Reviews For To Break in a Pet
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Reviewer: Ralgar Signed [Report This]
Date: May 28 2022 9:28 PM Title: The Beginning

Thankyou for the update.  It hasn’t been that long since u last updated, it’s just I have experienced to many great stories just die with not a word from their author. 

   I hope your national test went well. Life takes precedence after all.  

So can’t wait to see what comes next after the girls chapters. There is still so much needing to happen, between the resistance and Zoey and the college friends. And of course poppy and the imprinting.  

   So yea this story is awesome and I can never get enough of it.  I can’t wait to read it in its entirety and see all the foreshadowing.

Reviewer: Ralgar Signed [Report This]
Date: May 25 2022 10:44 PM Title: The Beginning

Hope everything is ok

Author's Response:

Thanks Ralgar, 

Sorry I haven't updated in a while. I've been studying for a huge national test (amongst other adult things), but I'm back to writing again! I've had to reread the story and return to my notes/outlines to refresh where I was (There's so many plot points in this damn story).

I don't want to give out any hard fast dates, but maybe next weekend? All I know is that I'm going to publish the chapter whenever I finish instead of waiting for the weekend like I usually do.

Thanks for your patience,



For my next story, I'll definitely write the majority of it first, so I don't have any hiatuses when life catches up with me. 

Reviewer: DarkStarGoddess Signed [Report This]
Date: May 19 2022 7:50 PM Title: Chapter 31

Toe Jam: I feel bad for her, she seems to just want to be Leah's one and only.  I like the dynamic between her and Annabelle.

Byte: He's a good boi.  It's honestly refreshing having a completely able and competent tiny in such a dour environment, at first he almost felt too cartoony but I came to like that.  I am glad he's back and hope he comes around more, I would like to see more of this plot line.

Warren: Put him down, kill him.  Though I admit I am not as into cruelty as most people reading this story probably are, I found him to be almost too evil, though that might be because baby eating (symbolism aside) was so heinous it took me out of the story, both due to the evilness and that I don't like thinking of children in these stories.

Looking forward to see where the story goes, despite not being a fan of cruelty the narrative and Annabelle's plight has captivated me and I am very interested to see more!

Author's Response:

They'll be more Toe Jam in upcoming chapters--don't know if it will be what you're expecting though.

Byte is a good boi. He is definitely over the top, and when he starts to get more scenes you'll see why. 

Hahahaha! It's so funny to see the different ways you all react to these characters. Warren and Zoey seem to be the most polarizing (Although, everyone agreed that Mrs. Gates' should've burned). I'm with you on the children thing though, I try to keep them in the peripheral--or only referenced (like in this chapter).  

Thanks DarkStarGoddess for commenting! 

Reviewer: Ralgar Signed [Report This]
Date: May 15 2022 1:24 AM Title: Chapter 31

I’ve been meaning to ask if this is your first story ( if so then I think u have real talent), if not where else do u have stories posted.

     Also have u Thought about posting this story elsewhere, like archive of our own, or literotica.  Just wondering.

Author's Response:

Yeah, this is my first story (hence the pacing and timely uploading problems), but thanks. I don't really know how those other sites work, I posted here, because this seemed like a very specific type of fetishy story and those other places you mentioned I think are a bit more broad? I don't really know enough about them though.

Reviewer: Ralgar Signed [Report This]
Date: May 04 2022 2:07 AM Title: Chapter 31

    Well this was an interesting chapter.  So instead of out right domination, she went for straight manipulation, yea u get a choice, ( as long as its the choice i pick).  So then we go to the governor and he is about what I expected, caught me by surprise though with the other tines though.  You also caught me by surprise with poppy looking to the governor as a candidate (can i just say that Poppy has very lousy taste in candidates).  I liked toe jam a lot, I really am interested to see where you go with her. 

     Now i really hope the next chapter we see a lot more of Leah cause I was really looking forward to her and we didn't get a hole lot with her this chapter.  I am very curious to see what she will do to establish that Poppy is hers and that her father has no place in that relationship. She should have known that Annabelle would never where that collar, so i am really curious to see what she does.

     You also caught me by surprise with Byte and his return.  I didn't expect his return until after the 4's chapters.  Also I really hope that statement about killing shrunken who have been exposed to her blood doesn't include Rachel, hopefully its worn off of her by now, but we will see.  Also yea u keep teasing this commander ( who is totally her sister).  

     So the governor is now in play, cant say i saw that coming.  You have made a very interesting villain with him, I want to say he is probably a sociopath, and also a little unhinged to with his messing with Anne's mind on her mother, also the way he went after that one guy even beating him after he admitted to the raid.  I get a kind of Joker vibe from him, which is good cause I love me some joker. To bad i doubt he has a Batman counter part. 

     So yea I see where Leah gets her attitude from, though she seems far more stable then her father. This is per speculation on my part but i have a feeling that shrunken would be better off ( for a given value of better) with her in charge of the BSA as opposed to her father.  Also plz don't have let her have eaten kids ( i know that might be asking for to much) I don't know if i can stand her being redeemed if she ate kids to.  I know there should be know difference from eating kids and college students and killing shrunken in general, but damn it there is, if your going to kill some one don't be sadistic about it, just do it.  From what we have seen, yes she has gotten off on domination she hasn't been down right cruel except to Nich and Amy.  SO she can be cruel but doesn't do it very often.  I really like Leah and I don't know just want her to be better.  I like how she was handling Toe Jam, they seemed to have a some what decent relationship ( if still massively wrong and messed up).  I know that's after years of indoctrination though.

     I am very excited for the next chapter and then Naomi well.


Author's Response:

Haha, yeah Poppy truly has awful taste. Glad to see you like Toe Jam, because she'll be making more appearances beyond  Leah's chapter. And yeah the first part of of these FF's typically acts as the introduction to their home lives, or a showcase of their parents. 

