Date: July 25 2024 1:51 AM Title: Chapter 52: Seta's Arrival
Will you continue this again and also the other series?
Author's Response:
I'll try. Between clinical depression and the humdrum of my day job, I confess that the drive to continue my own stories has left me as of late. I appreciate that my stories have grabbed your attention, but the will to continue has been squeezed out of me for some time now. I'm sorry if that's rather depressing to hear, but it's one thing to read stories and another thing entirely to write them. That being said, I'll try to find the strength to carry on and continue one of my stories in the near future. If it comes down to it, I'll put out an edit declaring them discontinued or on permanent hiatus. Time will tell if it comes to that. I appreciate that my stories grabbed your attention enough that you felt compelled to post a review about them.

Date: June 20 2023 6:12 AM Title: Chapter 52: Seta's Arrival
Ok let's see where this goes.
Author's Response:
Dunno if you'll like it, but I appreciate the review all the same.

Date: June 12 2023 10:03 PM Title: Chapter 51: A Quick Visit & A New Visitor
Great to see you come back...just took your time bro nothing wrong with it, your story are fantastic so its worth the wait.
Although i wish that you can continue again with freezing 😅🙏
Author's Response:
I'll see what I can do. For me, it's something of a mix between plot progression in my stories as well as them vying for attention in my head as to who to write about next. In a sense, I have my own harem of harem-themed stories competing for my attention and focus, so it's sort of akin to juggling with them so to speak.
Regarding my Freezing fanfic, I've got an idea on where to proceed next, though I'm not sure if it'll jive with those who have been following it so far, and I'd rather not crank out another chapter if I think it's not up to snuff (I'm borderline OCD about that sort of thing).
Anyways, I've petered on enough about that stuff. I'll try to put out another chapter for either my Freezing fanfic or my Witchcraft Works fanfic in the coming days. Appreciate the love!

Date: May 06 2023 7:20 AM Title: Chapter 50: Aoyama Sister Lovefest
Awesome keep it up.
Author's Response:
Glad you like it.

Date: April 22 2023 3:44 PM Title: Chapter 49: Suntanning with the Aoyama Sisters
Love it keep it up.
Author's Response:
I appreciate it.

Date: February 26 2023 7:52 AM Title: Chapter 48: More Love Drama
Keep it up you are doing great.
So if you don't stop the girls from getting taller soon. You will need to make him more of a man to keep up with ten super tall women. Food for thought.
Author's Response:
I confess that even up to this point that I haven't made up my mind over how tall I want the Hinata women to end up becoming. It won't be as mile-high giantesses, that much is certain. And as for Keitaro keeping up with so many amazonian beauties, I have Kaolla serving as the deus ex machina to that sort of problem, being the scientific wiz kid that she is.
Anyways, thank you for the review.

Date: December 24 2022 9:16 PM Title: Chapter 47: Shinobu-Nyamo-Kitsune Threeway, Part 2
keep it up doing a great job
Author's Response:
Thanks, I appreciate that.
Date: August 23 2022 1:07 AM Title: Chapter 39: Back to School (Part 3)
Antes creía que tú historia eran con personajes inventados hasta que averigüe que está basado en una anime, ya que no sabía que love Hina era un anime existente lo cual fue bueno porque ahora se como se ven todos los personajes, por cierto como sería un loco herem de gigantas con el anime Pokémon?
Nota: por cierto si bien en tú Historias dice cuál es el tamaño de las chicas con números también me gustaría ver cómo es con imagenes con los tamaños que van teniendo comparados con alguien de tamaño normal, como una tabla de madiciones🚺📐
Author's Response:
Por cortesía, estoy usando Google Translate para mi respuesta, ya que ciertamente no soy fluido en español.
Date: May 12 2022 6:29 AM Title: Chapter 33: A Night With Naru, Mutsumi, and Kanako (Part 2)
Me di cuenta de que a keitero la va bien con su harem en crecimiento lo cual es decir mucho ya que son 13 mujeres, lo mismo que en la historia de el crecimiento de Brooke dónde su novio Mike también tiene suerte y le va bien, a diferencia de la historia del crecimiento acelerado de emma dónde Daniel se siente abrumado y asustado y no le va muy bien, y me preguntaba si con keitero será igual tambien o seguirá llendole bien una ves que sus chicas sean más grandes, ya que parece sentirse exitado con sus chicas cada ves más grandes, como pasa con Mike y Brooken
Author's Response:

Date: January 30 2022 1:38 AM Title: Chapter 27: Interim Developments (Amalla, Haruka, Kanako, Mutsumi)
I thought you'll be updating freezing today. Still great chapter, ofc there are some taboo part but i can just skip it.
Thx for the update
Author's Response:
Glad you're enjoying things so far.

