Reviews For "Dirty Dozen 2"
Reviewer: RaidenX Signed 

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Date: June 05 2009 9:46 PM Title: Final battle! Turn back and get facked!

Date: June 05 2009 9:46 PM Title: Final battle! Turn back and get facked!
I love it, my favorite part was the Chuck Norris jokes part, I couldn't stop laughing 10/10 my friend... also could you make a sequel to this? it's too funny to not be continued.
Author's Response:
Thank you for rating and reviewing Raiden :), I'm not so sure about a sequel though, considering everyone is dead... would kind of be strange if they appeared again, maybe I could use different charectars, but currently i'm about to make my kind of 'choose your own adventure' story. it's not out yet, still brainstorming ideas though. I will consider a sequel though :).