Byte is a super fun character to write. His perspective is also interesting, and I'm excited to share his worldview in the upcoming chapters. The Commander (whoever she may be ;)) will also be appearing soon. 

I'd say the governor is a bit more reserved than the Joker. He may not have a batman counter part but that doesn't mean he's completely unopposed. 

Ha, I will say the FF were not around for that specify kid-eating fiasco.  

I honestly can't comment on anything else you wrote because I'm afraid of spoiling things, but I will say Leah is in an interesting position right now where she needs to consider Annabelle's feelings if she wants to successfully manipulate her, which makes for an interesting dynamic. 

Anyways, thanks for commenting as always, Ralgar!

You got some interesting thoughts that made me consider some things, so thanks!

Reviewer: Naoru Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: May 02 2022 7:17 AM Title: Chapter 31

Okay I have a confession to make. I really like gobernor Windsor. He is a sexy, manipulating, evil motherfucker, and from the set of parents he really is my favorite, so when the spotlight went to him I was really happy. Now, I do expected him to go for manipulation over sex or punishment/training, but I wasn't expecting him trying to get Poppy to imprint on him at all. I really doubt that will ever happen, but it showcases the weird rivalry relationship he has with Leah. Now, what does makes him worthy while the Abbots weren't?Can't be cruelty, they are cruel too, and literally ate a shrinkie like if it was the meatball scene from Lady and the tramp, can't be attractiveness since the other dads are attractive too, so, what is it?what do you want Poppy?

With that said, Leah will always be number one darling in my heart, and her seeing Poppy sing her father praises had to be awful for her. So of course she is tense and anxious and will want for Anabelle to imprint on her ASAP. Now, what will this end in?who knows. I'm indifferent to toejam, don;'t think she is a type 0 at all just some deluded girl, Byte confirming that Anabelle's blood brainwashes tinies into servitude which bodes bad for when Naomi's mother experiments on her blood and possibly discovers it??

Waiting for more of our beautiful goddess Leah next time!!

Author's Response:

I agree Naoru! There's a reason I introduced him first to Annabelle. His cruel laugh when she first tried to call for help in one of the earlier chapters was meant to be the first instance of a bait and switch from one of the FF's parents.

Hahaha what does Poppy want, indeed. The imprinting whys, whos, and hows will be explained in a few (two??) chapters. Honestly it's a huge reveal that will amaze some people and disappoint others. The clues are there, but I don't think anyone can guess because I haven't connected them yet. 

Not going to say anything about the blood thing because I'm afraid I'll spoil something, but keep up that thinking, Narou.

Thank you for commenting again, Naoru, your lust for arguably one of the most evil characters in this story always makes me laugh.

Reviewer: AdamX Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: May 02 2022 4:39 AM Title: Chapter 31

I called it right with Leah which means the next round of guessing should be a cinch! 

As for the clothing choices I would expect nothing less from one of the fearsome foursome so Anna herself shouldn't be too shocked either. A very nice save on her reasoning to want to see the other shrinkees again but judging how you've written the nightmares it is entirely understandable how bad they'd be to Anna living them in real time.

Steven seems to have his work cut out for him after her time with Harper and especially Molly so hopefully he's got something cooked up to reach her before Poppy makes another powerplay. I do enjoy tea so I am curious to see what tea time in a nightmare scenario would be like...I'm guessing like Greta's death in Dream Child but we'll see.


I don't mean to trivialise this tension with a fetishy wonder but I really need to know more about "Toe Jam" now and their life with Leah.

That said the Governor is a tremendous prick, kudos on his ability to truly dig in and grate people when they are at their lowest. Teasing Anna about her mother AND making her have to decide the fates of other people is really epic, he was also the one who screwed up her initial escape attempt over the phone so hopefully he has an ass whooping coming from somebody before we reach the end of our journey.

As always it was nice to see Leah stand up for Anna ever after all the degrading treatment in her bedroom. One on one or in the foursome they seem irredeemable but every once in awhile when with their parents you kind of see just a wee bit of humanity shining through the monstrous exterior.


It would seem even Poppy has forsaken her Goddesses for this monster.

Truly dark stuff, I knew they were evil but eating kids knocks that level way higher than even I expected. Anna is a wonderful person but even she has to understand there really isn't much for these people to fight for right now.

Maybe down the road if the resistance ever manages to storm the castle so to speak but there is not guarantee of that so she could be selling them a bill of goods no matter how much she wants to help them. They've already lost everything they held dear and facing the prospect of more misery may just be better off being eliminated as opposed to having to pledge their loyalty to satan himself.


Poppy playing very dirty here.

You're really putting poor Anna through the ringer and if she gets through this unscathed or at least unbonded really deserves an ice cream. She's been holding out for as long as she could but Poppy seems possibly the most focused she's ever been.

Though if she -were- to bond with him it would create quite the interesting rift between him and The Foursome as they would no doubt blame Leah for this. So in a way maybe if Anna loses herself she could potentially sew the seeds of discourse that could crack the foundation of the BSA if one of the girls(I'd guess Molly) were to spill the beans out of anger or jealousy.


Once again the Foursome's actions seem to be explained by simply meeting their families.

Leah showing passion is nice given her calm demeanor most days but depending on who ends up on the receiving end it might not be great for -everyone-. At least Anna managed to save the people even if there was some shenanigans and things she is glad to not know about involved so involuntarily Poppy actually made things somewhat -better- for somebody at better as they could be given the circumstances.