Date: January 24 2022 12:57 AM Title: Chapter 26: Interim Developments (Shinobu, Nyamo, Sarah, Kaolla, & Mei)
Bruh a love drug lmao...kaolla is damn serious with this
Author's Response:
You've caught on, generally speaking. I'll elaborate more on it in future chapters. Without giving too much away, it'll function as a kind of deus ex machina to a lot of the story. Anyway, thanks for the review.
Date: January 05 2022 10:23 PM Title: Chapter 25: Interim Developments (Motoko, Tsuruko, Kitsune)
I think its great to have others opinion and pov too...sincr its would be hard to follow if we only ser keitaro and amalla doing all the work and the harem completed just like that
Author's Response:
Character development can be a tricky thing to cultivate in a way that is appealing and enriches the overall plot. It takes effort, but I like to think that it pays off well if done right. Anyways, glad that I'm holding your attention up to this point.
Date: December 20 2021 5:49 AM Title: Chapter 24: Incoming Assistance and Bathroom Talk
Well i know keitaro will act like this...he is not lying that he likes(maybe loves) everyone but he stil have respect for naru so yeah amalla needs to get naru permission and everyone confession to keitaro
Author's Response:
Date: November 16 2021 8:48 AM Title: Chapter 22: Workaround Solutions and More Growing Developments
Thank you so much for the update.
Well the only thing i can say is that, i cant wait to see keitaro face when he saw his 7 footer harem. I hope amalla's maids and worker wouldnt be that surprise to see them
Author's Response:
Glad you enjoy it. I have a general idea on how Keitaro and Amalla's incoming servants will react at the sight of so many towering beauties, but I don't want to give too much away. Hopefully you'll find it amusing.
Date: October 05 2021 9:36 AM Title: Chapter 21: The Morning After, Part 3
Please dont forget this story :" its too good. All of your work are great
Author's Response:
I'm glad this story has caught your eye. I'll try to have the next chapter out before the end of the month.
Date: August 29 2021 5:55 AM Title: Chapter 18: Confessions and Bedrest
Awesome story! I love the interactions between the characters especially with how they interact with Keitaro now that they're big and still growing.
Keep it up dude!
Author's Response:
Thank you for the praise. This is a harem fanfiction as much as it is a GTS story, so I really want to make the romance moments between Keitaro and the women as juicy as possible. I find the notion of being surrounded by an all-woman flower garden of growing amazons to be rather alluring, especially as they get bigger and bigger.
Date: August 08 2021 4:34 PM Title: Chapter 11: Growing Developments
Plenty of buildup, but Chapter 12 is amazing. Looking forward to where this is headed with more growth to come!
Is there a picture of the crew with labels to keep the harem members clear? I hope this story inspires some fan art!
Author's Response:
Thank you for the kind words. I was hoping to build up the harem and then proceed with the growth content once all the characters had been settled into the story. I'll admit that it ended up taking longer than I originally planned.
As far as pictures go, the best I could find was this link from TV Tropes. Hope it helps.
Date: August 02 2021 9:32 AM Title: Chapter 10: Girl Time in the Hot Springs
The lack of reviews is due to lack of giantess action. When are you gonna get to the fun already?
Author's Response:
Fair point. I admit I've strectched this longer than I originally anticipated. Just glad that I've got peoples' attention to this story.
Date: July 18 2021 12:02 PM Title: Character Backgrounds
Hopefully the growth starts soon!
Author's Response:
A few more chapters in and things should kick off in that direction. I appreciate your patience.
Date: July 06 2021 1:38 AM Title: Character Backgrounds
I actually like how you brought a story based on a classic anime. I always did like Keitaro... I just didn't care for all the abuse he went through.
This is pretty well done and I'm looking forward to more.
Author's Response:
I'm glad you like what you've read so far. I'm also not a fan of Keitaro being the proverbial and literal punching bag to the likes of Naru and Motoko. So while I felt the need to bring it up for the sake of backstory, I don't intend for there to be that type of violence in this fanfic. Hopefully I'll keep you entertained and hold your attention in the chapters that come next.