anyway, thanks for reading Picjusbro. Glad you liked it!

Reviewer: RamsusXIII Signed starstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: December 10 2006 3:02 PM Title: Chapter 1

Say that was a pretty good story.  It seemed to drag in many parts. Which made it difficult to read, but all in all it was a good tale.

Author's Response: Glad you enjoyed it, Ramsus. Thanks!

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