I'd still like to learn more about Leah and Toe Jam's time together but judging by her attitude either she is also a type 0 or Leah destroyed her mind enough to block out anything but praise for her to mask any pain or sadness Toe Jam might have had prior. Given how far gone she seems to be it makes me wonder if -she- possibly sold out the others somehow or helped the Governor decide on eating the children in the first place and this is her coping mechanism to deal with her grief like Joy in We Happy Few.


I fully understand Toe Jam's anger here.

Possibly years of dealing with Leah's bullshit and god only knows what level of painful tortures just to be upstaged by what she perceives as an ungrateful interloper who the girl she pledged her life to cares more about than she ever could for her.

The poison blood thing seems a curveball here but you seem to have removed the prospect of using it against the Foursome or their families. Doesn't mean it won't come up later on if needed I imagine.

Surprise appearance by Byte but always nice to see Anna get a little reprieve from the insanity with somebody who cares about her. I also have my theory on the Commander but I'll wait until the potential reveal to share it.


Toe Jam:

The sub/footboy in me loves the name and the way Leah seemingly treats her at times. The normal human reading this really feels like she is hiding a dark secret that Leah either forced upon her or somebody else did leading to her mind being broken. It could just be from years of being under Leah's rule that she just accepted things and shut herself off but I still think there is something there behind the broken psyche.


Always happy to see Byte, he gives Anna somebody else other than Steven to keep her grounded in this insane situation. Given his abilities he also seems like he will come in handy later if Anna ever hopes to escape or they somehow manage to bring the BSA public etc.

Warren (The governor):

A true piece of shit and this is coming from both a fan of pieces of shit in various movies/games/shows at times and somebody who has read many stories with some truly evil giant folks and rp'd with a few over the years.


My guess is she wants to break Anna before she leaves for Naomi's.

Where Harper and Molly failed due to their underneath kindness she is definite ballbreaker of sorts and seems determined not to let her escape without full of imprintation of Anna. Perhaps she feels Naomi will no doubt do the same given they are the two alpha females of the Foursome so she wants to get out ahead of her.

Gemma: I'm not sure yet but given her demeanor maybe a former Nanny of Leah's who looked the other way on a lot of things and helped foster Leah's more terrifying tendencies whilst showing her a bit of love and care that her parents likely didn't...sensing a theme here so far through three of them.

Author's Response:

Ha! If you can guess the next series of events I'll be seriously impressed. 


Lol well I guess you got your wish about Toe Jam. She is such a tragic character, but so fun to write. If she hadn't shrunken, she would've been an honorary member of the FF, so it' s interesting to write her interactions with Leah.

Haha, I can't say anything about ass whoopings, but I will say that even after Leah's backstory chapter is over, he will still be an influential part of the story.

And the FF truly care about Annabelle more than anything else in their lives, they can justify the way they torture Annabelle, but they really don't like the unpredictability of their parents' interactions with Annabelle.


Oh you haven't seen anything yet. They've hinted at some of the BSA's doings, but it'll be a few chapters before we really get into it.

Oof Adam, you almost got me talking about future plot points. All I will say is how the resistance and the captive Shrinkees interact will be interesting.


Annabelle isn't really a fan of ice cream, but I agree that she definitely deserves a good book or something.


Hee hee, I like your Toe Jam theories--though I guess now you know the truth. Somehow it's a bit worse maybe?


Toe Jam's anger is definitely understandable, I agree. But it comes more from the idea that because of what she believes, means Annabelle's status as a beloved pet shouldn't exist. If she was taught and shown that "humans" and "Shrinkees" should only have a strict master/slave relationship with minimal to no affection, then Annabelle being coddled is in direct opposition to that belief. I'd like to think that she had dreams of Leah showing her 1/4th of the affection she shows Annabelle, but felt guilt about said dreams because they go beyond what a Shrinkee "deserves" or should wish for.

But if Annabelle just shows up and is receiving all of this love, then that means it was possible for her to receive it during all of those years (at least in Toe Jam's mind who doesn't really understand the concept of Type 0s). Annabelle's existence and perceived loving relationship with Leah makes Toe Jam look inward and question her value (even as a Shrinkee), which frustrates her and causes her to become enraged with Annabelle.

Annabelle and her blood will definitely be coming up again--along with Byte and the Commander. 


Wow you were kinda on the mark with Toe Jam, Adam!


Yes, I also like it when Byte comes. He and Annabelle have a very natural partnership.


Ha! I actually like Warren (I'm biased though).


Good guess about Leah. She most certainly wanted to break Annabelle down. She had been planning since a few chapters ago when she first spoke to Oliver in the parking lot. And yeah, she and Naomi will definitely take on the more aggressive approach when dealing with Annabelle's imprinting.   


Also very close with Gemma. 

You're really observant, Adam X


I'm not sure if you'll be thrilled with what's coming next for Annabelle, but you'll definitely be intrigued. 

Thanks for commenting as always. You always make me snort aggressively when I read your comments.


Reviewer: Divediveburners Signed [Report This]
Date: May 01 2022 8:13 PM Title: Chapter 31

I thought we were going to Naiomi, but it looks like we're getting the 'final boss' early!

I knew the good governor was going to be a handful, which means to say, he wasn't as much of a shocker as the Gates were. Still, he has lots of dirt on Annabelle, and a mess of a mind to use it to its full potential. He's the perfect overarching villain to this tail, and you portray him to his diabolical potential.

Leah is going to be a tough nut to crack. Annabelle, despite the fact that she was submitting to Molly and Harper, also managed to get them wrapped around her little finger. Leah, however, appears to have a rather healthy relationship with her father, at least, as good as you can get with that man. She's competing with him, this means she'll be alert for any signs of Annabelle's machinations in a way Harper and Molly weren't. She is my favorite of the four, even though she's probably the coldest.

Good chapter, although I felt we got less development out of Leah than we did Molly or Harper. Looks like more character intros than anything, especially with Toe Jam. I'll be waiting on the next chapter with baited breath as always.

