Date: April 25 2019 7:57 PM Title: Chapter 10
Excellent chapter! Gosh I hope there's more.

Date: September 29 2013 1:59 AM Title: Chapter 10
very very nice story I really enjoyed reading it I liked it... Please complete the great story

Date: April 25 2010 6:22 PM Title: Chapter 10
Very good indeed. Can't wait to see how things turn out.

Date: April 24 2010 6:31 AM Title: Chapter 10
It looks like Stacy has trained her first acolyte. Thanks for finally updating this cult-classic. :-)
Date: July 28 2009 12:30 PM Title: Chapter 1
Honestly one of the best written and in-depth stories on the site. I am so happy to see that it is being continued, and look forward to reading more.

Date: July 28 2009 10:28 AM Title: Chapter 9
Excellent cliff-hanger! Reminds me of Woody Allen's old axiom:
"Don't drink the water!"
Date: March 18 2009 12:52 PM Title: Chapter 1
Great story, love the direction I believe this is going with stacey. You haven't posted in a while I hope you haven't abandoned this great story.
Date: March 03 2009 12:40 PM Title: Chapter 1
Good story so far. I like the island shipwreck scenario. I'm curious if the girls are giant or the others are shrunken. Anxious to see some interaction with the little villagers. Hopefully things won't get too violent but that Plato quote doesn't fill me with confidence...

Date: March 03 2009 12:04 PM Title: Chapter 8
Heh! If Stacy can fool Angela so uenxpectedly easy, imagine the effect her giant feminine wiles are going to have on poor Little Tristan!

Date: February 27 2009 8:20 AM Title: Chapter 7
Let me guess. She's afraid of going to prison if she returns to normal size, and everyone gets rescued. So, Tristan and Laine will become her life-long prisoners. Maybe even...her slaves!
Even if I'm only half-right, this was still a brilliant plot twist.
Author's Response:
The best place to learn politics and how to avoid blame is high school. Doesn't matter how dumb you are.

Date: February 27 2009 1:43 AM Title: Chapter 7
Am still having a hard time picturing how tall Stacy and Angela are they could be any where from 50 feet to 300 feet tall. You think you can tell me some numbers to how tall they are, so i have a bit easer time on picturing this in my mind?
But, dam what another cliff hanger at the end, that has me thinking maybe the giant Stacy and Angela are maybe some type of doppelganger of Stacy and Angela.
That maybe that the real Stacy and Angela are being held prisoner by the villagers. But all this cliff hangers, drive me nuts because its such a grate and fun story to read that i can't wait to read more. ^.^
Author's Response:
I'll be honest in that I've been tricksy in avoiding giving an exact size. I figure I'll let the readers decide on it. A bit of suspension of disbelief I suppose.
As for where this is going... all will be revealed! :)

Date: February 26 2009 9:23 AM Title: Chapter 6
LMAO at the cliff-hanger.

Date: February 26 2009 12:51 AM Title: Chapter 6
Wow Angela and Stacy are blind to everything. If i found my self on a island that had small trees and how small everything looked, i think i be asking my self, why is that.
And also that makes me wonder, how big both of them are, to not see and hear anything around them to make them think that they are the only ones on the island.
I look forward to reading more. (^.^)

Date: February 25 2009 2:43 PM Title: Chapter 5
I think maybe the town that Gina found is small and she is normal size, because it talks about that she found berries and i think if she was giant she wouldn't have seen barries because how small they would be. But that is just my guess.
Author's Response: Interesting thought. All will be revealed in good time my friend ;)

Date: February 25 2009 1:00 PM Title: Chapter 1
Brilliant! Especially liking the last chapter. make like the beastie boys and keep it goin', keep it goin' full-steam.
Author's Response: That's the plan!

Date: February 25 2009 12:15 PM Title: Chapter 1
This is is shaping up to be a truly stunning story. Superb writing and very intriguing! Looking forward to the sequels!
Author's Response: Thanks a lot! I've really gotten into this story, and have quite a bit planned out. I hope you enjoy :)

Date: February 25 2009 11:17 AM Title: Chapter 5
Hmmmm! I'll bet Gina is actually a giantess, similar to Stacey and Angela. And, the villagers are actually normal-sized (from our pov)!
Author's Response: Muah ha ha... You'll just have to see!

Date: February 23 2009 10:22 AM Title: Chapter 4
Whoa! Bummer of a cliff-hanger. I wonder if they were caught and eaten by giant mermaids?*
*Sequel hint! ;-)
Author's Response: I didn't want to leave that portion of the story open ended. Plus it added to the feel of the over-explaining narrator. Just note that I didn't mention anything about those who remained at the beach!

Date: February 21 2009 12:07 PM Title: Chapter 3
A good and fun story so far, i look forward to reading more soon. Good work. (^.^)
Also i hope their is at least one giant male around with the females, it makes thing a bit more unique and a lot more fun if there is something different in stories like this one.
If you can't tell, am i bit unique as well, am a fan of both male giants and also of giantess. And it is so hard for me to find a good story that has both types of giants in it.

Date: February 21 2009 9:52 AM Title: Chapter 3
A truly bittersweet chapter. Yet, the tenderness of the cliffhanger will probably end with some giant bare foot crashing through those previously impenetrable vines. ;-)