Author's Response:

Hey Divediveburners

Yeah I'd always planned on Leah being the penultimate FF--should make sense as to why when you read Naomi's chapter. I'm glad the governor's diabolical-ness is apparent. Though I'm not sure how ready you'll be to see the extent of his grand plans. 

Yup, I put Leah and Naomi towards the end because they're more shrewd when it comes to Annabelle's motivations. They're not completely blinded by Annabelle's cuteness. Leah and her father have a relationship that works for them, but In don't know if a psychologist would label it as "healthy." They do certainly love each other though. 

Hah, your comment about Leah and Toe Jam is super funny to read after the most recent chapter. 

Always great to read your comments, Divediverburners!

Reviewer: Ralgar Signed [Report This]
Date: April 27 2022 12:29 AM Title: Chapter 30

So i as was just wondering if there would be another chapter before the end of this month, totally fine if its not, just wondering. 

    I am looking forward to Naomi cause as i said in a previous chapter she has in my opinion had the least amount of on screen interaction with Annabelle save for the swallowing and the makeout session in chapter 20, which is the first time anne got lost i think in her role.  ALso this will be interesting because unlike the others she will have to compete with her sister and that will drive her nuts, 

Author's Response:

Oh definitely, I'm aiming for this weekend actually. I only saw your comment because I've been coming back to recheck some plot details. This chapter is going to be another long one (big surprise, right?). I just checked and it's at 9,000 + words so... I have maybe two more scenes to write and that should take me a couple of days to finish and edit. 

This chapter has been really fun to write (take that how you will) and I'm excited to see how you guys react to it.

Thanks again for your continued interest, Ralgar.

Reviewer: Mr in A suit Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: April 15 2022 4:01 PM Title: Chapter 30

Thinking about my last comment in ch. 30, an idea popped up concerning  honesty and the next arcs. It’s not that Harper and Molly aren’t being honest about their feelings for Poppy, but that They lack a motive to really surpass that wall between. Everyone around threats Annabelle as Poppy, as a beloved pet, so they don’t have  a reason to threat her any different, because really doesn’t matter what she says, since she can’t escape them anyway.

The momment Molly threated Poppy as a lover and Anna had her episode was the night she felt her grasp slipping because of the parents interference. But she soon secured Poppy, wenting back to her usual self despite the great shift in her house dynamics.

This might be even more pronounced in Naomi’s house, because she will have, not only her parents inteference, but a direct competition for Anna’s atention with her sister – and Nell uses Poppy real name, genuinely acknowledging her humanity and has a lot in common with the shrinkee (including being bullied by her sister).

My guess: the questions for the next arc will lie with the sisters feelings for Poppy and for Anna – how jealousy will affect all the imprintings.

Sorry for commenting twice on the same chapter again. And Happy Easter!

Author's Response:

You're absolutely right, Mr in A suit. I think you'll see when the FF start getting some push back how they re-evaluate their relationship with Annabelle/Poppy. Based on this comment, I'm sure you'll have a lot to say about the most recent chapter.

Reviewer: DarkStarGoddess Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: April 15 2022 7:11 AM Title: The Beginning

Obviously the answer for who is next will be Zoey.  If only (I am very curious to see them meeting, not that I want poor Annabelle to suffer, part of me wonders if she'd treat her little sister differently seeing her like this?).  Though Nell and Annabelle are cute together too.

First time reviewing, I do not have much to say, just that I am very much enjoying this story and am always looking forward to the new chapters.  Thank you for sharing, I am looking forward to seeing where this story goes.  There are a lot of side characters and I am very curious to see if and how they come back into the story.

Author's Response:

Ha! I also think Zoey deserves her own (second) chapter. Who knows, maybe she'll get one...or two...or three. 

There will definitely be some more Nell and Annabelle moments coming up, though they may not be what you're expecting, or maybe they are             ¯_(ツ)_/¯ (who can say, right?).

Thanks for the review, DarkStarGoddess, happy to see that you're liking the story. And yes! After, (and maybe even during) the FF's chapters, you will be able to see some familiar faces. 

Thanks again for commenting! 

Reviewer: Ralgar Signed [Report This]
Date: April 15 2022 3:19 AM Title: Chapter 30

    So first off thsi was another great chapter.  YOU go Molly and tell your bitch of a mother ( use that term very loosely) off. I loved that she defended Poppy ( Annabelle), it does so some serious growth on her part. That talk at the end did really show that she has grown, cause she's right earlier in the story she wouldn't have cared why Annabelle was being disrespectful, only that she was.   Now she does actually care about Poppy ( not Annabelle, not yet, but I do think she will in time).

     I love that discussion at the end about why the giantesses think the way they do about owning a pet person, its fate/ the universes/destiny/God, if u weren't meant to be a slave/pet you wouldn't be, but since u are in that position u are meant to be that way, it finally clarified what harpers parents said both in the initial meeting ( because they can) and what they said in The Abbots first chapter.  That reasoning is as old as time and very human.  I really liked it, it helped to humanize Molly and by relation the other giants as well.  That scene was sweet to, because Annabelle was right Molly was actually treating her like a person for the first time in this story and i loved it, i really hope this is a trend that will continue when we catch back up with molly.  

     Now on to the dream sequence, I loved that dream, i loved the spicy scene even if not as blunt as some others, also yes Molly's butt does need some screen time.  I really have enjoyed these dream sequences for the fact that it allows you to show ( instead of tell) us her in psyche.  This one was very poignant that Poppy is the dominant right not, and that ending was very scary, and I do think Molly was some what right about why the dream freaked her out, cause she does care about the 4 even though she hates them.  Poor Annabelle is in trouble.

     Now i do think Leah is next, would prefer Naomi because I cant wait for Leah but i think she should be the last.  I am also excited for Naomi and to see how clingy she will be especially with her sister around, so this should be fun.  Also i am in trepidation for the parents of Naomi, and of course the Governor. Naomi i think will be clingy and very sweet on Annabelle.     Hopefully her parents arent as bitchy as Mollies but we will see. 

     I think Leah should be last because it fits her to have the last word I think, and also it will build her jealousy that she will not have had any interaction with Poppy at all, so i think she will feel very threatened by that, and she will have missed poppy to.  Honestly i don't know what to expect from the Governor other than emotional manipulation.

     Now some thing i have been thinking about is your proposed what if, (plz yes)  I have a thought, i ahve two areas that i would like to see a what if on, the first is how would things have played out if on that first night she had left before Harper stopped her, and two how would Harped have reacted if Belle had chosen not to come that night.  My main thing is if she didnt have the initial massacre to bring back up, i do think bell would have been so love starved  that she prob would have attached to one of the 4.  ALso my other big what if is if Zoey had scene her at the house.  THat one I have no idea how that would play out.

     SO yea still loving this story and i cant wait to see where this ends up.

P.S. How proud were you of that line in chapter 22 i think where leah stills thanos's line about not taking pleasure in killing shrunken.  ( THat was a great line and i loved the delivery).

Author's Response:

Haha, I figured you would like the scene where they tell her to fuck off, Ralgar. I'm glad the ideology of the BSA is being conveyed. I think in each chapter, we understand more about about how they perceive the world. Unfortunately for Annabelle, a lot of their values do not align with each other. 

And I would agree with you about Annabelle struggling with Poppy. Only time will tell how she'll be able to handle it--or if she'll be able to handle it at all. 

I think you'll be surprised of the order of the remaining FF.

About the what ifs, I'm constantly daydreaming about that night that Harper and Annabelle spoke. It truly is the catalyst for everything. I don't think the FF would've allowed her to leave. This isn't mentioned (we really only see 10% of what's actually happening, because the story is mostly told through Annabelle's perspective) but there were suits guarding the perimeter of the house, just in case anyone attempted to escape. If Annabelle attempted to escape, it would've soured the night (in the FF's opinion) because they would have been forced to skip the bait and tease of the massacre, and jump straight into the crushing and eating. 

Now, the story of Annabelle not coming is ridiculously interesting. I've created an entire story in my head, so I think I have to write it. It would be a mini story though--not a one off chapter. And you're not far off about Annabelle reacting to the FF differently if she were in the dark about the massacre. (Okay enough Ralgar, you're getting me too hyped--I still have to finish this story).

I'm not going to address the Zoey scenario because anything I might say could potentially be a take that how you will.

P.s Haha, I didn't know that line was something Thanos said (I haven't seen that movie in years--gun to my head I could not give you a single line of dialogue). But he and Leah have a lot of similarities, so I guess it makes sense .

Thanks for commenting, Ralgar, your reviews are always a highlight of my day.



I know most people were expecting Leah to be last (I understand this), but when you read the remaining FF chapters, you'll understand why they're in the order they're in.

Reviewer: Yeso Signed [Report This]
Date: April 14 2022 11:57 AM Title: The Beginning

I would like to warn herewith that I make speculations about the end and do not want to spoil anyone's fun if I should have cracked the "code" (Even if I do not believe that, but warning does not hurt).

However, to explain my wishful thinking, I must first classify how I see the story systematically. It becomes more and more apparent with each chapter, from my point of view, that there is not just one major strand of development, but two. The first development thread is the more obvious one and from my point of view a trap for us readers. Annabelle loses her humanity in competition with Poppy with each chapter. (Here one should not only pay attention to the body, it is about the "idea" Annabelle). At the beginning Annabelle stood among many other shrunken humans as a representative of a human being, the idea of being a subject, but with each chapter she becomes more and more a "pet", the idea of being an object. This is what the debate is about, whether Annabelle in the end preserves her humanity and escapes (subject) or eventually becomes a will-less slave (object).

However, this debate necessarily presupposes that there is a legitimate reason for Annabelle to escape, which of course seems obvious at the beginning of the story. However, one must pay attention to the second plot line, which changes the "rules of the game" more and more. The "rules of the game" because of which there is a debate about the first storyline. Namely, while Annabelle loses her humanity, the FF will - I suspect - gain more and more humanity and stop being pets of their parents (+ world) themselves - so that these four, of all people, end up reaching the ideal state of humanity that Annabelle is trying to preserve. The FF are not only portrayed more and more human, they BECOME more and more human, that is to say self-autonomous beings. However, I'm afraid that the FF's humanity will only finally come through when they lose Annabelle to the object. The moment they lose Annabelle, the human Annabelle, the "idea" Annabelle will live on as a subject in the FF, because Annabelle will have made the FF from pet to human, while the FF will have made Annabelle more and more from human to pet (by the way, you pet animals, too, you don't just torture them through. Just because the FF become nicer and nicer to Annabelle does not make Annabelle human to the FF). For the turn, however, a bond of the FF to Annabelle is necessary, which is built up more and more. At the same time a world is necessary, from which the FF will emancipate themselves at the end and fight for the idea of Annabelle, the subject position of all (!) humans. The realization will probably take place with the FF, however, only when Annabelle is "gone" as a material being. In the moment where Annabelle finally becomes a pet, the FF will finally see in Annabelle the pet what they have always been to their parents (+ world) and break out. The person Annabelle is then gone, but the idea Annabelle will live on eternally with the four.

Or to explain it another way. The FF, without realizing it, make Annabelle what they actually are. To the pet. The FF break Annabelle so that Annabelle becomes what they are to their parents (+ world). Annabelle on the other hand breaks the FF more and more to the human being, means to the subject. The FF will become more and more the self-autonomous acting being, what Annabelle has been in the beginning. At the beginning of the story Annabelle was the subject, the FF the objects. At the end, Annabelle will be the object, but the FF will be the subjects. Annabelle will worship FF as Poppy, but the FF will cry about it, that's why they will hold up the idea of Annabelle. Poppy will have no one to desire at the end, maybe even Annabelle will be "saved" with it at the end.

In my theory, the *person Annabelle* may be gone then, unfortunately, but she has achieved what she always wanted. To preserve her humanity, carried by the FF. It is not only a competition between Poppy and Annabelle. It is a competition between Poppy (body/desire) and idea Annabelle (spirit/idea) for the person Annabelle, her legacy. However, it may also be that Poppy wins, but still dies in the end, because the FF want Annabelle back, from the moment Annabelle becomes Poppy. Maybe this will even make Annabelle grow again and become the fifth in line. Poppy, after all, can only survive as long as the FF are specifically pets (of the parents and the world) and therefore want to be desired by the pet (Poppy). However, the moment the FF become the idea Annabelle, when Annabelle becomes the objects Poppy/FF, Poppy dies, since Poppy will have no one left to desire. Annabelle can therefore defeat Poppy, to return to the first plot line, not by escaping, but by the FF becoming Annabelle. However, Poppy loses if Poppy ends up being able to desire NONE of the four.

(Don't wonder, deleted the post several times to correct it).

Author's Response:

Yeso, I believe this is your first time commenting, and yet you've utterly wrecked my mind. 

I've said this a couple of times, but you guys are so damn perceptive. Obviously, I can't declare any validity to your theories without spoiling anything, but I will say that I like how you're thinking.  

I'm really debating adding this part, because it may be delving into spoiler territory so read at your own risk. 

Maybe, kind of spoilers:

I think your thinking may shift, when more is revealed about the imprinting process (all is not what it seems). The binary nature of Annabelle/ Poppy or Subject/Object as you so astutely put it, may possibly become less binary as the story progresses. 

I can say that you are absolutely correct about the relationship between the FF and their parents, and the relationships between the FF and Annabelle/Poppy.  I'm not sure if the FF realize it yet, but a part of what makes obtaining Poppy so attractive, is the agency possessing her will provide. As of now, they are "pets" to their parents--as you said--but with Poppy under their control, they would become freer in a sense. 

Ugh Yeso, you've forced a lot more out of me than I intended (other commenters have done the same). This comment section is dangerous. 

Anyway, excellent analysis. I thoroughly enjoyed reading it, and I hope you enjoy the rest of the story. 

Reviewer: Tiny-Ink-Spot Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: April 13 2022 5:45 AM Title: The Beginning

I should of done this ages ago but....omg I love your story! Been reading it since you first posted it and have to say you have outstanding skill. Everything from start to finish is just awesome. I think what you do best is making the characters believable and not 2 dimensional which adds so much.

But holy chapter 30 kept me on my toes, loved the ending you went with kinda bitter sweet for our heroine, slowly breaking down just that little bit to actually finding comfort and even liking her captors. The dream sequence was also amazing loved what you did with it. Honestly I want to write more but not sure what to say beyond amazing, I have no critique to offer cause it's all just been so good.

Keep up the good work!!!!

Author's Response:

Thanks Tiny-Ink-Spot!

It's always good to know people are reading. I really like GT/GTS stories, because there's inherently so much you can do with it. 

Ha, I'm glad you liked chp 30, it had a lot of twists and turns, but I was glad I got to show the progression of Molly and Annabelle's/ Poppy's relationship. The dream sequence was difficult to write, but definitely the most fun. I don't get to write a lot (comparatively) of crush in this story because the antagonists didn't grow, rather the protagonist shrank, but it was fun to get the opportunity to try it out on a bigger scale (no pun intended).

Thanks for your kind words, Tiny-Ink-Spot

Reviewer: Mr in A suit Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: April 13 2022 4:16 AM Title: Chapter 30

Man, you have my utter admiration for the dedication you put in your writing. I am officialy a fan and I am sorry for not commenting on ch. 29, but I think it was for the best.

First, I never thought Poppy would give up on Molly, because I don’t see Poppy and Annabelle as entirelly separate individuals, and her imprint episodes with both Harper and now Molly are proof enough.

Annabelle interactions with Molly are, in my humble opinion, among the cutest in the series because, being who she is, Annabelle empowers Molly - she isn’t judgmental towards her and is capable of recognizing her good traits and efforts even after everything that happened (the shrinking, the torture and humiliation). I think this is a bit true to all 4 giantesses really.

And that’s exactly why Poppy’s comments about Anna not being an equal to Molly as well as Molly own remarks at the end leave a sour taste. Especially because Anna deserves her love and Molly really acted as a person in love with the shrinkee! You don’t say sorry to a bug, you don’t fight your sadistic freaking rich parents for a bug! You don’t endure chores for a bug! And you certainly don’t need a bug like Molly admitted needing Poppy!!

The giantess even says Anna should accept the feelings she secretly harbors for her... well talk about yourself. What would happen if one of the 4 actually admitted being in love with the shrinkee?   

God! This chapter and Molly got me so frustrated! Would she actually punish Anna after everything if she had continued? And just as I was  starting to shipp Anna with all female characters, even Anita. And the dream sequences were giving me hope... but not Mrs. Gates. Mrs. Gates can drop dead.

Molly is down to my least favorite character (I love her) and will remain there unless she confess her love for Annabelle... Now that I think about it, using her real name could be a sign of true closeness... Oh God... I am starting to doubt any of the four really love Anna again. TT_TT

What a great chapter, your effort really shone in every line.Can’t wait for the next one. And I know you said it wasn’t an invitation for predictions, but as we are entering what feels like a crucial part of the story, I have to look into ch. 2 again. I wouldn’t be myself if I didn’t at least tried LOL.

Author's Response:

Thanks Mr in A suit, your words are very kind.

I'm a bit biased, but I also agree that every interaction one-on-one with each giantess have some really cute moments. I also understand what you mean about Molly and Annabelle being really compatible in a way that affects their relationship in a way that's different from the other FF.  

Ha, I agree with you about Molly's comments, there's a lot of cognitive dissonance going on with her (really all of the giantesses).

Ah, the love comment. Your comments are always so difficult to reply to Mr in A suit, because I have to be careful not to spoil anything. Okay, I'll say that there is a scene coming up in a few chapters, in which this issue is brought up. It's not particularly long, but it is commented on. 

Ha! I've been reading a lot of theories about what I was referring to, and honestly you guys are a lot more intelligent than me. It makes me embarrassed to say what it was now, because your theories are a lot more sophisticated than what I had planned (actually that goes for a lot of the upcoming plot)

I mean I'll just come out and say it: It was a C plot for two of the FF. Their relationship has always been tumultuous, and it will be explored in an upcoming chapter, but it was going to reach its breaking point soon. This is the element I was referring to.  The scene I was referring to that I was debating changing was essentially how that breaking point was going to be conveyed. The cannon straight-forward way I was to write it was through violence (I think it was you who commented about Annabelle being on the floor while Nell and Naomi fought, and I said that I already had a similar scene prepared with a different set of characters--this is what I was referring to). 

The other way I was going to convey their climax was through well...different means

I'm not saying anything more! I still haven't decided what I'm going to do about that scene, but it's coming up soon, so I guess I have to make a decision. 

Anyway, thanks again for your comment Mr in A suit. Once again, you have given me an existential crisis. 

Reviewer: Naoru Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: April 12 2022 7:38 PM Title: Chapter 30

This was amazing. Very nuanced and got our girl Molly all the attention and love she deserved. I reaaaally like everything that's going on in here. Molly standing up to her parents after Anabelle went through some intense torture was as sweet as Anabelle standing up for her. It was amazing. I loved that dream sequence, Molly as an actual giantess fits really well and Poppy becoming bigger and bigger on the dream sequences is clearly an indication of how much she is winning the battle over Anabelle's mind. And well, I do appreciate some love to Molly's ass. I

Is interesting that Molly stayed nuanced; she is nice, gentle, loving, and a match in personality and trauma bonding for Anabelle but her views have been warped by her parents and the organization they created. She operates under "If shrinkies are slaves is because they are naturally weak and so deserve it because they let it happen" which is some actual rhetoric used for slavers back in the day, only with shrinkies they do are smaller and weaker so is easier to be convinced of it.

Everytime there is an imprinting episode Anabelle loses a bit of herself, and the next comes stronger. I think next will be Naomi with perhaps some Nell and their parents so Leah gets last spot and the last word unless some Zoey or whatever happens?I...don't want a surprise xD Naomi and Leah deserve their time and I'm quite excited for Leah specifically. In case Naomi is next I'll go ahead and say I'm not a Nell fan, and that I think Naomi's parents will be another nightmare.

My ranking hasn't changed much, if at all, so far Leah is still my number one, Harper two, and then Naomi and Molly. I think Anabelle imprinting with Molly could be nice if Molly keeps her parents at bay, though I still prefer Harper over her. Can't wait for Naomi and Leah!!

Author's Response:

Thanks Narou!

I love writing the one-on-one scenes of Annabelle and the FF. They're always very revealing. Those dream sequences are the most difficult to write, but they're also my favorite parts to write, so I'm glad you appreciate them (and Molly's ass).

I'm glad you said the thing about Molly's rhetoric, because that's what makes their ideology so dangerous (and we'll see more of that going forward) because it's based in pseudoscience that has proven to have been historically effective (although this story doesn't exactly take place in our universe). 

I think you'll be slightly surprised by the order of the FF, but everything is done for a reason. I'll also say that I am so thrilled that although Zoey has physically been in maybe two out of 30-something chapters, everyone seems to be excited for her return--as you should be

As for the FF, I'm curious to see if your ranking shifts after the backstory chapters. 

Thanks again for commenting Naoru! I always like seeing what you think. 

Reviewer: AdamX Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: April 12 2022 7:16 AM Title: Chapter 30

Already torturing poor Anna?

I can't really understand the need to drill this into her head though seeing she has a one in four chance of imprinting on Molly thus possibly making this a colossal waste of their time. Anita seems on of the nicer monsters who have come to interact with Anna during her trials with the Fearsome Foursome, a rather nice lady on the surface who just happens to work for outright monsters. I do always feel bad with the Anna self harm sections as she really worked hard to try to change for the positive only to get kicked right in the stomach via her kindness with a stranger(Harper).
Always nice to see Anna using her smarts even in her shitty circumstances, she's broken physically but her mind is still sharp at least beyond her interactions with Poppy during her daydreams/breakdowns. I imagine Poppy is hiding away since this has no bearings on her titanesses thus no reason to intervene with Anna's suffering.

Holy fuckballs, there is a lot to unpack in this chapter piece...

Anna standing up for Molly was incredible even with their checkered past, Molly does seem like she is the least shitty of the foursome if she had a better up bringing/more supportive parents etc. It doesn't excuse what happened but explains it tremendously. For Anna to actually seemingly bond with her depending on the rest of the chapter speaks volumes for her compassion for Molly and Molly's potential goodness bleeding through the further we move on in the story.
Another one of Anna's lucid dreams, it seems to be bringing her back to her senses somewhat after her sleep deprivation broke her mind enough to seemingly show bond like traits with Molly. Not sure if she can fend off giant Poppy so easily but the size difference makes me think this is more serious than previous attempts at taking over.
Molly once again seems the most human of the four and also I kept expecting her to remind Anna to "don't freak out" but still there seems to be a lot more in common between them than we thought.
Ah, Harps.
Always there to look after and slightly annoy our fair heroine. Though it was nice to see the solidarity of the foursome by showing her happiness at Molly standing up for herself. Now if we could just get Naomi to be nicer to her sister.
Go Anna, still trying to help Molly despite all the trauma she's brought upon her in the past few months. If she gets out of this mess one day she'll definitely deserve some sort of award for her dedication to helping others despite insurmountable odds and inhuman conditions.
The sins of the mother rear their ugly head allowing us to end on a cliffhanger as poor Anna's emotions tear her apart. She is right to stand up for Molly to her parents but all the same she still hasn't taken their values and beliefs out of her. It might take time to truly purge Molly if they end up on that road but Anna is truly fighting an unwinnable battle as we close up shop.

The dream sequence was top notch as always, you always craft them with such happiness before the foreboding terror sets in. As for who is next I will take a shot and say Leah gets her moment in the sun.

Author's Response:

Hey Adam,


I would say each of the FF's families are probably at least 35% more confident about obtaining Annabelle than they should be. Also about Anita; I think that's the dangerous thing about the BSA. Most of its members seem like normal, nice first


I love a smart Shrinkee. I've been working on other stories, and your comment made me realize that most, if not all, of the protagonists have noticeably above average intelligence. I gotta stop this though, because it forces me to do things like spending an hour researching the history of Poland's market economy. 

I love reading about your imprinting theories, the answers are coming up really soon.


I gotta say, I usually think of a specific scene when I think of how to hit certain plot points for my outline, and the scene where Molly and Annabelle defend each other was definitely one of the first things I thought of. 


I'm glad you're digging the dreams. They're usually the longest scenes to write, because sometimes they're so nonsensical that I worry you guys might get lost. 

I'm glad you caught the panic attack lingo slipping in there. I wanted to show their similarities, and despite Molly's insistence, maybe Shrinkees and people without HDD are more alike than not?



I think the hardest part of the cage scenes in these FF's background chapters has been deciding which giantess gets screen time. I think Harper made the most sense in this chapter, because I always imagine her always having the CCTV footage of Annabelle's cage on in the background--or at least checking on it more frequently than the other giantesses. 


Annabelle's morality is a huge part of this story. I don't think the story would even be still going if Annabelle wasn't as virtuous as she was. That's why I established her moral nature early with the whole Carrie and the cherry jar situation. 

The giantesses and their own indoctrination is probably Annabelle's biggest obstacle. 


I'm glad you liked the dream scene. And I guess you'll see if you were right about Leah being next  :-)


Thanks again for the comments, Adamx. As always, you have some great insights. 

Reviewer: Ralgar Signed [Report This]
Date: April 09 2022 6:14 PM Title: Chapter 29

Any chance for an update soon?

Author's Response:

Yeah, thanks for your patience. I think something is going around, because I and many members of family were sick for a while. I've been feeling better and have spent the majority of today writing. I have a few more scenes to write, and then I have to edit, so I'm tentatively aiming to publish tomorrow.

Also, this chapter will be super long because I'm trying to keep the two chapters per FF rule I set for myself, while also giving Molly's story the attention it deserves. 

Reviewer: Naoru Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: March 22 2022 6:49 AM Title: Chapter 29

Okay wow. The Abbots are model parents all of a sudden. I mean not really, I already had noticed how good they were to Harper, and loving of her and supportive, but yikes, they really are the only ones of the bunch that don't treat their daughter like shit?Leah's dad has a weird thing going on with her, and Naomi's parents are seemingly strict and poor Molly has...oh god, I feel so bad for her. They are shit to her, they are shit to Anabelle, like I can't believe they made even the Abbot's treatment of Annabelle to look sort of nice. I see Molly's mom stroke a chord in people and I do see why. She sucks in the most close to home way to people who had never dealt with shrunk people but probably with overbearing, strict parents.

I'm worried for Molly and Anabelle and their mental state if they are both pushed so damn hard. This chapter was more about the parents than Molly and I'm seeing a trend. I do like that. Actually if I may be so bold, I would LOVE a prequel story with the parents as youngsters in college themselves and some new shrinkie or them creating their murderous evil group. I don't know why but the more stories about the parents's pasts I heard the more I want a story focused on them when they were all young. It would be tons of fun. But then again is my imagination going crazy xDDD

I'm worried that Molly being too submissive to stand up for herself or for Anabelle will hurt her chances of imprinting. Is a pity, I do love her but she needs to man up. Woman up. Idk.

Looking forward to the next one!!

Author's Response:

Haha! Right? In comparison the Abbots are suddenly parents of the year. 

Yeah I agree with you, Naoru about the negative reaction Mrs. Gates received. I think her cruelty is a lot more realistic and recognizable than attempting genocide on shrunken people. 

I've written SO much background on the parents in their college years and the founding of the BSA. If people are interested, I'd maybe write a couple of chapters about them in a spin off story or something. 

As for Molly' womaning'll just have to see if she steps up. ¯_(ツ)_/¯

a279;Thanks again for the comment Naoru! 

Reviewer: memesRlife Signed [Report This]
Date: March 20 2022 11:25 AM Title: Chapter 29

I like that you're humanizing the girls it makes so kcuh more compelling and fleshes out their characters. I also hate that you're humanizing the girls stop humanzing these murderous pieces of shit that deserve to burn in hell.

Author's Response:

Ha! Yeah the ole catch-22. I wonder how you'll feel about how this story ends then. 😁

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